Chris Martenson LIVE! (3/18/23)

Excellent example and sums up my feelings as well. Don’t blame the cannon fodder who barely knows where they are or what’s going on — blame the general who put them there. That applies society-wide.


It’s Marxist thinking through and through. The old must be constantly destroyed. In denouncing the old, they think, you are announcing the new. But you’re right, they have no idea how to build. There’s not even a strategy besides tearing down the old. I say “they” here for your run-of-the-mill Marxist thinkers, not the core leadership of globalists who clearly do have a plan and are just using the Useful Idiots

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With you here, Goat Lady. Many Australian cattle are exported to Vietnam, where the slaughter process is…well, pretty brutal. Definitely not as humane as that in Australia. One thing I’ll never adapt to in this culture is how animal life is not valued at all

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How Will Ausg Cbdc Change Incentives?

At roughly 42 minutes Chris says "…this is why the US will have a CBDC."My question is how will that change things? Cheers, Joe.

That is one of two weather announcers that went down in the past few days. I don’t watch TV so I don’t know if other newscasters or interview hosts are going down as well.

Tom Luango is an interesting, cantankerous and intelligent Libertarian thinker with often valuable insights mixed into his analysis of various trends and events he is contemptuous and viscerally dismissive of ’ Malthusiaians’ his catchall pejorative for anyone that believes there are actual physical resource limits or limits to growth even as he often discusses the relative importance of energy in a given economic equation. I’ve seen him take a dismissive dig at Chris on these grounds. that said, he’s had several conversations and got along famously with Kunstler, an OG Malthusian. It would be great to see a robust conversation with him and Chris.


Two wrongs never make a right. This is not for me to judge. I believe that will be address by a higher being. There were people even in media just trying to keep their jobs. I watched as every one in my family and work mates took the jab and were on board with getting it. Pressuring me and such but I know they were deceivied and believed , there are many of them. For whatever reason they followed the lie. I would wish no harm to them. We have to stop all this and focus on stopping the ones that are actually doing the harm. That is where I am with this. Looking backward never helps in moving foward.

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Agree 100%

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What Happens If These Rich People Decide To Exchange Their Digital Currency For Real Stuffs?

At around 1:03, Chris asked this question.
Well, Bill Gates have been buying farmland all over America.
Looks like it is already happening. They are doing it quietly.

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Just Say No?

Why can’t the smaller banks say no to paying this pirate fee so Chinese nationals “get made whole,” while the rest of us don’t? Isn’t there any legal leverage at the state level? There is seceding. Eleven (11) counties in Oregon are currently seeking to leave Oregon and join the state of Idaho. That’s about 3/4 of Oregon wanting to leave. Idaho is embracing the idea and moving legally forward.
Why can’t states take legal action and sue these fed idiots? More to the point, what if people stand firm where they are currently banking in their smaller bank if their bank is solid and healthy, and NOT deposit in a big bank? If most did this then what would happen to the plan of absorbing every smaller financial institution into the monopoly zone to usher in the central digital currency thing?

Being on a tight budget I can’t afford large purchases so try to spend smaller amounts $200 or less a month on some hard assets. The markup on .1oz gold coins seems pretty high (for reasonable reasons). Does it make more sense to buy 1oz silver coins with lower mark ups?
I generally avoid “rounds” and prefer coins from a mint like Austria because it seems they are more trusted.

Since Credit unions aren’t banks nor are they covered under FDIC (CUNA instead) I’d be curious if they can legally assess CU’s, especially since they are member owned non-profits.

Speaking strictly for myself, and my situation, when I was in the accumulation phase I did go heavier on silver than gold. I feel it has more upside potential, is more likely to be directly useful should physical gold and silver become used as money in a SHTF situation, and will make more widely affordable objects should I end up using it as material for metalsmithing.
I also tended to opt for the form that got me the most physical metal for my buck. At the time that meant a lot of the 1964 and older “junk” silver US coins, or generic rounds/bars. I did get some US silver eagles too despite the extra premiums. The junk silver coins are 90% silver, so as a metalsmith I wanted to make sure I also have pure silver rounds/coins/bars on hand to let me easily alloy them up to 92.5% silver, otherwise known as sterling silver, commonly used for jewelry.
With the gold coins I at first would get whatever the local dealers had on hand. Later though, thinking with a metalsmiths angle to potential future uses, I moved to just the Canadian maple leaf coins that were pure gold rather than an alloy. It’s not that there is anything wrong with an alloyed gold coin. They are supposed to still have the full troy ounce of gold, plus whatever other metals are used in the alloy. However, if I have an ounce of pure gold then I will have greater ability to make it into a wider array of alloys should I choose to. I know quite a few other metalsmiths who do this when they work in gold. They start with a pure gold coin/round/bar, and alloy it if desired, then make it into sheet, wire, or cast objects.
Historically, if you wanted a silver tea service, silverware, or whatever, you would need to bring the actual metal to a metalsmith who would use that material to manufacture the desired object. Of course, extra metal would be required as payment. If our modern industrial culture really does break down rapidly I would expect this sort of system would be required again should you want something, like wedding rings for example, from a jeweler. Right now there are industry suppliers where it is easy, convenient, and economical to just order up precious metal sheet, wire, tubing, casting grain, etc. This may not remain the case. In fact a major one in the US that I used went out of business during the covid years.

Hum, if he doesn’t understand the story around resource depletion, then defiantly a conversation limitation.
Tom seems to have really good insights in geopolitics and the global currency systems. I’ve listened to a few of this interviews now. He’s suppose to have an interview with James Richards coming out soon. That should be a really good one.
Tom has me leaning towards both SVB and Signature were bank take downs to put the kibosh on crypto backed dollar creation. The FED “needs” to be the only game in town for controlling dollar creation, or else they loose that game.
Some predictions:

  • The FED will hold the US banking system together. Declining EROI, failing realestate market, and recession will put a lot of pressure on the banking system. The FED's balance sheet has to grow, and they have to inflate it away. Expect more inflation.
  • Powell will succeed saving dollar. We will not move to CBDC.
  • If Powell leaves, or his hand if forced by congress, this all could change.
  • The EU is screwed. I suspect they will start to break up within a few years.
  • The bricks nations will continue to build a gold backed settlement system, and will not hold treasuries. Foreign treasury holding will continue to decline.
  • Eventually the EU and US will have to trade on the new bricks system if they want resources. Both the dollar and the euro will loose significant value abroad.
  • Bitcoin will be kept as a speculative investment decoupled from banking.
  • The euro/usd peg will break
  • Why are tax receipts holding up so well?
  • How much longer can Yellen keep government spending going. It really seems Powell does give a damn and congress will need to make some significant cuts.
  • How far along are the bricks on their new settlement system? How fast will that process play out?
  • How is it Japan hasn't completely fallen over by now? How is the yen/usd ratio back to 131?

I was looking to see if it went to another post. Mystery solved. I’m not going crazy… well yet. Thank you.

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We are completely chemical free, but at last the other 10,000 mother fuckers around us are not. Sorry for the language. I have no tolerance for people that kill bees, either through ignorance or intentional.

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Correct, and another aspect was they were mostly gold smiths. They didn’t have the skills needed to survive.

Great Shortish Video!

So to the point…

Isn’t the whole idea for CBDC is to control spending. They know exactly how many/much of each resource you will need… right?
“Transaction error code 40208, your allotted farm perchances for the month have been exceeded”
Something tells me the rich will have their own system and the CBDC will be for the rest of us.

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There was an article published yesterday (I don’t have the source - I read it on my phone) that said she had a known heart condition due to a heart valve issue (pre covid) and had fainted on the set once before pre Covid. Just an fyi.