Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

It’s like that in Canada too. But I was able to get horse paste. Yumm

JWhite, sorry if I confused you. I was not implying any activism on changing minds, even though I myself am still guilty of doing that. It is exceedingly hard for me to not say anything to people in the hopes of getting them to wake up.
It is probably fair to say all of us here would like nothing more than to enlighten those who have bought into the narrative. And no doubt we all try in various ways, mostly without success. I wish it were not so. I will keep trying when I see the right kind of openings, but by and large I think we are going to have to see how this plays out. And hope it is does not end up as catastrophic as some hypotheses indicate.

I agree we are all rats in a cage, but we mustn’t forget or ignore the Milgram Study. The Milgram Study underscored people’s propensity to follow authority - especially when they felt absolved of any consequences or responsibility for the outcome and if the test subject was physically removed from the ‘student’ with 62-65% of these test subjects administering a lethal dose of electricity.
Yes, we’re all lab rats, but some of us rats are the “teachers” and some of us rats are the “students” from the Milgram Study.

As I was scrolling up reading these headlines side by side, so many of them! I started thinking… who posted this? Chris? And sure enough, our Intel Scout has been fast at work!!

This is the same guy that was sitting in his car and got surrounded by many police, lots of police cars. He would not come out of the car and was live streaming the whole event and literally screaming every time they came near him! I guess the LEO’s figured this was really bad press, and backed off. When they left, it was like a parade.
Later he was dodging a warrant and getting hidden while trying to travel across Canada to attend a protest. Not sure what’s happening to him now.

Some of them really care about their patients and don’t want to watch them die. So MD’s should remain “professional” even when people are dying needlessly?
MD’s are people too.

JimH, recently read dozens and dozens of stories from vaccine injured people and it didn’t take long to realize what a payload this is for pharma. Soooooooo many of these people are now on many different kinds of medications ranging from pain meds, blood pressure, steroids, migraine meds, inflammation meds and on and on. Soooooooo many of them had to have multiple medical interventions, referrals to specialists, and the necessity for many medical devices.
Can’t wait to see the data comparing previous years to post vaxxed years.

During the protests a lot of rioting took place and a lot of looting. Lots of people were cramming in together through tight spaces and storming stores. On 1/6, most of the crowd stayed outside. The halls of the capital building were not jammed up with people during the trespass, actually maybe not even as much as all those looted stores.
If you can’t see the psyop in all those side by side headlines, not sure what else to say.

Speechless here.

Chris once mentioned a mechanism in one of his videos. I forgot which one. I know this as the Semmelweis effect. It is a cognitive bias,

The Semmelweis reflex or “Semmelweis effect” is a metaphor for the reflex-like tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established norms, beliefs or paradigms.
It is very instructive btw to know our “scientific past”. Here a short overview. An easy description of the first three can be found here (link). Btw: one can also find opinions why these persons were rightfully ignored, written by, indeed, “scientists”. The process of science is rational and fact driven right? Wrong, from a far distance it is the driving force, but on a human timescale, it is utterly politicized. Even Max Planck knew this, hence his remark that science progresses one funeral at a time. Most of us have been deeply brainwashed…
  • Semmelweis: found a way to reduce the number of deaths under for women giving birth. Strangely enough, the deathrate was higher when doctors-to-be delivered the babies. Washing hands was not a standard practice those days; he introduced the “handwashing”, but of course, everybody knew that illness was caused by bad air. He ended his life in an asylumn.
  • Boltzmann, my hero, the founding father of statistical mechanics —a precursor of quantum mechanics— commited suicide. No one wanted to accept his ideas which are now mainstream
  • Mendel, yeah, that pea guy with an opinion about genetics. He was fully ignored by the “scientific community”. Everbody knew that his ideas were moronic, and Darwin was all the rage at those days
  • Alfred Wegener: moving continents, the craziest idea ever. Even now he is degraded by Wikipedia. Read this instead (link).
on and on and on. My stance is this: I’m very wary of “scientists” and very smart people that are extremely popular. Simply because the majority is incapable of accepting and integrating new information… History has proven that the least popular are more often than not the founding fathers, or mothers(!), of truly new and useful insights; you know, the people who got burned on the stakes…

PP articles still disappoint. The rhetoric is still antiestablishment but tends now towards the populist extreme. Its like the authors woke up yesterday and only just discovered how badly politicians and leaders manage things.
Criticism has it’s place but where are the constructive solution-offerings that would claim protection from disease, greed, corruption and crime. And would those solutions, by yet another manager, be any better or more effective and organised than the ones we have now.
The wise man understands the psychology of the people the alarmist just criticises it.

A lot of good stuff on the video, Chris. Most of it I agree with. I’m not sure you characterised what is happening in Australia very well, given their context, but the rest leaves one bewildered.
The vaccines seem fairly safe but I don’t know how one does the risk assessment. Someone pointed out figures on adverse events after vaccination but even if all of them could be attributed to the vaccines it’s still a tiny proportion of the vaccinated. As it seems to limit the impacts of the disease, then the risk seems worth it, but I’m not sure how to evaluate it. I’ve had the vaccine anyway (Pfizer) and I only had a day long adverse reaction to the second dose and don’t know anyone else, personally, who has had a bad reaction other than feeling a bit under the weather for a day, though even that seems rare.
I have no idea what the end game for governments is but, thanks to the UK, we will see how one strategy works out.

a very good article everyone can listen to music at klingeltöne android

If one looks at the VAERS data, the vaccines in the short-term are not safe. The long-term effects still unknown, with many knowledgeable physicians, virologists, and scientists sounding the warning alarms. The “government” and “injustice” department have taken their stance to force vaccines with other large corporate entities now following suit The lawsuits had better get cranked up or we will soon find our freedoms and liberty lost.
I pray the vaccines are safe as some contend, but what if they are not? The precipice is upon us, time is short. There is no confusion here, people are being forced to take a still unproven jab or lose their jobs, their livelihoods, and perhaps all they’ve worked for their entire lives. Truth, justice, and freedom are fast becoming memes. If we take our freedoms for granted, they will soon be lost. Psalm 119 seems in order. God grant us Your wisdom in dealing with this.

Remember that VAERS is not a database of vaccine effects, only a database of events that may have occurred shortly after receiving the vaccine.


Remember that VAERS is not a database of vaccine effects, only a database of events that may have occurred shortly after receiving the vaccine.
1) If you die following a positive COVID test, you were most definitely killed by COVID, no matter how many co-morbidities you had. Saying otherwise: you're an anti-science COVID denier! 2) If you die following a COVID vaccine - that's just coincidence, because people die all the time. Correlation is not causation. Saying otherwise: you're just an anti-vaxxer! New Science! Follow, or be cancelled.

I consider myself to also be a pretty conservative, constrained citizen however I must admit, after the last 2 years of bullshit we have witnessed and countless deaths… I’m also done just like Kory… This is not time to be contained and civil. WE ARE AT WAR… as Chris stated, “3 times is enemy action”!!! It’s time for the silent to WTFU and stand up! If we don’t NOW, what’s the whole point of collecting all this data and making observations…SO WHAT??? If you can’t take action, it’s all for nothing and time is now. I like Chris’s idea of a “3rd party”… it’s time for ACTION and enough with the political theatre… we don’t have time for that anymore.

I’m another Aussie who is not at all impressed by how this crisis is being handled. That said, and with respect, I think that at times you are needlessly harsh and abrasive. This attitude is divisive rather than constructive.
Yes, Australia has been basking in the sun for far too long. Yes, we have prospered and lived very well (except for too many indigenous people) as much by good luck as by good management. We’ve not been called the Lucky Country for no reason.
Our politicians are clearly baffled and many seem out of their depth. They strike me as scared, so are their constituents, and it shows. With one exception I don’t know of a single medico in any parliament, federal or state; so many are lawyers or career politicians. Hence they necessarily take advice from medical specialists, and if those medicos are providing wrong and/or biased and/or mendacious advice, then what’s the average politician to do?
If the press and academics all sing “vaccine, vaccine, vaccine, all other treatments are obscene” then the average pollie will join in the chorus. Has to.
Years ago Paul Hellyer, the Deputy PM of Canada under the first Trudeau, came to Australia on a lecture tour, warning about the problems and pitfalls of the globalist agenda. He spoke to a standing-room only audience in a large lecture theatre at the ANU. He told us that one of the hardest things he ever had to do was stand in front of a roomful of experts and tell them collectively, “You are wrong.” Sorry, but I can’t see any of our current pollies doing this.
Yes, point out faults and flaws and shortcomings, but please try to be more constructive about it. Nastiness only drives one’s opponent into a corner and ends debate. Re-read Boghossian’s book!

Ummm, beter be smart than dead is one of my mottos. There is a plethora of good books and articles about resistance. I know there are some people here with military and/or intelligence background. Maybe they can chip in.
Effective battles are almost never frontal, especially not against a more powerful opponent. The goals is not to die in the first confrontation while reveling in the knowledge of being right. That is just plain stupid, heroic for sure, but imo: good riddance, completely useless drones. The tactics, the strategy, the logistics, assessment of the terrain, the opponents, once own strength and weaknesses, resources etc, all come into play. Furthermore, it can be strategic to lie down for a while and let play things out, test the opponents strengths, moves, resolve. Additionally, there are many forms of resistance: from fighting, burning and maiming to creating support networks, information networks, “massaging” those institutions that are supposed to defend our rights, cough, journalists, cough, and/or prepping for a better future; because that future will come for sure…
in times like these, emotions are counterproductive…

"Remember that VAERS is not a database of vaccine effects, only a database of events that may have occurred shortly after receiving the vaccine." Remember too that there have been 518,769 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccines and 11,940 deaths attributed to the vaccines, this in the US alone. The numbers in Europe which are likely more accurate than those in the US reflect similar adverse events and deaths. There should have been required reporting by all physicians and follow-up of all self-reported incidents if we wanted to have an accurate picture of adverse events. This could have been done but wasn't. We have been lied to and intentionally misled in virtually all aspects of the scamdemic. Forgive me if I don't trust the "powers to be" when they say the "vaccines" which aren't vaccines, are safe (which they aren't) and effective (which they aren't). When people lie to me I have no reason to trust anything they say. I respect an individuals' choice to take the jab if they so choose, however to take it on data that is intentionally misleading and false and to be coerced and forced into taking the jab crosses the line. Remember this is an "experimental vaccine" I and most of my family will remain part of the control group, try as they may to force us into the jab. I pray all those taking the jab (including my daughter who was pressured and coerced) remain safe, healthy, and have no long term issues.