Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

It’s either laugh or cry, Jan, so I give you the Babylon Bee parody site.

Leave it up to the BBee to help us keep our sanity!

For those of you treading lightly on the idea that we may be heading towards a totalitarian state, I’ve got some bad news for you.

How do we know it’s the Delta variant? Easy, just listen to this answer by the White House PR woman:
[video width=“508” height=“404” mp4=“”][/video]
She is asked what the testing process is to assure that we can even know if it’s the Delta variant. She then gets annoyed, interrupts, and then does a super-lame appeal to authority. “Because, science and experts!” might as well have been the answer.
In other words, no answer given at all.
I don’t care which ‘side’ of this narrative you are on, the past 72 hours have been a communications nightmare from the White House.
The press is beginning to ask actual questions. Things could take a rather quick turn here…

If you are worried about niacin you may want to do your best to avoid eating, drinking, breathing too much (any) glyphosate.
"These include lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, which use the shikimate pathway to produce the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine, crucial coding amino acids that go into all the proteins of your body. They’re absolutely essential for protein assembly, and your body must rely on your diet and gut microbes to produce adequate amounts of these amino acids, as your body cannot produce them any other way.
When your gut microbes are harmed, it can result in a deficiency of tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine. These amino acids are also precursors to many other important biologically active molecules. For example, tryptophan is a precursor to melatonin and serotonin. Tyrosine is a precursor to thyroid hormone, dopamine and adrenaline.

“These are all really, really important hormones that control brain behavior and regulate behavior and mood,” Seneff says. “Serotonin deficiency is connected to depression, and we have an epidemic in depression. So, I think there’s a direct path there. Also, some of the B vitamins come out of the shikimate pathway, including thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3) …
You need thiamine for augmenting your immune system. If you don’t have a lot of thiamine, you’re not going to be able to generate a healthy immune response. That’s why it’s a part of septic protocols. If you’re wrecking it with glyphosate exposure that’s disrupting the shikimate pathway in your gut microflora, you’ve got a huge problem.” Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. (Check out her book on the topic) Also because it is a potent chelator it can impact minerals, such as Iron, directly in our bodies or through the levels found in the foods we eat. I couldn't find accurate data on how many million pounds were sprayed on foods last year, but I believe it is still the most widely used herbicide and if you've been paying attention, now that they have started looking, its being found everywhere So you can easily reach your daly max allowed levels eating your favorite processed foods. If you are worried that is not sufficient you can start spraying the weeds in your yard or get your neighbor to spray his, well at least until 2023 when it looks like in the US you will need a license to kill. Don't live in an agricultural community ? Not to worry its use is quite prevalent in even "progressive' cities, ok not Portland, but SF Odds are you have this problem as it was found in the urine of 93% of those tested.


They’re similar to what I do. I take a vitamin, chelated mineral, and amino acid powder, mixed with water, because I also have absorption problems. But only a half dose a day: I like to get the rest of my nutrients from food.

Yes, the sublingual dose goes directly into the blood stream, so less is required. There isn’t a sublingual type of every vitamin. Right now I just apply vitamin a to the skin. I like your approach, probably way cheaper and sublingual vitamins are hard to get sometimes.

I felt my IQ drop 10 points (I scarcely could afford) listening to that woman explaining that the experts know that the delta variant is rampant in an area without the local health officials sharing any test results with them. Hey lady, just because you don’t understand science doesn’t mean that the rest of us can’t.

For those that haven’t read the essays/articles written by CJ Hopkins shared by Goldrunner1, they are worth your time. Excellent observations, well written. Note at the link below his concerns of a totalitarian takeover using the scamdemic as the basis, started in June of 2020. There may be earlier writings expressing his concerns not reflected here. Hundreds of thousands marching in France, as we sit on our hands.

People heard what they wanted to hear – that two tiny jabs and they’d be safe again.

An interesting answer, Chris. Thanks. I’ll think about it carefully.
I myself don’t like to use the term “virtue signalling”. I think it’s dangerous, as it assumes others have no good will. And we can’t know what others are thinking, can we?
And isn’t that sort of what you argue against here, assuming others have no good will or are faking it?

Thanks for your comment. It would not wonder me if there were at least a weak correlation between areas of high Glyphosate and higher Infection rate/CMR.
If I had some research time… I would be interested in digging deeper into it. I am more and more convinced that we screwed our-self quite big time with the Glyphosate matter…
A typical example of simple linear (only) thinking of our species (unfortunately).
Btw… I had my Covid encounter already too. Unfortunately, in the place where I am living now the medical service and the pharmacies are to a insane degree “helped” by gov. - so no way to get hands on HCQ or IVM. So I resorted to vit C, D and Zinc. The Zinc I got from Stresstabs, because with 25mg per tablet they got a good amount.
But when I checked now… they got also thiamine (B1) 2000% DV… hmm, there must be a reason that my date with Covid was after 3 days over…

Life is dangerous and tends to target the weak. This is how I understood nature works, always trying to balance the system and favouring the most fit in a given environment. This is very unfortunate if you have some kind of fatal genetic disorder and we can thank our healthcare options if help is available to support those affected. However in the western world most of our ailments are not because of nature, it’s about nurture, how we live our lives, it’s due to behaviour whether voluntary or influenced.
What we experience now is a pandemic of the weak, most fatalities in people with at least 6 or more co-morbidities… It might be harsh, but wasn’t it a miracle in the first place that those were still alive in the first place ? I’m all for protecting the vulnerable, especially those who can and do make an effort themselves. I do encourage them to get a jab, the risk/benefit ratio makes sense and if I could help by taking a jab, I would, not with the current data though.
Failure to recognize this simple survival mechanisme of nature strikes me as beyond stupid, just as the failure to see the statistics on fatalities for what they are, failing to have vaccine efficacy influence jab policy over time, not questioning the sloppy registration of vaccine adverse events during a trial phase, failure to question the commercial incentives, failure to capture political motives and failure to question why young, healthy, serological positive people are coerced into having the shot. Despite a minority that have a critical stance, a growing majority is led to believe a false narrative and obeys to the illusion, besides a pandemic of the weak, this has become a pandemic of the stupid as well.
We possess a magnificent machine, truly a miracle of nature. Even with an impaired brain, less capable of critical thinking, it is able to survive. We should respect it more and aspire for a less constrained future. If only we could mobilise our fellow human beings.

Great interview expressing many of the views held by folks on PP. Worth sharing with others. One may scroll down from video for written narrative and additional thought/information.

Thanks for the link @mpup !
Great discussion, weaves in nicely with the PP community if you’d ask me.
Did not know about C.J. Hopkins, so will look into more of him.
His suggestions on what we can do against the distortion of reality today (mostly in sync with Chris/PP) :

  1. Keep relentlessly communicating the truth
  2. Don’t comply and keep vocally demanding your right when needed (sit down at restaurant that requires a vax pass and demand to be served, question sanity of the imposed rules. Your ultimate removal from the establishment will get noticed and might trigger others)
  3. Non-violent civil disobedience (organize and repeat actions similar to step 2 with a group)
    Btw they discuss a long timeframe, up to 10 years, for things to evolve. I did not get my head around what this means to me and how to get across this period yet.

Why only Asian markets? Why is this not huge worldwide news? Their self reported figures look hugely impressive - overblown or not to be sniffed at?
“In March 2021, SaNOtize’s clinical trials showed NONS was a safe and effective antiviral treatment to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, shorten its course, and reduce the severity of symptoms. In the first 24 hours, NONS reduced the average viral load by approximately 95%, and then by more than 99% within 72 hours. It has been tested in healthy volunteers and patients as part of UK and Canada clinical trials.”

sand_puppy, If I’m reading this correctly, someone that gets vaxxed AND contracts Covid, they have a 19% chance of dying. If they are NOT vaxxed and contracts covid, it’s a 1.6% chance of dying.

Thank you for this amazing work and how you can summarize things. Here is another site that might interest you: can you buy the standard for SARS Cov-2 Certified Reference Materials? Not that I want to, but Mike Adams, creator of Brighteon, addresses that question. As an FYI, he has many resources for sustainable living and had a video about one week ago about 50 things you can do.