Coronavirus: Doctors Stunned By Damage Seen Inside The Body

@sand puppy: do you have a reference for Raoult and zinc?
I haven’t seen it yet, and it is a factor in my scepticism i.e. some insist zinc is necessary, others boost Raoult even though he doesn’t appear to use it.

When Dr. Oz interviewed Raoult in English a week or two ago he asked specifically about Zinc and at the time Raoult was not adding supplementation to the regimen. I do though want to make sure readers understand that lack of explicit supplementation does not imply failure of the regimen as many will have adequate dietary Zinc. We don’t know what blood level constitutes Zn deficiency in regards to Covid-19 at this point.

Mark2, we deal with truth here. You don’t have to like Trump… but many of us voted for him because we wanted to end the endless wars. In case you haven’t noticed, that has been the case for the most part. If we had not voted in Trump, then it was a sure thing that we were going to treat Syria with the same civilization-destroying medicine we gave to Libya. I am sure you don’t see that since you appear to be under the spell of the propaganda machine that I have referenced earlier, which in the case of Syria includes the White Helmets and their fake, staged chemical weapons videos. Again, this is not left:right… this is about Truth vs Deep State Propaganda.

I can’t find this post. Was from a French speaker on Raoult. He was using zinc.

It was on the page, but the number of patients having it seemed low… three hundred something? If he is adding Zinc it’s new in the last few weeks.
He may otherwise be simply tracking Zinc levels… one of the other gems that I teased out of the same Oz interview (I think) was that through multivariate statistical inquiry Raoult had been able to determine that the now well known hypertension co-morbidity was not in fact the result of blood pressure itself, but was rather about being on the medication. Although not explained at the time, I have to assume that he was able to make this important separation of factors by having blood pressure data on all of his patients, such that there would have likely existed a subset of the population with high but un-medicated blood pressure. If this group does not have poor outcomes, it would be possible then to separate the factors, which he obviously did.
This then makes me wonder if he has not simply started tracking Zinc levels in his patients.

April 27, 2020
The Honorable Doug Ducey
1700 West Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Dear Governor Ducey:
This concerns your Executive Order forbidding prophylactic use of chloroquine (CQ) or hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) unless peer-reviewed evidence becomes available.
Attached and posted here ( is a summary of peer-reviewed evidence, indexed in PubMed, concerning the use of CQ and HCQ against coronavirus. We believe that there is clear and convincing evidence of benefit both pre-exposure and post-exposure.
In addition, Michael J. A. Robb, M.D., of Phoenix is compiling all reports as they come in. As of this date, the total number of reported patients treated with HCQ, with or without azithromycin and zinc, is 2,333. Of these, 2,137 or 91.6 percent improved clinically. There were 63 deaths, all but 11 in a single retrospective report from the Veterans Administration where the patients were severely ill.
Most of the data concerns use of HCQ for treatment, but one study included used the medication as prophylaxis with excellent results. Many nations, including Turkey and India, are protecting medical workers and contacts of infected persons prophylactically. According to, deaths per million persons from COVID-19 as of Apr 27 are 167 in the U.S., 33 in Turkey, and 0.6 in India.
Based on this evidence, we request that you rescind your Executive Orders impeding the use of CQ and HCQ and further order that administrative agencies not impose any requirements on the prescription of CQ, HCQ, azithromycin, or other drugs intended to treat or prevent coronavirus illness that do not apply equally to all approved medications that may be used off-label for any purpose.
Michael J. A. Robb, M.D.
President, Arizona State Chapter of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Jane M. Orient, M.D.
Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
CC Speaker Rusty Bowers, Rep. Warren Petersen, Rep. Nancy Barto, Sen. Karen Fann, Sen. Rick Gray, and Sen. Kate Brophy-McGee
Sequential CQ / HCQ Research Papers and Reports, January to April 20, 2020
The probabilities of clinical success using hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc against the novel betacoronavirus, COVID-19, revised Apr 26, 2020

Looking at worldometer, and simply dividing total deaths into total cases gives a CFR or sorts, and I think it’s a pretty fair comparison since both countries have about the same tests/M population, here’s what we see;
UK death rate: 15.6% (youch!)
Turkey death rate: 2.6%
What gives? Well, it probably has something to do with Turkey’s decision to use hydroxychloroquine early, and often, as described below. The rate of what they are calling, “pneumonia” leading to ICU admission has dropped dramatically since they instituted HCQ early, for all Covid-19 positive citizens, in March;

Excellent resource. Very educational even if above my IQ at times. They are doing 90 minuted webinar for doctors (and anyone who cares to join) at 4:00 EST today. Subect is what’s been learned so far.

Can we PLEASE leave the politics out of these discussions. I have zero interest in ANYONE"S political views, axes to grind, opinions, hopes dreams or delusions.
This is about data and actionable information.

As our President might say - the numbers sure look like a smocking gun. :slight_smile:
Isn’t it interesting how the poorer nations with fewer choices but still armed with smart people who can read, select actual functioning treatments and - see success?
The US is too stupid to do this. Or there is something else going on.
I’ve had my foreign friends - who don’t really know the US very well - express wonderment at how smart the US generally is about most things, and how horribly we seem to have blown this particular exercise.
“Why don’t you just use the drug that works?”, they ask.
A simple question, with no good answer. It is actually pretty embarrassing.

Dave - There is a good answer to the simple question you raise. The answer is that it is increasingly obvious that there is “A Vaccine Agenda” ! The clues are everywhere and obvious. It’s the so called elephant in the room.

@sand puppy
I think I saw the same post making the claim about Raoul and zinc, but couldn’t see anything in the links provided to back it up. Hence I suspect the claim.
I take that point that this doesn’t address the prior ‘zinc’ status of the patients turning up at the hospital. But hopefully you can see why it feeds a little scepticism. On the one hand boosters of HCQ say “you’ve got to have zinc”, “that study is garbage because it doesn’t talk about zinc” or “they didn’t give them zinc”; at the same time, hailing Raoult as the champion of a protocol that works.
On the face of it, that’s cherry picking. Only more tests will give us a strong sense of how much improvement HCQ confers.