Chris Interviews Royce White

Video Description

In one of Peak Prosperity's best interviews to date, Chris speaks with former NBA player and current Big 3 and MMA fighter Royce White of Minneapolis, MN. Chris and Royce tackle some of the biggest challenges facing society through the eyes of a professional athlete who knows all too well the agendas of the massive power structures we are up against today.

From his time in the NBA pushing for greater awareness of the importance of mental health programs to support players, to a life-transforming realization of the dangers of "cancel culture," and ultimately his current day struggle to break out of a destructive two-party sociopolitical system, Royce brings a refreshing voice of sanity, intellectualism, and courage to a world on fire.



This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

What a mesmerizing discussion between such supple minds. I am proud to be a member of this community!

Communism has it’s roots in Abrahamic monotheism. Of the four great houses of Abrahamism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Communism; only Communism professes to be Atheistic.

Ref: The Dhama Manifesto.

No one can blame Shintoism, Buddhism or even Nudism for Communism.

As a Freyan I speak for all native religions; Abrahamists, you made it, you fix it.

So what is the nature of Dhama? It is the Natural order of things.

I was hoping to see something that would help explain why things are going so crazy, but once again, the people who are supposed to be able to explain don’t explain anything very useful at all. I mean, you talk about ideology and then go on to do some slight tweak of the talking points of mainstream media and politics. Like, the vaccine is somehow connected to the historical experience of black people. Again, the vaccine. Again, the history of black people.

It’s a while ago that I reached the conclusion that if politicians and mainstream media talk about a general subject, that general subject is probably a distraction. That the real issues are probably things they don’t talk about at all. Not always. A pandemic is a real issue. It also should be a no-brainer, it isn’t as if infectious disease hasn’t been well understood for decades. The only reason it’s controversial is because it has been made controversial.

Probably to avoid talking about the elephant in the room: Modern civilization is falling, and can’t be saved. And the very fact that it’s possible to have a serious controversy about vaccination is blatant proof that this is true. No healthy society would have a major controversy about vaccination. There wasn’t one on previous vaccination drives for other infectious diseases, because society was reasonably healthy and capable of dealing with the risks in a rational way.

This interview talks about the status quo. Let’s face it: the status quo is a result of people in positions of leadership trying to coordinate the efforts of others, and it’s always a case of herding cats. You have to convince people one way or another to do things together, instead of doing each of them their own thing. But the ideal level of coordination isn’t a fixed quantity. It depends on the amount of resources available, and on the structure of the group we are dealing with. Problem is, the whole planet is running out of many resources, while the structure of society can’t be changed all that fast, short of major upheavals (wars, revolutions and very major crises). So, craziness.

Throw faith into the mix, which I freely admit I understand very little of, and the result appears to be that the symptoms give very little clue about what the underlying disease is.

So, in practice, what can you do? Essentially, you have two options:

  1. Try to introduce some fast changes in society, to the extent that you are able. This is risky business, so I’m not even going to make any specific suggestions. Be well aware that it could go horribly wrong.

  2. Decide that you aren’t willing or able to take that risk, and prepare for everything to fall apart. This is, I think, very much the philosophy of this site. But it then becomes a question of how to best prepare. And it’s very clear that in practice, the question of how to best prepare has become itself controversial. Or we wouldn’t be seeing this sort of content in sites like this one. How you dare not to try to save everyone? I think prepper sites are being enlisted to the job of trying to save everyone, to the detriment of their stated mission on trying to save what’s possible to save.

This is how I dare not to save everyone: Because I know I haven’t been listened to this far. I tried, I failed. I know what my estimates are. I know I don’t have any credibility. I know nobody is interested in what I have to say or giving me any information that would improve my work.

So it must be time for the lifeboats, I reckon.


Loved the attack on the phrase ‘it is what it is’


Great interview Chris,
The madness continues here in New Zealand with a media spokesperson saying on TV that is it “for the greater good”. I guess Animal Farm is also one of our managers handbooks.

The “I” of your I is revealing the truth. Everyone believes they have the answer and nobody is listening. Do you see the problem? To quote one B. Dylan; “You gonna have to serve someone”. We here in America are mostly focused on “You gonna have to blame someone”. That is, to remove our own participation and responsibility in the predicament, or what Jacques Lacan refers to as the interpassive subject. The blame game is like the laugh track of sitcoms. You don’t have to laugh, we’ll laugh for you, as you collapse into the couch exhausted from your day serving the socio/economic system (peace be upon it). No faith you say? show us your check book. (never mind Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple already have your check book, and your faith) I plead guilty, and the little white mouse I serve wants more cheese so I must go to serve my master. I am resilient I am alive I want more ice cream. Will I choose correctly?
My dissembling is complete. Thank you for your attention.

I particularly liked it when Royce suggested that he was perfectly up to causing some trouble if the situation called for it. It totally reminds me of a friend of mine, also black, who is incredibly well educated, but … is also a bit of a fighter.
Quite similar viewpoints, actually. Royce wasn’t playing around. He was totally sincere. That’s just who he is.
Black people of faith have a lot in common with the MAGA-hat-wearers. His response to “boys-in-girls-sports” came straight from the heart. I know what Chris was saying (it was just a Oligarchy-constructed divisive topic) but I enjoyed the response nonetheless.
The Oligarchy doesn’t want the Plebes to have any independent morality. You Must Always Follow The “Science!!”
Some sort of coalition of the 80%-similar-minded people - given the utter failures of our “health” agencies - would be really cool to stitch together.
Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson - I’m pretty sure - are aligned with this too.

Royce, to echo Chris… thank you for being you.

If this is the 12th hour, why is he being a gladiator?

Loved the interview and the perspective.

Great interview! It penetrated some touchy subjects that need sorely to be addressed. It was a helpful contribution to growing Cultural Capital (ref: the 8 Forms of Capital). This interview highlights our need to work on this part of a balanced and thriving lifestyle in these times of change.
I particularly appreciated Royce’s description of mental health issues and the stigma that that’s often attached to them. It’s incredible how in our culture those ailments with an etiology that’s primarily physical in nature elicit a matter-of-fact response from most people. Remember, though, that in years past this was not the case; recall, for example, the fear and superstition associated with the Black Death plague in the mid-1300s. Our current response is probably due to the fact that we’ve had several years to understand things like infections and injuries. However, mental illness has remained poorly understood. While our understanding has increased rapidly over the last 60-70 years, mental illnesses and their treatments are not nearly as well understood as physical illnesses. So fear and stigma about mental illness remain all too prevalent.
Research has documented the effectiveness of several treatments for some of the mental disorders. For example, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (often in combination with medications) has been shown to be effective in treating many of the depressive disorders. CBT, in short, is about (1) recognizing an inaccurate and dysfunctional thought, (2) dismissing it, and (3) replacing it with an accurate and productive thought. And repeating that process over-and-over until depression symptoms resolve.
Positive Psychology principles and techniques are often used in step 3 to help build productive thinking. As well, these principles are being used in educational settings. Research has supported the efficacy of developing Seligman’s 21 Character Strengths and Values (see below). This approach has been used in training soldiers to become more emotionally resilient before engaging in combat operations. And it’s been shown to be efficacious in extending the benefits of psychotherapy into everyday living activities. It may also be helpful to those of us who are aware of the cultural collapse in which we live to become more emotionally resilient to the crises in which we are living.
Fredrickson, B. (2009). Positivity: Groundbreaking Research to Release Your Inner Optimist and Thrive. New York: Oxford Publications.
Peterson, C. (2006). A Primer in Positive Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Classification of Character Strengths
Note: The following is a taxonomy of positive character traits. It is intended to reflect the positive side of personal functioning just as the DSM reflects the pathological side. That is, this classification is, broadly speaking, the inverse of the DSM. The authors hope that it will serve as an evolving roadmap for positive personal and cultural growth and development.

  1. Wisdom and Knowledge – cognitive strengths that entail the acquisition and use of knowledge
    1. Creativity (originality, ingenuity) – thinking of novel and productive ways to conceptualize and do things; includes artistic achievement but is not limited to it
    2. Curiosity (Interest, novelty-seeking, openness to experience) – taking an interest in ongoing experience for its own sake; finding subjects and topics fascinating; exploring and discovering
    3. Open-mindedness (judgment, critical thinking) – thinking things through and examining them from all sides; not jumping to conclusions; being able to change one’s mind in light of evidence; weighing all evidence fairly
    4. Love of learning – mastering new skills, topics, and bodies of knowledge, whether on one’s own or formally; obviously related to the strength of curiosity but goes beyond it to describe the tendency to add systematically to what one knows
    5. Perspective (wisdom) – being able to provide wise counsel to others; having ways of looking at the world that make sense to oneself and to other people
  1. Courage – emotional strengths that involve the exercise of will to accomplish goals in the face of opposition, external or internal
    1. Bravery (valor)not shrinking from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain; speaking up for what is right even if there is opposition; acting on convictions even if unpopular; includes physical bravery but is not limited to it
    2. Persistence (perseverance, industriousness) – finishing what one starts; persisting in a course of action in spite of obstacles; “getting it out the door”; taking pleasure in completing tasks
    3. Integrity (authenticity, honesty) – speaking the truth but more broadly presenting oneself in a genuine way and acting in a sincere way; being without pretense; taking responsibility for one’s feelings and actions
    4. Vitality (zest, enthusiasm, vigor, energy) – approaching life with excitement and energy; not doing things halfway or halfheartedly; living life as an adventure; feeling alive and activated
  • Humanity – interpersonal strengths that involve tending and befriending others
    1. Love – valuing close relations with others, in particular those in which sharing and caring are reciprocated; being close to people
    2. Kindness (generosity, nurturance, care, compassion, altruistic love, “niceness”) – doing favors and good deeds for others; helping them; taking care of them
    3. Social intelligence (emotional intelligence, personal intelligence) – being aware of the motives and feelings of other people and oneself; knowing what to do to fit into different social situations; knowing what makes other people tick
  1. Justice – civic strengths that underlie healthy community life
    1. Citizenship (social responsibility, loyalty, teamwork) – working well as a member of a group or team; being loyal to the group; doing one’s share
    2. Fairness – treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice; not letting personal feelings bias decisions about others; giving everyone a fair chance
    3. Leadership – encouraging a group of which one is a member to get things done and at the same time maintain good relations within the group; organizing group activities and seeing that they happen
  1. Temperance – strengths that protect against excess
    1. Forgiveness and mercy – forgiving those who have done wrong; accepting the shortcomings of others; giving people a second chance; not being vengeful
    2. Humility and modesty – letting one’s accomplishments speak for themselves; not seeking the spotlight; not regarding oneself as more special than one is
    3. Prudence – being careful about one’s choices; not taking undue risks; not saying or doing things that might later be regretted
    4. Self-regulation (self-control) – regulating what one feels and does; being disciplined; controlling one’s appetites and emotions
  1. Transcendence – strengths that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning
    1. Appreciation of beauty and excellence (awe, wonder, elevation) – noticing and appreciating beauty, excellence, and/or skilled performance in various domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience
    2. Gratitude – being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen; taking time to express thanks
    3. Hope (optimism, future-mindedness, future orientation) – expecting the best in the future and working to achieve it; believing that a good future is something that can be brought about
    4. Humor (playfulness) – liking to laugh and tease; bringing smiles to other people; seeing the light side; making (not necessarily telling) jokes
    5. Spirituality (religiousness, faith, purpose) – having coherent beliefs about the higher purpose and meaning of the universe; knowing where one fits within the larger scheme; having beliefs about the meaning of life that shape conduct and provide comfort
  Reference: Peterson, C. & Seligman, M.E.P. (2004). Character Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification. New York: Oxford.      

I don’t follow sports and didn’t know who he was before this interview. He’s a brilliant man. This was one of the most enjoyable interviews to date.

Royce is very articulate and intelligent. Brilliant to listen too but appears to have little morals with his relationships with the women in his life. Appears to father 4-5 children by that many women.

I know nothing about this situation, but it strikes me that your comment lends no agency, ZERO agency to the women who had these babies. As well, I am quite sure that given this guy’s public stature and, “on the books” income, that he is paying to support these children and baby mama’s if they are biologically his. I would be willing to join you in calling him a scum bag if he were not supporting these children, but I will bet you that he does.

As long as he is financially supporting his kids I don’t care how many kids he has by how many women. He’s not the pastor at my church.

Not speaking specifically to Mr. White, as I don’t know his situation. But there is MUCH, MUCH more to being a good father than financial support.

It takes two tango so they say. I agree that these women are likely gold digging cause he is well know and might be very financially well off. Shouldn’t he have some moral and virtues that make him someone to look up? Very articulate and I love listening too him and maybe the women like that too.
Some people are very charismatic and have some really good ideas but that doesn’t always make them a good person.
Look at how many people like Bill Clinton but because his message meant so much to so many people.

I remember something a guy said a long time ago: if you haven’t done anything wrong in your life, by all means, throw rocks at the whore.
I think he said it in a nicer way though.
Of course, the same thing could apply to Fauci, right? No Treatments For You => death of hundreds of thousands. At what point are we allowed to throw rocks? Are these two issues roughly equivalent? The morality rules are difficult sometimes.

A whore, who makes her living providing pleasure to those, who voluntarily pay her to do so, is nowhere near to being “roughly equivalent” to a professed Doctor, who deliberately prevents life-saving therapies and treatments from being provided to desperately sick people, in order to advance his own personal financial status, and that of his associates, causing the tortured, and lonely, deaths of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
The blood on Dr. Fauci’s hands should result in his arrest, trial, and execution… Right along with several other of his close business associates, who are directly responsible for the terrible deaths of millions of innocent victims.
All of these people need to die.
Doctor Fauci’s mandating only the use of Remdesivir, as the ONLY allowed treatment for COVID19, alone, which resulted in over 45,000 people dying from Renal Failure…which it caused…and which HE KNEW it caused…while this horrid drug was NON-FDA approved… is sufficient on its own…to justify this MURDERER face his death on the gallows.