Coronavirus: Public Panic & Market Carnage

Testing the Efficacy of Homemade Masks: Would They Protect in an Influenza Pandemic?
Interesting research, will have to read more. Tested a wide variety of materials.

Suburban Cleveland Ohio Walmart was cleaned out of all canned goods, all water, most frozen foods, and most refrigerated products when I visited yesterday. I was the only one wearing gloves and mask. The woman two spots in front of me made a point of speaking loud enough so everyone could hear that “It amazes me how scared some people are, and that it’s ‘just the flu’”. Guy behind me laughed when I changed gloves while retrieving my creditcard. I hope for their sake I’m paranoid and they are right …

Op-Ed: Coronavirus is restricting market efficiency — We need a two-week trading holiday
The “”“Markets”“” are efficient. Have to tell Chris that. I thought the computer programs trading were doing exactly what they were programmed to. Anyone want to bet on a up bounce today at open?

Kristofer Hivju who played Tormund Giantsbane on Game of Thrones announced he had tested positive. Covid19 is messing with the wrong guy now. Its gonna get its butt kicked, lol.

Sparky1 wrote: What is the anticipated role of the military and Peace Corps in this lockdown? Are they anticipating civil unrest? Are they helping with logistics, building temporary hospitals, or with patient care?
From watching this play out, from the cheap seats, since the major I know was called back to billet, my main impression is that the President wants to curb unnecessary travel and has the military and DoD contractors leading by example. He likely wants to get all Americans for whom the government is responsible back home where they are arguably "safer." (And I do think it's arguable.) It looks to me, from the press briefing yesterday where the president acknowledged his team had been talking "to all the governors" that morning, and from seeing the multiple governors acting similarly yesterday to close places of large gathering and encourage self-isolation, that a decision was reached and conveyed that these requests/orders would be received better if they came from each state's leadership than if they issued from the federal level. (I suspect that's true. It looks far more democratic, and most people are less contentious in regard to their state government than in regard to the federal government.) It helps us accept the "adjustment." I noticed the president also answered a question about whether he'd be issuing national orders for some kind of lock down with an initial "no," followed very quickly by "we're nowhere near that yet." I love that word "yet" when used in connection with Cov-19. How many times were the American people told there was nothing to worry about "yet"? Until, all of a sudden on a Monday morning a couple weeks ago we were informed by CDC that it was time to panic-buy toilet paper and lysol? That Friday we were assured we didn't need to worry, yet, because the vice president was going to handle all of the messaging and management from there on out. And now we're here, where we're a "long way" from a federally-ordered lock down "yet." So, how long is it between yesterday's press conference and "yet"? A week? A couple days? Surely not before the Peace Corps is repatriated. But no indication from the major I know that troops will be deployed, yet. "Yet." I don't know which annoys me more: the increasing likelihood of a strong government hand (always in the name of public safety); or the fact that so many "free" Americans think that means we have unbounded license but no responsibility to curb our behaviors in the face of a shared threat (which makes the strong arm of government necessary); or the obvious contempt for the rationality of citizens exhibited by government's self-styled elites who brazenly lie and obfuscate and worry about their political asses and job security (like pathetic middle level bureaucrats) when what adult free people need is transparency, true statesman-like leadership, and clear communications; or that "second rate" countries like Singapore can do all of this so much better than us - despite our CDC brag that (on paper) we scored at the top of the latest international "pandemic games" stress test. Inclines one to antiestablishmentarianism, if not misanthropy. At least, it does in moments of loving despair over the never-ending cascade of human foibles to which we are all heir - that keep effing up our best efforts to evolve.

unless there is guaranty of extensive testing, including impact of potential reinfection with different strains. If not, this feels more like a potential death sentence.

Our rural Vermont 5-mile long dead-end road has organized a list of email addresses and phone numbers so we can keep in touch with one another without our usual stops by one another’s homes. The younger people, and vigorous older neighbors, are eager to be of help to the infirm and elderly by running errands and leaving supplies at an agreed location at the recipient’s home. (We have no fear of theft. No one locks doors here.)

I saw where several local grocery stores are having special “Over 60 only” shopping hours.
also this:
Landlord offering one month free rent to low pay hourly workers in his buildings.

Vacuum cleaner bags! Of course! /Slaps forehead/
Great find.

Hello Chris and the team. I want to thank you for the work you have been doing, you might have saved many lives. I am french and things are getting really messed up here. I would like to share some info/feedback with you.
In France we have the most renowded scientist in the world when it comes to virus, microbiology and this kind of stuff : Didier Raoult.
I would like to share with you one presentation he did not long ago about the outcome of one study he has been doing on treating covid subjects with hydroxychloroquine.
Here is the video :
Here is the pdf of his presentation :
I have no time to translate the full video but here are the key points :
- Best strategy is : diagnose, test and treat people. EARLY.
- Contagion depends on viral load, if it decreases, so do contagious power. - This is what did China and South Korea
- Test are actually easy to perform by any lab using Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Therefore, deciding not to perform early and massive testing, nor to communicate about the virus is a political choice, will lead to this kind of situation. Our governments are criminals.
- Results of his study in Marseille over more than 15000 tests are : the virus is really contagious but if you perform massive testing the fatality rate seems to actually be quite lower than expected (explains South Korea, Diamond Princess), around 1%.
- If you perform test only on people with advanced symptoms, fatality rate goes up.
- He then gives data about age.
- Talking about how french health department tagged him as fake news.
- He gives results about his study on hydroxychloroquin (600mg/day in france =/= 1000mg/day in china)
- After 6 days with plaquenil only 25% patients still have viral load, without plaquenil 90% still have viral load.
- Antibiotic azytromycin works against viruses
- Viral load is the key
Conclusion : You HAVE to perform massive testing and treat people EARLY, like south Korea did, instead of telling them to stay home until symptoms get worse and you get respiratory distress and lungs have extended damage. Sorry for grammar mistakes, I wrote this quickly, I hope this info gets to you as it is relevant to me, I will post it on youtube too.
Thank you and have a great day

Per your discussion in the video on cutting down on the viral load to give your immune system a chance, I notice that most DIY mask materials in the test perform at a minimum of 50%. That would at least cut off 1-2 days of infection.
I think though furnace filters of the HEPA type, high filtration rate, would be easier. They are relatively cheap ($20US for a 16x25"), even bigger when unfolded (see screen grab) and can be cut up easier than disassembling a vacumn bag. Here’s a screen grab of a video tutorial on how to do one.
I picked up the material for a try at making one myself yesterday and I’m going to have pictures up by the evening I hope.

Good find !

I like to clarify things through overviews, here one I want to use around me for clarifying what’s probably coming down the pipe (hope the overview can be read, cannot upload original size…).
The effectiveness of your system will depend on whether and when the shift from process- and rule-based approach to results-based approach aiming for ‘good enough’ results can be made.

The 50% of medical staff out (second red block) is not a fixed number in any way, just an indication that your system is losing capacity fast. In the largest emergency where I worked (Mozambique 1998 - cholera epidemic) we ‘burned through’ expat staff in on average 2-3 weeks. Medical and support staff will have a very hard time once they cannot send severe cases to reference structures anymore. If this becomes a bad scenario (seems likely at the moment) this is going to be a pretty traumatic period for many. Better try to charge the batteries as good as you can before it gathers steam.
edit: Dtrammel; did the change you suggested but came out the same as the image you presented.
First blue text: ‘Reference (specialised) health care systems not able to cope anymore
Second blue text: ‘Reference health care systems refuse to take more patients’; that means probably no, or very limited, ER, no routine medical care
Third blue text: ‘50% Of local medical staff is sick, in self-quarantine or in burn-out’; you’ll have to sit it out…

I see what you were getting at about fall off of the line as health care workers get ill now.
BTW, Peak Prosperity defaults media uploads to 300 pixels wide. If you go back into your post to edit, then select Text, not visual, then in the line that has the image, change the width = to 700 and delete the height, it should make the image about as wide as the post.

It will be a little blurry though. I host my images on a private website, then link to them directly not upload here, that way they are wide and crisp.
You make a good point, and something we should highlight as we go forward.

Well, i do have a religious comment : The Antichrist is coming.
I do have a politically observation : "The parliamentary session was itself affected by the pandemic, with only 95 out of 179 MPs present for the vote, efforts made to ensure that MPs kept a safe distance from one another, and MPs voting by standing up. "
And a medical one : The SARS vaccination failed because second infections were deadly.

Arithromycyn is NOT an anti viral. It is an antibiotic effective on bacteria

I got diagnosed yesterday with shingles, and so far I’ve learned that it is no fun. But I do wonder if the antiviral med I’m on might help with cov19… it’s Valacyclovir Hcl, 1 gram tablet

Thank you Zana, I needed that.

The short answer is it would likely have no effect. That is why they are not giving it to COV-19 patients.