Confused? That Means You’ve Been Paying Attention

Sorry to hear that you’ve been feeling low, Friedrichs_teeth. As a fellow Ontarian I hear you. The cumulative effect of the repeated lockdowns here is close to imprisonment and solitary isolation.

Crap… He did anticipate that this would happen. Alex had recommended that people find him on his substack when no longer on Twitter. BTW, speaking of substack, Bret Weinstein and wife Heather Heying, co-hosts of the DarkHorse podcast, have published an epic piece on their substrack that defends chemical prophylaxis and natural immunity, while taking a very realistic view of the vaccines. Worth reading and maybe printing out or forwarding to friends who don’t understand;

Interesting post, but why is this an open and shut case?
Wasn’t the Capitol raid largely indoors?
Weren’t most of the BLM demos outdoors?
Weren’t most of the Capitol raiders right-leaning, and therefore less likely
to wear masks?
Weren’t the BLM demos left-leaning and therefore at least some were more likely to wear masks?
Pls. explain what I’m missing.

I wanted to put the other side of the argument here clearly as well. Previously I would tell friends “there are no published studies of vaccine safety.” But now there are.
Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine
From the abstract
Methods: In an ongoing, placebo-controlled, observer-blinded, multinational, pivotal efficacy study, 44,165 ≥16-year-old participants and 2,264 12-15-year-old participants were randomized to receive 2 doses, 21 days apart, of 30 µg BNT162b2 or placebo.
Results: BNT162b2 continued to be safe and well tolerated. Few participants had adverse events leading to study withdrawal. VE [S/P note–effectiveness or efficacy?] against COVID-19 was 91% (95% CI 89.0‒93.2) through up to 6 months of follow-up, among evaluable participants and irrespective of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Conclusion: With up to 6 months of follow-up and despite a gradually declining trend in vaccine efficacy, BNT162b2 had a favorable safety profile and was highly efficacious in preventing COVID-19. ( number, NCT04368728)

Then, as emphasized by Alex Berenson and Covid19Crusher, there was no decrease in mortality (even though a 90% decrease in infections). What is going on?

So my take is more confusion.

“We blew up our careers because history demanded it”. Indeed, it is asking a lot of all of us who are awake to the truth.

Then, as emphasized by Alex Berenson and Covid19Crusher, there was no decrease in mortality (even though a 90% decrease in infections). What is going on?
It took me a few minutes to figure out what this means. In other words, per infected person, the number of mortalities is extremely high. Am I understanding that correctly? Could that be a sign of ADE I wonder? Edit: I just read through the study, though I haven't studied it carefully yet. The cause of the deaths in both the vaccinated and placebo groups are not stated directly in the study report, but someone posted them below (I don't know where this info comes from). They don't appear to be caused by CV19 in most cases. However, the infection fatality rate (IFR) for those who were vaccinated far exceeds the IFR for the placebo group. Having said that, the study is probably too small to conclude that will hold for the general population. **Another interesting thing to note is how few people overall actually got Covid in the placebo group. For such a transmissible disease, one would expect more people to be infected. I noted the same phenomenon in the original phase III clinical trial: The percentage of infections was way below that of the general population. Very odd.** The authors state that there were no signs of vaccine-mediated disease enhancement (same thing as ADE presumably). From this study, it can indeed be concluded that the vaccine reduces the number of people facing serious adverse events from CV19. However -- big caveat here -- almost all of the placebo group participants were given the vaccine after the study finished (which is apparently a condition of the emergency authorization agreement), so just as per the main phase III clinical trial, these people have now been lost to future follow-ups on potential long-term effects!
We should remember that the "effectiveness" of the vaccines presented to the masses is also a lie. "Relative effectiveness" which is the usual value given is significantly different than the 'absolute effectiveness." Absolute effectiveness is the value that should be used in decision making. Absolute effectiveness for the vaccines is about 1 %. From a previous post somewhere on the forum:

Not permanent (yet) - first time he got the standard 12 hour ban (which I’ve also been the recipient of), this one is for a week. I expect a permanent ban won’t be too far off.
Not that I’m condoning twitter’s behavior (I’m becoming increasingly tired of their bs), but given everything/everyone else that has been banned, I’m surprised he has lasted this long.

Thanks dryam2000
I am amazed that some people’s intuition spot a pattern months and years before it is obvious to most people. This guy, retrospectively, was a visionary.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1420961852952043522|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

The last sentence reminds me of this diamond of Stacy Herbert. One of the profound truths I learned later in life…

A few weeks ago, I asked the Infectious Control Dept in my hospital what was the cycle threshold used in the PCR Covid-19 swab test at the start of the pandemic and now. I was told the dept has decided that this was not to be reported. I explained to that doctor why it was impt to know the number. She told me mine was a good question and would get back to me.
After a few days, she came back to me basically saying nothing abt the cycle threshold numbers and asked me to check with my manager if I have any more questions.
They know they are caught red-handed and could not reveal the numbers. I am going to see what my manager and union can and would do.

And when they say 95% relative effectiveness, what they mean is a 95% relative effectiveness in lowering mild to moderate symptoms. Nothing about death reductions, nothing about hospitalizations. Just a reduction of symptoms in people that had a mild to moderate case.
*the msm just filled our heads with the rest

I love that guy more than ever now!!! Unassailable principles on full display for all the world to see - my kind of person! ???

The Doctors for Covid Ethics held a symposium over the last two days. There were more than a score of excellent speakers covering all aspects of the pandemic.
It was entitled:
Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice
An Interdisciplinary Symposium
calling for immediate intervention
Presented by Doctors for Covid Ethics
Hosted by UK Column

Attached is the programme (or program!) for the event. Click on the titles of the presentations to be taken to a video of that segment.
Feel free to share this widely; it is such a wonderful resource of high quality information endorsing what Chris has been saying for so long and giving detailed, scientific explanations and data.
The segment "The Fatal Lockdowns—A dialogue with Stefan Homburg & Sucharit Bhakdi" failed unfortunately and the two final segments of Session II run together but otherwise it is all there.
Program_Online_Symposium_D4CE_July29-30 with links Enjoy!
It took me a few minutes to figure out what this means. In other words, per infected person, the number of mortalities is extremely high. Am I understanding that correctly? Could that be a sign of ADE I wonder?
I don't think that is what the numbers say. What they say is that the two groups (vaxxed and unvaxxed) had about the same number of deaths after 6 months. For example the vaxxed group had 4 fatal heart attacks and the unvaxxed group had only one. There were weird things in the causes of death in the vaxxed column. One person's cause of death was death another's cause of death was "missing"

All these unscientific claims that are changed in a matter of weeks are just a matter of incapable experts and a declining West dystopia, or are planned in order to promote the new era of our Western dystopia that has arrived?
Eg the “its just a flue”, then the “we dont have to close the airports” and the “herd immunity” though unsterilising vaxx are clearly purposeful and possibly criminal acts.
But the mask thing, or the “u must vax to protect urself” could be just part of the Western failure to handle appropriately the crisis.
Submission and the “great Reset bullshit” are clearly the main aims of the whole pandemic management. But the question is if also all this expert flip-flopping is happening on purpose so all our current institutions become totally deligitamized in order to be replaced by our Brave new World.
Who will trust doctors that fully bent the knee to this crazy central narrative that changes every Month?
Who will trust politicians and judges that accept and promote mandatory experimental vaccination with non sterilising vaxxes and totally useless qr coding system of surveilance.
Of course then what will replace these institutions? Multinationals and NGOs? Possibly but i think that this it’s not exactly the answer.
I think a possible answer is that the main goal in their crazy minds is the transformation to the to the transhumanism era. So human institutions will be replaced by institutions(multinationals and NGOs) that serve transhumanism and the blinded elites wont longer be affected by the masses since the masses will be replaced by robots.
All this “hybris” probably will blowback sooner or later with probably catastrophic effects. The higher level of system complexity, makes the System even more vulnerable to subtle changes.
Eg vaccinating the entire Planet with one mediocre unsterilising vax, is increasing the risk for a lethal variant that will hit exactly all these not-properly immunized population. Of course that’s possibly a fear mongering scenario but in fact it s also a realistic possibility.
Also in the post covid era they might want to change the meaning of being healthy. Everyone is possibly a Carrier so noone is healthy unless proven with a test (for a day) or with a vaccine freedom-pass(sic). YOU CANT BE HEALTHY AND SAFE WITHOUT THE VAXX.
Anyways, the West decline is inevitable since the third world is rising. But the dystopia isnt inevitable. For sure as Chris say, it shouldnt be like this.
**Short notice from bankrupt Greece.
Covaxxines are mandatory for people in the broad health sector from September
There is some uprising against them and the vaccine passports though not totally massive. Unfortunately 12 years of continuous economic austerity, made submission much more prevalent.
Personally, i wont have the vaccine even if i have to at least for now be left without work.
Despite the mandates, and the Massive pressure that everyone must be ticked with a needle, the vaccinated population has frozen around 50-55% (there is a question though if the true greek population is lower that the official since hundred of thousands have migrated from 2011 when the last population count happened)
Brace yourselves. The winter has arrived

The news covered many if not most Trump outdoor rallies as super spreader events too. It wasn’t just the capital. I remember the disparity between coverage and my stomach hurting thinking about it.

Pierre Kory, MD MPA
"Andy, STOP. Seriously, you are causing untold deaths man. For another WHO paycheck in the future? WTF. Me and Tess have both blown up our careers because history demanded it. Your fake cautiousness is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen. Fuck you. And that is putting it mildly." Pierre Kory
He should be addressing Hill's post and avoid smearing his character. It's a very bad look.

My mom’s family is French and she talked to her brother on the phone this morning. His daughter (my cousin) is a doctor in France. None of them wanted to get the jab but basically they have to soon in order to grocery shop, work, travel, etc. Apparently my cousin also said that big lockdowns were coming to France in Oct/Nov this fall. If this is true, how could this be known in advance unless it was planned? I hope it’s not true but I wouldn’t be surprised and only time will tell.

Beautifully put. Peace hmmmmm.