Coronavirus Cases: Turning The Corner?

If someone dies from Covid that is diabetic, Covid gets the blame. The difference is last year when they got a regular corona virus they didn’t die. They might have lived 5-20 years longer otherwise.

so far have lost 1 friend and 2 colleaguea to this beast. I am genuinely envious; count your blessings that your country was so wise…this is really awful. I hear reports of these trucks by the hospitals, no funerals for the deceased (including my old friend) and my heart breaks for those who have to go through this elsewhere. The denial and arrogant minimization of this will seem insane if it hits like this elsewhere. The lockdowns are fully justified and have helped tremendously in my area.

Excellent point about juicing.
Juicing is an excellent way to get nutrition. You get it in a concentrated form w/o putting a burden on the digestive system. Juicing is the main part of the 2 best nutritional cancer therapies, the Gerson protocol and the Gonzalez therapy.
I recommend either the Norwalk juicer or the pure juicer. They are incredible machines made in the US. They are expensive initially but over time they save you money. They are also food processors.
Dr. Norman Walker has some excellent books about juicing and different juice formulas

Vaccine may look promising for mice, but maybe not humans, and this is data that has cleared been by China’s censors:

Interesting comment from the Korean Drs. that the virus appeared to “re-activate”. Reminds me of when I had malaria - the little plasmodia would get into the red blood cells, reproduce happily for a day and then burst the red cells and go out and look for more. A two day cycle for me. Each cycle deeper. Diagnosed in time and took anti-malaria pills (chloroquine) and it all went away - never felt better in my life! Drug cleared out those malaria parasites. But… they lurk in the liver, out of reach of the pills, and sure enough they re-activate later - another malaria attack. Wonder if the virus has some place it can hide out safe from the body’s defenses - in red blood cells?

Paper referenced in video suggests abnormal Haemoglobin metabolism such as what diabetes patients have glycinated Haemoglobin could be high risk factor.
Vitamin C and/or Glutathione?
Ascorbic acid supplementation elevated the plasma levels of reduced glutathione by 81 and 108 %. in control and diabetic groups, respectively. It is suggested that the increase of serum antioxidant glutathione and the decrease of glycated hemoglobin after long term ascorbic acid supplementation are related to each other.

Hi sofistek. I too am a kiwi. Just wanted to be in touch with like minded people. Unfortunately, my family think I’m a conspiracy theorist, so now I continue to explore, research and shut up.
Questions I currently explore - why is the meat industry not considered essential?
The impact on the abbotoirs that are stocked to the brim with no place to go. The local butchers that have not been able to move their stock. Are they all destined for the rubbish tip?
Unemployment will skyrocket. Is this when they bring in the Unform Standard (I forgot the last word) - but like a benefit for all?
My last question for today - I am hearing a lot more about the digital dollar. What are your thoughts please.