Coronavirus: Listening To (And Rebutting) The Critics

singingblonde, I agree that the first two are irrelevant to the argument directly but they do make me wary of someone who is making the argument. I also agree that improving the immune system is a good thing (I think I said that) but the doctor is touting this as the “solution”. It cannot be a solution if the first step is impractical, impossible or invalid if it takes too long to accomplish. If the first step is invalid then it is not a solution.

One does not have to presume TPTB loosed Wuflu to create the opportunity for one world government; one only has to recognize that those so inclined will use any opportunity to advance the vision.
No conspiracy here, only opportunism.

I never watched “12 Monkeys,” and only watched about 5 minutes of the “report” posted here. It’s pretty obviously bogus.
The movie depicts a narrative. The “report” uses the fiction to “interpret” real life as it’s still unfolding and so not yet knowable. As usual, humans see what we expect to see: feed us a plausible narrative that generally accords with what we’re prepared to believe anyhow, and we’ll accept it with little or no critical analysis. It’s a textbook case of starting with a conclusion and tracing backwards to find data points sufficiently related, even tangentially, to plausibly “prove” the conclusion. Real world context becomes secondary, if not irrelevant.
If you want truth, you start with a hypothesis and look for reasons to toss it out or refine it, not for reasons to confirm your (often unconscious) bias. Bias reasoning is endemic to humans, and the reason the scientific method is based on dis-proving, not proving.

I check this site out for inspiration when my food preservation juices have dried up…

Thanks, Granny. I have been following Gail Tverberg’s work at Our Finite World for a long time. You are right. Gail is really smart and has some great insights. Like you, I recommend this article to everyone here.
Chris/Adam–I don’t remember ever having Gail Tverberg on a PP interview. I think she sees the world much in the same way you do, but with enough important differences to really be worth hearing from at this unusual time. Any chance you could invite her for a podcast? I think the PPers would benefit from hearing from Gail.

If I gave up sarcasm all I would have left is interpretive dance as my only means of communication.

Dr. Lei Zhao, doctor from Wuhan, is giving a presentation near Stanford, thought you may be interested in joining virtually via zoom.
Link to Register:
Here is the Facebook Invite

there’s nothing tastier than a homegrown potato. They’re easy to grow but I learned a few tips from a farmer once. Unless you have a fair amount of space you should decide on one type only. The first year I planted I had an awesome crop and no diseases. So the second year I got carried away and planted 3 or 4 different types, red, russets, Yukon Golds, etc. Big mistake. Disease, poor yields and lots of critters.The farmer told me to stick with one so the next year I chose Kennebecs and planted on virgin ground. Great results. I always planted two crops per year. Have fun.

Hm. How many people are isolating at home with Netflix…? In Europe there’s been talk about lowering the streaming quality to save bandwidth now that millions are working from home - doing video calls, streaming and gaming. That might be it.

So, I am here listening to Chris’s new video. And I am shocked to realize what trash the reported numbers are especially with germany. So basically you can now just throw out all that data. And we are back to an entirely new CFR again… But wait. Why worry. The numbers don’t matter because it only affects old people. Remember Italy. 70% older than 70. No one young dies from this almost. Well those numbers are not real and can be garbage too. They are already making decisions ,“ethical ones”, that determines who can get the ventilator AND when they sacrifice the old guy to give it to the young guy. That does not mean that old people die from this any more, its means they are sacrificed more. I am sure this is happening. It was clearly told to us by Italian Doctors. I am sure they are doing the same here in the US where we are at capacity. or near or looking like we will get there. leave the beds open for the young … they are coming… !

I’m sure a lot of you know this, but this is for those that don’t. Around the Central Coast a type of purslane is a very common “weed” and is difficult to get rid of. It is edible and free, so you may think twice before pulling them up this year. Spring wild edibles (weeds) include mustard, mallow, wood sorrel and dandelion. These are the easiest to identify, but there are many others. For years a guy on youtube has been putting up video after video called eat the weeds. No reason to ever go hungry during spring.

I am not sure his protocol is proven. But when we are failing with conventional medicine, I am willing to try it. The theory is sound - the evidence for this protocol is solid. It nothing earth shattering, but it does address nutrients deficiencies common in the modern world, not that we didnt have disease in the ancient world. So, being my wife is a nutritionist and I am a man of engineering and science. And not pro-big pharma. I say give it a try. I think it could save many, But I am sure many it will not be enough , and many might actually fair out better with conventional medicine… Again , as he said , one size does not fit all…

Basically, the only reasoning here, is there is none. I would call the reason here for this belief , simply, low IQ… inability to reason…

I have seen in recent times a lot of crazy stuff and people come out of private universities in the country. I have no respect for wharton ( thank you mr president .) Geogia Tech is another I will not hire from. And now Stanford just lost a boat load of street credit. - Chris, has redeemed Duke for the moment… lol