Chris Martenson LIVE! (3/18/23)

And to take the ”flogging” to the next level, my pre ‘65 silver quarter will still buy a gallon of gas. Will your 2023 quarter?


Didn’t Britain Dig Herself Out Of Debt By Narco-trafficking?

Didn’t the British get out of the hole by growing poppies in India and selling the opium in China? I have read that 1/3 of the revenues of the British Empire during this period came from global narco-trafficking.


The Flogging Worked

Like the escapement of a timepiece, occasionally some bit of commentary takes my thinking to the next necessary notch. This video took me from “I own a lot of silver and it’s enough” to “I own a lot of silver and it’s not enough.”


Maybe you have enough? You can’t eat silver or gold. Think having food to barter with will always be the top currency during hard times?


Maybe “I have too much cash” is the right way of thinking.


On A Personal Note

I have my current job largely because I have foreseen the events that now seem imminent since… oh… about 2009 (“I may have been early, but I’m not wrong”). It’s the kind of job where the company had detailed plans to sequester hundreds of us on site if Covid got bad enough, and to pay overtime for every hour of every week until it passed. I know of very few things I want more than to move on from it to something that would allow more (some?) joy in my life.
But here we are, on the precipice it seems.



We’re beekeepers and sell honey; let me know if I can help you with your first year beekeeping, Chris.


like this thinking

Woke Narrative Hitting Farmers Here

The “Woke” narrative is starting to hit or target farmers here in Australia. The Federal Government has banned live sheep export, which will result in reduction of heards internationally and nationally. The end result - less protein in the world, less brain function/energy, reduction in healthy population= depopulation.
In addition to this they have also started to push the whole climate change narrative, methane and carbon offset, instead of fronting openly and honestly about the energy story they use other means, instead of coming clean about solar cycles, growing cycles and magnetic excursions they use other means. The end result is still less protein in the world, less brain function/energy, reduction in health population= depopulation.
So when we are contemplating the banking crisis, this is but just one “lever” in “their” playbook. The ultimate goal, which is fast becoming common knowledge is less prosperity in the way that we may currently know it, all roads lead to the control of money, energy, food for the sole purpose of depopulation. Why?
Because in a world where there are known limitations on resources, only those in control will be the survivors, this is their game folks. No rules apply, this is just like the TV show, they will stop at nothing to “win”.



Banning sheep export. Well, this is one time I agree with the Australian gov’t. Moving these animals by freighter to god only knows what sort of facilities in foreign countries (Asian probably) is incredibly cruel. I am sorry that Australia does not have enough abattoirs or markets for fresh/frozen lamb/mutton carcases. Or maybe not enough workers for the processing plants?
I have raised sheep for 20 plus years some which went to local abattoirs and some butchered on the farm. My hands are not strong enough to remove the skins of the bigger animals so I do the rabbits. I love animals but I kill them for food as kindly as possible.



Build back better implies that things must be destroyed before the utopia is built.
I note that they always hard sell the carrot and implement the stick. 15 minute cities: you can’t travel. Fossil fuels: we will stop production. Never the thought of build the utopia and people will flock to it and leave the old ways behind. They know not how to build, only destroy. Its a smug comfortable delusion and tears/bailouts when reality doesn’t go their way.


I’m excited to become a beekeeper next month. I have so much to learn!

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I respect your perspective. Life is full of trade-off’s, when it boils down to it, if protein is denied then history tells us the people turn to cannibalism, which is more humane? depends on your perspective. What if a heard was wiped out in your country and you needed another countries heard to replenish?


2 minute video of Jack Maller sending $10 of US dollars to a friend in the UK where he is paid in Euros.
Take that you Banking Oligarchs!!

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I’m with you. Process the animals in country. That way there is no protein being denied. Shipping animals is just cruel. Remember the 6000 cows that died in the boat that sank? Atrocious.

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The US is the largest narco trafficer in the world. The operation is run by the CIA which also retains all the profits, though I suspect much of it is ultimately paid out the the elites behind the scheme.


The businesses provide the bulk of the deposits in any bank. Any business except with more than 25 semi-skilled workers has accounts over 250,000.

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Long[er] Term Programmes That Have Bi-partisan Support…

The most disconcerting part, for me, was Jerome Powel’s solution to implement “longer term programmes that have bi-partisan support”. You know where you get these sorts of things? China, the Soviet Union, any totalitarian state really.
Say about China what you will, but they do give their people longer term programmes with ‘bi-partisan’ support - well, as far as you can get that when there’s only one party around. That’s their strength, but in my view also their weakness.

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