Coronavirus: How Bad Will It Get?

We all have genetic variations. In particular, different enzymes and proteins in our bodies have slightly varying configurations and many of these are more heavily or lightly expressed depending on your race.
These variants can be quite useful for predicting certain disease outcomes, or tracing genetic routes. In fact, when you do a “23andme” test that comes back and says you are 13% Irish (or something) this is exactly what they are testing for; known unique genetic variations that have clustered within a region or race or both.
In this case, we’re looking at a table of populations listed by the amount of ACE2 expressing cells (across the six genetic variants listed):

In the study I referenced in one of the earliest videos on all this a while back, they experimentally determined this: (from a relatively small set of samples, mind you):

We also noticed that the only Asian donor (male) has a much higher ACE2-expressing cell ratio than white and African American donors (2.50% vs. 0.47% of all cells). This might explain the observation that the new Coronavirus pandemic and previous SARS-Cov pandemic are concentrated in the Asian area. (Source)
At any rate, note that the highest concentration is in Japanese ... presumably Japanese males. Consider also that Japan is a very aged population. That suddenly makes me wonder about this particular suicide:
Japanese gov't official looking after returnees from Wuhan found dead Feb 1, 2020 Saitama, Japan -A government official involved in work to look after isolated returnees from Wuhan at a lodging facility near Tokyo was found dead on Saturday and police are investigating his death as a possible suicide. The 37-year-old man dispatched from the Metropolitan Police Department to the Cabinet Secretariat was found collapsed around 10 a.m. near the dormitory building of the National Institute of Public Health in Saitama Prefecture where some of the people brought back from the central Chinese city are currently staying.
This caught my attention when it came out, but I didn't quite know what to make of it. But what if this poor person was in charge of overseeing a R0 4.1 virus that attacks his race particularly hard? I cannot imagine anything more devastating the potentially feeling somehow responsible for allowing such a thing to escape into my country. If that's what happened. Just speculating, but it's one of those odd news stories that bears noticing. At any rate, it may well be that this virus has a much more powerful impact depending on both sex and race, and that it may well be that the table above is predictive to a degree? Worth watching...    

WHO chief says no need to halt travel to beat coronavirus
World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Monday there was no need for measures that “unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade” in trying to halt the spread of novel coronavirus outbreak in China.
“We call on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and consistent,” he told the WHO Executive Board, reiterating his earlier message.
“Our global consecutiveness is a weakness in this outbreak but it is also our greater strength,” Tedros added.

“Our global consecutiveness is a weakness in this outbreak but it is also our greater strength,” Tedros added.
Thank you Tedros, I feel better now and I’m glad you have it all in hand. A lot of “value added” right there. Keep up the good work.


Coronavirus same class as plague & HIV: PM Mishustin says Russia will deport infected foreigners if necessary

The Prime Minister further made it clear that Russia is fully equipped with the necessary medicine to combat the coronavirus, stressing: "It is important ... that the prices in pharmacies remain at the same level. The Federal Antimonopoly Service and Roszdravnadzor have been instructed to monitor this." Some areas of the country have already reported increases in the cost of masks, with local media in Kursk speaking of a 3,500% price hike.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the impact between asian verus european ACE2 levels. So I’m thinking in the case of German worker, did his body react to NCoV as like it was another nasty flu and given lower ACE2 levels and his immune system was able to “keep up with it” so he was able to go back to work days later? (Although he was still contagious).

Hello I am brand new here and fascinated by the current topic. I have noticed that there are persistent (conspiracy?) theories regarding the potential engineered origins of this virus. For example the Indian researchers claiming a HIV insert. Is it the opinion of people on this site that these claims have any merit?

NIH doctor says 25% of coronavirus cases in China are ‘very serious,’ requiring ‘intensive care’
Poland said on “Squawk Box” that the worldwide coronavirus outbreak is “basically at a pandemic now.”

Mayo Clinic doctor: Coronavirus is ‘basically at a pandemic now’ and should be treated as such

Mr Curious, we are a very, very diverse group.
Many distrust official words, but some trust them. This site endures by asking for civil discourse and that each person think for themselves, then articulate their understanding as clearly as possible. Many things are unknown and cannot be known, yet are possibilities (like bioweapons). These are discussed, too, but without consensus.
We have pro-Trump and anti-Trump, Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims and religious persons of all shapes, atheists, agnostics, Ph.D./MD scientists, housewives, gardeners, herbalists, farmers, optometrists, machinists and lawyers. Very very diverse.
For every opinion offered there are many here who disagree. There is no group consensus.

I think the Lancet estimate of R0 as 2.68 is the best estimate we currently have. The Lancet study used case rates from secondary cities and the number of travelers between Wuhan and those cities to calculate both the suspected infection count in Wuhan and R0. The study estimating R0 as ~4 calculated its estimate from the official statistics including the Wuhan and Hubei province numbers themselves. We now know that the numbers coming out of Wuhan are not accurate, whereas it remains possible that the numbers from other cities are much more accurate for a number of reasons.
My best estimate of the case fatality rate is based on four data points:

  • the Lancet study’s estimate of 76,000 actual cases in Wuhan on Jan 25th, and doubling period of 6.4 days
  • median time to death of 14 days from hospital admission (lost source link), and assumption that the mean is similar to the median
  • my assumption of mean time of admission to hospital from onset of symptoms of 5 days
  • the suggestion in the humanevents article linked above that Chinese doctors in Hubei privately agree that official statistics are under-reporting deaths by a factor of three
    These assumptions lead to the following calculation:
    Number of deaths on Feb 2: 1080 (360 x 3)
    Number of cases on Jan 13: 19,000 (76,000 / (12/6.4))
    CFR: 11.4% (1080 * 2 / 19,000)
    Note that I have simply doubled the number of deaths to account for the fact that only half of the eventual deaths will have occurred by 19 days after infection. This math is overly simplistic since the numbers include all cases, many of which had an infection date before Jan 13th. Therefore it’s reasonable to adjust that number downwards to, say, 9% to reflect this.
    Note that, if we accept the assumptions above, which are obviously highly unreliable, the CFR is unlikely to be below 5.7%. It’s also worth noting that if the average time to death is shorter than 19 days from initial infection these numbers would improve significantly for each day shorter. For example a mean mortality period of 12 days from infection would yield a CFR approximately half the value I have calculated.

I’m one who is willing to consider the <possibility> this is an engineered virus, purposefully or accidentally released. I’m not a scientist but it seems that if scientists conclude that the virus appears to be engineered (eg. By adding HIV components) then I’ll be convinced. Then we’ll want to know: by whom? If the engineered virus mostly affect men of Chinese origin, what does that mean about the culprit?
I’m waiting for more information. Open minded (I’ve been lied to so many times I’m always distrustful of narratives the government and the MSM media are pushing, or denying.). In the meantime I’ve got a life to lead and preps to top off (I got ready for pandemics during the most recent Ebola unpleasantness).
BTW, welcome to our site and community! I’ll look forward to whatever contributions you can make.

Blow-off top:


Sounds good. I came across Chris recent videos and found them of interest.

Adam what do you think I went to cash on 1/27/2020 should have waited one day. Than I bought Tesla March puts 400 and 350 on 1/29/2020 shold have waited longer again. well should a person add a few or load the boat.

Other than the one quarter they claim to have made a profit [if you believe their accounting methods, they are a perennial money loser. Amazing.

Hey all –
I’m pretty agnostic about colloidal silver as a medicine. I know people who are quite serious that it is an indispensable part of their kit, and I know people who are busily rolling their eyes before you get done saying “colloidal”.
Anecdotal data point: for a couple months I have been dating a woman who among other things is a resilience enthusiast/prepper. She had a terrible flu about 3 weeks ago, the associated coughing of which left her throat so raw that when she gargled salt water, it came out pink.
She eventually got better. Fast forward to a few days ago and she felt a relapse of the cough coming on. She mentioned this to a friend who brought over a nebulizer and some colloidal silver. My lady friend did two treatments of about 4 minutes about 6 hours apart and it just knocked the cough right down. She’s certain the colloidal silver wiped out whatever opportunistic bug was trying to assert itself in her lungs/throat/sinuses.
Make of it what you will. Like I said, just one data point, and perhaps a starting point for investigation if colloidal silver doesn’t make you roll your eyes…
VIVA – Sager

I don’t know what to make of it, tbh.
But I do know one thing, I hope it doesn’t make it over here. Or at least not until I’ve shaken the chest infection I’ve been battling the last week plus. And had time to recover. A good case of the flu might do me in while I’m battling this thing. :slight_smile:
I’ll be honest. I’m afraid for people with compromised immune systems and the very young and old. Most of us have people we care about who fit into these categories.

THanks. I brought up the question because the credibility of the Indian article regarding HIV inserts is hard to decipher. Their biggest contribution may have been to prompt people into actively studying that possibility. The unsettling fact is that the technology for engineering sequence is quite routine and do-able. For what it’s worth, I don’t think that huge numbers of scientists worldwide could be involved in any type of coverup. Perhaps the MSM can all be given a corporate script on what to say, but I don’t think science is that way.

yeah, it’s highly concerning that we (the US) has so many people who would likely avoid health care due to concerns about bankruptcy from going to the ER. We’ve also got so many homeless, one could imagine these people are highly vulnerable.

“You folks ever wonder if the MSM may be on here baiting people into commenting on things so PeakProsperity can be discredited in their next article?”
Foobar - Yes! Because how does speculating on whether this virus is man-made, a consequence of how food markets operate, or something else help us this day in this critical time period?
I am spending my time making sure that I have enough Kleenex and bleach on hand. And that my car is in good operating order in case I have to drive 2000 miles to retrieve my elderly brother. And monitoring the news for info that will trigger me to do so – a non-travel-related case of person-to-person infection in his area.
AND I am concerned about keeping Peak Prosperity available as many people as possible for doing what is appropriate to focus on now – not becoming infected (e.g., having the capability to hunker down for months) and being prepared for home care, if necessary. Thinking about how to make my neighborhood more robust.
Later on, questions about how this virus came to be will be important. But who is so well prepared today that they couldn’t do more for themselves, their loved ones, and their community to stay safe and limit the spread?

Supposedly, those of Jewish extraction less suceptible to plague and HIV.
Thank you, Chris for all you do.