Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

In addition of insulin causing an chronic inflammatory response, unsaturated fats do also. Dr Cate Shanahan had some very good articles and videos on it.

I am heading into work in a couple of houra and the COVID cases are quite high in this area. I reviewed both FLCCC Alliance and COVID19Crusher’s twitter feed for a list of meds that are available in the USA with benefit. Then filtered them for what can I actually prescribe without being ostracized as a heretic.
Quick summary

  • Singulair 10 mg daily
  • Flovent 110 inhaler 2 puffs twice daily (<---Edit: remove this one.)
  • Naprosyn 500 mg twice daily x 5
  • Multivitamin (MultiThera from Klaire Labs) on amazon or Mark Hyman’s website
  • Vitamin D3 5,000 IU (if not prescribed) 10 tabs daily x 3
  • Quercitin 250 – 500 twice daily
  • Zinc picolinate or other formulation
  • Claritin 10 mg daily
  • Pepcid (famotidine) 40-60 mg / day
  • Melatonin 20 mg 1-3 times daily
  • Order bromhexine on eBay
  • Order cyptoheptine on eBay
  • (Edited: Thanks Kat43) Rinse mouth with Scope mouthwash 3-4 times daily
  • (Edited: Thanks again Kat43) Dilute betadine nasal irrigation/spray
Verbal only: I use Durvet 1.87% ivemectin paste that I purchase at Tractor Supply. I take twice the horses dose for 5 days. (but I can't recommend this to others as it is not FDA approved for use in humans) Much of the treatments are reasonable to a traditional doctor for a person with a cough if "some wheezing is heard" and the provider "suspects some asthma or allergies may be playing a role as well."

Thanks SP! FLCCC is also recommending a mouth wash and nasal irrigation or spray to cut down the nasal/pharyngeal viral load associated with the Delta variant. Page 13 of their Clinical Guide - Given the recent advisories about vax and unvaxed having similar loads of Delta this doesn’t seem like heretical advice.

Then filtered them for what can I actually prescribe without being ostracized as a heretic.
I understand fully but...what a sad statement on our current health"care" system. Even someone like yourself, a PP member and aware of the data supporting ivermectin (and using it yourself), and you still feel like you can't prescribe it.

Now they can’t even talk about it on social media;

Hey SP I think you did a great job of threading the needle there. And some of those items are actually pretty studly. The whole claritin thing could be a game-changer. Who knew these antihistamines are actually antivirals too? And they’re below the radar right now.
And the Melatonin @ 20 mg is good stuff, as is bromhexine.
Ivermectin is a target, but the rest of that stuff … not so much. I mean, they can’t take it all offline, right?
So zinc + ionophore, H1-blocker, TMPRSS2 inhibitor, and general immune disregulation help (MLT + VITD), and the nasal & throat liquids. Sounds like a good recipe to me. I mean, really good. Nothing like a combination to get the job done.
I think you’re doing a fantastic job. MacGyver would be proud. Any old doc can read off the FLCCC protocol, but its a clever one that can manage to save people’s lives with stone knives and bearskins. To mix a metaphor.

Exactly as you point out, trying to find meds in each of the classes with some benefit behind them. Thanks for noticing this success and articulating it. :slight_smile:

Sand puppy, etal, I think dietary recommends would not be out of line.

Green tea, for ECGC, Zn ionophore,

coconut oil, interferes with the corona virus fatty coat,

fatty fish, keeps the blood flowing to reduce clots.

Short Clip ……wait to the end

That is a profoundly great list, which I’ve copied and sent to someone I know who is in a very similar position w.r.t. The Drug Which Shall Not Be Named. Last week he told me if he even tried it on a patient he would be disciplined and probably fired. All has to be on the sly.
If the US is still the “Land of the Free”, I wonder what it’s like living in a repressed country like China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, …or Canada.

SHAZAM! Re: OOG’s British Nursing Alliance clip… Trying to get a mental picture of Fauci admitting something like that.

PP admin - please delete and block posters ???
Thanks for all you do!

Does the fact that younger and younger people are getting seriously ill vindicate Van den Bossche’s thesis?

…ah man. Evidently the ADE nightmare is coming true…

Looking into things. Appears the “British Nurse’s” report is coming from New South Wales Australia. Looks like less than a third of the population is vaccinated and AstraZeneca was a popular jab.
Terrifying to think of ADE starting to sweep across the globe. Wonder if Pfizer, Moderna & J&J will start showing the same thing.

Tell us the name of the “experts,” show us the specific data to confirm these statements. In the hospital where my daughter works, the majority of the covid admissions have been vaccinated. More government lies?
Edit to add: We just talked to my wife’s sister who is an RN in the ICU at a hospital in Florida. She said they have more Covid patients in their PCU than at any time during the pandemic. She said nearly ALL of the patients have been vaccinated. So much for the effectiveness of the vaccines. Something smells with what the “experts say”

I work in one of the larger hospitals in Montana, still small by comparison to most urban hospitals, nonetheless, we had 10 COVID-19 admissions over the weekend and 8 out of 10 had been vaccinated. The only reason I found this out BTW is that I am good friends with the RN manager of the hospitalist team of PAs/MDs (who herself has been vaccinated but respects my opinion not to be vaccinated). The hospital publishes daily e-mails to all employees with the number of COVID-19 admissions, but of course they left out the part in today’s e-mail that 80% of the admissions over the weekend at our hospital for COVID-19 were vaccinated.
Just sharing the street view here in my part of the world.

on non-organic grains and legumes for about 15 years now. It is sprayed not very long before harvest to kill the plant and cause the seed heads to dry faster. For his reason, non-organic oats average about 1 part per million glyphosate while wheat and corn average about 0.25 ppm.

Double check your sources Oliveoilguy. And same goes for us all. This report was a slip of the tongue later corrected and not evidence of ADE in the vaccines or such. Australia has a fairly low vaccination rate at this time and sadly the virus is currently concentrated in amongst 'lower paid and higher proportion of more recent immigrant' neighbourhoods of Sydney e g. those who work in food production factories etc. They are generally not vaccinated. More on the context of that clip here:

Thanks. I was surprised that the vaccine failures would show up there. I don’t doubt they are starting to escape or cause ADE but haven’t seen proof yet.;ref=watch_permalink&amp;_rdr
At 36 minutes.