Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

I read your posting several times. Some of us here are searching for a higher plane of action. I think that we should develop a personal confidential communication system, behind which we can address what you refer to as “the constructive solution-offerings that would claim protection from disease, greed, corruption and crime…”
I am tempted to list the problems of the existing American empire system, which has irrevocably degenerated into money worship ruled by bankers, and then list out solutions proposed by others.
But I cant find many practical “constructive solution-offerings” that simultaneously address the big problem of a spent, energy limited planet with a collapsing biosphere, and the smaller problem of the collapse of the American empire.

  1. The China Alternative Many young people in the U.S. are pining for “communism” or “Marxism” or “socialism” out of their desperation. The Chinese Communist Party promotes an alternative vision wherein people work very hard but wherein hundreds of millions are rewarded by moving from poverty into a vibrant middle class. Your life is monitored and limited by the internet of things, particularly cell phones.
  2. The American/Australian/European neofeudal alternative where you will own nothing and be happy, via algorithms that constantly monitor and micro manage your behavior, using digital currency and health certificates. Your life is monitored and limited by the internet of things, particularly cell phones.
  3. The small self-sufficient community alternative. Small Dunbar sized groups that can think and act for themselves and supply most everything they need locally can run circles around their big competitors.
    The new American neufeudal order seems similar to the communism approach of the Chinese. I think that MOST people prefer either 1 or 2 above. Most people refuse to think for themselves and absolutely must follow a herd. They merely need to see the right commercial and propaganda. If we get in their way, they will attack us. I think that we should give up the idea “just talk to enough people and convince them a, b, c!” because the Mark Zuckerbergs, Jack Dorseys and their pals took over that space. I argue that we are different. The first order of the day is to save ourselves and not try the impossible (rewire the brains of those who cant think/act rationally by just “talking” to them).
    We need to save ourselves first. Lets find our own oxygen before proselytizing about a mythical future that we have not even created yet. Let`s build something (for ex. a small but high energy local resources community) that works.
    We should create “constructive solution-offerings” in this space. After creation, we are in a position to chit chat crap about it.
    We can start by breaking down the contemplated sufficient community into a list of institutions/needs, then take steps to meet those needs. I have such list if anyone is interested. Our respective communities will be built one step at a time as we become more resilient for each of our needs. This blog site is a great place to share-encourage these steps. Most people talk about their accomplishments in creating food but we have other institutions that need to be rebuilt as well. Many of these steps can be shared on line. For example medical alternatives to most corrupt corporate medicine practices can be worked out. Some of us may want to formulate our own ivermectin pills. …
    Your “constructive solution-offerings” requires shared action. This dreamy chit chat crap doesnt fill the stomach or do the other things that we need to get working on.

and block the poster too pls ?

Many have been puzzled as to how the extermination of the Jews in Germany could possibly have happened. One train of thought is that most Germans just didn’t know. That was the conventional thinking I was familiar with. After all, how could a nation of people possibly stand by in silent witness to such atrocity? Long ago, my Austrian teacher, who was about 10 during WWII, said oh yes, the Germans knew. They knew. They knew. But the social kinetics were such that they, the clear majority, took a pass on culpability. After all, the Jews were different, identifiable and diseased. Their identification enabled targeting of all manner of blame. Their segregation enabled opportunistic plunder of their holdings and capture of the strongest for work camps. For the majority of Germans this became the easy path.
In the US today, the conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxers are fully characterized by MSM as both irresponsible and as the cause of death. The stage is set for their identification and forced injection, or internment. The disgust and outrage of the good people of the MSM cohort at the evil anti-vaxxers will be vindicated by the publicized prosecution of this righteous action. The sequestration of their property and its division amongst the righteous will be fair reward for the anti-vaxxer’s offense against true civility.
The social dominoes do indeed seem to be lined up properly to enable MSM social justice to proceed.
EXCEPT. Critical mass hasn’t yet been achieved in the US. Even if the mindset is mostly surrounded, the ~50% vaxxed, an adequate majority doth not make.
We had better keep it that way.

As with Canada, the Queen has all along been pulling the strings down under. Few know how she directly intervened to sack a sitting Prime Minister who was not playing ball with the oligarch agenda. He refused to be a puppet and dance as instructed, the way the rest of the Commonwealth Prime Minister’s do [notably Trudeau, who is king of all puppets]. An excerpt from the first linked article:

An important reckoning with a great historical injustice is underway in Australia which presents the world with a rare opportunity to look into the darker corners of the corridors of power too often ignored by even the most ardent truth seekers among us. This reckoning has taken the form of a four-year, hard fought legal battle which a lone crowd funded Australian historian named Jenny Hocking waged in the highest courts of her nation to win the right on May 30, 2020 to make 211 secret letters held within Australia’s National Archives public for the first time since they were deposited in 1978. These palace letters were written between the Queen of England (via her personal secretary) and her Governor General in Australia Sir John Kerr during the latter’s tenure as official Head of State during the interim of 1974-1978 and until last week’s court ruling, were intended to be kept hidden until December 8, 2037. What makes these letters such a point of national controversy is that they contain information which will undoubtedly shed light upon the active role of the Queen herself in carrying out an act which essentially amounted to a modern coup d’état of November 11, 1975. During this sad period, Kerr made history by not only sacking the elected Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, but also revealed the scope and nature of the British Monarchy’s very real powers in our modern age. These are bizarre god-like prerogative powers which those forces controlling today’s globally extended empire would much rather keep concealed from public view. This next article shows how deep the rot runs, and how allegiance is sworn not to one's nation, but to the Queen and her heirs.
Acting on Provincial levels, we find Lieutenant Governors who (in Canada) happen to be members of the Freemasonic Knights of St John of Jerusalem (patronized by the Queen herself). All figures operating with these authorities within this strange Byzantine world are themselves a part of, or beholden to figures sworn into the Queen’s Privy Council- putting their allegiance under the total authority of the Queen and her heirs, rather than the people or nation in which that subject serves and lives. If this is hard to believe, then take the time to listen to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s oath upon entering the Privy Council to get a visceral taste of this medieval policy in action (every cabinet member, Prime Minister and opposition leader must take this oath if they are to be granted intelligence briefings from her majesty’s intelligence services.) Take note that not even once does the welfare of the people or the nation arise in this oath. From time to time, good leaders have found themselves in executive positions of high office. As rare as they are, such anomalies occurred in the cases of Canada’s Prime Ministers Wilfrid Laurier (1896-1911) and John Diefenbaker (1957-1963), Quebec Premiers Paul Sauvé (1959), Daniel Johnson Senior (1967-68), and Australia’s Gough Whitlam (1972-1975). Yet when these anomalies arise and such figures trespass beyond their acceptable sphere of action into policy territories reserved only for the governing elite, then more often then not a Rhodes Scholar-run coup occurs [Laurier 1911 (2), Diefenbaker 1963], an untimely death strikes [Sauvé 1959 and Johnson 1968] or a sacking by the Queen’s Governor General happens [Whitlam 1975]. In all aforementioned cases, Democratic institutions that are premised around the concept that all citizens are made equal and free in the image of a creator are never long tolerated within the cage of a system of oligarchism premised upon the belief that only one person is sovereign and her/his word is absolute law for all slaves, and minions of the ruling bloodline. As Gough Whitlam discovered in 1975, the real British Empire is a nasty beast, and probably one which should have gone extinct a couple of centuries ago. Unfortunately, until this moment, history has been tainted by more than a few disruptions of progressive leaders who sacrificed their comfort, careers, and often their lives to resist this stubborn parasite which would rather suck its host dry than admit that the system of organization upon which it is based is an abomination to natural law and morality.
Many here often ask who is 'they'. One of 'them', is a stalwart player who sits on a regal throne and likes to wear expensive tiaras & baubles.

PGP said:

Criticism has it's place but where are the constructive solution-offerings that would claim protection from disease, greed, corruption and crime. And would those solutions, by yet another manager, be any better or more effective and organised than the ones we have now.
First people need to be shaken awake from their slumber. They need to see what's actually happening, not what they hope is happening. It's time for any shreds of hope that linger to be dismissed that "they" have public health as any particular concern of theirs. "They" do not. Most people still haven't fully internalized this shocking observation because, well, we don't shift our belief systems based on data. So I keep pointing it out, as do others here because it takes a huge amount of repetition to begin to gnaw at a deep-seated belief system. Second, I do offer constructive solutions literally every single episode. Not sure why those have escaped so many in this thread, PGP especially. I talk about "building up your terrain" literally every episode. You know why I do that? Because it works and it's a solution. When someone takes that step of taking their first Vitamin D pill because they've finally heard it often enough to give it a go, something truly magical has first happened beneath the surface. On a very important level of belief, and before that person reaches for the Vitamin D, they must have first had to confront and come to terms with the idea that even though "they" haven't made a priority out of conveying the importance of taking Vitamin D, it's still important anyway. Ah! Thus begins the all-important step of self-empowerment. Making a decision for yourself, by yourself! It's pure magic. It's when the healing begins. Also, yes, every critic of my criticism is correct; I have 100% given up on the idea that politicians or our major institutions are in any way reachable or reformable. I simply don't think there's any point in wasting time or effort trying to make them better by trying to negotiate with them or help them be better by giving better data. If Pierre Kory, et al., cannot budge an NIH "treatment panel" with mountains and mountains of solid, repeatable data, then there's nothing any of us can realistically do. Given that, what's the plan then? Find other people who aren't totally insane and begin talking with each other. Begin to plan for a future of even larger systemic failures. To this now, and do this urgently, because that's what the data and trajectories tell you to do. That's what they tell me to do. Along the way continue to toss out the bogus narratives of the system/machine because they are demonstrably broken and illogical and therefore certain to end badly. Make your own choices based on your own instincts and evidence gathering. See what other rational people are doing. In closing, if you've consumed my material and didn't detect any solutions, I would strongly advise you to check your belief systems carefully for any that might not be homegrown and then ask yourself if they are serving you or not.  
Chris: Interesting post, but why is this an open and shut case? Wasn't the Capitol raid largely indoors? Weren't most of the BLM demos outdoors? Weren't most of the Capitol raiders right-leaning, and therefore less likely to wear masks? Weren't the BLM demos left-leaning and therefore at least some were more likely to wear masks? Pls. explain what I'm missing.
Great questions. Here's your answer: A more complete answer in words: 1 - masks aren't as effective as we might have thought especially... 2 - ...poorly worn masks (loose, chinstrap only, etc) are virtue signaling devices only (look closely at the image above and you'll see plenty of these). 3 - the protests weren't really effectively masked at all, especially when people were on the move, or otherwise requiring oxygen (and thus breathing hard and theoretically expelling more virus particles more easily). 4 - the CDC really couldn't find any examples of outdoor transmission at all from any period of the pandemic. However, I expect Delta to change that as it's really super communicable. But that's irrelevant for the periods in question here. I am, as of this writing, only aware of one "super spreader event" that happened outside during this entire summer and fall (of 2020) that happened outside; Trump's Rose Garden announcement of his Supreme Court nominee: What was fascinating was that the press managed to call this a super spreader event even before it was later found out that 9 people got infected at it. I really think the CDC ought to have studied that very carefully because, as I said, it's the only outdoor superspreader event we have during that time period. That makes it study-worthy. If they did, I am not aware of that or their findings.

yes, but no. The last one conflicts heavily with my “do no harm” philosophy. Other than that, yes. Imo we should not become victim to the nefarious trap of voilence, and terrorism. We are better than that, again, this is just my opinion. But resistance? Yes, for sure.


btw, not saying anything about this persons IQ, but more about his intuition.

James Corbett has an excellent series on his website called ‘Solutions Watch’ with concrete ways we can take control of our lives

“Making a decision for yourself, by yourself! It’s pure magic. It’s when the healing begins”
This was my experience with HCQ. My heart was almost pounding in my chest as I made the call to a doctor I found on PP to get a prescription.
I knew explicitly that to take that step mean acknowledging that my country had also seen the data on hcq and didn’t want me to have it.
They knew there was something really cheap and really safe that might save my life and they wouldn’t let me have it.
What else would they do to me? I didn’t want to think about it. I wanted hcq to be a bullshit cure that the saner people running my health authority were protecting me from.
Alas it wasn’t so…
HCQ turned out to be a gateway drug for me. I now have enough ivermectin to treat a State Rodeo which sounds like an absurd overreaction on my part until I heard that Canadian docs (seem to be) prohibited from giving patients anything for covid. Ie. They didn’t ban specific “unproven” treatments" they said that nothing can work except vaccines and any doc who works with their patient outside of that is subject to disciplinary action.
So the situation is worse than than I thought it was when I got hcq…
I’ve benefitted from the constant hammering I’ve gotten from this site. I’ve learned in the last 18 months that I live under a very different political system than I thought and that anything is possible.
If anything is possible than resilience building is key.

“Vaccines are a safer alternative for acquiring immunity than natural infection … contrary to claims by Peter McCullough’. Per health feedback on Facebook.
the above appeared on Facebook in regards to a to a video someone had posted of Dr McCullough talking about the vaccine. I can’t figure out how to Insert an image of the fact-checked statement.
I Noticed that they didn’t say, “Dr.” Peter McCullough.

Found some good information on Pfizer’s contracts and wrote a nasty letter to Biden complaining about it. Ya gotta love the secrecy around these contracts. I regularly write letters to the CDC and FDA imploring the honest, hard working employees to step up and stop the insanity or quit.
If you’re not part of the solution, get out of the way.
The Covid vaccine contracts shed light on official rhetoric.
One thing I have to mention, I’m very curious about the Aussie’s here on PP that are completely fine with these draconian lock downs, coerced vaccinations, and heavy police/military presence for enforcement purposes.
Very curious indeed.
From my perspective, I’m offended and outraged, not to mention frightened that such measures will come to the US. I live in Florid, in the country on five acres. Have been under a house arrest situation in regard to work. Have not worked in the courthouse since March 2020, but for all other purposes can still go where I want, when I want. I can walk outside at any time for any purpose on my property. Other people are not so fortunate.
Ditto sympathy for the people living in Canada.

Thanks for the post. One of the most difficult things for me is holding onto my sanity while being lied to. I have followed quite a few independent reporters over the years and I have watched how these people have gotten more and more shrill in their reporting, over time and the continual onslaught.
Dr. McCollough is an excellent role model for ‘holding the psychological line’ but he’s pretty new to the battle. We need new blood to the battle, the old warriors are wearing out.

I agree with Hladini. I’m curious that our Australian friends appear to have so readily rolled over and accepted authoritarianism. The Aussies I’ve known have been adventurous, outdoorsy and fun-loving. So I (incorrectly?) assumed they were courageous and would place a high value on freedom. Now their government is literally deploying military troops in the streets to enforce nefarious lockdowns and the overwhelming majority of them seem not only okay with that but actually support it! I find that very sad.

While the media has very successfully brainwashed people to make masks purely political, there is a scientific side to it.
From the outset of the pandemic, there’s been a few voices of reason amongst the cacophony produced by hordes of mindless idiots.
Dr. Pierre Kory, currently president of FLCCC Alliance, has been one of those voices from the outset, when he co-authored an opinion piece featured in USA Today on July 1 2020 that called for a nationwide rollout of N95s to be worn by ALL Americans:
Chris M’s great video today didn’t cover one of the biggest lies of the pandemic – namely, that SARS2 doesn’t spread by aerosol transmission. That was only recently half-heartedly admitted by the CDC, after a series of partial admissions followed by denials and retractions:
Other voices of reason have added to the case for aerosol transmission, but the CDC to this day seems to still be in partial denial, although they updated guidelines with minor, repeated tweaks to admit aerosol transmission from late 2020 to the present:
But let’s go back to what Dr. Kory said back in July 2020, and see that he clearly stated the fundamental problem (aerosol transmission of SARS2), and gave a viable solution (the broadest possible N95-rated mask usage). It is utterly prophetic:
The scientific and media publications describing “super-spreader events” provide some of the most damning evidence of the risks of congregating without universal mask wearing:
►The choir practice where one singer infected 52 of the other 60 attendees? Aerosol transmission.
►The 22-year-old presymptomatic man who sang karaoke in an air-conditioned room for two hours and infected six of his 15 friends? Aerosol transmission.
►The presymptomatic 29-year-old man who infected 102 people during visits to multiple crowded nightclubs? Aerosol transmission.
►Cruise ship and aircraft carrier mini epidemics? Aerosol transmission through air-recirculation systems.
►The more than 100 meat-packing plants with massive outbreaks despite the workers’ wearing safety goggles, gloves and frocks? Aerosol transmission.
The challenge we face as a country is that we do not yet have sufficient N95 masks even for health care workers, let alone for widespread distribution. It is unclear to us why this is the case, as it is well within the immense industrial capacity of the United States to ramp up national production of these simple low-tech safety devices.
Our current infection control strategies are unlikely to succeed. The public health approach will fail due to the imbalance between tracing and testing resources compared with the large and increasing number of documented and undocumented infections.
The “lockdown” approach employed by the Chinese government to rid Wuhan of the virus is not feasible in the open democracy of our country. Waiting for “herd immunity” would result in widespread death and disability while again overwhelming our hospitals.
While we wait for a vaccine, an effective cure, or the unlikely event that all 50 states will pass public health laws that mandate universal mask wearing in all indoor public places, could we have a national initiative to ramp up production of N95 masks so that all Americans have access to this level of protection?
There is no excuse, particularly in 2021, for the general public to not buy and regularly use N95 rated masks instead of masks of unknown, uncontrolled effectiveness. This is a matter of fit (seal) and function, and should not be left to chance. Furthermore, healthcare workers (hereafter “HCWs”) and others who work with COVID+ patients should reduce their risk by filtration that follows an industry standard, not an ad hoc approach of “surgical masks” – which is a meaningless designation, and totally worthless in terms of fit (seal) and filtering quality. HCWs should wear P100 rated silicone rubber masks of the proper size, such as Honeywell/North 7600 (full-face) or 7700 (half-face) masks, which have been proven to be easily disinfected:
In fact, such masks have been deployed in some hospitals instead of disposables in order to greatly improve HCWs safety while greatly reducing cost & waste:
Jan. 2020 was well past the appropriate time for the USA and all countries to implement pandemic preparation by stockpiling rubber masks in all hospitals and healthcare facilities. This work should have begun during or before the 1990s, such that full deployment would have been in place by the mid 2000s. This is of course the fault of the entire HHS, particularly the CDC, whose role is to prepare for pandemics.
Although the US government has for decades chosen total inaction on this matter, sane individuals should adopt a scientifically sound approach to masking, which starts with using masks that are compliant to defined standards and have a solid track record in many industries for decades. For more, research NIOSH requirements on the CDC website:
I have regularly used such masks for 100s of different situations for over 40 years, and can attest to their multi-decade durability, reliability, safety, seal & filter quality, comfort, and much more. A model 7700 P100-rated filter with broad spectrum chemical filtering as well (using filter 75SCP100L) costs only $50, and lasts > 20 years.
Although it has been over a year of utterly inept COVID response in every regard, including a near-total breach of all medical ethics by nearly the entire healthcare world, I am still willing to donate such masks to bonafide healthcare workers whose job requires interaction with COVID+ patients. Contact me if you are interested and qualified.

I agree with Hladini. I’m curious that our Australian friends appear to have so readily rolled over and accepted authoritarianism. The Aussies I’ve known have been adventurous, outdoorsy and fun-loving. So I (incorrectly?) assumed they were courageous and would place a high value on freedom. Now their government is literally deploying military troops in the streets to enforce nefarious lockdowns and the overwhelming majority of them seem not only okay with that but actually support it! I find that very sad.
  Mate, I do not endorse the rampant authoritarianism occurring throughout the country. Deploying the military in New South Wales to essentially threaten communities who immigrated here to leave war torn countries does not seem like a wise move. Where I will play devil's advocate is regarding the need to proceed with caution regarding the Delta strain. We still don't have a significant percentage of our population vaccinated and treatments for COVID-19 such as dwizabin 1 and 2 are not endorsed. We will be an interesting data set globally as to how lethal Delta is on its own. Of note is that hospitalisations are going up, however there's unclear data at the moment as to how many of those people have comorbidities. Overall I would prefer a more measured approach, however I have come to expect very little from our politicians. As someone rightly pointed out earlier, our politicians are careers lawyers and won't necessarily take the time to fully research or understand the complexities of our current health crisis. Hell, most people don't look into the research or find communities like this for open conversation of our current circumstances. I do worry as to where this government overreach will lead. I understand where protestors are coming from. Currently in Queensland, it's expected to have masks on all the time. Even outdoors when you're jogging away from everyone on a sunny day. It makes absolutely no sense and the policies seem to be designed to account for the lowest common denominator type individual who cannot use a bit of common sense. I partly blame our media climate too. While not as divisive as the US, there is a constant back and forth at hurling blame to the other side of the political spectrum, which muddies communication and trust in our institutions. In summary, I don't blame a sense of cautiousness around Delta given the unknowns for a first world mostly unvaccinated community, however do have long term concerns around where this current authoritarian streak will go in the future.  

The sense that we’re at a crossroads is filtering out to the more general population. Note that Sarah Hoyt grew up in socialist Portugal so she knows what she’s talking about. - Wendy