Coronavirus Cases: Turning The Corner?

WOW That was certainly an emotionally charged post.
First it does mean something that one is an engineer. It means that one has spent a lot of time studying details. That is good training. It also means that one has learned a discipline approach to issues.
Second HCQ is anything but an unproven treatment. There is evidence from China, S.Korea, Bahrain, France, Zelenko in NYC , a Dr. in LA. and elsewhere. If you are waiting on multiple double blind studies to convince you well…
Third yes there are some other promising treatments but again are you going to wait on multiple double blind trials?
Fourth. This one really got me. NO ONE here is telling you you have to take anything (of course if you end up in a hospital you will not have a choice of what protocol you will get. This is a discussion of what is the best protocol at the moment. The fact that people die (Africa) from taking HCQ is meaningless. Were they under a doctor’s care? What was the dosage? How far along were they? Did they have underlying conditions? Pardon me just playing engineer.
Fifth You say several "prestigious " universities developing promising treatments. Well you said you got an engineering degree from one of the top ten engineering schools in the country and it meant nothing. Again you are looking to the future where mice trial may turn out to work on humans and universities are working on promising treatments.
Sixth and finally there is this.
However, for me there is just the feeling that there is too much pushing and selling before any evidence is in. Feels like a late-night commercial for the latest miracle cure.
If that is where you want to go fine with me.I hope you allow me to come to my own conclusions.
All the best,
Two sentences that use feel and feeling. You are clearly quite emotional about HCQ. This treatment has received a lot of negative media attention and yes much of it is because of Trump. But it is now approved by the FDA it has a track record that is growing by the day. This is simply a discussion to set the record straight as much as can be done on this one site. There is no drug that does not have toxicity, hell too much water is toxic. There is no drug that does not have contraindications. This is a drug with a track record of 75 years that has been used to treat many things from malaria to dermatological issues. So if you have a better treatment AT THIS MOMENT I for one would love to hear about it.
Finally Ted there is less than zero possibility of anyone here interfering with your ability to reach any conclusion you wish.

Everyone here in SC that has a cell phone just got an emergency warning with a nice, loud warbling alarm via the National Weather Service. Usually those are for tornado watches, flooding or severe thunderstorms. This one was for Corvid-19. The message said: STAY HOME. Corvid-19 cases are now in every SC county and increasing rapidly. Don’t go out except for work. (I’m sure they mean essential services, like my husband.) STAY HOME.
There’s no reason for me to go out, and hopefully everyone that has stocked up over the last few weeks is set. We have all the supplements, frozen food,canned food, and medicine we need. We’re already getting salads out of this year’s garden. Here we go.

For what it’s worth, this person is also talking about hemoglobin and Corvid-19. the article was removed from Medium, but I have the archived version. Lots to ponder here. Quote:

When the red blood cell gets to the alveoli, or the little sacs in your lungs where all the gas exchange happens, that special little iron ion can flip between FE2+ and FE3+ states with electron exchange and bond to some oxygen, then it goes off on its little merry way to deliver o2 elsewhere.
Here’s where COVID-19 comes in. Its glycoproteins bond to the heme, and in doing so that special and toxic oxidative iron ion is “disassociated” (released). It’s basically let out of the cage and now freely roaming around on its own. This is bad for two reasons:
1) Without the iron ion, hemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen....(lots more)
2) That little iron ion, along with millions of its friends released from other hemes, are now floating through your blood freely. As I mentioned before, this type of iron ion is highly reactive and causes oxidative damage...Again, LOTS more!)
I found the artilce highly interesting.
2) That little iron ion, along with millions of its friends released from other hemes, are now floating through your blood freely. As I mentioned before, this type of iron ion is highly reactive and causes oxidative damage…Again, LOTS more!)
That would say to me that increasing the supplements that are anti-oxidatives would be called for. Which ones would that be? Right now I'm on a daily regime of Vitamin C, D3, a multivitamin, Zinc (w/a little Calcium & Magnesium cause its in the pill) and Selenium. Then Elderberry and NAC. The NAC is the only one that mentions on the bottle that its an anti-oxidant.

The hospital I know of ,Remdesivir and HCQ are current treatments available for CV-19. They are asking patients if they want to be part of Remdesivir trials (WHO sponsored treatment). If a patient refuses that and requests HCQ instead, they can get that protocol.
The issue at this time is they are not actively giving zinc in the HCQ protocol only Azithromycin.
As Chris mentioned in his video, its not for everyone, especially if they have serious heart problems or other underlying issues that might complicate treatment. If that is the case Id go with the Remdesivir.
Here is another bit of info to know about the drug HCQ. It has a half life in the blood of 50 days. That means there is still HCQ in the blood up to 250 days after taking it. A comparison is ibuprofen has a 2 hour half life. It is out of the blood only after 24 hours.

If someone with stage 4 cancer, or advanced heart disease gets shot and dies, the cause of death is a gun shot wound, not cancer, or heart disease.
If someone catches the novel coronavirus and dies sooner than they otherwise would have, why would you use a different cause of death?


Which ones would that be? Right now I’m on a daily regime of Vitamin C, D3, a multivitamin, Zinc (w/a little Calcium & Magnesium cause its in the pill) and Selenium. Then Elderberry and NAC. The NAC is the only one that mentions on the bottle that its an anti-oxidant.
Plant based foods average 64 times the antioxidants contained in animal based foods, possibly because all antioxidants come from plants. Animals only ingest them, they don’t produce any. Antioxidants in supplements also come from plants.

Don’t forget chocolate… :slight_smile:
Well, unprocessed baking cocoa actually, but that’s one supplement I don’t have to “try to remember” to take!

How We’ll Get Through The Coronavirus Debacle (4/7/20)

The fruits and vegetables we eat today are far less nutritions that they were 50 years ago.
If you are able to grow all of your own plant foods then perhaps you are able to enrich the soil well enough to improve the quality of your food. Many of us are not in a position to do so and therefore vitamin enhancements are necessary.

If you want a high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, etc try juicing fresh fruits and veggies. I just made one with carrots, apples, lemon, ginger, and turmeric (with pepper). The insoluble fiber is lost, but would that boost your immune system?

You shared an interesting blog post in the Idiocracy episode which suggested that COVID-19 is actually a disease where the virus links to the hemoglobin in red blood cells and frees the charged iron molecule causing the bilateral damage in the lungs.
I found an interesting research paper which ties directly to the idea that COVID-19 is a disease which attacks the hemoglobin within red blood cells. It provides the technical “meat” to this idea.
Check it out ->

I am a long time peak prosperity member as well as a long time resident of Costa Rica.
I just wanted to sound off on what I believe is the tremendous job “my” country is doing in protecting the population from this virus.
Our 1st case was (likely earlier than) March 4th. The start of our infection was from 2 tourists from New York who had been in contact with a confirmed honey badger virus case and had been told to isolate at home. They had not been tested and apparently were bored because they decided to get on a plane and come to Costa Rica. After more than a week traveling around our country, one of the couple became sick. They ended up getting tested for the honey badger virus in our country and turned up positive.
It took about 10 days and 30 additional cases for the Costa Rican government to decide to shut down the borders and restrict people’s movements within the country.
At first, our case numbers increased in a seemingly “exponential” fashion until we reached a peak per day figure of 32 cases. After that, the per day case rate stalled and stayed steady for about 2 more weeks until it started to decline.
Today, we are heavily “locked down” and our active case number is getting close to hitting steady state (457 active cases, 2 deaths, ~5,000,000 population). The lock down here is enforced using the last digit of car license plate numbers. You are allowed to be out once every 5 days. If the police catch you out on the wrong day, the fine is ~$500. That’s a LOT of money for a Costa Rican.
Costa Rica is a “socialist” country and has public health care. Instead of trying to put checks in everyone’s pockets, the government has reduced everyone’s public health care payments by about 80%. In addition, utilities such as electric companies, cable companies, etc. have lowered their monthly fees by about 50%.
I must say NOT BAD for a sh** ho** country…
It’s hard to sort out the credible sources of information on this topic so maybe this is BS. However, having seen what a lifetime of smoking did to my grandmother’s health, it’s hard to believe smokers wouldn’t be more affected by this disease.

Please keep 6 inches apart.
I saw these pictures/video today showing what the Chinese are doing after being confined. I’ll bet the second wave is on its way.

and remove the entrance fee to a popular tourist site:

I remember the series, and many of the characters, but can’t remember the shows name.

When taking the proto-hormone D3 remember to take vitamin K2-MKS-7 for calcium regulation.
Be careful not to overdo selenium as it is toxic at higher levels.
When taking zinc as a supplement one should add copper at a 15:1 zinc to copper ratio. Eating nuts and chocolate works too,
Quercetin also serves as a zinc ionophore and is a natural component in fruits and vegetables. It can also be taken as quercetin or the liposomal or phytosome form for better uptake.
Vitamin C is rapidly reduced in the plasma of patients with viral infections. Vitamin C at 1-2 grams per day is preventative and the liposomal form may be better tolerated.
Omega-3 fatty acids help to open up cell channels for nutrient uptake and waste removal and can serve to provide better cellular communication.
Occasional fasting improves immune function as does saunas.

@Matt Yesterday in the french news a doctor from reanimation department in a hospital said 70 % of their patients on ventilators have either overweight, hypethension or diabetes. A large part of the young patients who were in reanimation had underlying conditions. But there may be many other reasons for people to die once they are in hospitals (nosocomial infections, stress and solitude, the use of ventilators (that could make things worse)…Time will tell…

@ Chris Martenson the blood disease theory could also explain why dr. Kyle-Sidell ( doctor in emergency and critical care) was saying that the disease model most doctors are working with – pneumonia/ARDS – is not what these patients are presenting with. Video on

Almost all animals are raised in feedlots in America where their intake of minerals is lower than normal due poor quality grains they are consuming. They are consuming mostly corn and soybeans grown in dead soil.