Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

I agree with everything you have said here sand-puppy.
People also need to stick together on this matter - whether or not they believe in the Covid shots. I think it’s time to change the conversation with friends and colleagues, from vaccines and vaccine passports, to all the heavy handed totalitarian measures being put in place, as both Covid shot supporters and opposers should agree that these are a concern going forward. In France for example, record numbers of people have been vaccinated per day since Macron’s announcement, but if I remember correctly only half the population had a 1st jab, so it’s unfortunate these people didn’t stop to consider that France is unlikely to have enough jail cells to accommodate half the country. And what are they going to do if they fine half the country and people simply don’t pay the fine?
I’ve started to reply to the emails I’m getting with happy announcements of freedoms for ‘fully vaccinated’ clients or travelers, and telling them that as long as they have this policy in place I will not give them my business. I don’t tell them that I’m unvaccinated, and I make my letters sound as though I am in the vaccinated group but I oppose on ethical grounds and that it’s an invasion of privacy.
For those who feel forced to get a jab because their employer requires it, consider this: what if 2 weeks after you are ‘fully vaccinated’ your employer informs you that they must reduce staff due to lower than expected profits this year and you are in the group that is being layed off? How would you feel? A mandate of an experimental ‘vaccine’ does not necessarily represent job security. At the end of the day, they really don’t care about you.


Vaccine adverse event reporting systems, such as VAERS, in the U.S. provide numbers for each type of incident, such as death, which are all extremely LOW. The actual numbers of adverse incidents are much higher, as the reported incidents in the report only reflect 1% to 10% of the real world numbers involved.
EudraVigilance reporting suffers this same LOW number issue. One can easily 5X the provided number in this report and still be LOW to the actual real world numbers.
The fact is, world wide, one is looking at over 100,000 dead, and 4,000,000 seriously injured by the mRNA serums…Pfizer and Moderna…alone.
Both the SARS COV 2 virus, and both mRNA serums, have PRION DOMAINS, engineered into their S1/S2 spikes. So, long term harm from these serums may include various prion related brain diseases.
The two animal tests made with the mRNA “vaccines” resulted in ALL the animals becoming ill with prion related brain diseases…100%. The monkeys were all euthanized at six weeks…and all displayed prion related brain diseases.
The Director of AstraZeneca vaccine died from a prion related brain disease…recently.

WE are the 4th wave

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has joined with Doctors for COVID Ethics and other organizations around the globe to encourage and make it easy for healthcare professionals and vaccine recipients to report injuries and adverse reactions to any vaccines, including COVID vaccines.
CHD and Doctors for COVID Ethics urge all healthcare professionals who are aware of a vaccine adverse event, and anyone who suspects they have suffered any kind of adverse side effect — from any vaccine — to report these injuries. This information is critical in the assessment of vaccine safety.
There are three ways to report an adverse event:

VaxxTracker gives people a safe place to report symptoms they believe resulted from a vaccine.

sand_puppy, I can’t confirm or deny what Health Impact News has reported. In my brief visit to I had trouble logging in. I was finally able to log in and made this screen capture:

Link to full size image:
84,587 cases for the Moderna jab, which is significantly less than the 212,474 injuries that Health Impact News has reported. I’m not familiar enough with EudraVigilance to know how to filter for fatalities or deaths only. Do you also get 84,587 cases?
Health Impact News makes the following claim on :

A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. This subscriber has volunteered to do this, and it is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results. Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*

that picture reminds me of our break room at the hospital. Everyone must mask, wear shields, gowns - stay way. When lunch time occurs we can put 9 people in a 8x14 room unmasked eating together. Heck the OR break room will have about 30 staff eating at the same time

A friend of mine sent me this but its a longitudinal study from the NIH on vaccinated children verses unvaccinated children. The surprise conclusion is that unvaccinated children are actually much healthier!
I think you can extrapolate this to include covid vaccines but the study does not include them. Interesting none the less.

We could detect no widespread negative health effects in the unvaccinated other than the rare but significant vaccine-targeted diagnosis. We can conclude that the unvaccinated children in this practice are not, overall, less healthy than the vaccinated and that indeed the vaccinated children appear to be significantly less healthy than the unvaccinated.
Figure 5 from the study shows this trend: Edit: given the pencil-whippiness of the covid vax EUA process and its dependence on previous vaccine ingredients presumed "safe", we can see that many public health issues are well observed as a result of vaccination in general, but this is as much a glimpse of the types of issues yet to be seen from this current one as anything. By way of disclaimer, I am well vaccinated so this struck me as an undesireable outcome.

Hi Sand_Puppy, you said that VAERS reporting is done primarily by lay people. Bret & Heather say this:
“McLachlan et al 2021 authored a paper (still in pre-print) that analyzes a sample (15%) of Covid vaccine death reports from VAERS. They found that at least 67% of those reports were from health service employees—reporting on behalf of patients—and a further 5% were from pharmaceutical employees. This suggests a certain level of rigor in VAERS reports.”

That is definitely NOT an NIH study. It reflects the patients in Dr. Paul Thomas’ pediatrics practice. He lost his medical license when the article was published because doctors who defy the standard child vax schedule must be punished even if those children are doing better. For any one who has really read up on vaccines, it isn’t a surprise at all that unvaccinated children tend to be much healthier than vaccinated children. Not one of the vaccines our children are given has ever been tested for safety, only against “controls” that are toxic. FDA and CDC are ok with this.

I have not had time to research this one, could someone give me a quick low-down on what this is? Spike protein crosses BBB and causes inflammation? Something more than that?

Here is an advice column from Patrick Wood’s website ‘Technocracy’. Some of the suggestions may be of interest to people in the situation where employers are mandating Covid shots:

Looks like you’re right. 3200 patients in Portland OR. I was under the impression oregon was a vaccine-choice state so I’m not sure how the doctor could be held liable for parental decisions. But like Covid data, it doesn’t matter what the evidence says, only that it reinforces the narrative.

The prions come from misfolding of the protein chains. Glycine, X, X, X, Glycine. This causes the proteins to clump together by hooking onto each other and then… I’m not certain of the mechanism thereafter. Prion diseases are encephalopathy so the brain swells from infection putting pressure on it and erosion of the myelin sheathing tocause misfiring neurons. Like electrical circuits grounding out, this causes tremors and phantom pains and then a person is driven insane from sleep deprivation and neuropathy. That’s my understanding, but I only have a degree from Google University there.

You can start here;

You could consider masking the horrid taste of the iodine by mixing it with some lemon juice and a tiny bit of pure Stevia powder.
I am also interested in knowing which essential oils were being referred to in the Mask+ protocol…

I am so sorry reflector, I can only thumb-up you once :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

“Note to self: We should start a new thread on making our own nasal spray formulations and delivery devices for such.”
Sounds good to me. :slight_smile:

@ Dontknow & Kat
As promised a few weeks (or month) ago, here an update. Because finally, after spending an hour crawling through my browser history, I found the article over which I stumbled again.
In this article Canadian researchers published their interim estimates of 2014/15 influenza vaccine effectiveness and found that the Vaccine effectiveness for subjects who took the influenza shot in both years (seasons), the vaccine effectiveness of the second year was -15% less compared to subjects who only took the vaccine in one season.
I suggested already many month ago that many of the middle aged persons in western countries, who had a more difficult COVID encounter, might have been people who continuously took the seasonal flu shot and hence were lacking of natural broad spectrum immunity.
I strongly believe that it would be interesting to have some statistics on that… but also I am sure that this will not happen, because it would be too correct.

Found a chart part way down this page with mouthwash containing cetylpyridinium chloride (middle) which is what you need.

On that page it talks about some aromatic oils that look like they may be a possibility (not sure) and
antimicrobials. Fragrant oils seem a bit of a guess at this point.
I watched a video where a SA doctor that suggested Betadine. I already have betadine for sore throats and although it isn’t bad it contains some iodine so a yellow/brown tinge. Not a good look for a nose!
Here is the video the doc spoke in + my video notes with timestamp.

7:40 Nasal or oriphangeal desanitization. Virus replicates in the nose, mouth and nasal pharanx. Using cholhexadine or betadine (or aromatic oils..) as a rinse you will decrease viral replication leading to a decreased likelyhood of spreading the virus or severe disease. Recommends a package of interventions that work together to improve immunity and decrease severity of infection. Ref: