Chris Interviews Royce White

Another great interview and discussion. Thank you.

Except that “if you have no God , you have no morals” pearl. Keeps coming up regardless of all the atrocities committed in the name of this or that religion in history. What would I fight for if I had no God? How about the freedom to form my own opinions based on facts as I know them? Sure I can make mistakes and I can make wrong conclusions due to missing important data. At least I’m not forced to make somebody else’s mistakes.

Anyone, who subordinates their REASON to invisible, magical, spooks… which they cannot define in knowable terms to be anything at all… which they cannot tell apart from Non-Existence in ANY fashion… whose OMNISCIENCE is constantly contradicted by their OWN proclamations of this “all-knowing” non-being, needing to “TEST” anything, whatsoever… who deliberately designed and created an Existence, which would demand the tormented death of His only Son, to achieve a “GOAL” it could have ALWAYS HAD from the start… of having deliberately designed and created a place of eternal torment, then creating beings to torment in it…who cannot escape their fates…as this magical being created them…knowing full well…Salvation would NEVER come for them.

If such people think their “morality” is superior…because they mindlessly follow what they perceive to be the dictates of their invisible, “creator,” they are completely devoid of Morality…and, also…Rationality.

What a fantastic interview on the part of both Chris and Royce!  Royce is a very articulate, aware, and intelligent man with wisdom beyond his years.  To add to it, I’d like to emphasize the primacy of going a step above mental health in the hierarchy of importance to spiritual health.

Anxiety is but one subset of fear as is anger, bitterness, sadness, depression and the whole host of negative emotions.  Ultimately, fear is the weapon of the enemy.  In the spiritual realm which transcends material concerns, the antidote to fear is love.  When you love your Creator, you will do all that you can to honor Him by your thoughts and actions.  When you love your fellow man, you will treat him with kindness, respect, and consideration, guided by simple but profound principles such as the Golden Rule.  When you love the Creation (i.e. which includes but is not limited to the environment), you will strive to be a good steward of it and protect it rather than exploit and destroy it.
It's interesting how fear works.  In my own battle against cancer, when I read, listen to, or study things such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery for treating it, I feel fear creep into my body and my energy level drop.  Conversely, when I look at cancer as a unique spiritual opportunity rather than a dreaded, fear-producing disease and begin to examine spiritual, psychological, and physical aspects
of my being that need improvement and take action to initiate and execute the changes necessary to achieve that improvement, I am empowered and feel my fear melt away and my positive energy levels rise.  It is a most curious phenomena to experience but I cannot deny it as I have born witness to it over and over again.
This is not to dismiss the value of such things as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.  They can be life saving.  But they never get to the root cause of the disease.  They tend to take away disease, for a time at least, but they don't give health ... not true health.  And because of this, the disease has a diabolical tendency to recur.  Do we not see the same "diseases" of inequality, poverty, injustice, corruption, etc. occurring at a macro scale in our society and our globe where, down through the millennia, we see these recurring problems again and again and again and yet man's solutions never seem to offer lasting relief and resolution?
Until we can learn to overcome the fear with love, we will endlessly go down this same futile karmic path, seeking succor, rest, joy, and peace but never truly finding it. 
This month, I am at the one year diagnosis of my cancer.  My most recent PSA test shows an undetectable level as compared to 626 one short year ago.  My alkaline phosphatase level is completely normal fro being sky high before and I no longer have any bone pain or pain of any type originating from the cancer.  Some blood tests are still mildly abnormal but that is the result of medication, one of which I will no longer be taking and the next of which I hope to wean off of within the next year.  I have examined spiritual, psychological, and physical shortcomings in my life and made some profound changes to the positive but I remain a work in progress and am continuing to study, to learn, and to make changes where necessary.  
From a functional point of view, I enjoy swimming for exercise in Lake Superior in the summer.  I normally swim 1 mile, if water temperature and wave and current conditions allow, but try to do one 2 mile swim per season.  When I have done that in the past, I will almost always experience some cramping in one or both calves, some left shoulder pain (where I have a torn rotator cuff, torn labrum, and torn pectoralis major tendon), and some fatigue.  This year, in contrast, I have done four 2 mile swims with no cramping, no shoulder pain, and no fatigue.  The difference is really quite dramatic.  Despite my cancer, I seem to be even healthier than before the cancer.  The positive effects of a raw vegan diet (with no animal protein and fat, no eggs, no dairy, and no refined carbohydrates) with raw vegetable juices and with green smoothies (as described in Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko) cannot be denied.  Praise God! 
If I may offer a word of encouragement to Royce.  God has kept, and WILL KEEP, EVERY one of his promises.  We are in a spiritual battle, a fight to the death with the forces of darkness, but we have God on our side if we only let Him into our life and He will be faithful.  Of all this, I have not the slightest shred of doubt.  The truth of the Logos and first hand, objective experience reinforces what I know deeply in my soul.

thanks for the update. I have been wondering about you and wanted to hear your summary.

best regards

As noted in CHS’ latest Musings Report:

"Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people we personally dislike." Oscar Wilde
Aloha, Steve.

Ok. Let me put it another way. I’m going to suggest that we not cast someone out of our Big Tent because we have decided they have “too many baby-mamas.” Compared to what Pope Fauci and his No Treatments For You compatriots have done - the horrible crime of “too many baby mamas” just doesn’t even register.

I’m focused on one thing: getting rid of the sociopaths in power. We need all the allies we can get. This guy is smart, and a fighter. We need more people like that.

Oligarchy will do everything possible to divide us. We should probably stop falling for their divisive tricks. Focus on the essentials.

As I’ve told people, prayer, love, and support from family and friends, nutrition and lifestyle changes, and decent medical care (nudged by a fair amount of personal advocacy from time to time to keep it on track) have been instrumental in my improvement.  And I’m probably going to embarass him because I have the sense that he’s a humble man but the help and hope given me by Olive Oil Guy was life saving.  Thank you Mark from the bottom of my heart and also to others here who provided prayers and encouragement!  I do so appreciate all of you.

Again Kudos. Unimprovable upon. “Supple” is a good descriptor.

I am really enjoying reading your well-written articles. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog. I have NairaSchool bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work.

So Fauci is less than a whore and he and his accomplices must die ?!? Liked by 12+, Ouch. This is going a far less empathic way than I had hoped for.
I’m all for justice but not in favour of a death penalty. Who are we to judge and execute others. Sensing the religious undertone in some messages here, that ultimate verdict is believed to reside with someone bigger than thou, isn’t it?
Also, calling out to women with promiscuous endeavours in a moralistic sense seems to be off here as well. I for one do not know what drives other people to do the things they do, they might make deliberate choices, they might be forced by others or circumstances, politically motivated, abused… Let me recall Evie mentioning the wounded souls in last webinar. I do resonate into that thought, where I admittedly had less compassionate feelings on this years back.
What we do not wish to happen to another….
Don’t forget, at this moment the system favours and protects Fauci. If there would be punishment, it currently steers towards the vaxx-rationalist as the victim group. Be careful what you wish for…
Prostitutes are seen, mostly in religion, as a threat to the holy bond between a man and a woman aka marriage. Like if there were no knives people could not get jabbed ??‍♂️ Let me not digress in religious abuse, but let me say this, respect is bilateral. Don’t let your amygdala trap you into easy judgement and convenient (religious) group think, we are dealing with a grand scheme of othering already weren’t we ?
Yes, Fauci should be judged by all means!
No, let’s not compare him to other humans that might have a far more difficult challenge in life than you could possibly phantom in a presumable more comfortable position.

  • Disclaimer: Apart from the incredible magnitude and overwhelming forces of the universe, earth and nature I do not believe in other entities. None of the approx. 1000 religions apparently existing on earth. Should you have a religion, I fully respect that. That makes us alike, you probably dismiss 999 of the other gods, I don’t adhere to any of the 1000, making us agree on all 1000 except for 1 (paraphrased from a Ricky Gervais interview).

I can really understand both sides of the whole mess.

On the one hand, there’s a lot of wisdom in the core concepts of many religions. And I’ve also noticed that societies without written moral codes (of whatever sort) end up not doing so well. A code of conduct that everyone more or less buys into is really helpful to keep things working smoothly. Civil conduct = civilization.

On the other hand, the Oligarchy appears to - routinely - seize control over such things and repurpose them to their own ends. That’s how you get the teachings of healer-revolutionary Jesus repurposed as justification for the crusades, witch-burning, and the Spanish Inquisition. “Wait. What part about “love your neighbor” didn’t you understand?”

Its enough to make a guy skeptical about organized religion. Or neocon-endless war. Or the WEF - “you’ll own nothing.” Or the Climate Change Tsar who flies private. Or our “health” authorities, who don’t care if we live or die.

There is truth, and morality, and health, and peace and love out there. But the captured and repurposed organizations don’t have such a great track record.

And often they are used to divide. Maybe: “let’s be careful out there?”

Bravo, ao (#22) and davefairtex (#30). This old and (mostly) retired clergyman applauds you both. Not that you need it.
My faith-skeptical son recently said to me that in his opinion it almost doesn’t matter whether God is real or not; the wisdom distilled from millennia of humans living and reflecting on what makes life work out well, found in sacred texts, is worth paying attention to - if one wants a life that works out well.
I’m inclined to think God is real and does intervene from time to time to keep humankind from going totally off the rails. I also think Stephen King does a pretty good job of articulating aspects of that intervention; currently, I think reading or re-reading The Stand can shed light on how the biblical concept that evil ultimately destroys itself works out. I’m expecting the Great Reset to work out about the same - sans the nuclear bomb.
Problem is, lots of people still die. Not, Ision (#21), because God is a masochist, but because he assured you free will. Free will is really free won’t, and most people don’t like to say ‘no’ to themselves - unless, as ao and davefairtex noted, they know what love means when it’s an action rather than mere sentiment. Against such love, there is no law needed (Gal. 5:22-3).

Totally with you Dave on the importance of some codified moral construct, guidance on values is useful (and probably necessary) for sure. The capture hereof for whatever purpose is solidifying it into competing silos, basically a form of othering. I do not subscribe to any particular religion, this makes me in certain groups an evil human, a human with lesser rights and depending of the evolution of the religion at hand a human that could be culled for not believing in the god of their part of the world. However I do have morals and I respect and sometimes admire religious people for their belief. I think it’s mostly a beautiful commitment. Some Christian friends told me from experiencing my (inter)actions that I am more Christian than I admitted, I take this as a compliment and believe I can have morals without subscribing to a specific religion.
For those that are seeking their morals or confirmation thereof I wish them guidance in any source that appeals to them most.
I defy doctrine but don’t see a reason for blasphemy either.
And yes, maybe my religious moment is yet to come. Pray for me :slight_smile:

Well I can honestly say that Oscar Wilde is not who I would point to as an expert on morality. :wink:

So Fauci is less than a whore and he and his accomplices must die ?!? Liked by 12+, Ouch. This is going a far less empathic way than I had hoped for.
I am not for the death penalty but the man is a mass murderer. I can see their point.
I’m all for justice but not in favour of a death penalty. Who are we to judge and execute others. Sensing the religious undertone in some messages here, that ultimate verdict is believed to reside with someone bigger than thou, isn’t it?
In Abrahamic religions God gives instructions that the government is allowed to kill in certain situations. So He's already agreed that a murderer can be executed.
Also, calling out to women with promiscuous endeavours in a moralistic sense seems to be off here as well. I for one do not know what drives other people to do the things they do, they might make deliberate choices, they might be forced by others or circumstances, politically motivated, abused… Let me recall Evie mentioning the wounded souls in last webinar. I do resonate into that thought, where I admittedly had less compassionate feelings on this years back.
Yep, hurt people hurt people. Been involved with many broken families and kids who were abused. Then to see them do the same to their kids is heartbreaking. That is not to say what they do is right.
What we do not wish to happen to another…. Don’t forget, at this moment the system favours and protects Fauci. If there would be punishment, it currently steers towards the vaxx-rationalist as the victim group. Be careful what you wish for…
Yep, pay back evil with good. It seems to be an ideal that only an enlightened few can do.
Prostitutes are seen, mostly in religion, as a threat to the holy bond between a man and a woman aka marriage. Like if there were no knives people could not get jabbed ??‍♂️ Let me not digress in religious abuse, but let me say this, respect is bilateral. Don’t let your amygdala trap you into easy judgement and convenient (religious) group think, we are dealing with a grand scheme of othering already weren’t we ?
"Respect is bilateral?" Sorry can't figure that out. For me respect is earned not automatic. I will treat you well even if I don't respect you. And I do not respect easily. Maybe we are defining respect differently?
Yes, Fauci should be judged by all means! No, let’s not compare him to other humans that might have a far more difficult challenge in life than you could possibly phantom in a presumable more comfortable position.
  • Disclaimer: Apart from the incredible magnitude and overwhelming forces of the universe, earth and nature I do not believe in other entities. None of the approx. 1000 religions apparently existing on earth. Should you have a religion, I fully respect that. That makes us alike, you probably dismiss 999 of the other gods, I don’t adhere to any of the 1000, making us agree on all 1000 except for 1 (paraphrased from a Ricky Gervais interview).
Fair enough. But assuming my (or religious people's) amygdala is compromised because I do believe in God is not something I agree with.

Thanks for responding and adding your comments @Friedrichs Teeth, appreciate it. I’m sure we could operate together if needed.

My reference to the amygdala response was not meant to address specific people, nor insinuating it was compromised. The amygdala is what it is, it triggers our primary responses which we can lucky regulate by applying our prefrontal cortex a.o. My remark was meant to consider this moderation more given certain knee-jerk responses of the amygdala. I do apologize if I was unclear.

The reference to respect being bilateral is simply thriving for mutual respect, I do understand that this might not always be possible. I respect that.

Fauci went beyond mutual respect, although I do believe he is just a puppet being dictated what to do (same as Joke Biden). Does not make him any better.


Oh and sorry I got your name wrong, Torpedo. :wink:

Thanks for posting. Our device laden world is killing the human character.

Sorry, do not agree. The guy is young, handsome, famous, makes good money and travels all over the place. How many beautiful, young, hormonal women might be fawning over this very attractive young man? Can a man refuse a beautiful woman who approaches him for sex?

Remdesivir also causes pulmonary edema, which can easily be mistaken/misdiagnosed as pneumonia. In the 3 or 4 clinical trials of Remdesivir (in conjunction with other drugs), Remdesivir had to be pulled because of the dangerous side effects.