Chris Martenson LIVE! (3/18/23)

Banking System Is Generally Sound?

That seems to be what Janet Yellen said. Baloney! John Titus has shown, via the FDIC’s own quarterly data, that the overall banking system is underwater. Higher interest rates have both decreased the value of the investments that must be cashed in to satisfy customer withdrawals and reduced the value that can be received by selling their lower-interest loans on the open market. The overall balance sheet of the banking industry has taken a giant hit, and by failing to reduce interest rates the Fed appears to be doing this on purpose.

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Sorry. People who “take great pleasure in seeing [others] suffer” are known as sadists (schadenfreude).

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We have no record of that…there’s nothing in either the SPAM or PENDING folders on the back end.
I have no explanation for this, it’s an entirely new behavior. I’ll have the team look into it. I don’t like “new behaviors” most of all…
Edit: Travis, any possibility this is the comment and you posted it to the Stephen Flood/GoldCore interview?

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No, it’s called paybacks a bitch. These are the same people who are still encouraging others to take these vaccines, including children. Some even want to force the unvaxxed to take these shots. These same individuals have shwon NO remorse in what they have done to those who have been injured or killed. Again, their sole purpose is to lookout for the people. That is why they exist. They failed their job and NOW it’s biting them in the ass.


Despicable Parliamentary Display

One of the most vile anti-democratic displays in recent history.
Andrew Bridgen gets up in the House of Commons UK to address the rising inescapable injuries and death from the jab,
Watch on cue as the rats scurry to the exists.


Gold And Silver Availability

Today I picked up my handful of Gold American Eagles that I ordered at a local coin shop. I talked to the owner about demand and she said it was extraordinary all week, and every buyer was talking about the bank crisis. One customer came in and bought 250 ounces of gold!! She said that most of the buyers were in the market for gold, not silver. Interesting.


Something is always likely to emerge to function as money or currency in order to facilitate trade. Precious metals are very well known around the world for their historical use. Unless there is something else widely needed/desired for it’s own physical attributes I would guess we’ll end up settling on something again on something that only has “value” because others value it as a medium of exchange. Perhaps not everyone will resort back to precious metals, but just like things are today, I kind of doubt no one will value them. My guess is that they will retain some exchange value in almost any future scenario.
All that said, I’ll insert another idea I very rarely hear when most people talk about precious metals. Perhaps it will take root with some here who might also be thinking about the value of developing useful skills. Metal in general, and precious metals especially, are an amazing physical material! One could do worse than to learn some metalsmithing skills that would allow you to transform “worthless” lumps of metal into useful and/or beautiful things. People desire useful tools and beautiful objects. If you can craft beautiful useful tools all the better!
I do have a perceptual bias coming at this as a professional metalsmith, but when I think long term where the human race is going after the age of fossil fuels and their massive abundance of cheap energy I don’t see us grinding up entire mountains and refining the ores into purified metals. Instead, I suspect there will be far fewer of us in number, but one of the long lasting legacies of this current era will be all the refined metals available. This to me is what the embodied energy represented in an ounce of silver, gold, copper, steel, etc. really means. Because the energy was expended this valuable/useful material exists. I would expect there will also be a need for many with the skills required to rework all the salvage scrap metal around into whatever new purposes are called for. I don’t think this sort of future work will be done on the current industrial scale, due to the energy inputs required for such things. Rather I can envision a return to the small shops of individual craftsmen working at a modest scale. Those craftsmen will need a far wider knowledge base and skill set than the average metal factory worker possesses. Can you develop this sort of knowledge base to pass on and be the seeds of future industry?
In the here and now, having learned some of these metalsmithing skills, precious metals are for me both a financial investment vehicle AND a necessary base material I transform into value added products. If the financial value of them go up, great. If financial value stays the same or drops I can still transform it into a more financially valuable object.



What are your thoughts on this?


“…no one from labor, no one from liberal Democrats, zero MPs from the Scottish nationalist, just a complete disgrace…” Empty benches. Our Democrats would fit nicely over there and the Empty benches would feel quite at home here. John Campbell makes the point that Mr. Bridgen can say things that he can’t.


We don’t treat either although I’m not altogether against in certain circumstances. We just do fine without it for the most part. You’re right about the queen problems. I always advise people to get your bees as locally as possible.

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You’ll probably drive everyone nuts with all the bee talk, lol. It’s fun though and you’ll become a lot more familiar with what flower is what and when it blooms, etc. It kinda turns you into a nature nut if you aren’t already.


It’s more work than most people expect. Even then, it sure does seem like some people have more trouble than others; I think the location must have a lot to do with it.

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Everyday on the TV and radio are the public health announcements to get boosted as the best prevention from serious COVID or whatever.
When do you think those will stop?

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Also remember artificial insemination. You only need to import / export the genetic material = not live animals.
The woke approach is a broad brush that lacks discrimination. Which is a problem. We need to apply common sense and a sense of humanity (compassion) in our decision making going forward

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Haven’t watched the video yet, sorry, but I will as soon as I can.
There’s no point in a direct military invasion of a planet. You’re much better infiltrating the leadership, and manipulating it until you dominate control of the planet and it’s resources.
Hairless monkeys are much more expendable and manipulatable than their own populations.
There are some excellent books on the space alien subject (UFO’s and the National Security State, by Richard Dolan; Taken, by Leslie Keen; plus a few others that I don’t recall right now as it’s getting late where I am, but will list if asked) and they indicate that this is what’s happened.
A deal was cut with the US government in the 50’s to allow a certain number of abductions in exchange for off-world technology; an exchange programme; and a few other things. It’s certainly a murky area of research, should you choose to delve into it, full of unpleasant truths, and half truths and lies. It explains Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars programme, the F22 fighter jet, fibre-optic cables, touch screens, 3D printers, and more.
It’s certainly an interesting subject.


What percentage of people passing out are a result of vaccine injury vs. dehydration, low blood sugar, or other causes? I’m asking for a “real” estimate because a young college student in my greenhouse (to learn cold-climate gardening) passed out recently. My mind jumps to “vaccine injury” because 100% of our local college students are required to be vaccinated. The student came to, was given water and snacks, and appears to be “fine” now. How do we distinguish vaccine injury from other causes, short of the lethal collapse and subsequent autopsy (which won’t be performed anyway)?


Opinions Please - Housing Market / Banking Crisis (lol)

What are peoples views on how this delusionary situation plays out?..will we see any sort of fake recovery of the situation? A perceived economic recovery that perhaps helps stimulate the housing market / reduced interest rates etc. The reason I ask is that I have recently taken ownership of a house which is run with wind and solar and has an ample garden to grow food. I am also trying to sell another property at a higher than average end of the market (£850k ish) - I am trying to guage how the markets will play out over the next few months. I am totally aware that the situation is doomed to failure but I’m just in the middle of getting my shit together!
I will always have bricks and mortar and potential income but I would rather sell if possible!

This is what I am seeing too… this is a very Gold-centric run. Texas Precious Metals, which is my bell weather for availability since they only post what they have in stock, is wiped out of all new mintage sovereigns other than Krugs. Everything Silver is available. Silver will follow once the Gold is gone.


Good question. I’ve passed out 3x - once from shock, once from low blood sugar, once from dehydration (in winer!). Years before pandemic. and yes, I’m unvxd. Although I suspect 90+ of what we’re seeing with passing out and sudden deaths are related to vx, there is definitely a % that isn’t, and it’s wise to remember that. We’ll never know for sure.


Sure wish silver was a thing here in Vietnam. People only care about gold here for some reason. Strange. Gold shops, on the other hand, are everywhere. Fun fact: Until fairly recently (I forget what year), land in Vietnam could only be purchased in gold, and you can still buy property with gold.