Chris Martenson LIVE! (3/18/23)

San Francisco Is 5.7% Black

Relatively low black population, but $5,000,000/0.057 = 87.7 million per resident in additional revenue required including black residents. The total cost is literally 232 billion dollars! These people are insane!

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Wow. @oliveoilguy Just this brochure alone shows enough to make me go oooohhh and, aaaahhhh. Plus you have Jerseys! I’m sure it will be nothing short of a fantastic day for all who can attend. Lucky them.

There isn’t one word I can call that hag that’s polite. That said, yes, her endgame is EU control of everything. Funnily enough, Jamie Dimon and his lot may have handed her, her hat and sent the EU down the road to hell in order to save the US dollar. We shall see.

This just pissed me off beyond belief. What a bunch of absolute cowards.

Tom Luongo is gold. I put an interview with him down below. I’m glad to see people are finding him.

Tom Luongo

I swear I put a link to an interview with Tom Luongo here and it’s either gone or I’m blind - both are very possible. That said, is there a way to tweek the software so if we make a post it will pin itself to the top similar to how YT does it? That would save us all so much searching so we can check in and update. That said, if you choose to delete a comment can you tell us why? That would save some searching as well. Thanks and best.

So I’m going to put that link here as well and if Chris wants to remove it I would like to know why? We are here to learn and getting out of the box is the best way to do so.!-the-fed-crushes-2:6

Hi Mariannorton. I assure you we very very rarely pull posts. This is one of the items in my responsibility area and I have not deleted a post from paid members in many months.
For the sake of transparency, we do have a spam filter, currently set at the lowest level. Here is a screen shot from 3m ago. That is the only post in the filter at the moment. All I do is look up the member, make sure it is a real paying member and then assure it isnt a sales spam. This one, is a sales spam – his name in our system is Benny Flipster, brand new, non paying member. This is the only stuff that gets deleted by us =). I hope this helps.

Equal Rghts Vs Equal Everything

I get the impression that at an impressionable age, Woke people were taught that in a society living under the Rule of Law. Equal Rights under the Law is a necessity;
and so, Equality = Goodness. Therefore, according to this line of thought, in every aspect of human life, everything must be made equal.
Context is everything, and a concept removed from its context becomes an entirely different animal, and we will see entirely different outcomes. Does that make sense?


I really enjoy watching his live mini crossword shows, it really appeals to me