Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

Absolutely. This is the most important comment in this thread.
This week I attended a memorial for a friend who suddenly dropped dead at the age of 54. Her husband had just retired early and they planned to travel as soon as the travel restrictions were lifted. I sat beside her husband at the dinner and he shared that a few days before she died she had received a Pfizer Covid shot. He met with the doctor afterwards to discuss this connection but ‘the doctor didn’t want to know’. He could have pushed for an autopsy but he wasn’t able to cope with ‘having her opened up’, and said it wouldn’t bring her back anyway.
I also know of people in the so-called ‘at risk’ group who were living their life just fine and then coerced to get one of these shots, and did not make it. The frail elderly folks and those with co-morbidities are not people who should get these shots, because their bodies can’t cope with them, and/or they can’t cope with being exposed to Covid19 afterwards.
Quite honestly, I think that anyone who is still asking if they should get a Covid shot, or which one is best, doesn’t understand the question. And they have not been reading all the excellent links being shared on this site recently. My head is still spinning from all the revelations made by doctors and other experts in these videos in the last couple of weeks.
The reality is that we will not know for a few years whether these shots were safe or not. For the survivors of the Covid shots, we will not know the extent of damage done to their bodies, and if it goes away with time or not, and the impact on the next generation born to recipients of the shots. Any studies or observations as to safety at this time are pure speculation in my opinion.
In the meantime, I agree with dryam that we all need to do what it takes to avoid catching Covid19. Some people are claiming that there isn’t any pandemic, based on the fact that many more millions of deaths have not happened. This assumption totally ignores the damages sustained by survivors of the virus. And again, we will not know until some future date how many more millions of people have been killed by the spike protein and the other aspects of this virus.

I think Chris has shown quite clearly that the vaxxed are just as able to spread COVID as the unvaxxed. That’s why it’s relevant to point out they are non-sterilising surely?

Thank you for the personal story of loss due to vaccine. As I stated a week or two ago in another thread, I personally know of two deaths that were obviously vaccine related, one young man (son) in his 20’s and a father in his 40’s. These were local deaths in the greater Portland Chinese/American (Wechat connected) community of which my wife is a part. I spoke to the mother who lost her son and it was heartbreaking.
The story you related about the doctor not wanting to engage is happening over and over again, as doctors are generally in a terrorized state regarding saying or doing anything that could be interpreted as, “anti-Vax”.
If you look at the testimonials collected on this website, you will see that maybe 1/3 of them sound the same theme… they feel orphaned by a medical system that will show them no sympathy. A medical system that often blames them for their dilemmas… telling them that neurological symptoms are, “all in their head”. Indeed.
What an incredibly sad state of affairs.
I noted that the Biden admin within the last 24 hours seems to have backed off their talk of a national vaccine mandate. My guess is that they realized this would awake the sleepy beast that is the remainder of the US population that actually appreciates their Freedom. They see what is happening in Britain and France and they backed off… for now.

I am wondering the same, especially regarding the indoors/outdoors issue…and this was when the alpha strain was circulating and outdoors was pretty safe

No one has said anything about how much all these vaccines are costing the taxpayers.
No one has said anything about how much profit these corporations are making off all these vaccine purchases. And what about the stockholders? What about their dividends?
It was during the early l980’s the medical model began changing to an administrative model. I know, as my father was a surgeon sitting on the hospital board. I would watch him come home in ever increasing bad moods. So much so, he told me that if I had any inclination to go into medicine, he would discourage me. After asking why, he replied that medicine is no longer medicine. It’s becoming a business. He would later resign his chairmanship because he was so disgusted at what was replacing medicine.
The way I understand the facts I have seen over the past 50 years is everything is about money first. The “there’s no treatment for you,” was/is a decision to refuse covid treatment for people with already established drugs like Ivermectin, etc., because of how much money would be made on vaccines. And then later in new antiviral drugs which will be purchased over-the-counter. It is market control for profit. Also, drug companies like “chronic diseases,” as they receive constant income/profits. Why find cures for anything when that stops the profits? Better to keep everyone hooked like addicts. We are seeing what economist/author Naomi Klein calls disaster capitalism at its best all through covid-19 mess.
How much have we the taxpayers spent so far to date on all these vaccines? Like all the rest of the cheap products, the life of the products purposely end very quickly, so the consumer has to buy another one in a short time.
In Israel, the efficacy rate has dropped to 16% for those vaccinated with Pfizer shot in January 2121. (Israel only purchased Pfizer vaccines) As a natural next step, Pzizer points this out and has already put in an application to the FDA, requesting a booster shot.
It’s all about profits and dividends, not about health and it is all very obvious with their policies and rhetoric.
As an American taxpayer, I’d like to know how much we’ve spent.

sorry, typo, that should read “over 70s”

Andy, so good to see you offering a thumbs-up on the symposium! I watched both segments Thursday and Friday and found it thrilling to see all the issues rolling around in my head layed out in such organized presentations. short 2 minute video.
More leaks in the increasingly leaky govt propaganda & lies dam ?

Nah, I don’t think so, only the blind cannot see that new lockdowns and severe repression is coming. I indeed think that there is no ground for fear anymore, but now we will suffer from the “political covid”. In all honesty, I do not care anymore why, or who the bad actors are. This will get ugly before it will get better. Better focus on preparation, a support community of likeminded people, active or passive resistance. Alea iacta est, the die has been cast, a new situation has arisen…

God Bless the Italians!
Here they resort to fisticuffs in their parliament. (This is what happens if you attack our prime value.)

@Alevezpopinov - while I can see why you say Dr. Kory should engage with Dr. Hill, he has been doing exactly that kind of thing for the past 18 months… taking the high road, being beyond professional, bringing forth countless studies and evidence, along with tireless passion, all the while actively saving lives and agonizing over those who are needlessly dying. Quite frankly, I am surprised he has remained so stoic for this long!
At some point the gloves have to come off… one can only be repressed so much before they start to fight back. I’d like to see a whole lot more people showing that level of ? Maybe then the battle would tilt in our favour.

Thanks for sharing, Arthur! Gonna copy that and send to my useless MP!

Jim – I’m sorry I didn’t see your post in the other thread and I’m very sorry to hear of the deaths of these young people that you knew. It really is a tragedy, and of course no mother expects to have to bury her child. I read some of those testimonials and it does seem that many patients are not getting help. I agree with you about the current pressure on doctors and I also think in many cases they simply don’t know what to do with these patients who are presenting with clear neurological symptoms, sudden cardiac or clotting issues etc. due to the Covid shots. Perhaps they are also concerned about being held responsible if they recommend a treatment that fails… In any case, when in doubt, blame the patient.
The insidious thing about these shots is that people are being given the impression that they will now be safe and their lives can again be normal. My family on both sides all have their jabs, including the younger people, the youngest of whom was recently taken immediately after her 12th birthday. Meanwhile, a number of them are now complaining they have no energy, my mother is walking around in what she calls a ‘brain fog’ and she can no longer remember any of her children’s birthdays, and another relative blacked out while driving on the highway a couple days after his jab. When he regained consciousness he was driving down the highway at a very high speed and by the grace of god he didn’t crash into anyone.
Perhaps doubts about these shots can only really take hold on a massive scale when people experience or witness for themselves what the various effects are. I’m very glad to hear the Biden administration is backing down on vaccine mandates at present. I’m in Europe and hoping the push back here continues as well.

JWhite: thanks for posting and you comment. So sorry to hear of what is going on in your family. I found the following thought interesting:

Perhaps doubts about these shots can only really take hold on a massive scale when people experience or witness for themselves what the various effects are.
James Corbett speaks to this idea in his interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Corona Investigative Committee session 54, found here. His take was more an opposing view, e.g. the majority are so brainwashed that even in spite of adverse events and deaths, most still think the shot is a good thing. He points to how people have bought into the propaganda that if they do not feel well after the shot that means it is working, or if someone dies, they still did the right thing. It is total insanity, in every sense of the word. Both James and Reiner agree that there is no point wasting any more time on the 80% or so who are in that camp - it is hopeless. We can't save everyone. We are far better off to focus on the rest of the 20% or so that are open to questioning and critical thinking. They concluded with the need to focus on building grassroots alternative ways of living, which is what Chris and many here are advocating for.

If you think back to how long (and deadly) it took for the ‘its just the flu’ narrative to die back. As well as the significant percentage of the population who wont take the jab just based on rumors, without developing a significant understanding of the pro/con of the vaccine.
You are correct about the pro vaccine people not changing their minds. Unless the vaccine turns way deadly (down the road), there will be no reason to change ones mind.
Only time will tell, but largely this ship sailed months ago for the developed countries.

The politicians seem intent on increasing fear and anxiety among population and will not allow any potential cures for COVID-19 to be prescribed by Doctors in Australia .Prohibited by TGA… we do not allow any potential cures for COVID-19 to be sold on eBay. We have therefore prohibited the sale of products that contain Ivermectin on all eBay sites. willing to pay with silver if i can get ivermectin

Thanks Disco Bear and DavidDD for showing me this database and how to use it.
I truly don’t know what to make of all of this. Europe has an EU wide adverse event reporting system way more detailed than the US VAERS system. More than half of the reports are by health care professionals, unlike the VAERS which is primarily reports by lay people.
So when a professional says that they think a death is vaccine related, this caries a fair amount of weight with me.
Adverse Drug Reaction Reports
follow the link to Covid vaccines in the middle of the page and “accept” the disclaimer.
Click the letter “C” (for COVID)
And click that link to go to reports on that one vaccine.
We see that there are 84,000 reports on this vaccine in the database, that most are from healthcare providers.
Across the top of the page are tabs. On the right, choose arrow that takes you to the last tab labeled “Line Listing.”
You now have a window with lots of drop down menus. Choose the one drop down labeled “Report Suspected Reaction”. In that drop down you get a search box. At the bottom choose “more.” In the next search box type “death” and uncheck the box “match case”. Choose “death”. “Right arrow.” “OK” and the bottom “Run line report”
Now wait. takes a while to load your report.
One page loads with 25 line items (one line for each patient).
At the bottom are some blue arrows. Click these until you get to the bottom of the report.
You find 1773 individual reports of death that someone thought was due to the vaccine. Over half the reports were from healthcare professionals.

At the very bottom are several small commands, one of which is “export.” Chose this, then “Excel” when the popup menu appears.
Your computer then downloads this table of 1773 patients in excel format.
Double click on the downloaded file so that it opens in excel.
Scroll to the bottom of the “A” column. click in the cell and type: =COUNTA(A3:A14276) . “Enter.” This cell counts the entries in column A, one per patient. Returns 1773.

Moderna 1,773 reported deaths. Pfizer has 1,217 deaths Astrazeneca 593 deaths. Jansen 144 deaths
---- So I am at a loss when someone reports the vaccine is safe and well tolerated. What is going on here?

The True Indigenous people of Southern Africa are the Khoi, not the aBantu.
But an interesting wrinkle in the story is that they Do have Neanderthal genes and they had fat tailed sheep which are also found in Siberia. (Takehome: Our knowledge about humanities history is woefully inaccurate.)
I trust that you will transfer your loyalty from the aBantu to the Khoi. as the aBantu are exterminating the Khoi.
Khoi King Koebaha declared everything south of the Orange River to be Khoi territory, in a declaration to the United Nations. He crossed all the t’s and dotted all the i’s under supervision of a Professor of International Law. His case was water-tight.
It was studiously ignored by everybody as they are totally ignorant of Southern African history.
In fact the Khoi have justifiable claim to everything south of the Zambesi.

Thanks Jan for your nice sentiments, and perhaps you are right and I am wrong that more people may start to change their outlook about the vaccines.
I’m aware of the brainwashing most people, including many of those practicing medicine, have been subjected to and how strong their beliefs are, and of course I’m well aware of Chris’s excellent proposals and those of the PP community regarding living life going forward.
Your comments seem to imply that you think my statement was coming from a place of activism, in terms of trying to change all these people. To clarify, it was merely an observation that often, people don’t see what is happening until it happens to them, or to a loved one. I suspect many people continue to think these shots are great and they overlook deaths and serious adverse events because these things happen to strangers they have never met. We all talk about number of deaths as if they are only a statistic. But personally, I’m seeing that people are Pissed Off about getting Covid after being ‘fully vaccinated’. Also, I wasn’t really thinking about the people who ‘didn’t feel well’ for a couple of days after their jab. I was thinking more about people who end up with Stage 4 Parkinsons symptoms, or who go blind or deaf, or who are no longer able to do sports, those who are suddenly in a wheelchair or in the hospital with heart failure etc. after their shots. These people and their families are having doubts and are experiencing distrust in the system, especially when they can’t get medical help. Going forward, if some of the possibilities involving Prion disease and blood clots (leading to death within 3 years), miscarriages and other adverse effects become larger realities, it’s possible more people will say No to the upcoming booster shots and new ‘vaccines’ that we are likely to be presented with in future (for the subsequent pandemics). But we shall see what the future holds….

but these are not normal times. Go PK.