Cold Comfort: The Discussion We Need to Have
I’m not seeing the Nazis, are you?


The premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney, announced a 3 phase step down of the mandates starting with the vaxxine passport. The farmer tractor trailers at the scene then blocked the border because the truckers want all mandates ended now. About 15 miles from the Couttes border in Milk River, 1000’s of trucks and cars are parked because the Mounties have put up a blockade preventing more convoy protestors from getting close to the border.
The only people allowed in are the locals, and locals are bringing in supplies to the truckers. US truckers are getting stuck on the Canadian side, but are chillin’ and agree with the convoy.
RebelNews is the only news media the truckers will speak with and there are embedded reporters with the truckers at Couttes. is the go to place for official updates from several countries on the anti covid policy protests; they’re doing a good job covering Canada right now.


I agree with the no honking at night policy. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture and causes psychosis. I think the world has enough psychotic people walking around. The truckers are not there to annoy or sleep deprive the locals. The locals are as much victims here as the unvaxxed: completely fear crazed brainwashed people who have been convinced to do things that directly negatively impact their health.
And no the locals did not open up for business. Strange, that one.
Why alienate the more resistant locals by keeping them up at night? My take on the mood of the convoy is not to disparage the brainwashed but rather have compassion. BTW, the guys at the Couttes border are praying 5 times a day, am and pm, and before meals.


I watched that press release earlier and boy was I impressed. Salt of the Earth people together in that room fighting this battle. Extremely restrained, humble but firm, principled people who are no longer willing to remain silent in the face of extreme authoritarianism.
I loved the statement: “People aren’t getting vaccinated against a virus, they’re getting vaccinated against unemployment.”


Great article from someone who’s been living through hell. Thanks to RebelNews, other ordinary Canadians are telling their stories too. One young man, maybe in his early 30’s was literally in tears to see the support to end to end the mandates. Because he remained unvaxxed, he was shut out of society and was clearly suffering from isolation induced depression. There was another college age young man with a history of heart problems and severe allergies, his MD said you should not take the vax, the college would not approve his medical exemption until and unless he had a reaction from the Covid shot - same policy as in Australia - prior medical history be damned!
One of those piss poor public policies that really gets my blood boiling. Force health compromised people to take a med that could kill them because they are health compromised?
As for the agitators, I’m sure they are PR approved. The one guy carrying a rebel flag with a truck in the center was wearing a full face mask and was booed out of the crowd. He was obviously a photo op plant. I saw a couple of Nazi symbols that included Trudeau’s face on them and I think there was another Nazi flag plant for MSM photo op.
Counter protestors are starting to form and they’re using the same oldy moldy tired and washed up “white supremist” slogans, standing in front of convoys, and personally attacking fellow mainstreeters they have never met.
The counter protest crowd seems to be small; I hope it shrinks further.


Your essay aligns my observations and sentiments as a Canadian. Keep up the good work.


I wrote DF a second time this morning to keep up the ‘encouragement’. Anyone from Ontario is free to take what they like for their own love letter.
Premier Ford,
I write again to urge you and your government to end Ontario’s odious mandates and passport system. Other provinces have made their move based on self-evident common sense, actual health data and verifiable facts - and yet your government prevaricates. The window for Ontario to show real leadership is rapidly closing. Even Federal Liberals, like Joel Lightbound, are coming forward to denounce the divisive public policies. It seems clear that history will be a harsh judge for those who didn’t act with moral courage when the time came.
I remain cautiously optimistic that you, Dr. Moore and our Minister of Health will make the right decision with all urgency.


Here, a 10-year veteran Calgary police officer shares his journal entry to himself, publicly declaring himself changing sides.

What is happening in Ottawa, with the clear political influence on the police to physically exert political will on peaceful protesters... is so very wrong on so many levels.  

RCMP Office in charge of personal protection of Prime Minister Trudeau resigns due to issues of conscience.
Big surprise: I couldn’t find this anywhere in Mainstream media.
For those of you not familiar, the RCMP is the federal (previously mounted on horses) police force.


This happened in Peterborough, Ontario. I’m looking for more information on how this went down, but it seems like a resident was visited by the Ontario Provincial Police after commenting on a Facebook group.
Even though I’m only 5’4" I’m here to show you how much power we have over you with intimidation.
I find it especially creepy the way she answers, “Yes!”

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I dont know the laws and statutes in Canada but here in the US they certainly can come to your door and attempt to talk to you. Facebook is NOT private, I dont know why people are surprised everytime we hear that the government read somebody’s facebook page.
What you say on facebook is the same as screaming it out loud on the street. If you yell something out loud the police can come over and ask you questions or attempt to discuss it with you. You dont have to engage them, though.
If I yell out in a public place “Trump is the best president ever!”. Somebody can approach me with a question, or differing opinion, they can try to hand me a pamphlet supporting Joe Biden if they want…I dont have to take it, I dont have to answer them, I dont have to engage at all. Likewise it is not illegal to knock politely on someone’s door and ask them a question or hand them information. Again, I can politely say 'Im not interested in discussing this topic with you, and Im not interested in your pamphlet or your point of view. Thank you and have a nice day". I can then close the door and get on with my life.


When the police show up at your door, it is not education, it is intimidation.


I’ll be getting up at 5am on Saturday to travel to Ottawa. If there are any Peak Prosperity members going we could meet up somewhere. Leave a note here and PM me.


This is what people in Canada need to know re your rights if police come knocking!

It's the week before Christmas 2020 in Canada. People are rushing out for last minute shopping before being locked down, kids in Calgary are being violently arrested for playing hockey, and it's a good time for a seasonal video about your right to not answer the door to your home!
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I thought this was an interesting perspective. According to Tucker, the prerequisite emergency conditions that would legitimize Trudeau implementing the Emergencies Act don’t exist. So given that, Trudeau has essentially taken dictatorial control of Canada. It’s short, worth the watch.


It not about privacy, as much as the shock the government is going to such lengths. Trolling Facebook posts and sending squad cars out to the countryside to hand out warnings to “potential” protesters sounds a lot like a Minority Report prequel. This is what tax payers are paying for… for our own safety of course…


This guy is consistently funny & on the side of freedom. And of his many videos, I think this is one if his most hysterical (partially because Trudeau is such a clown, all by his lonesome)
https:// vttvyp-the-canadian-truckers-cant-be-stopped.html

The Debate Over Forced Vaccination

The debate over forced vaccination in Germany is a topic of intense debate. The German nursing council estimated that only 50% of registered nurses and health workers had been vaccinated, despite a high level of skepticism. Meanwhile, the rapid filling of intensive care unit beds has led to debate over vaccine mandates. In Germany, for example, one could ration scarce ICU beds based on the COVID-19 vaccination status of a patient. Despite such arguments, German politicians have remained skeptical about the concept of compulsory vaccination.
While a utilitarian approach does not reject physically-forced vaccination, it does acknowledge that vaccination mandates may cause some people to disapprove. In the case of vaccine refusal, this could cause societal upheaval and lack of acceptance among vaccinated individuals. Ultimately, both utilitarians and deontologists support forced vaccination because it protects public health and improves quality of life. But in reality, forced vaccination is not a morally right answer.
In addition to the potential for lifelong trauma, forced vaccination could also prevent families from seeking medical care. It is also fraught with complications that would raise questions disproportionate to the actual harm. As a writer, I work for an admission essay service, I help students, and I understand how pressing the topic of forced vaccinations is right now. For example, state troopers might wrest children from their parents, causing them extreme anxiety. If the authorities are still determined to enforce mandatory vaccination, they could take their families out of Brooklyn and risk extradition. Even though the practice of mandatory vaccination has been used in other countries, the state-sanctioned forced vaccination in adults appears to be extreme and reminiscent of the police state. Furthermore, it could even be gruesome.