Chris and Becca Martenson: The Magic Of Rowe

The Peak Prosperity annual seminar is just a little over a month away now.

It will be held from April 6-9th, at its traditional location, the bucolic Rowe Conference Center in Rowe, Massachusetts. More information regarding the seminar and how to register can be found by clicking here.

So what exactly happens at these seminars?

That's the focus of this week's podcast. Chris sits down with his wife Becca, who is an integral presenter during the Rowe weekend (along with Chris and me), to shed light on the material and the "magic" that happens when bringing like-minded PPers from all over the world together for several days.

Why come? What happens there? What can you expect to get out if it if you attend?

The Martensons, who have been offering and honing this annual gathering longer than I've known them, lay it all out here. As Becca succinctly puts it:

One of the beautiful things about Rowe is its natural setting. We’re plucked out of the matrix there, big time -- there’s not a whole lot of Wi-Fi, OK? We remove ourselves from the regular inputs of the world and, instead, we get this incredibly fulfilling transmission of what it's like to be in community with similar minds, where we can openly talk about what’s important without being dismissed, mocked or shamed.

There we are, discerning adults looking carefully at the future and making good decisions based on what we see coming. It's a gift to be in the soup of a whole bunch of really interesting, amazing people for whom this material not a 'freak-out show' -- we’re all grown-ups here talking about this together.

If you're inspired to come after listening to this podcast, click the big button below:


Click the play button below to listen to Chris' interview with Becca Martenson (43m:23s).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Who was the guy from PBGC that couldn’t address your question about exponential growth?

Bradley Belt.

Bradley Belt is the former executive director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) in the United States, and an expert on retirement security and its impact on financial markets and the economy. He was appointed by President George W. Bush to replace Steven Kandarian and later resigned on March 23, 2006. He currently serves as the CEO for Palisades Capital and the managing director for the Milken Institute. Eisenhower Fellowships selected Bradley Belt as a USA Eisenhower Fellow in 1997. Belt was named one of SmartMoney's "Power 30" in finance and one of Workforce magazine's "10 Most Forward-Thinking Leaders in Workforce Management." He is currently Vice Chairman of Orchard Global Asset Management.

And here’s the chart that gives me pause…

what do you know
it looks like a reverse image of energy supplies

Worth noting that PBGC did an RFP in 2015 for $25B in passive equity (ditching active management), and just last month they issued an RFP for $7B in LDI overlay strategies (de-risking). This is how pension systems wash their hands prior to significant headaches. They have about $88B in total. How much in total ERISA assets are there?? About $25 Trillion.

I had a chance lunch with David Walker a number of years ago and it changed my life. His book IOUSA started me down the rabbit hole of what is really happening with our economy and ultimately led me to Peak Prosperity. I keep hearing the word “inevitable” but then am amazed as to why it has not fallen already.

Thanks Chris & Becca for explaining the Rowe Conf for people who haven’t been before. I have already registered and have another Texas couple who have registered as well…I hope to bring at least one other couple and your podcast is a great way to give them some more color around what to expect. You forgot to mention how much fun the social aspect after hours can be (if not too tired)…its a fun community! Hope Becca brings some more of the homemade cider and you bring your guitar. Also for anyone interested in hearing more about Costa Rica as a potential retirement/vacation spot or a cost effective “Plan B” look me up…its one of the healthiest and sustainable places I have been to so far with excellent biodiversity, low energy use and a relaxed friendly atmosphere. See you there.

CleanEnergyFan wrote:
Thanks Chris & Becca for explaining the Rowe Conf for people who haven't been before. I have already registered and have another Texas couple who have registered as well...I hope to bring at least one other couple and your podcast is a great way to give them some more color around what to expect. You forgot to mention how much fun the social aspect after hours can be (if not too tired)...its a fun community! Hope Becca brings some more of the homemade cider and you bring your guitar. Also for anyone interested in hearing more about Costa Rica as a potential retirement/vacation spot or a cost effective "Plan B" look me up...its one of the healthiest and sustainable places I have been to so far with excellent biodiversity, low energy use and a relaxed friendly atmosphere. See you there.
Well, that's just plain awesome, you are doing it right! I certainly hope you manage to bring an entire tribe along, that will serve you very well. And, yes, the partying and socializing is as worthwhile as anything else, of course. Becca and I will both be very interested in your Costa Rica project, as we are being crunched by wacky weather here in New England that seems to only be getting wackier. See you soon!

I was just wondering about the start time of the conference on April 6th, as I’ve looked at the information both on here and the website and can’t seem to find it. I only ask because i would really love to attend, but I’m getting off of work that morning on the other side of the country. Thanks for any info anyone can provide.

Clark179 wrote:
I was just wondering about the start time of the conference on April 6th, as I've looked at the information both on here and the website and can't seem to find it. I only ask because i would really love to attend, but I'm getting off of work that morning on the other side of the country. Thanks for any info anyone can provide.
Happy to answer. Our schedule looks like this, BUT we've added an extra day and so we start on Thursday.... So where you see Friday below, just mentally insert Thursday. And where you see Saturday mentally insert another day that looks just like it which will be Friday. (Source) Sunday is jsut the same as it appears. So if you showed up by ~8:00 on Thursday night, you wouldn't miss any programming...but it's always nice to mingle and have dinner if you can make it. We'd love to see you there.

Chris, I was wondering if you could host an international Rowe convention via video conference? I would love to come along an attend in person but it is unlikely to happen living so far away (Brisbane Australia) with many commitments. But a video conference might make it feasible. Any thoughts?