Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

In addition to sun (kills Covid well, I assume this would apply to the Delta variant as well) and wind (which obviously dispearses airborne particles), I would also like to know if anything new has emerged in relation to humidity? I recall an "S’ shaped curve that Chris posted near the beginning of the pandemic, which showed that the virus particles were not stable in the air around 50% relative humidity or over 80% relative humidity. At the time, the discussion was how to prevent transmission if caring for a sick loved one, and the recommendation was to keep a humidifier running in the room so that the air would be 80% or higher humidity, which would cause the particles to drop out of the air. But I have been wondering if high humidity during the big concert (I think in FL) would be protective? The best case being, a sunny, breezy, humid day for outdoor gatherings?

FLCCC on odysee
After listening to the guys in the know from FLCCC in their latest update, I am very confused.
They mention Delta as very dangerous, hype up the impact on the young (Varon mentions young and healthy as affected) and even healthy getting seriously ill. They also mention about 30% of infected to develop long-covid….
They emphasize their treatment protocol and the importance to prepare the terrain with vitamins etc
Ivermectin still big on the agenda, however I am effectively blocked from access. Although I feel healthy, had taken vitamins consistently and exercise often I am not comparable to a healthy teenager so if they can be affected….
Of course this is a numbers game and the chances are still relatively low, still the push for getting a jab seem to get underscored by this episode should someone be barred from access to Ivermectin.
Anyone able to lift the veal on this puzzle?

The short term problem of non sterilizing vaccines is not to the recipient. It means that the virus can replicate inside the vaccinated host and learn to evolve away from the vaccine. Immune escape will come from the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated.
The other thing missing is that the risk reward ratio you are looking at is short term and not long term. In time, antibody titers will wane and your system will be primed to fight a viral enemy that has been selected out of existence. So individually you will be vulnerable again (perhaps even worse off if ADE occurs.)
Additionally, some people are not understanding the damage done by vaccination. The spike protein is toxic in and of itself. So the vax causes some of the damage it is meant to avoid.

@ Terminator,

Although I feel healthy, had taken vitamins consistently and exercise often I am not comparable to a healthy teenager so if they can be affected….
Hmm... are our teenager nowadays really so healthy (compared with the 60th and 70th) after getting carefully feed with all that nice stuff like HFCS, PUFA, a little glyphosate & all kind of drugs etc. I guess you underestimate yourself a little ;)

I remember Dr Geert Vanden Bossche explaining the innate immune system (think it was his interview with Brett Weinstein). He explained how it consisted of antibodies and cells which are low affinity, but plentiful. They recognise a range of motifs as self and non-self. This innate immunity was the reason >99% were unaffected by their exposures to Sars CoV2 in 2020. Yes, it has limits, and is saturable if you and an infectious person spent too long in an enclosed, unventilated space. Now, the vaccines, he explained, produced a highly specific antibody of high affinity. This was going to outcompete the innate system. Once jabbed, these non sterilising vaccines, he argued, would produce an immune pressure on the virus to direct it to go around such a targeted attack.(immune escape). We are seeing that in real time now with 3913 variants.
Everyone thinks the vaccine is like a pill or something and that they can factory reset back to where they were prior to the jab (with respect to their innate immunity). You are left without innate immunity , and an acquired(vaccine) immunity which is becoming less and less effective.
So, here we have a situation where we have poorly, or non protecting antibodies binding, but not destroying, reducing in titre (sometimes halving in as little as 6 weeks) after the jab and leaving vaccinated people, not only vulnerable to infection, but trending towards more vulnerable than the unvaccinated .( esp if If the unnamed source claiming higher viral titres from swabs of vaccinated turns out to be confirmed). Dr Joe Varon mentions a cohort of vaccinated and infected with a 20% mortality?
This looks like the signal for ADE, we didn’t want to see.

Everyone thinks the vaccine is like a pill or something and that they can factory reset back to where they were prior to the jab (with respect to their innate immunity). You are left without innate immunity , and an acquired(vaccine) immunity which is becoming less and less effective.
I am not sure that it's as totally black-and-white as being left "without native immunity" completely, but I do consider this as generally happening. The way I have depicted it is that our native immunity is hobbled. Where is this going? It seems a matter of not if, but when a more deadly variant arises as a result of the massive gain-of-function experiment going on amongst the vaccinated, the CFR is likely to skyrocket. If we are still free to do so, the non-vaccinated should still have the option of stepping up their game for chemical prophylaxis, including constant use of nasal and mucosol-level prophylaxis. We should all get used to carrying around a flask of our gargle-of-choice and a taking few shots of carageenan nasal spray. Note to self: We should start a new thread on making our own nasal spray formulations and delivery devices for such.

One of the propaganda techniques being used is the

1. everyone, everywhere is doing it, and, 2. it is inevitable.
This is not at all true. No one can force you to take a vaccination. (But they can hurt you as punishment for not taking it.) The goal is to make everyone believe that they really have no choice, and that their eventual capitulation is inevitable. So why fight it. Just take it now? But that is not true. Nothing is inevitable. And we each always have the power to say no. Gradually, airlines, restaurants and sporting venues will discover that they really miss all of those unvaxxed paying customers. There is economic power in our numbers. And the limitations of the vaxxine will become more and more apparent and the pissed off people who say "enough" will grow. My vision of how this goes.

SP, I disagree that at least some of us can’t be forced to get vaccinated. I’m on the elderly side and living very well on my own in a standalone house and no family to fall back on. There are areas in the country where public health puts people like me away. I better continue to generate the appearance that I’m managing (darn, guess I have to mow the front yard more often).
Jim, I agree we could use some collaboration on nasal spray formulas and means. I figured out some of it but there’s a gap.

“there are levels of survival we are willing to accept.” – the Architect.
I just gave up my smartphone and got a flip-phone.
I am willing to retool my business into a private, speakeasy-type invite-only operation. Will probably shrink my revenue by 50% but if I cut my overhead by 90% (by operating out of a private space instead of a commercial space) I can get by – esp if I am also not going out into public spaces (where we filthy unvaxxed are no longer allowed) and instead staying home and gardening 20 hours a week or so.
It might actually be a better life. Less money, more free time, less travel, more time at home with family/ohana, time to read and write and play music and canoodle with my mate and go for swims and slow cook and slow eat.
So – go on, TPTB, get all draconian on us filthy unvaxxed. As Sandpuppy says, pretty quick the economy will feel the absence of all of us. Can’t say for sure whether we’ll miss what you want to take away…
In this growing presence of oppression and creeping totalitarianism, I feel freer all the time. How interesting.
May Fortune favor us all – and VIVA!! – Sager

I see this as the poker game of our lives. Our opponent is playing their hand as the mother of all bluffs. We have a super strong hand with proven prophylactics, exercise and healthy living. We have a hand that gives us confidence to stay ‘all in’ and call their bluff. Force em’ to fold! They are feeling the heat and getting desperate, as evidenced by how much they are putting in the pot in their effort to destroy our confidence. They cannot afford to lose! They know there will be no place on this Earth to hide. No where to run from what they have done to humanity.
You gotta know when to hold em’, know when to fold em’. This is for all the marbles. We cannot afford to lose either! Our constitutional rights to life and liberty, freedom from medical tyranny, demand that we do not fold, not now, not ever!
And I am with Sager - life can be better if we choose to think and behave in that way!
Kerbal Space Program 1.1 Hype Train Thread. - Page 39 ...

I just realized that the last Pierre Kory tweet that I published earlier in this tread (#44) has received over 40 upvotes. I have never seen that many upvotes - it is a testament to the well deserved appreciation people feel for doctors like Kory and McCullough for their selfless efforts at REAL public health.
Smaller topic here, but still important… Pierre agrees with our desire to focus on nasal and mucosol cleansing;
BTW, if you go onto and search for “empty sinus spray bottles” you will see all manner of offerings. This is step 1 at least.

I’m finding that “nasal spray bottles” works better, at least on, and there are glass ones available, not only plastic ones.
(perhaps this is a tomayto-tomahto thing?)

The ones I’ve found are a delivery date of Sept 10th. Which would be okay but we are moving and don’t want it to go to the wrong address. Did you find any with quicker delivery?

I started the iota-carrageenan nasal spray last week but I sometimes forget to use it. I’m aiming for Q4h if and when around people. But I haven’t settled on an oral swish. I tried a dilute povidine swish but it was just horrid. Maybe if I add some peppermint oil? Anyone have any suggestions? Would regular mouthwash do the job? And what about the recommendation of inhaling essential oils on the I-MASK protocol? Which ones and when? I bought a nebulizer but I don’t think it would work with Vicks Vaporub. I think we will probably need to be a little more proactive in doing mucosal hygiene but I need more guidance.

What powers do we have to refuse vaccination and push back on this?

  1. Vaccine exemptions. Another doctor I know who is intensely opposed to forced vaccinations (due to a vaccine injured child) has consulted with a lawyer and advises that the RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION is the most bulletproof legally.
    A one sentence statement can be made. It can be a personal religious belief. You do not need to name the religion or explain ANYTHING. Less is better. Just make your statement. This is a constitutional law issue now.
    Example of the Virginia Religious Vaccine Exemption form his here.
  2. Prepare to change jobs. We need our jobs but we forget that they need us too. Prepare your resume and make calls to alternative work locations. Put in applications and get actual interviews. Think about the logistics of the transition and make plans.
    Don’t quit. Don’t give notice. Don’t say bad things about the employer. Be clear that you want to continue to work there but have decided to not get the vaccine. Be polite, as the person enforcing the policy may strongly believe in the rightness of the vax.
    In negotiations they talk about pre-planning your “walk away price.” Get this clearly defined.
    At my little rural hospital, only 42% of the staff is vaccinated or plans to get vaccinated. Our numbers give us power.
  3. Be prepared to politely and clearly explain the problems with the vaccine. (Lack of animal studies, and persistent reports of vaccine harms.)
    I am personally ready to lead an employer through the EudraVigilance database to show the number of deaths that healthcare providers believe resulted from the Moderna Covid vaccine. (1,700+ in 6 months.) Your CEO or employer may incorrectly believe that you are crazy, or delusional, or a crack pot because he/she has not seen this kind of data. You must demonstrate to him or her that you are level headed, and lead them to solid evidence that would give pause to any thinking person.
    I would ask them politely:
"May I show you the European Union database on adverse reactions to one of the vaccines?
Save this link and bookmark it! It is hard to find! (Put it in you iPhone so that you always have it with you.) As important as the data is, even more important is demonstrating that you are calm, level headed and reasonable. Don't exude emotional energy. You are not a "right-wing nut job." (Don't talk like Alex Jones!!) Show your intelligence and emotional balance. 4. Approach your favorite restaurant owner. "I love your restaurant and want to continue to bring my family here. But I don't feel that the vaccine is safe and won't be getting it. Please help me find a way to continue to patronize your wonderful restaurant." And your theater owner. Let them know that you want to continue to patronize but are not going to be vaccinated. Your restaurant and theater owners are now motivated to find work-arounds to keep your business. They become allies. 5. Plan on car trips where airlines and trains once were standard. Buy an old fashioned map and road atlas. It now takes a week to cross the country.

I use Listerine Antiseptic moutwash and this is one of the moutwashes studied as per the link below and shown to be effective:

Speaking of EudraVigilance as sand_puppy has just linked to . . .

20,595 deaths in their latest report per

It is really unfortunate that we don’t have more specific data regarding the ‘young’ which have been affected. Information such as :
What is their diet composed of? Are they obese or suffering from anxiety? Do they spend much time outside or busy with the affairs of the screen? The lifestyle issues that play into the susceptibility to contract disease are many and varied.
I am 74 and have no more concern about Covid than I do about Cancer or a car wreck. Don’t get me wrong, I am not proposing a care less attitude because I know that I don’t want any of those things happening to me or my friends and family. I am talking about obsessive concern over Covid which in my opinion is less likely to affect me than many other potential risks I am exposed too.
I do a lot of farming for example when I am not ‘practicing’ architecture or involved in a construction project. Here are my risk factors based on a google search:
Overturns, run overs, entanglement, and highway collisions involving agricultural tractors kill approximately 250 people a year and are by far the leading cause of death and serious injury in agriculture.
A total of 5,333 workers died from a work-related injury in the U.S. in 2019, up 2 percent from the 2018 total of 5,250. The fatal work injury rate was 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) workers, which was the rate reported in 2018.

The age-adjusted death rate attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD), based on 2018 data, is 217.1 per 100,000. On average, someone dies of CVD every 36 seconds in the US. There are 2,380 deaths from CVD each day, based on 2018 data.
In checking for daily Covid-19 deaths in the US I find the current weekly average is 388 deaths per day.
So the big question is whether I should be worried about catching the Flu from a visit to the store or whether I should be more focused on the Big Mac and order of fries ...... or getting started on my next construction project?!!! Looks like planting a garden and doing some farming should keep me safe for awhile!
PS: No I won't be getting vaccinated ....... for Covid at least. I did get a Shingles vaccination last year and so far I have not had any breakthrough events!
My goodness, what to do

Disco Bear and DaveDD,
I am worried that the health impact news is exaggerating the death counts. Any exaggeration weakens the argument.
When I put in the “selected reaction” of “Death” I’m only getting 1,700 from the Moderna shot, not the 5,460 number they are reporting. 1,700 is a horrifyingly big number already.
I have not gone through each sub category, though.
Do the numbers reported at health impact news seem right to you??