Coronavirus: Promising News On Remdesivir Drug....Maybe??

Here is some info on the side effects of Remdesivir. It may or may not cause liver damage.

Hello Chris,
Great video. The uneven treatment of Remdesivir and HCQ is really striking. When I first read about the early studies of HCQ I read

  1. Minor improvement in the condition o patients
  2. A number of serious side effects
  3. Early study stopped when they encountered some deaths
    Reaction - at first understandable caution - people said let’s test and see.
    Remdesivir early results
  4. Improvement in days hospitalized to 11 days from 15
  5. Some serious side effects
  6. Gilead, the maker suspended the test when it hit deaths
    Reaction - the Brass bands came out announcing salvation.
    To me, the early results seem very similar and deserved the same follow up rigorous testing. Why didn’t this occur?
    As a patient who has required infusions for the past 10 years, I can tell you that the most worrying and time-consuming part is locating and scheduling with a nurse who can administer the infusions. Even before COVID-19 this has become increasingly challenging. So when comparing Remdesivir and HCQ the fact that Remdesivar is an intravenous drug versus an HCQ is a major negative for Remdesivar when planning widespread use to combat this virus.
    Another factor to consider is possibly the large incremental cost versus a minor improvement in results. We know that doctors’ goal is to provide the best treatment for their patients so they often go for the latest and greatest treatment that may offer a minor improvement in results for a major increase in cost or difficulty of application.
    Let’s let the data speak and get the politicians out of the way.
    All the best,