Coronavirus: Listening To (And Rebutting) The Critics

We’ve been talking about using containers and pots to grow veggies outside but many people who rent probably don’t even have a bit of lawn to call their own to put a container or 6.
That doesn’t mean you can’t grow food though.
Sprouts are a great way to get some added calories and are fun too for the kids.
Microgreens which is one step up from sprouts, that is growing things like lettuces, spinach and other leafy greens for just a couple of weeks, then harvesting them while they are small is another way to add significant calories to your table.
Not just leafies either. Check Youtube for all the video tutorials on how to get an added kick indoors. Onions are a great way to add to your diet. Onion greens harvested from a water bottle garden in your kitchen and thrown into a bowl of ramin or into a soup gives it a kick and makes it a meal.

Have you considered having any perennial veggies? Several of them look just different enough that maybe the thieves would bypass them.
Since there are soooo many people online due to lockdowns in cities, states, and countries, there are a lot of people such as us using the internet, in addition to the multitudes using Facebook, YouTube, etc. It’s entirely possible it’s not your router but the servers, data centers, etc involved used by the various ISP providers, part of the magical invisible system of the internet (which require an insane amount of energy to operate. Not possible to operate only with renewable energies when you look at the math. I frequently see articles about this subject on:
and will see articles by Tom Murphy there as well (his bio from his website “Professor in the physics department at UCSD, and the Associate Director of CASS, the Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences. I am working on an ultra-precise test of General Relativity using the technique of lunar laser ranging.”)

If this whole thing goes South for the worst, then maybe this will be our newest theme song?

Article at says the surging net traffic from everyone being at home has caused deterioration. Same thing happened in China and Europe with lock downs.

I forgot to mention/ask if you have an Ethernet cable to plug into your laptop (don’t know if CPU’s have a port for one) and then into the corresponding port in the back of your router. That can help, periodically my wifi signal cuts out too, but using the Ethernet cable I’ve had no problems. (I learned to leave one plugged into my laptop at my last address since the signal constantly cut out.)

Here in Oz we are also seeing a slowdown in the Internet and for the first time in decades even the phone network is struggling (with msg saying it is congested and you can not place a call).

This Dr has, supposedly, 4 degrees from MIT. His solutions make sense to me.
Worth watching.

Well, he is still claiming to be the inventor of email, on his web site and he is clearly promoting a book in the video. These things alone suggest he can’t be taken seriously. Of course, a healthy immune system would be great and is vital for good health but the doctor’s “solution” isn’t viable since it would initially require no-one to do anything except wait to be tested. Otherwise, the virus rampages in the population that hasn’t been tested.
I could take issue with a number of things he’d written (and the way he’d written them) but I had enough warning flags go up to realise that I’d be wasting my time trying to analyse his so called solution any further.
Use above link to see the letter.

His Vitamin A palmitate recommendations were scary though. I’d like to see research showing that a dose that high is safe, even if only taken for 2 days. It is definitely in a toxic range from everything that I learned and read. Hypervitaminosis is one of the most common problems with vitamin A and can be a huge problem with pregnant females. Furthermore, I recall that Norman Childers, PhD regularly spoke out about the problems with the synthetic palmitate form of Vitamin A. I tried looking it up online (where I had read it previously) but I can no longer find his website, probably because he passed away at age 100 back in 2011 IIRC, he felt that that form, in excess, could contribute to cancer and heart disease and stated that he assiduously avoided it since it was put in many commercial supplements and foods. He talked about widespread adverse health effects in our culture from its use. He was still traveling around the country lecturing on this subject (and especially, his pet subject of nightshades) in his 90s so he not only talked the talk but walked the walk of good health.

Many good scientists have disappeared speaking truth to power. This is a tragedy. What the good doctor doesn’t understand, the psychopaths just don’t care.

  1. Who gets credit for inventing email is irrelevant to the topics addressed by Dr. Shiva.
  2. Making information available for sale does not in and of itself call into question someone’s integrity. For that determination, the quality of the information should be scrutinized.
  3. The reason you claim for the solution’s nonviability is invalid for at least these two reasons. 1) The doc does not claim you should wait to be tested before taking the other steps. 2) If you concur that Americans have poor immune health, you should agree that taking steps immediately to improve it would have benefits even to those who do not acquire COVID-19.
    I had never heard of Dr. Shiva before watching this video. His medical advice is in line with other integrative health doctors. Dr. Deagle and Dr. Brownstein come to mind.

Farmers would differ with you on that point. It’s a freaking weed and the bane of their existence because it grows like wildfire. As a kid, I weeded acres and acres of the stuff from a farm. That being said, you are absolutely correct. It is a great food with one of the highest omega-3 fatty acid contents in the plant world. It makes a nice addition to salads raw but must be eaten in moderation due to its oxalic acid content. We use it in soups and stews but we’ve never thought of using it in stir fries so thanks for that recommendation! And we’ve never ever had to plant it since it pops up spontaneously. I still have to weed it out, lol. Lambs quarters is another one like that … pops up everywhere as a weed but is extremely nutritious and can be used as a spinach substitute.

ao, to supplement vitamin A, what is a better form than the palmitate? Thanks.

Certain supplements, for lack of a better word, can cause ill effects if too much is taken. Fat soluble vitamins and iodine are two examples. Patients seeking to better their health through such supplementation should seek medical professionals trained in their use so that outcomes can be properly monitored and managed. The purpose of Dr. Shiva’s letter is to outline the approach. Of course, doctors will manage the treatment of patients as appropriate.

Claim: “As much as half” the UK population has already been infected.
1.a. In the early stage of an epidemic, infections grow exponentially. If infections are doubling, say, every 3 days, then half the infections occurred in the last 3 days. And 3/4 occurred in the last six days.
1.b. If the majority of infections occurred so recently, then the claim should be obvious by PCR testing. No need for “large-scale serological surveys,” testing for anti-bodies.
2.a. This conclusion seems absurd, so “as much as half already infected” must instead imply that we are no longer in the early, exponential stage, but rather near or past the peak, where the curve is no longer rising exponentially.
2.b. In fact, if “as much as half” the population has been infected, then we must be near or past the peak at the epidemic’s halfway point.
2.c. Because of herd immunity, 100% of the population would not ever be infected, so actually it implies we are past the peak.
2.d. Since the claim is that “as much as half” have not just been infected, but have already recovered, then we must be weeks beyond the peak–at least as long as the disease takes to resolve.
3.a. Where is the corroborating evidence that we are past the peak? Hospitals would be overjoyed to see this evidence.
3.b. If it was not evident on the day of the Oxford study (24 March), then surely we can wait a few days for this evidence before making critical policy decisions that will effect that fate of nations.

Vitamin A is essential for the thyroid to convert inactive T4 into active T3. The largest prescription item in the USA for most years (except '19-then #2) is thyroid medicine. We have epidemic Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Thyroid function plays a major role in immune response. It also helps with rapidly developing membranes like the throat, lungs, gut, and skin.
Although Vitamin A is fat soluble, without some underlying kidney or liver issues, overdoses are rare. Had a book about vitamin studies in the '90s that said there were only 40 cases of vitamin A overdose in a 10 year period world-wide.
Have used it in larger than RDA doses for sinus infections, thyroid function, allergies, and acne. Remember RDA’s are NOT the amount for “health”, but the minimal level to prevent detectable disease. Natural sources are fatty cold fish, liver, kidneys, deep green veg. Cod liver oil is an old fashioned source.
*Not prescribing, everyone make your own decisions; but telling my own personal use. I have used this cycle numerous times: 100K daily for 2 weeks; then 50K daily for 2 weeks, and then 10K daily for 2 weeks. Currently I take at least 5K daily preventatively.

Not all Texans are like Dan Patrick. Most want Grandma and Grandpa to survive and thrive.

I wouldn’t be so sure that everything would work out even if the whole planet was wearing masks 24/7. Everyone in Tokyo has been wearing masks since January, but it’s now on the verge of a lockdown…