Chris & Evie LIVE! (Replay)

see my analysis, it’s a bit more cynical (ahem… pragmatic). I’d paste it here for convenience, but this is my first time interacting/posting, despite being a member here for many moons… It should appear below.
I think we agree on most of the fundamentals, lol, except we’ve gotta figure out what Taiwannabe wants to do.
As for China, it is also always managing its domestic population by peppering it with anti-Murican disinfo, malinfo, misinfo, and intentional and/or accidentally (misinterpreted real comments/remarks from US politicians – such as Mike Pompeo, known as a massive warhawk w China – but in hindsight, when he was visiting Poland and so many of the European “allied” countries, to try to convince them that…

3) And as Greyzone points out, it serves to forward-load rising war tensions between US and China, just as the collective West is starting to admit that they’ve lost big time in Ukraine. We’re in the pivot, folks, gotta ratchet down the Ukraine narrative and ratchet up the China narrative.
 It is a very convenient smokescreen for the collapse of Ukraine. I haven't heard about Leopard or Abrams tanks being shipped there for a good four or five days now.


You have to laugh to keep from crying. ??


Nobody Died From Covid Because…

Hi All,
Why nobody died from Covid is because the virus they claim that causes the so called disease doesn’t even exist. Simple as that.

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Where The Dumbing Down Leads

Great post by eugyppius on the decline in research and innovation. I believe it’s the direct result of encouraging everyone to go to college, no matter whether they had the intellectual capacity or temperament for it. Diversity goals similarly got lots of people into fields where they really weren’t suited to the work. Standards get lowered and the results suffer.
I used to own a company that made test equipment. As time went on the competence of the typical customer went down. The equipment had to be designed to give answers to basic needs, all at the click of one button on screen. Most engineers could not figure out how to make a measurement by manipulating multiple settings.

we’ve gotta figure out what Taiwannabe wants to do.
Taiwan is Ukraine. President Tsai Ing-wen is Zelenskyy, except rather than go through Boris the Clown Tsai Ing-wen has dealt directly with US neocons. She's a copycat of US neolibs domestically. (Much more so than Zelenskyy.) She will support further arming Taiwan, expanding the military at the island's cost, not the US MIC's, and preparing for war with China as a proxy for the US. In time, with enough pokes to the ribs of the Panda, China will be forced to act. Western leaders seem convinced that will happen in 2025. Amazing how they can predict like that, ain't it? A couple years ago, a poll showed that the Taiwanese people don't think the US will come to their aid with boots on the ground, just equipment, but that Japan quite possible will bring boots. That's distributed wisdom, imo. But, as with Nazis in Ukraine, we will be seeing Japanese soldiers in China again. Not good. We don't have the equipment to support Taiwan in battle, especially so soon after losing so much of our excess in Ukraine - our refill capacity is incredibly limited compared to Russia and China, and we've effectively taken European arms manufacturers off grid. The only way we have enough weaponry by 2025 is if the US gets directly involved. I tell ya, this is setting up to be Ukraine redux. And it'll have about the same outcome. I think China wins a conventional war in her watery back yard. Probably wins a nuclear, too - but nobody wins in that scenario, really. What pisses me off is that Xi has said redundantly - persistently redundantly - that he anticipates and wants a peaceful reunification. He's even said he could see it happening in the 2070s, and arising because Taiwan gradually realizes that it fares best when it has strengthened economic and cultural ties to the mainland. He has a long horizon, is in no hurry, and has no more interest in killing Taiwan's people than Putin was interested in killing Ukraine's people. But the US/globalist thugs won't let the world alone.

The Chinese ‘spy Balloon’ Story As Manufactured Crisis: An Alternative Reading

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Couldn’t Have Happened Under Trump :wink:

99 Spy Balloons

Song from 1984 perfectly sums up the present situation:

A Guess As To The Purpose Of The Balloon

This is a guess as to what it could be. It could be a way to track gravitational bias factors.
The earth’s gravitational field is not uniform. Areas with larger deposits of heavier elements will have greater mass. Those areas of greater mass generate greater gravitational effects. These differing gravitational effects (though small) will affect the trajectory of ballistic missiles. These effects are called gravitational bias factors.
Why is this important? Ballistic missiles utilize “accelerometers” to adjust the trajectory of missiles during parts of the missile’s flight to keep them on target. But they cannot anticipate specific areas of gravitational bias over the lands controlled by a foreign power.
So how do you adjust for that?
There are indeed maps of gravitational bias. Gravity maps are available on the internet, such as the Bouguer Gravity Map Grid. But I am not sure that you could effectively use those gravity bias corrections to help aim ballistic missiles. This is because I believe most gravity maps are limited to gravity bias effects occurring at ground level. It would not solve the issue of gravitational bias at the altitudes that the missiles would be coming in due to the effects of the interaction of multiple gravitational biases coming from the differing land masses below you.
So, although modern ballistic missiles have tremendous accuracy, they cannot account for gravitational bias factors in the nation of the proposed strike. So, it could be (I don’t know) that China was mapping upper atmosphere gravitational bias factors in order to help calibrate ballistic missiles. They would couple Bouguer Gravity Map Grid data (bias data measured near the earth’s surface) with low orbital satellite data (bias data measured just beyond the atmospheric limits) and finally with the data recovered by the balloon (bias data measured at about 55,000 feet) and then use computer modeling to come to a best estimate of the gravitation bias factors which would be programmed into ballistic missile.
This is just a guess. I have no idea if this is what was happening.



In the 70’s (so the story goes) a farmer tried to get a satellite picture of his farm from from the Canadian and/or the US govt. They of course denied it as a national security issue that would reveal their capabilities. He then wrote to the Soviets, they sent him one. Bit of a PR coup.
No idea if its true, but humorous.

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Southern Prepper1

I was watching southern prepper 1 at the 8:25 time marker David started talking about some meat he got a report from someone. It sounded like some of that embalmers reports that you have doing, Chris I hope you can find out what is going on better then I can. This his is Feb 5th report of boot on the ground.

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ok, but meat from the store doesn’t include large blood vessels and therefore doesn’t include the fibrinogen clots… It’s just got to be something else, maybe a form of string or plastic that got into the meat and passed inspection somehow. Was it ground beef? We don’t know. I watched the segment you referred to.

okay, so what caused the lung issues at the beginning? What is a similar pre-existing disease we could attribute this all to?

Newswars Collected The Balloon Memes On One Page

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Toxic Ai Is Already Making Up The Rules?

Attack of the bots. Algorithms on the web are distorting brains, which means they are controlling the rules. Just wondering?

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Speculate that this was a real cheap solution to determine what tracking frequencies are being used over for US for defense. I recall information in Skunk Works by Ben Rich and Leo Janos that the U2 program was not only used for arial photography, but for tracking frequencies and building counter measures with flights over PRC by ROC. So, I wonder if the PRC used the ballon rig to do the same on the US 60 years later?

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Why Blacks Vote For Democrats #blackhistorymonth

Hydrogen For Ballons.

Helium is very difficult to contain for long periods. Hydrogen is much easier. The flammability problem is exaggerated. If the balloon is intended to remain aloft for weeks on end, then Hydrogen would be a good choice.

Balloon Distraction

Mr. Childers breaks down the Ohio train derailment. He knows the balloons are a distraction. cheers
:coffee: IGNITION ☙ Monday, February 13, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS ? (