Chris's Talk At The FLCCC - Navigating The Economic Decline

I also have a hard time seeing how this will unfold. One big taking? A series of smaller takings? Everything encumbered by debt or “just” the easiest 40%, 60% or 75%? And I’ve recently in the last two months gotten everything of mine out of the reach of TGT and I don’t see why 90% of everyone whose read Webb’s book hasn’t already done the same thing which would by itself stagger “”the markets””. Just seeing the laws and regulations put in place over decades to set up TGT chilled me to my core. I decided not to risk waiting until I could “see the whites of their eyes” before pulling that trigger. I see their intentions very clearly and I’m trusting they have a plan even if I can’t quite figure it out.

OTOH, if they can force us, or scare us, into CBDC’s and digital ID’s, what crime or tyranny would be out of their reach? Ok, the little people wouldn’t be feeding Goliath drip-drip-drip style any more but they’d be completely able to source that drip from our CBDC’s and there’d be nothing we could do about it. Would the little people riot, complain on the internet, or -gasp- take up arms? Wouldn’t they use their approach to persecuting the J6 protesters but with near universal CBDC’s, digital ID’s, social credit scores and surveillance tech and apply all that to any dissidents. They’d smother any counterrevolution in short order. This is the perfect setup for a fascist/communist embryonic world government controlled by the oligarchs and their flunkies.

I do not consent. I’ve gotten as far from ground zero as possible. And I won’t surrender until I’ve eaten all my stored food, drank all my stored water, and fired all my stored ammunition. Your move oligarchs.





I have a “drooling idiot question” also. Our mortgage has been paid off for a few years. Chris mentioned something about “releasing the title “. How do I go about doing this?


It depends on the state. I believe CA autom atically does this, but many others don’t.

Do you know where your title is? If not, then maybe your bank has it. So simply begin the process to discover where it is and ask for it.


Wishing I had sugar maples trees to tap. It has only recently occured to me that other species are potentially tapable, so maybe soon.

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My ideas on this are primarily informed by decades of reading from a preparedness background, and attending national and regional events with well known presenters. I have also spemt a lot of time talking with friends and neighbors who were political asylum or ww2 immigrants, and also reading the writings of other people who survived more recent events in Bosnia, Argentina, Albania, and Venezuela.

These ideas have been for for the most part re-inforced by speakers at sessions and conversations at HBG, and here at PP.

It is considered that precious metals are a concern for after other preparations are in place and some level of cash emergency resources are in place, both in hand and in the bank.

For the most part PMs are seen as a way to move wealth, not immediately needed for basic survival through a crisis and into a new system.

Gold is obviously more portable in this regard as you pointed out. However silver is a good balance because its more consumable and its use by industry is likely to ramp up during a war or protracted crisis that impacts global trade. Its also easier to get change for a 20 than 2k if buying smaller items.

A high percentage of people think silver has the potential to rise in price several fold. The historic ratio of gold to silver when compared to that of today indicates this might be very true.

Many well known writers from the prepper community including some from Argentina,Venezuela, and Bosnia caution against the idea of thinking of silver as a day to day barter item. At a time whem people are hungry, or struggling to light homes with candles, silver might not be such a good trade good, and might serve merely to mark you as someone with resources to steal. Flashing silver or gold coins around at times like that might serve to get you or your children kidnapped.

On the other hand some silver coins might serve well for trade among trusted folks or during hard but somewhat stable times.

It was brought to my attention at HBG that 99.99 silver has a potential advantage over 99.9 during a war or lengthy crisis, in that it would not need further refining before being plugged into industry. For this reason “4 nine” being sold for cash might be more readily bought and or bring a better price than “3 nine” silver. Junk silver and silver tableware would likely be further down the list on easy to sell.

I personally dont buy silver for barter. I buy backups of normal household items. In thise way, I am more likely to have something someone else needs in a barter. Examples, whole house water filters, AC filters, towels, wash clothes, dish towels, motor oil, mower belt and blades, light bulbs, shoe laces, fertilizer, vanilla extract, deck screws, laundry soap. If I never trade them, I will use these extras eventually and make money by having cut out inflation.

Some companies sell small bits of silver and gold, as barter items, however the cost per ounce is super high. I would just buy silver before paying 400 percent the per ounce coat to buy small 1 gram cold pieces for example.

According to Bosnian and Albanian women I know, It may be of use, for women, especially, to carry some silver coins or jewelry and a fresh pack of cigarettes to use as a distraction for a hostile man who feels entitled to things he ought not. I know a man who is alive because a Serb neighbor and high school soccer team mate bought him from armed comrads with a pack of cigs.


If you manage to hold onto your shares, I wonder if the companies will just be bankrupted by the huge amounts of debt they all hold.

eg Banks/other investors say their is no appetite to roll over their bonds/loans as they come up for renewal - or at least charge more interest = company probably goes bust. At a minimum, they won’t be paying dividends or doing buybacks as all their profits will be eaten by interest.

Personally, I think that will be the first thing to get stock markets - companies rolling over their debts. Over the past 15 years, all big companies have loaded up on cheap debt - often using it to finance buybacks. The rollovers could well eliminate all profits (thus they get transferred to the bankers as interest, leaving nothing for shareholders) and, perhaps eventually bankrupt the company as more bonds rollover.

= So a Gradual Transferring, rather than a “big event” Great Taking.

A bit like inflation slowly and passively steals from everyone and it is often not noticed. Profits will gradually go down and down and your shares will eventually mean very little and then go bust.

Edit - It’s probably already going on with commercial property. It was bid up, now occupancy is down and interest rates are up = the banks take it all. They don’t care about losing some money on the loan as, as we know, the money was made up anyway.

Here’s something that needs investigation. Maybe as a FLCCC project?
Many of the providers listed on the FLCCC site practice Integrative Medicine. I’ve been trying to find somebody near me. As with striking out against regional banks, the system appears to be striking out against any medical providers who want to do it better. This is what one provider says on his website. I think it is accurate.

“Since our approach to care is “integrative” and includes both standard and “alternative” approaches to treatment, many insurance companies classify our treatment as “unproven” or “experimental” and therefore exclude it from reimbursement. This is very unfortunate but does require that we not participate in any form of medical insurance including Medicare and Medicaid. The Federal government requires that Medicare patients must complete and sign a Medicare “opt out” contract which we will provide. No claim for reimbursement can be made to Medicare or your Medicare Secondary although approved ancillary services (example labs) may be covered. Your private insurance may provide partial coverage for our services if “out of network providers” are covered. We also request that you review and sign a consent form indicating your understanding of the alternative nature of some of our recommended treatments and acknowledge your consent.”

Unfortunately few people can afford to pay twice (insurance and direct pay) for medical services. Insurance pressures, particularly medicare derived are pushing a lot of dysfunction. Any efforts on the horizon to correct?


DM0nk is sharing notes from his time at the FLCCC conference if anyone is interested in knowing more (thank you, Norm!):


Will not load.

Hello! So sorry to hear the link didn’t work for you; I’m not sure how else to link it directly. This may be a possible workaround:

Click on the “Health” forum (under the “Content” drop down menu if the link doesn’t work). On my screen, it’s the 5th topic down titled: " “Healthcare Revolution”—Notes From the Feb 2024 FLCCC Conference"

Hope that helps!

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It says no content found. Oh well. Thank you anyway. It sounds like something good to read & check out.
I will go search from search sites.

I don’t know about evil. What if it’s just people in the giant “bingo hopper” of life all bumping up against each other.

This is from “Exponential Growth Arithmetic, Population and Energy”, by Dr. Albert A. Bartlett

No matter what happens, eventually the two side of this chart must balance out and reverse until human populations find a sustainable equilibrium.

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For what it’s worth, employers and employees will have to take the steps to course-correct the forced-insurance scam…thanks to Obama.
Doctors are way down the line in this.
But I can tell everyone here after my 3 years process of divorcing MSMedical - it is astonishing how much less expensive it is to pay out of pocket versus slide the BCBS card across the counter at check-in.


I’ve been able to find excellent integrative medicine providers from the FLCCC providers list.
For those who are not aware, Medicare requires patients to choose between their services and medicare because FLCCC doctors dare to provide “unapproved”, usually less expensive and more effective treatments.
Some of these providers offer a service similar to a HMO- Direct Primary Care. You can sign up for a monthly fee that covers some of the same things that insurance would cover - wellness checkups, help with really managing conditions like diabetes. . . It’s a good option. Some even make house calls and have 24x7 phone consultation. This used to be an elitist, expensive concierge medicine option. Now, some providers who have paid off their medical loans are trying to price it for middle America. Check it out.

As the FLCCC shows, not all Doctors are co-opted by the big-pharma, insurance, corporate controlled providers model. Many are looking for options to provide better care. Support them as they fight the system. You might find one you can have on the “invite to my bug-out site” list.


Just wanted to let you and the PP Tribe know that the wife and I sent out the final check to payoff our mortgage this morning! In a few months we should get our property retitled in our names with no claims against the real estate.

Just wanted to say, Thank You, for alerting us to The Great Taking by David Webb. That was the spark we needed to move forward and ensuring that our primary residence was safe from all future claims.


Can someone point me to the stats that provide the employment figure breakdown? For instance, where do I find the part-time employment vs full-time numbers? Govt vs private sector, etc?


Here’s an interesting statistic (projected) from Chris Hamilton.

Note the slightly distorted claims in the video that all population growth comes from having more old people. The percentage of the population that is over 60 is indeed growing. He does, correctly, point out that numerically there are indeed 1.9 million MORE older people. However, since we’ve all been here for at least 60 years, that’s a bit disingenuous.

What is accurate is that the US population is stable or slightly declining EXCEPT for illegal migrants and their higher birth rates.
If you believe in limits to growth and think exponential curves are always, ultimately fatal, then population stability or slight decrease is a very GOOD thing.
Except: That it puts all that debt on the shoulders of the people that didn’t create it.

Hamilton also talks about increased labor participation in people over 65, and even over 75 - by necessity - and then calls us old geezers unproductive. Well, I guess if we’re getting minimum wage as a Walmart greeter just to eat, that’s not a good use of our labor. On the other hand, I personally know many retired/semi-retired OLD professionals who are working/volunteering part time to help young entrepreneurs start innovation moving. I’d consider that much more productive than McKinsey and Publicis sociopaths who worked with Purdue to promote branded opioids (OxyContin) or hedge fund sociopaths that create derivatives.
Making fiat money by financialization and mind-controlling advertising might increase GDP, but it is NOT PRODUCTIVE. GDP includes activity generated by replacing infrastructure damaged by hurricanes or destroyed in riots, etc. in addition to phoney financialization “profits”. NOT Productive!

Hamilton claims high population growth leads to lots of workers and that somehow generates productivity??? Innovation in the physical world is productivity. Financial manipulation is not. Nor is trading fungible tokens in the metaverse productive - it just generates money and power for the elites.

So us old geezers still know how to work. Uneducated kids (working age) decide not to participate. I don’t see the old are the problem. We certainly don’t want a larger population of young, non-working, not productive adults!!


Perhaps it is on the other side of a member paywall for you?

If you can DM with a contact route (email, Telegram, or Facebook Messenger) I will send you a Word document of the complete notes. I could also put it in Google docs and share with all.

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