Chris & Evie LIVE!

Catch Chris and Evie LIVE today at 5PM EST as they discuss the most recent updates surrounding the Wuhan Lab Leak, Woody Harrelson’s narrative-busting SNL performance, and much much more. We’ll see you in the live chat!

Sorry for the late/last-minute announcement, but this one just sort of popped up!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

You Are My Dose Of Sanity!

I’ve been following you for quite some time, and I really appreciate the investigative work that you do and the humor that you bring with it. I quietly giggle to myself listening to you on my ear pods, and my family looks at me like what’s going on with mom?
I’ve joined as a Peak Insider and I’m hoping to build a community with your followers. I have not been good being online when you are live (so that I can post comments and engage with you and your audience). How do I make sure I get alerted? And what is the best way to reach you privately? I had a couple questions I wanted to run by you a was looking for some sound guidance. Thank you so much - you and Evie are both a blessing.


Crash Course!

Received my copy of your new book today. Excited to read it! Thanks for the education over the last few years. You are a hero to me!


Advance Notice

Please send an email blast when you plan to run a live event. I don’t go to the web site multiple times per day. When I looked today the event had ended about 1/2 hour earlier.


Yeah it started while I was still at work.

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You could also put out an alert on the PP Discord server for people who have joined it … The client can be set up (by the user) to trigger alerts for new posts in defined groups, on their mobile device. Very handy.

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Earthquakes Triggered By Us Now Common Knowledge In Türkiye

Chris and tribe
I would love to hear what you think of this possibility, that the US and/or allies triggered the recent horrific earthquakes in Türkiye?
Talking to friends here, most people have certainly heard this and are seriously considering it to be true.
Xoxo ?

@3837 I heard about the possibility of this using geoengineering last week on The Highwire. The entire story about geoengineering and chemtrails that lead to the video from a senator in Romania (at the 1:00:00 mark) speaking about just this thing was mindblowing to me. However, this episode and the speech by the senator made me think WEF and not the United States. . . although it seems we have some high ranking people participating in WEF.
I did find a couple of forums from the past about geoengineering where tribe members indicated that some of this technology was not active. However. . . I’m not so sure. And in my lifetime I have never heard of an earthquake happening so many times in the same place in such a short period of time.


@158081 that would certainly work, but I have to admit I log out of the discord server because otherwise it sends me too many notifications and burns up the battery on my cellphone. I did get a notification about 15 minutes into the live stream from YouTube. I don’t think there is any perfect method to notify everyone unless there is a day’s notice or more since we all have different notification preferences.

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Can we please figure out a single push notice to PP members for live events as soon as you schedule them. I don’t want push notices for anything else. Can you just let us opt into a push for only this.

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‘receive the latest covid19 updates from the Dutch government’
text polluting my display.


Dane Wigington from covered this topic and according to him yes it is possible.


We Were Made For These Times

Evie, thank-you so much for quoting the wonderful piece by Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estes, “We Were Made For These Times”. I looked up and read the full-length version, and it is so powerful. It truly speaks to one’s soul at these times…very reviving and inspiring, just what I needed right now. Thank-you.


That Creepy Aussie Guy

Why do I get the feeling that he had a gun to his head and didn’t believe a word of what he was saying? When the evidence is overwhelmingly pointing in one direction, they are driving their fun-train the opposite way at full speed. They gotta know it has to crash. What’s the plan? Throw minions like this guy under the bus? Or is the shock going to come before it gets to the Nuremberg 2.0 point?
I’m not sure it is possible to figure out the plan when we are dealing with an evil genius playing multi-dimensional chess in the metaphysical “high places.” I’m at the point, I’ve seen enough, I’m not figuring anything out, I’m just walking away. It’s been a long truther road since 9/11 and I want to look at something beautiful for a change. How do we cut through this Gordian Knot of complexity? With the sword of simplicity.
When these guys get to Hell and they are on the spit, instead of turning it, they will say, “You promised me great stuff. It was on page 33 of Aleister Crowley’s book!” The response will be, “I’m the Devil. I lied.”

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I am coming to a similar conclusion. I am growing tired of focusing on unfixable problems and I am trying to pivot to controlling what I can, being mindful of events around me, all the while trying my hardest to unplug from this “matrix”.


Yes I’ve heard that a lot from others who are like minded. That we should focus on what is real around us rather than the deceptive “screen.”
Nice meeting you, Captain Trips! What kinda trips we talkin bout? LOL


Lovely Live Feed…

Enjoyed the live feed, although I did not catch it live. The controlled media response to Harrelson’s monologue was epic and just proved the whole point of the monologue. The appearance of that polybasic furin cleavage site is so old news, it just makes the MSM look more stupid and controlled. Good catch on the “throwing shade on China” angle.
BTW, a couple of things on that cover sketch, the base ball reminds me of comotio cordis crap and the pinochio is so apprapo.
I was thinking about the last post by Chris, “How We Win.” I think for each of us, that battle is a unique one. For me, at age 62, following a sedentary life style with a couple of bad habits, the way I win is to get healthy. At the very least do a freakin’ de-tox.
So, I’ve picked a date and am now recruiting de-tox partners. So far I have 2.
Finally broke through the rut and am back outside in the garden. Have lots of carrots, kale, and cilantro, and even some lettuce made it through the freeze and the rabbits and the heat! Pear trees are blooming. Have planted corn and speckled butter bean seeds, transplanted some pepper plants. And added another day each week devoted to the garden.
Cheers and may the odds be with us.


There’s definitely a way to filter notifications in the discord client but it is tricky in my experience. You can restrict alerts to certain groups or members - from what I remember when I was looking to get alerts of graphics cards from a group a few years ago.
(Almost anything is tricky to configure on discord, the mobile client is a mess IMO and the web client isn’t much better but it is kind of a standard these days)

Ha!! NIce to meet you as well Walberga. I am in medicine/health care (the sane branch). I adopted the moniker “Captain Trips” during the early weeks of the scamdemic - it comes directly from The Stand. Sad Mr. King lost his mind!

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Window Pops Up As I Watch You & Evie From My Home In Scotland, Saying:

“Covid 19: get the latest information from the NHS” (ie National Health Service) and providing a clickthro link. Sorry this isn’t a comment about the blog which, as always, is pretty interesting, but wondered if you knew this was happening on Peak Prosperity.