Coronavirus: Promising News On Remdesivir Drug....Maybe??

The world is cheering the news that Gilead Science’s antiviral drug remdesivir is showing a “clear cut positive effect in diminishing time to recover” for those infected with the covid-19 virus.

President Trump says he is now pushing the FDA to fast-track remdesivir through the approvals process.

So the media is filled with joyous headlines and the stock market had a banner up day.

But as with most announcements lately, digging into the supporting research raises lots of questions about the news.

First off, China’s published studies of remdesivir show little to no evidence that the drug makes any difference either in clinical improvement or mortality improvement.

The NAID study being reported today agrees very similarly with China’s data EXCEPT that it saw “very significant” clinical improvement. We don’t yet have access to the research results themselves, so until we do, there are serious open questions that need to be addressed.

In other news, we're saddened to report that the warnings we issued weeks ago on food supply insecurity are proving true.

Processing plants are being shut down nationwide. Millions of chickens, cattle and pigs are being culled, their carcasses discarded. And millions of tons of produce is being left to rot. All while food bank demand is soaring from the tens of millions of Americans who have recently lost their jobs.

More voices in the media are now predicting a food crisis ahead. So get going on that garden!

And don’t forget to get your free download of Peak Prosperity’s book Prosper!. Given its relevance to preparing for any kind of crisis, pandemic or otherwise, Chris and Adam are now making it available to the world for free.

To download your copy, click here.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I would love to see at this point how we compare state to state in the US rather than nationwide statistics you show on the first chart at each presentation. This will inform on social distancing practices which vary by state and any correlation with disease upswing. That is, assuming the states can give us accurate data. I assume the US data is aggregated from the individual state reports.
I truly appreciate you energy and your inquisitive mind. Whether you are right or wrong is secondary, but your tenacity and integrity is an inspiration for all of us, and those are much needed qualities.
Thank you Dr. Karen

Hi Chris
I have been enjoying your daily update on COVID-19 thank you.
You might find this article of interest as it shows, with graphs, how important acting quickly and decisively can be…

How corrupt… They know this crap doesnt work, but they killed what did(HCQ) because its costs a dollar a dose - for something profitable . at 1000 a dose or 30k per treatment. times 290M. What an f’n joke.

Hello Chris,
How great it is to have a scientist comment on developments, that isn’t afraid to make common sense statements alongside.
Listening to you everyday is a highlight to my day, so thank you very much. I like hearing your voice and your interpretations too.
I am pleased to have the numbers tables a little larger (as you have done recently), it helps to follow along with your commentary. For households, I suggest ‘domestic’ and opposite of ‘commercial’ are additional labels that can be used, in respect of your discussion on toilet paper specifically.
I would enjoy it, if you would spend longer on analysis of the numbers - sometimes it feels like you are going a bit quick for me, I would like you to unpack them a bit more, if you are agreeable to doing so.
Also, China, I would like it if you would work-up some of the material on the evolving story, such as a new city getting locked down, and other developments. A whole presentation on China would be great.
Also, in respect off immune system preparation, again, a whole session on that, is also on my wish list. You went a little quick for me the other day when you were doing cranberry liquid and so on.
It is great to have the free book from you and Adam. I have downloaded it, but not yet read it, I expect that I will indeed ‘Prosper’ by spending time digesting it.
I am a fan of all you do, I wanted to let you know that personally I would like your delivery overall, at a slightly slower pace, so I can chew the ideas over a bit more, as you are going.
I find what you are doing heroic, you are saving lives and helping people like me to understand what is going on, in a way that puts me ‘in front’ of many people, that are not familiar with your material.
News services, particularly, are immensely lacking in substance. The role of media should be to question and test what officials say and do, the fact that there is nothing from them in this regard is an outrage, in my view. Contrastingly, you do so with tenacity, I applaud you for doing that.
I love your guests that you have invited too, they are really great. You know some great people to talk to.
Ten out of ten job. Best regards to you, your family, and all the Peak Prosperity people, staff and followers. Eyes wide open.

The first case treated in the US was a 35 yr M in the Seattle area who had been in China. He was suffering severe lung damage in the hospital. He was given Remdesivir and bounced back to health starting the next day and was discharged from the hospital a few days later. I’m glad it seems to help some other people, it’s not a quick fix and certainly not a preventative treatment or vaccine. I’m less concerned whether the company makes a boatload of profit from this or gives it away for free - but whether it really can help people. Obviously, national health care motivated by compassion would be better but doesn’t look like the USA is going to have that any time soon.

Hello Chris,
How great it is to have a scientist comment on developments, that isn’t afraid to make common sense statements alongside.
Listening to you everyday is a highlight to my day, so thank you very much. I like hearing your voice and your interpretations too.
I am pleased to have the numbers tables a little larger (as you have done recently), it helps to follow along with your commentary. For households, I suggest ‘domestic’ and opposite of ‘commercial’ are additional labels that can be used, in respect of your discussion on toilet paper specifically.
I would enjoy it, if you would spend longer on analysis of the numbers - sometimes it feels like you are going a bit quick for me, I would like you to unpack them a bit more, if you are agreeable to doing so.
Also, China, I would like it if you would work-up some of the material on the evolving story, such as a new city getting locked down, and other developments. A whole presentation on China would be great.
Also, in respect of immune system preparation, again, a whole session on that, is also on my wish list. You went a little quick for me the other day when you were doing cranberry liquid and so on.
It is great to have the free book from you and Adam. I have downloaded it, but not yet read it, I expect that I will indeed ‘Prosper’ by spending time digesting it.
I am a fan of all you do, I wanted to let you know that personally I would like your delivery overall, at a slightly slower pace, so I can chew the ideas over a bit more, as you are going.
I find what you are doing heroic, you are saving lives and helping people like me to understand what is going on, in a way that puts me ‘in front’ of many people, that are not familiar with your material.
News services, particularly, are immensely lacking in substance. The role of media should be to question and test what officials say and do, the fact that there is nothing from them in this regard is an outrage, in my view. Contrastingly, you do so with tenacity, I applaud you for doing that.
I love your guests that you have invited too, they are really great. You know some great people to talk to.
Ten out of ten job. Best regards to you, your family, and all the Peak Prosperity people, staff and followers. Eyes wide open.

Great analysis Chris. Just for context, I actually worked in the lab that developed the key technology which makes Remdesivir (and Sofosbuvir, and TAF) selective. It is called phosphoramidate, or Protide, technology and gets nucleotides past the first kinase step in cells. It was developed in the McGuigan group in the 90s (google my name - Orson Wedgwood phosphoramidate for papers). Gilead have made great use of this technology (I also worked for Gilead for 5 years) and I have been hopeful for Remdesivir.
I noticed one thing in your video that may be worth thinking about in terms of the reason for different outcomes. The 15 day analysis (NIAID) vs 28 days (Hubei) time points are potentially interesting. We obviously need to see exactly how this related to final results, but if outcomes after 15 days were excluded in the NIAID study then this could be a source of the difference as we know that it can take much longer for people to die. Not sure just yet, and need to see the paper. Secondly the point about there not being anything significant in the different mortality rates in the Chinese study may have missed something. My first thought was that this was because Remdesivir is working in patients who are presenting earlier as there has been less lung damage and it is having an effect on reducing viral load, then you showed the viral load data, and that for me is the killer for Remdesivir. If its not doing anything to reduce viral load, then it is not having any effect at all…this is an anti-viral pure and simple. There is also the fact that other drugs that are being investigated for COVID-19 were included in the Chinese study (Kaletra is obviously discounted now, but the 2 others may have an effect).
Something else to consider, that is most definitely not in Remdesivir’s favour is that it is an IV drug. This is not easy to administer, and would be hard to make available outside of hospitals without daily clinic visits. Also I think its side effects may make it less of an option for those who are not yet sick enough to be in need of something.
Keep up the good work. I am still rooting for HCQ…I think there will be some data out of Spain before long. They have been using it a lot there and they have some good ID experts, so a good analysis should hopefully be forthcoming.

Yet again a great video. I’m inclined to believe that a difference in profit might make all the difference. One billion vaccines for 1000 dollar each, versus 1 billion vaccines for 1 dollar each, kind of forms a huge incentive, and buying mouthpieces for say, 1% of the revenue, say 10 billion per mouthpiece: would you say no?
But, maybe there is another explanation that is implicitly being offered by Nassim Taleb: “knowledge reduces convex antifragile tinkering
What does he mean with this? Fragile systems break under randomness and chaos, i.e, when you have more to lose than to gain. For example, researching deadly viruses is an example of a fragile system. True, maybe a cure for HIV could be found, but once in a while it could happen that something escapes and wreak havoc on the world population: much to gain, but maybe more to lose.
Antifragile systems benefit from chaos and randomness: typically they have little to lose from variation, but a lot to gain from a sudden improbable event.
Contrary to what most people are told, almost all great inventions and discoveries were by change, not by directed search. These discoveries led to large revolutionary steps in knowledge (say, science). This increase in knowledge was mostly, if not all, due to “tinkering”. The inventor had little to loose, and a lot to gain (=convexity).
Over time, society, and science practitioners reversed the narrative: directed (re)search led to increase in knowledge, increase in knowledge led to inventions, and these inventions led to applications. Actually, it was (and still is) the other way around: certain applications (=tinkering) led to inventions, which led to increase in knowledge, which then helped science which formalized this knowledge.
Or in Talebs own words (source):
We made huge gains in cancer research when 1) we had no understanding of the biological process, 2) research was undirected (nonteleological), as we were looking for cures for something other than cancer, or stumbled on results we weren’t looking for. Chemo was born from mustard gas, etc.
Now since we’ve started targeting cancer in 1973, the results are … Could be that we had gotten the low hanging fruits; could be that modern life is cancer-causing… an alternative explanation that is even more scary.
My point is that knowledge, direction, aiming, strategic planning reduce convex tinkering.
There are many examples in the history of “science”. For example, the discovery of penicillin was by pure accident, this guy Fleming was notoriously sloppy, he never cleaned his laboratory. When he came back from holiday he found that some bacteria cultures died, while others thrived. Especially the cultures close to the open window, which he forgot to close, died. No directed search at all. Or, the discoveries made by Isaac Newton, forget the apple and the tree, the Royal Academy offered a huge sum of money for the invention of a method to determine the longitude while traversing oceans. There were many contestors, Newton lost, a carpenter won (inventor of the chronograph). A concequence however was the laws for which he is famous. Again, no directed search for the laws, but for a solution for ships getting lost. Be aware that scientists are trained to believe otherwise! Knowledge first, inventions later.
What is the relevance to this situation? First of all it needs to be noted that humans are full with cognitive biases. Basically they all boil down to “if you do not believe it, you do not see it”. Secondly, as mentioned before, we, especially scientists, are all brainwashed to believe that with directed search you will increase your knowledge which is needed to find revolutionary things: we do not know how to tinker anymore, actually we do not believe it works.
So, enters a beardy, weird doctor claiming that a certain cheap substance (and therefore the natural component from which it was derived), works for this unknown scary virus. The scientific community will not be able to accept this. Some individuals will, but not the community as a whole: this is not how science work (they were led to believe). Remdisvir or whatever it is called, is the result of linear logic: corona is a virus, it is new, so we must find a new cure that inhibits the growth of the virus. This sounds very scientificy. Tinkering would be: we have this unknown virus, lets test an array of reasonably save known substances, AND new substances and use double blind (to estimate the causal impact) and see what comes out of it: this is “common sense” which led to the greatest inventions of mankind.
So maybe it is not all dark and profit driven, but a product of an increasingly dogmatic society.
Below I added a video of an hour that fully explains Nasim Talebs antifragility.
Take care!

In the corner of the NE of Scotland, I have had clear example of how small businesses have quickly innovated to create a supply of bread flour for the home market.
The lock down in UK, starting on 24th March, created a huge increase in home bread making. (Initial shortage of bread plus individuals with more time at home to do something meaning to do for years?). As a result supplies of bread flour for the domestic market ran out and the suppliers could not keep up with demand.
Just like toilet rolls, there is a supply chain for the domestic market (1.5 kg bags of flour) and one for the commercial market (25 kg bags of flour). The commercial market was the larger of the two supplying not only the large commercial bakers, but also indirectly, the hotels, restaurant trades etc. The millers could not overnight change the production arrangements.
I then noticed that the small farm shop where I get some of my green groceries, started selling bread flour. They had obtained a source of strong large brown paper bags. They are buying 25 kg bags of flour and decanting it into these bags to make up approximate 1.5 kg bags for sale. My local butcher is doing the same. Word has spread by social media and result is that there is no longer a bread flour shortage - at least in my area.

You sir are an optimist. Sort of.
I prefer to follow the money.
After all, the US sickcare system sucks up 19% of US GDP, and at the same time, we have lower lifespans and have worse outcomes in terms of health compared with the other industrialized nations in the world.
And it isn’t the doctors and nurses getting rich. Insurance companies, administrators, shareholders, and drug companies are getting rich.
So…given that environment? In the US?
Which drugs are selected for trials - along with the structuring of the trials themselves - are entirely about the money.
That VA HCQ “trial” is a case in point. It wasn’t a trial at all. The only reason to provide this “trial” was to slam a potential competitor - one that was “too poor” to compete - one that had no marketing department and no bribery budget to respond to the obvious chicanery that happened. The timing of this fake HCQ “trial” was very fortuitous, coming out just a few days prior to the massive Remdesivir “success” announcement we saw today.
That’s not coincidence. That’s the Big Pharma corruption machine in action.
And via their control over media, and both parties in Congress, they make sure all we get to decide with our votes, are either:
a) prayer in schools, or
b) transgender bathrooms.

And then there is the plagues of locusts in Africa that were in the news till covid came along…

Hi davefairtex,
?. I totally agree with you. On the other hand, I also believe that the majority is incapable of following the money because of full adherence to the believe system I described. Bad actors can, and will make use of this. If more and more people will realize that their perception is biased because of the Reversal of discoveries, bad actors will not get any traction.
There is one aspect I envy Americans for: their Bill of Rights. I’m not a lawyer, but, isn’t there an amendment that could be used for people to request a proper investigation? Unfortunately we do not have something like this in Europe.
Take care!

I have the distinct feeling of chasing my tail. For the time being I can only look out the window waiting for May 11th to roll around so I can get out and golf.
Yesterday Chris you talked about the damage COVID-19 does to your body. So simple logic would say a good result for me would be to eliminate the virus as quickly as possible - here we are on a risk reward (negative reward) type of relationship if I allow the virus to linger.
DaveDD above suggested a video above talking about risk - reward.
I tried all day yesterday, with multiple posts, to try to open the idea that RESULTS BASED TESTING - let’s do a study - for something as potentially dangerous as this virus - IS NOT A GOOD PLAN. You said so yourself, not in so many words, but by implication.
Dr Raoult posted a video where he shows a study from a Singapore group with a whole bunch of projections for the evolution of the virus, in the form of a Bell curve in different countries. For this mathematical study - by May 11th France should be 97% finished with this outbreak. So there will still be new cases, but maybe freedom of movement will be possible again?
If this study is correct - and taking my first point into consideration - Results Based Testing (to be proof positive) - becomes almost a joke. The horse is out of the barn, one has gone all over the place to find it - only to find that it has returned. The war is over and one is still trying to find ACADEMICALLY the best solution.
Dr Raoult has said this click in plain French (humor) that his first concern has been to treat patients. Finding by testing for a statistically positive result includes the risk of finding and approving a solution when it’s over - the outbreak is over.
So if compassionate care is what you are after, then immediate treatment, which works now in the real world, is what you want.
I have tried to influence this “debate” here on your site. We all want a positive result. I appreciate the opportunity and the quality of the podcasts which have helped me to prepare.
As Orsonw has said above:

Something else to consider, that is most definitely not in Remdesivir’s favour is that it is an IV drug. This is not easy to administer, and would be hard to make available outside of hospitals without daily clinic visits. Also I think its side effects may make it less of an option for those who are not yet sick enough to be in need of something.
I close it off here with a final reflection. There was a debate a few days ago with AKGrannyWGrit - I skipped over it as I felt it was off topic. But I went back to read it the same day - thinking that she was right about the lack of compassion we can have for poorer people who have not prepared for this - cause it's here!

Bonjour French connection,
From a tinkering point of view you would be crazy to wait: potentially huge loss (life, health). Tinkering using low risk supplements, NPI’s and, low risk medical interventions: small loss, potentially huge gain (not dying, health).
The only way to make this happen is spread information, with sources (thats why we are all here I guess).
And for the medium turn, try all different kind of interventions (doesn’t need to take months, it is not that we have a lack of patients). Testing is important because that is the language most academics speak. I consider this battle lost, but the war is imo not over (autumn, winter will wreak havoc I believe).
I myself tinkered. Sure I do not know what would have happened if i didn’t do that, again: low loss, high gain:
artemisin or artemisia annua. My experience: reduced fever within 30 minutes, felt immediately better. Daily high dose of vitamin D3, zinc, selenium. Vitamin C till bowel tolerance (reached within 3 hours, after that hourly vitamin c intake so that the daily dose was 100gram). NAC, quercitine, green tea, allicin (synergistic with quercitine), and yesterday started with alpha-lipoic acid (just curious). Btw rest is also very important: sleep, watch tv, just rest. Since three days better and better.
Why? My GP does not give Hydrochloroquine. I can not afford to wait. Btw: these supplements are rather cheap, and they have even cheaper natural sources.
The only thing that we can do: be factual, spread the news, do not give up, do not become fatalistic. If you reach only one person, it’s like saving the world.
Take care!

To get HCQ accepted, maybe we need to go after the source of the trouble:

For your consideration from Forbidden Knowledge TV as follows: Dr Fauci’s DARKEST SECRET Surfaces as His Predictive Model Crushes Trump Economy - Dr. Mikovits
Dr Mikovits joins Gary Franchi on the Next News Network and says that based on her 30+ years of working with Anthony Fauci, it is horrifying to see history repeat itself, as it did in determining the treatment for HIV/AIDS. It’s also disturbing to watch her expressions as she recounts these pivotal moments in her career, which Fauci destroyed. I find her to be a very credible witness but I can clearly see how very deeply she’s been traumatized.
This is particularly so when she describes how Anthony Fauci shut down her work on the highly-infectious XMRV mouse retrovirus, while looking into the cause of Chronic Fatigue- and Gulf War Syndrome. An early polio vaccine had been cultivated on pulverized mouse brains and her studies indicated that XMRV had entered the human virome through the blood supply and through the MMR and Polio vaccines given to American children and the Japanese Encephalitis vaccines given to US military personnel.
This discovery, revealed massive liabilities for the Big Pharma companies and for governments worldwide and it proved to be career-ending for Mikovits. Fauci was the Deep State enforcer who ruthlessly carried this out. She believes - and the data support - that this was “a cover-up, in the attempt to literally bury the evidence of the people who have been injured worldwide by Dr Fauci’s recklessness.”
By “injured”, she’s talking about millions of cases of cancer and AIDs and other Frankenvirus diseases, worldwide.
"Most of our biological therapies today are made using mouse tissue and animal tissue. So, this shows that in fact, for almost forty years, as we’ve mixed animal and human tissue - it’s called xenotransplantation - we’ve directly injected it in the blood and created many, many viruses that come from animals that would otherwise not have been introduced into humans naturally. That is, they can’t infect human cells.
“This is a huge liability…The cover-up of a hundred million people with contagious, cancer-causing virus…Look at our exploding cancer figures. Look at our exploding autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, AIDS-like diseases, autoimmune diseases. These are all from from viruses that are acquired not naturally but through biological therapies and this has been perpetrated by our government, knowingly by Tony Fauci since that first explosion of HIV.”
Mikovits believes that for the harm they caused with their handling of HIV, alone, “Tony Fauci…Robert Redfield, and Deborah Birx…should have been literally criminally charged for for killing millions and everyone knew it at that time and it was covered up.”
Her past trauma is made that much worse for her as she watches the entire world currently being subjected to Fauci’s psychopathic behavior.
"What I see is literally, history repeating itself. Where, throughout the ‘80s, he continued to direct therapies and the funding of therapies for which he held patents and stood to gain clinically, when clearly, all research showed that those weren’t the appropriate therapies…
"My…award-winning PhD thesis showed, in fact, another target would be the appropriate therapeutic target and I was part of the team that developed Peptide T [discovered in 1986 by Dr Candace Pert]…simple immune therapy, safe.
"That therapy never made it to people. [Fauci] prevented that, while he directed the therapy the wrong way, leading to the deaths of millions.
"And I see the same scenario playing itself out, now, where he says, ‘Oh, it’s anecdotal. Oh, hydroxychloroquine or Plaquenil, anecdotal evidence!’
"Anecdotal evidence means storytelling. It’s not storytelling! The WHO calls Plaquenil and hydroxychloroquine an essential medicine for all health. 70 years of data in its use. Same thing for Interferon Type 1. Interferon’s very low dose, very effective at preventing the spread, even the jumping of viruses from species and that therapy has been prevented from getting to the people.
“So, now in 2020, we use pre-exposure prophylaxis around the world for HIV…and Tony Fauci is deliberately misrepresenting that and leading to the spread of this virus throughout the world.”
To her, the COVID-19 numbers coming out show, "The numbers of deaths from CV to less than .1% to .3% and those studies are clear… a natural herd immunity has been established from the natural infection and that everyone should go back to work now…
"It’s very clear that the treatment of ventilators and the lack of oxygen has been what has been killing people - not a virus.
“That a single agent is causative for a disease is not true and that perpetrating that - what I call fraud - in order to push an agenda to drive towards a strategy of therapy, when…safe, effective therapies that are sanctioned by the World Health Organization, now for more than 70 years aren’t taking place is what I believe is destroying human health and will have a lasting effect for many years.”
As for the origins of the novel coronavirus that has caused the global shutdown, she says, "In those original studies that were published in 2015, Tony Fauci, the NIAID, Ian Lipkin through the new Centers for Discovery and Diagnostics actually funded the cell line strains that that were used to grow the virus.
"And that cell line strain came directly from Fort Detrick and USAMRIID (US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases). So an unintended release, maybe but USAMRIID was shut down in 2019 for safety concerns.
"That it came from a laboratory is clear and I think not only the Wuhan Biosafety Level 4 but the Biosafety Level 4 at Fort Detrick, USAMRIID…where I worked for 22 years and directly in that laboratory, I did research on Ebola.
"It’s clear that these two labs colluded under the direction of Tony Fauci, when it was, in fact illegal in this country to do those studies…
Dr Mikovits’ book, Plague of Corruption released 2 weeks ago has already sold out of its first printing. She says it’s about "Propaganda masquerading as science, it tells how I was jailed, how I was threatened, how the threats were carried through, literally at every level; the corruption in the courts, how the media is driving these pandemics and how these pandemics have been driven.
"Bobby Kennedy jr. writes a fabulous forward, where he talks about - he literally walks through history how we’ve been lied to as a public about environmental toxins and about these programs, which have have literally caused the development, the explosion of chronic diseases at the hands of Dr Fauci and Dr Redfield, Dr Birx. You know, the entire corrupt Old Boys Network that has been in power since at least 1980, for my entire career…
"At the end of the book is a fabulous ending. It shows how we have proven them wrong, how we were able to, how we refuse the order to throw away the data, to autoclave, to burn all of the samples from the infected people from our research, from 2011 and '12 and how we secured those data and gave them to the FBI a full five years ago - and that’s been covered up to the DOJ, to the Attorney General’s office; how I had a lawsuit that implicates every one of these people for five years, held under seal…meaning, nobody could talk about it while the government decided if…they could give me whistleblower status.
"The minute this book came in press, that case was dropped with prejudice, which means I made it all up to promote a book. We have the evidence, we have the evidence secured, we have the receipt from the FBI for the terabyte hard drive that proves everything I’ve been saying over the course of the last twenty to thirty years.
Host, Gary Franchi says, “Dr. Judy it’s been a pleasure having you on. The last thing I wanna drive home here is ask you the question: Should Dr Fauci be indicted?”
She answers, “Absolutely.” Link here

Hello again,
There is so much writing going up, how you get time to look at it, I couldn’t even imagine.
I appear to have written the same post twice as well, by accident as a newbie.
Anyway, I did message you a while back about the virus not being natural. I also asked you in my earlier post to look at China, in respect of what is currently going on there.
My interest now has returned to origins of the virus, since watching an Epoch Times presentation:
I hope the link works? Josh someone was the reporter.
It was the first time I heard anyone referring to you, the man appeared to be saying something unflattering about you, I am afraid - but as he had a face like a bashed crab, I am hoping that wouldn’t put you off taking a look at the video. I didn’t actually understand what his point about you was?
The science in the video was interesting, but a bit high-brow science for a non scientist like me. It would be great to get your critque, so I could get a handle on it.
The ace2 receptor, an s protein and Remdesivir all got mentions, they muddied it up in later stages with some politics, so again, I hope that wouldn’t be a reason for you not to take a look.
It looked pretty well put together. The science, if it passes your vetting process, may perhaps indicate ways to combat the virus.
I see China in Focus call it the CCP virus, this video goes hard on that too. As I said previously, I find the global spread too comprehensive for it to have happened without ‘intervention’. I suspect a vehicle of transmission such as drugs, pharmaceuticals, even food stuffs, who knows. I know it is contagious, but it just got up too quick.
Anyway, the amount of comments here, you probably won’t see my post, and no one could blame you for that, you would need a team of researchet volunteers to get through even a portion of it.
I love what you do.
God bless

From Derek Lowe’s In The Pipeline: