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Universal Values, Not Only Western Values

Chris, you mentioned the 8th point in the infamous WEF ad: western values will be tested to the breaking point.
I’d like to suggest that we REJECT this contrived framing, that we shift to a more truthful choice of wording. How about we understand that: universal values have been tested to the breaking point.
My religious tradition is not “western,” and yet the last three years have exposed profound violations to what all major religions, including mine, instruct. Essentially all traditions offer guidance: do no harm, do not lie, do not take what is not freely given, treat others with respect and honor the basic dignity of all life.
I reject the idea that these are only “western” values. It is a false divide that lets the corporatist framers trick us into thinking Judeo-Christian values are somehow bad and are fundamentally different from Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Islamic or indigenous values.
I’m not buying that my values are foreign to the values of decent folks across all continents. This period of history has negatively affected all of us, everywhere. We have all been violated regardless of tradition and we all need to recognize our shared sense of right and wrong.


The Utopian

From the philosopher D.Q. McInerny’s Perrenial Wisdom for Daily Life:
“In sum, the utopian thinker believes that if his grand plans for human society can be put into practice man will have effectively established heaven on earth…the “utopia” envisioned by utopianism is anything but a “good place,” and rather than being a heaven on earth is disconcertingly suggestive of the nether place.”


British Politicians Discuss How Best To Keep The Public Scared During Covid…

People were effectively under house arrest for months at a time … they had to leave their parents to die alone in nursing homes with funerals limited to a couple of attendees … they were told not to speak face to face with anyone including relatives and neighbours …
Meanwhile, the politicians pushing these authoritarian, non-sensible policies were busy:
Having affairs
Having office parties
… and cooking up new ways to amp up public fear to keep people compliant and under their thumbs:

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Chemtrails Are Conspiracy Theories But Geoengineering Is Not

Dane Wiginington who is the lead researcher for Geoengineering has claimed that Geoengineering has been going on for decades. He even has access to a 750 page US Senate Report from the 70’s where the US government admits these programs back in the 70’s were taking place. Wiginington has been called pretty much everything including a conspiracy theorist and a quack.
Now we find out that the United Nations has finally stepped up and wants to regulate Geoengineering which in its scientific terms is referred to as Solar Radiation Mgmt (SRM) and Stratospheric Aerosol Inject (SAI).
James Corbett touched on this topic in one of his latest videos. He also acknowledged that, NO you are not crazy seeing those lines in the sky and that these programs have been going on for decades. It’s just getting harder and harder for TPTB to keep it hidden from the public which backs up what Wiginington has also been saying as well.
Interview 1788 - UN Supervillains Threaten to Dim the Sun - #NewWorldNextWeek

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No idea. Might I suggest you get VPN service?

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