Cold Comfort: The Discussion We Need to Have

I think I have superpowers also. If you put the bitchute link on a separate line and then click the “Embed Video (ARVE)” you get it embedded.


… Here is the scene on my front porch this morning. I think it’s important to keep a sense of humour.
flag and jerry can on the porch


We Canadian writers need to stick together! They aren’t just pushing adults to get vaccinated - those drug pushers are going after our kids too. Which is really stupid given a) healthy kids pretty much never die of COVID b) half the kids have already had Omicron and have natural immunity and c) vaccine side-effects may be killing way more kids than COVID does: Barry you can reach me at


Candice is truly the bomb! I had to stop the video after Trudeau started his reply… but then I started reading the comments… WOW. 100% against Trudeau. Very hopeful in terms of unity. In fact one of the comments got it exactly right… Trudeau is unifying Canada like never before… AGAINST Trudeau.


Trudeau is disgusting.
Saying that people who oppose him are “waving swastikas.”
Shameless demagoguery.


I cannot recommend this video enough. This is sanity walking with cogent talking. Time well spent gaining valuable insights from two exceptionally talented Canadian PhDs.


well written.
i can’t fault you for your starry eyed view of amerikan liberal democrats. most amerikans still believe fdr is president.
unfortunately the dnc sold out the democratic party even before fdr was dead. the democratic party is no more the party of the people than xi xingping is santa claus.
myths and illusions die hard. it is well past time to wake the fuck up.
once is an accident
twice is coincidence
we are in enemy action.


What do you mean soon? That’s been happening for years. Vitamin C IVs are “possibly dangerous”, Melatonin has “significant risks”. Soon it will be water that is dangerous. :slight_smile:
Yeah, I have to say that I’m very very proud to be a Canadian when I listen to Dr. Jordan Peterson speak. He’s a wise and educated man. He’s also extremely eloquent.



Chris! You need to stop this reporting - Canadian mouthpieces say support from the US “right” is “potential foreign interference”. Gee, most of us are proud of your support for dissidents. If the country were China or Russia or a tin pot dictatorship, the left would be cheering their right to dissent. I still remember the 70’s when draft “dissenters” went north to Canada to escape forced military service. Do we need to prepare our spare rooms for Canadian truckers running South to escape persecution up North?
I do have sympathy for local residents who are complaining about the noise and the exhaust fumes, and maybe the truckers need to consider that they are fighting the government, not those living in Ottawa. Again, real protestors behave like gentlemen, NOT like spoiled adolescents. What a fine line we need to walk if we are NOT going to get dragged down into looking like a kid throwing a temper tantrum. Perhaps we need to remember the vision of Gandhi’s salt protestors quietly letting British troops beat line after line of protestors and the “just say no” protesters just kept coming. Didn’t play well back home.
It’s really hard when the media finds the one nutcase or the dozens of agents doing bad acts and reports on only that. And we need to continue to report on the reality. I’m hearing the left now say that of course the truckers strike is now being covered. I just post the stuff that’s coming from the truckers, since the media won’t report on them, just on the government talking heads.

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Yes dihydrogenmonoxide is extremely dangerous! It is used to promote plant growth but also used in power plants and industrial plants as a coolant! Many people die from dihydrogenmonoxide every year including children in ponds and backyard pools! We must ban it for the sake of the children!!!


These are truckers, the mandates were mostly stopping the commerce between the US and Canada. And US support of them is foreign interference. LMAO.


He is just another part of the swamp and will give us more corrupt governance and crony backroom dealings. There are no solutions or hope to be found with this Bill Gates admirer, or any other of the opportunists who will be coming out to present themselves as saviours of the people. Not!

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I am absolutely thrilled to let you now that a public invitation has been issued to three of the top public health officials that have been driving the COVID-19 narrative in Canada. They are being asked to meet with me and two of my colleagues at Parliament Hill this Friday. We are travelling to our nation’s capital to demonstrate our willingness to engage in a respectful discussion of the science and medicine underpinning COVID-19. This is to be a live-streamed event with an open invitation having been issued to all ‘alternative’ and legacy media sources. You will find below a portion of the media release, plus copies of the invitations that were sent yesterday (Monday February 7th). Please circulate this far and wide; especially to those who have supported censorship and/or used these individuals’ messaging to validate segregation and discrimination of fellow Canadians. The argument that we are not to be given a platform that may seem to validate our ideas no longer holds water. The world is watching. Many thousands will watch the livestream. Potentially, millions will see the video recording. Canadians are awakening to the obvious reality that something is very wrong in this country and far beyond. Scientists and physicians of integrity can no longer be silenced and limited to tiny audiences. ...  

How many of those who donated from US are Canadian citizens, or have family and friends there?

I do have sympathy for local residents who are complaining about the noise and the exhaust fumes, and maybe the truckers need to consider that they are fighting the government, not those living in Ottawa.
If they can't handle protests in their neighbourhood then maybe they should think twice about living next to the central planning agencies of a corrupt government for a whole country. And many of these people work for or are benefited by that same corrupt government. Nope, sorry. These people lament "their" city being invaded but don't seem to realize that this city is the centre of an entire country, and the main players in "their" city are violating the constitutional rights of everyone else in the country thousands of km away. Therefore its "our" city too. Sure, horns at night should be stopped. They are. Beyond that I have no sympathy for these residents. They can keep their businesses open and enjoy the increased business from 1000's of peaceful protesters bringing in their money. The local businesses have benefited over the plandemic since government employees maintained their salaries during the lockdowns. The truckers always kept a lane open on every street they parked on.

How many of these poor citizens of Ottawa are the same bureaucrats working from home in their PJs? With bourbon in their coffee mug the bureaucrats, living in Ottawa are writing white papers and PowerPoint presentations on why Covid is so dangerous and everyone should be vaccinated.
Meanwhile the trucker needs to climb out of his truck at 4am in the negative whatever temperature to make sure the Ottawa bureaucrats don’t run out of heating oil or bourbon so the endless pile of power point presentations and laws can continue to be produced.
Sorry I have no sympathy for the people of Ottawa. If they want to stop smelling diesel fumes and hearing horns they should tell their higher ups they support the truckers and stop pushing the papers that rob the truckers of their livelihoods.


Saskatchewan ending its Vax passport next Monday:
Saskatchewan is the most “Florida like” of the Canadian provinces in my observation. The Premier actually does speak in terms of individual rights etc


And masks by the end of the month. Moe had a good presser, spoke to healing divides, personal freedom and responsibility, and to living with COVID.


Just because he had a photo op with Bill Gates does not mean he is complicit. I’m sorry we need to look at what he has done. If you have information on something he has done that is morally indefensible I will go back to throwing my vote away with Maxime.