Chris Martenson LIVE! (3/18/23)

Good luck, after loosing five hives I think we are done trying to keep them at our urban home. We can’t aford to keep buying new queens every year.


LOL, very true

Lost Post

I had a post on here yesterday and now it’s gone. Are there site issues? The post had good data, will be hard to recreate.

I often have issues with posting…generally it’s been my connection vs. the website…you really have to be certain that the post/reply, etc was processed by the website (even then, I’ve had stuff disappear)…again, I think it’s mostly my connection.

Timber !!!

This makes my day when another vaxxer goes down. And in case you missed it, “oh no not again, noooo!”. These people know it’s the vax, unless all that plastic surgery in that newsroom has warped their brains.


I hear your frustration. For awhile the problem of lost posts disappeared, but just recently I had an attempt fail again. I suspect this has something to do with the changes ongoing behind the scenes in preparation for the soon-to-arrive new website, but that’s a guess.
Meanwhile, I’ve taken to copying and pasting my posts onto a Word doc before I hit the submit button, especially if I’ve spent time constructing and linking. Or, at least copying it so it’s on my computer clipboard, in case it doesn’t post.
Hopefully, the new website solves that, too.


I found this very interesting, thank you for bringing this my attention. It is also very concerning, just how fractured are we as a nation?

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lol. My first foray into beekeeping, about 6 years ago, netted me 60 lbs of amazing honey at a total price of about $400. That was the price of getting kitted up for housing 3 hives and to be able to process the honey from the honeycomb.
Alas! Our local bear greatly appreciated the 2 feeding stations I set up for it at my lower garden, and a racoon found one other hive a tempting sweet treat.
I’m about to tackle bees again. But serious bear proofing will be necessary.


‘Bi-partisan support’ is usually code for:
“You are gonna get REALLY screwed because we want this so much that we’re not even going to pretend that there are two parties and pretend to have a debate about it…”


They basically had a globe-spanning Empire to plunder (and boy, they did) … plus they were forcing China to take opium, also very lucrative.

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A month or so ago I saw a short video of confrontation between Russian and Ukrainian ground troops. The perspective was from a front line reporter following directly behind a Russian soldier as he moved rapidly through some woods where Ukraine soldiers were defending from fox holes. This soldier was flanking the Ukrainians, and so came up behind two very young soldiers in a foxhole. Clearly the result of inadequate training, and obviously very cold and tired, the two young men were bewildered by the appearance off their quarter of a soldier pointing a gun at them, barking commands to put theirs down.
With slow wits, they looked at him. Then one said, “we’re on your side.” The Russian barked his command again. Still befuddled the one speaking started turning fully around, still holding his rifle, still trying to make sense of what was happening. Clearly unable to comprehend. The other was even more slow; he just kind of watched, slack-jawed, also still gripping his rifle.
All around were the sounds of ongoing rifle fire. The Russian barked his order a third time. Then, seeing he was getting no response, and needing to keep moving forward, he shot them both several times and moved on. But he also muttered what could only have been a short curse. He took no pleasure in those stupid deaths, but he couldn’t keep arguing with idiots.
That’s what flashed into my mind when I saw the newswoman fall, and the incomprehension of the two hosts. I understand there’s no talking to fully convinced Covidians, and I no longer try. Yet, I take no joy in seeing them fall. Most are useful idiots, with the emphasis on idiots. That woman is also a victim. A weaponized victim used to attack those who refuse to also be victimized. She, like the vast majority of current Ukraine soldiers, was poorly trained to make sense of the war now foisted against us, and too slow of wit to understand she’s already been shot. Literally.
I can’t waste my time on them any longer. But the real targets are deeper into the woods. Those are the assholes I’m holding my schadenfreude for.


Looks really good! Sorry I’m too far away. Good luck - hope the inspiration moves many!


Looking forward to it - see you Saturday.


Yes love the metals, read/done everything required for half a century, but (Satan’s advocate) I’m trying to imagine how they will actually, behaviorally in daily life, be used.
I’ve read enough apocalypse novels to see how it might happen but that usually involves a long period of complete disorder and killing and violence…as in, “then, 20 years later, civilization calmed down.”
Maybe somebody younger and with more imagination can describe a scenario where you transition/trade your “precious” (a bad thought popped into my mind of someone in the future wanting to trade her freshly killed chicken for something of value, and you offer her some silver and she looks at it and says “isn’t that precious” and walks away) metals for something useful.
Under what conditions will metals use become normal? I mean yes it’s stored energy, but so is a igneous rock. What will a silver dollar be worth in barley, will anyone want it?


I’m pretty sure my post was there at least 30 minutes later. Now it’s nowhere to be found.

Changing My Mind

So I’m starting to think the smaller banks won’t be permitted to fail.
Here’s why, the big banks really don’t want to take over their business. Several big banks volenteered and put cash on deposit at smaller bank. They can do that all day long.
Now yes they still have a solvency issue. Yes we still have an EROI issue. Yes, the Fed can’t save them without having to inflate thier balance sheet. Yes Yellen took some lumps last week. Hopefully all the replays of her stupidity will help her self correct. Maybe the machanics of FDIC will get updated. That seams to be the major issue here.
Here is a really good interview with Tom Luongo from GoldGoatsGuns.
He has some really interesting ideas. Yellen and Powell are on opposite sides of the struggle to control the dollar. Powell wants to save the dollar, as where Yellen is in line with the IMF and WEF. The eurodallor is done. The move away from Libor the SOFC is a big deal and severs the ties with Europe. I predictEurope will crumble fast in the next few years. The new bricks currency deals are making progress in replacing the global dollar. The Fed has been actively crushing crypto trading exchanges. SVB was let to fail because of crypto ties on their balance sheet.
Chris, you need to interview Tom.
Also, you need to interview Steve St Angelo again. We don’t have much time left in the enrrgy story.


Thanks VT……meeting you someday is on my to do list. Really appreciate your sensible…spiritual…perspective.

Oh, I do. I take great pleasure seeing them suffer because they in turn have made people suffer and ruined lives, needlessly. They decided to take sides with the government. Their #1 mission as reporters is to take sides with the people, that is their primary job of any journalist. A journalist exposes government fraud and lies. They are the buffer between us and government. That is why they were given 1st Amendment rights.
What they did was coverup the lies and fraud from the CDC, Tony Fauci, W.H.O., Big Pharma and the government, all in concert to hoodwink the public. Not only that but they continue to coverup all these injuries and deaths, they are still encouraging the Public to go get vaxxed and boosted. Now it’s biting them in the ass. Now they want to put this shit in our foods. Some say it’s already happening.
This is what I call Karma!

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Bees are a lot of work! But worth the effort. We’re chemical and treatment free. Our current season is looking good! Bees are healthy and strong. We raise our own queens, so all of our bees are our own. The bees people get in “packages” are usually from (or have been in) California. They are sick! I tell people that they’ll be luckily if they live for one season.


Even in the hard times over the last 5,000 years gold and silver could be used for trade. That’s a history that’s hard to ignore. Unfortunately crypto doesn’t have that track record. Are your numbers in the Ether going to get you that chicken? I don’t know, and there’s no history to use as a guide.