Coronavirus: Doctors Stunned By Damage Seen Inside The Body

Exercise May Protect Against CoronaVirus ARDS.
In a new review of past research, Zhen Yan, a professor of cardiovascular medicine who runs a molecular exercise physiology lab at UVA, showed that exercise boosts the production of an antioxidant known as “extracellular superoxide dismutase,” or EcSOD, which in turn, protects against acute lung disease and other diseases.
In particular, Yan said, the antioxidant can protect against acute respiratory distress syndrome… ARDS affects up to 85% of patients in the ICU affected by COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus.
…on a molecular level, exercise-prompted EcSOD protects tissues from oxidative stress, which contributes to the development of many diseases
The pair was especially interested in the benefits of skeletal muscle EcSOD, which is produced naturally but boosted with cardiovascular exercise. Exercise can also help the antioxidant circulate through the body to other tissues affected by disease.

Yan said their findings "strongly support" the possibility that exercise can prevent or at least reduce the severity of ARDS. Even a single session, the press release said, can spur production of the antioxidant.  

Been lots of debate on whether the country can open up. It’s all very bizarre to be honest because the daily numbers now are not very different (in the exponential viral context) from when folks starting shutting down. Well… ok maybe its a third. But this is an exponential virus, it’ll double back up in 7 days and quadruple in 14 days, so we’d be back where we started… in 2 weeks! But of course, you’d find out in 4 weeks, because it has an incubation of up to 2 weeks. By then, it might be too late.
The other bit of info I find very strange is commentary that its ok to open up because we are 20% infected and getting closer to herd immunity. I haven’t even seen any unbiased study on antibodies with a reliable test to gauge the current vulnerability of a city population to the virus that leaders/governors can reference, to make any decisions on social distancing/masks etc!
Honestly I think the USA is headed into a very dark place because of leadership failure to unite against the virus and take a stand, it means this thing is going to linger on for a lot longer, which then translates into a lot more economic pain. The virus tail is going to be at least 2 to 3 times longer than the climb up… which could mean we’re looking at 5 digit increases in case counts all the way into the fall. Geez… what a disaster!!
Meanwhile… the stock market continues to defy gravity… when oil’s fallen off a cliff, 26mill unemployment claims, large numbers of companies with no earnings guidance, its a matter of time before one would see that the emperor has no clothes! Well, I’m sure the folks on the ground, at the grassroots who are feeling the pain have a better grasp of the situation… but no its all about the media painting a picture of everything’s getting better, double/triple pump that stimulus, inflate the markets…we’re sleep walking right into a depression here.

Hi French Connexion, I was watching Squawk Box awaiting the release of the US 1st Q GDP that was expected by economists to be around -3.5%.
Just as Rick Santelli in Chicago was about to announce the figure he was cut across with a news break about positive news on Gilead trial. When they eventually got back to him and he released that the 1Q GDP was actually -4.8% - much worse than expected - there was almost no commentary on what would ordinarily have been a huge market moving event. And the exaggeration of the importance of the Gilead drug has just continued to deflect from the real news of the day. The GDP number has barely been mentioned on major tv outlets including CNBC and Bloomberg. If these two events were not coordinated I’ll eat my hat. The poor old retail investor will have been sucked back in while the sophisticated investors are building up their greenbacks and gold.

Hi, Jim H. We finally got our first case in Harney County, Oregon, yesterday.
I am a chaga_gangsta, too. Shaved head, no tats, a gang of one. Thank you for all your good information. I ride my stationary bike watching Chris’ videos. Superoxide dismutase, yay!

Surprise, surprise, when you are on HCQ for things like Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis, the benefits are clear in terms of relative infection rates. Of course this lines up well with the various studies (Indonesia and France) that show accelerated viral clearance with early treatment. I can’t read Italian, but the summary of this data comes from the excellent web compendium of HCQ data being kept by Dr. James Todaro; In a review by the Italian Society for Rheumatology, 65,000 patients on long term treatment with hydroxychloroquine for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus showed only 20 patients infected with COVID-19. This is an infection rate of 0.03%. Of those 20 infected patients, there were no ICU admissions and no deaths. Compared to the testing confirmed infection rate in Italy of 0.33%, this study suggests that prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine could reduce the rate of infection by 90%.
In case you don't have the link to Dr. Todaro's data compendium.. it's here;

I just want to remind people… as the Truth behind the coup effort to take down President Trump takes shape that this is not a Left:Right issue… this is about good vs evil. This is about corruption at the highest levels. This is about power for the sake of power. For years now, it has been my hope and dream that we could eradicate the giant, cancerous tumor hanging off our body politic in the form the Deep State. Today we are learning more about how the Deep State took down Michael Flynn.
It’s not that I don’t care about saving the bees and the oceans and planting a garden… but all that means little if we can’t have a real, honest conversation in the US, given that the US is the last place where vestiges of free speech remain. Today our national dialogue is completely polluted with propaganda, and at least half the people don’t even know that they are under it’s spell. Hydroxychloroquine is the just the latest sign post of this propaganda.
Look at the FBI’s newly declassified notes as they went in to take down Flynn with their, “interview”. Sick. The bad guys are going down, and going down hard.

Hi, Chris. I wonder whether you have researched the topic of using smartwatches to continuously monitor blood oxygen level (SpO2) in healthy individuals? (E.g. HONOR-Band-5).
Since the timely response to coronavirus infection is so important, and slight decrease of blood oxygen levels might be unnoticeable to an infected person for a few days, maybe the smartwatch can inform the person, make him take action sooner.
With HCQ being a drug most effective in the first week, I think that the smawtwatch, albeit being a spying device, maybe of interest to people at risk.
Best regards,

With the thought that HCQ has a prophylactic effect, it’ll be interesting to see the Corona stats coming out of countries like India where Malaria is endemic and the taking of anti malarial quinine related drugs is widespread.

Reading recently about well documented studies that show vitamin D having a strong anti-viral effect. We manufacture vitamin D in our skin when exposed to UV light, sunlight. Wonder if this plays into the seasonal pattern of the common flu? Wonder also if this has had an effect on the progession of Corona - heavily polluted area, pollution particles carrying the virus and limited sunlight - a good set up for infections.

A long-term care hospital in Korea had an “exposure event” to COVID-19 where a sick worker walked through the hospital rooms and hallways for 3 days before detection.
This is a very high-risk setting for contagion to sweep through the facility and mortality among the elderly and chronically ill is very high.
Prior to spread of the illness, 211 people (189 patients and 22 caregivers) were given HCQ 400 mg daily for 14 days as “post-exposure prevention” and placed in quarantine. After 14 days, all people remained well and negative by PCR.

Interesting collection of studies of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine + Zpak:

Great reporting out of South Korea. Great to have confirmation it likely works as a PEP.
This - THIS - is an important reason why HCQ will take a long time to be seen as efficacious. The gang in charge already knew that lupus patients (on HCQ) don’t get SC2. They’ve known this for months, per the CRS article I posted a few days back.
There is only a certain amount of HCQ floating around the world. It is critical that our elites get their supply for prophylaxis (and now, as a PEP), and that would be impossible if it were seen by the public as an effective treatment or - even scarier - as something that the general public knew would prevent you from getting infected.

Earlier this year, after the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, clinicians there noticed that none of the first 178 COVID-19 patients admitted to the hospital had lupus.7 The clinicians then evaluated 80 lupus patients treated in the hospital’s dermatology department and found that none was infected with COVID-19. This observation prompted researchers to evaluate hydroxychloroquine in vitro for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. Not only did hydroxychloroquine treat cells infected with the virus that causes COVID-19, but the drug also protected cells from becoming infected.8

Oh sure, we'll find out the truth in six months. Long after the pandemic passes. Fauci will tell us, "Whoa, turns out, Trump was right. Who knew? But we had to do the 'science' to make double extra sure before using it widely."

I am a little disappointed that you are posting more about the health/medical affects of Coronavirus vs the affects of a lockdown. I read your books. In the end its just about having access to enough food to eat. Bad Economy = Lack of food.
Did you see the statistics in an article about the UN World Food Program about how up to 250 million people could starve from a lockdown by the end of the year. That is currently more than 1,000 times more people than the number that have died from the Coronavirus.
I look forward to doing the math again at the end of the year to see the real statistics.

Thank you rawbs for the bibliographical links for Chl / HCQ studies. Very helpful.
Found a paper emphasizing the interrelationship between Zinc and HCQ. Long suspected here at PP due to Zelenko and Raoults’ work, brought to this site by Jim H, French Connection and others.
Improving the efficacy of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine against SARS-CoV-2 may require zinc additives - A better synergy for future COVID-19 clinical trials
It was nice to see a nitty gritty detailed review of the basic lab biochemistry research connecting HCQ benefits with Zinc.

Will stop please stop giving out so much GOOD ADVICE?!? Now I have to go study/vet Chaga mushroom medicine.
For those who have been under a rock for the last year (or are new to the gang): I know for a fact that JimH sent me out for Quercetin (to go with my zinc [I’ve been taking zinc for a couple years now]), and cordyceps mushrooms. I’m also pretty sure either he instigated (or was part of the chorus) re Glutathione and NAC.
I’m not saying JimH’s advice has made me bulletproof. But I feel like JimH’s advice has made me bulletproof. And no, I haven’t had any tequila this evening. As yet.
VIVA – Sager

Chaga is great advice!

The “April 21” post claims Remdesivir is “very very toxic.” I am NOT an expert on this but news stories about this January and February suggested it didn’t have side effects. It didn’t work against Ebola, unfortunately, but wasn’t toxic, supposedly, a reason it was continued to be studied and given on compassionate case to the guy in Seattle at the start of the outbreak there. It did seem to fix the first CV case in the US in the Seattle area.
Hydroxychloroquine has become a political litmus test, whether one likes or detests Dr. “Clorox” Trump. I couldn’t give a F what the fake President thinks - that has nothing to do with the efficacy or lack thereof. It does have some side effects. I’ve heard / watched testimony from a variety of CV patients who have taken this, including MDs who caught the disease. Some thought it helped, others not, some had in combination with other things.
Sorry I don’t buy the claim that downplaying hydroxychloroquine is a deep state conspiracy to ruin Dr. Trump’s malpractice clinic. I’m not interested in any political party (not even the Greens).
Trump is suffering from Moron-a-virus-45, which is partially treatable with the 25th amendment. Herd immunity would require critical thinking.

@zappuppy: I can’t see how you are making that comparison and your link doesn’t help.

@j0equ1nn: the source is the ONS:

@Jim H and @rawbs
Thanks for sharing those sources collating the various HCQ/CQ studies.