Coronavirus: Public Panic & Market Carnage

Is this the right one?

I think of the people lining up for those trial vaccine injections as ‘heroes’.

"This sounds cynical and does not show compassion for those who are frightened and struggling." So it sounds cynical to you and you assume that it does not show compassion? So in your mind expressing cynicism about the unsustainability of such government spending means I don't have compassion? Is that what you're saying? I just want to be clear here. "There you go again with the – YOU." "You" happens to be a pronoun that has a lot of uses but pronouns have become a PC minefield as of late. There's an agenda that goes beyond the obvious with that but it's a whole different issue I don't want to diverge into here. I don't know who Brene Brown is but I can guess. No one attacked your character. I was pointing out a repetitive personality pattern. Character and personality are two separate things. If you think my statement was designed to cause shame, I can't question your perception but I can assure you that's not the reality of it. If I were to assume your Brene Brown's position, could I construe that as you trying to shame me? I don't feel that way though and I've never been into playing the victim. Victimology weakens one and never works to one's benefit. "You misunderstand, I am not taking offense, I am stating an alternate viewpoint! And that viewpoint is sometimes under represented here which tries to bring compassion and empathy to the forefront." That appears to me like a valid statement on your part. So, to set an example for me and others, how are you, in a real world, practical manner, demonstrating your compassion and empathy? "Often the focus and discussion revolves around acquiring money." Do you think the acquisition of money (or any other resource) for that matter precludes compassion and empathy? I may be wrong here but you seem uncomfortable about the issue of acquiring money, like it's a bad thing. Do you have that belief? "So pointing out that the action of helping people in my mind is quite opposite from “the Everything for Everyone party”." We differ here. I don't think they're opposite. I think they're different, like apples and oranges (or in this case, nouns and verbs). Do you have suggestions of personal examples of how you help people or plan to help people? Also, I think that perhaps you took my attempt at humor a bit too seriously. "Are not alternate opinions a good thing?" Are you talking alternate opinions or different opinions. Again, there's a difference. I don't have problems with either, if it's in the right context. Coming back to the question I posed in my previous post, do you think these actions by our government are sustainable? That was the point of my cynical attempt at humor.

Yes. That is the article. I should have known Longform would have it.

Dr. Roger Seheult’s MedCram video from today had a really excellent link to a Youtube video on modifying a ventilator to vent 4 patients at once. The video appears credible and based on research simulation. It also appears fairly easy to accomplish. Imagine how many more people could get properly treated if hospitals learned this and implemented it!
If you know medical staff or admin staff in hospitals, please share with them.

Nine newly diagnosed today, bringing the total to 28.
Of those 9, three were admitted to ICU. One in their 20s, one in their 30s, one in their 60s.

Coming back to the question I posed in my previous post, do you think these actions by our government are sustainable? That was the point of my cynical attempt at humor.
So my perception that your post was cynical was correct. The actions are as sustainable as a persons ability to purchase food with no job and no money. Thats my point.

The balancing act between stopping transmission (lockdown) and crushing the economy (and the most economically vulnerable with it) is a predicament. I don’t think there’s a win-win out there.
But if we intend to limit the spread and hopefully save a few million lives, a serious lockdown needs to occur: 30 days at least? But to get people through (who have no savings or financial wherewithal to survive a month+ until next paycheck) the gov has to pay people to stay home. The gov needs to help small businesses survive (and low-interest loans won’t do it). The gov needs to mobilize like it’s a war to distribute food to the folks on lockdown.
Most people here will agree that the dollar’s toast eventually, so I don’t see the great harm in bringing that eventual date forward if it means we can weather this storm with tens of thousands of excess deaths as opposed to millions. We can all look back and say “that damn greenback gave its life to save grammaw.” Nobler than what it’s going to croak of in due course of time.
Order a 45-day lockdown effective Friday. Get money into people’s accounts asap. $2k per adult per month, at least, for the next 2 months. Suspend mortgages (and rents and credit payments) for 60 days. Find a number that works to sustain most small businesses, and mail the owners a check to cover the next 60 days.
Assuming a 45-day lockdown smooshes that curve down to an acceptable-ish level, we can re-boot the BAU economy over the following 2 weeks and get people earning paychecks before the 60-day period runs out (on rent/mortgage/cc suspension).
We all know they’re going to throw HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS at the airlines, shale, hospitality, etc. industries. What’s another couple hundy to look after the human citizens?
VIVA – Sager

the President doesn’t believe there will be shortages of pharmaceutical supplies or raw materials from China as they have “every incentive” to produce them;
I call BS. I haven’t been able to refill my hypertension meds for a month. My GP switched me to another med, and the local pharmacy is “out of stock.” I’m in VA.

Maybe even on the web you can find out the phone number of the American Consulate down there and give it to her so she can contact them. It is their job to protect Americans in the country and they have their own access to planes to get her out, I bet.

I share your discouragement Sand Puppy. At least 4 departments who stock fluid shield masks have been broken into and cleaned out of their supply. Our stock is so bad that the front line HCW’s have been told not to wear masks in the hallways. Now they tell us fluid shield masks are acceptable in CoVid positive rooms except where procedures that might cause aerosols would occur. We will all be exposed and roll the dice on our survival. Our health care system is saddled with the boot of government regulations that make being nimble impossible in times like these. God bless and be safe!

This would be my first place to check…
U.S. Embassy La Paz
Avenida Arce 2780
Casilla 425
La Paz, Bolivia
Phone: (591) 2-216-8000
Fax: (591) 2-216-8111
At this time, this is what their website down there says, can change any day tho.

Event: The government of Bolivia has announced enhanced screening measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. These measures include:
  • The suspension of classes at schools and universities through March 31, 2020.
  • The suspension of direct flights to and from Europe beginning Saturday, March 14, 2020.
  • Prohibition of mass public events of over 1,000 people.
  • Controls on the commerce of medical supplies.

Had the same thing happen to me years ago when they switched out my diabetes medication.
The change occurred because the FDA pulled the drug I was on off the market. Naturally, they did this without much prior planning, so there were supply disruptions. Nobody told the makers of the other equivalent medication, hey, we’re gonna pull this, you might want to anticipate increased demand.
Don’t know what the case is with your particular medication, but it’s something to keep in mind.

Here’s part of the email I just got from Monro Auto Service…

We know that in this time of crisis, it is critical that we make it possible for you to get where you need to go and to help family and friends. We are here to keep you mobile during the national coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency. For your safety and protection, and that of our other guests and store teammates, we are taking the necessary precautions to ensure a safe environment inside our store, including enhanced cleaning of the guest lounge, restroom, service and counter areas, as well as high-traffic, high-touch surfaces. We are providing hand sanitizer as well as cleaning vehicle door handles and steering wheels as we enter and exit the cars. Our team is practicing social distancing and asks that our guests do the same where practical. Despite school closing and other disruptions, our team is doing its best to maintain business as usual:
  • PLEASE NOTE OUR TEMPORARY HOURS. We now open 30 minutes later and close one hour earlier than posted.
  • This gives our team adequate time to ensure a healthy environment when you visit.
  • The temporary schedule also facilitates full staff coverage during open hours.
  • As the situation evolves, additional changes in hours may be required.
  • For the latest hours, please call your local store or visit us online.
  • When you drop off your vehicle, please check with the manager on duty about that day's work schedule and closing time.
  • Currently, we are able to source the parts we need. If there are disruptions in our supply chain in the near future, we will let you know.
We apologize for the inconvenience of the shorter hours. We appreciate your understanding.
Anybody know who to call to help an American get out of a country when there’s a lockdown and all flights are cancelled? My daughter is up in the Andes not due to come home for another week when out of the blue Bolivia’s case load went boom and the government announced a total lockdown with the airport to close on Thursday. Is there a government agency who can help you get home? When she went two weeks ago Bolivia was boasting it had zero cases
I'm sorry, you must be worried sick. Is there any chance for her to get to the airport before Thursday? Whatever it takes, whatever it costs, you should get her on a plane out of there.

If that failed, try the US consulate. Go there, and ride it out at the US consulate.

If that fails, then…I don’t know…take a land route to a neighboring country that still has air service?

That’s what I’d be trying if it was my kid. In that order.

Amen! You are right on.

This is what the Canadian federal and the Quebec provincial governments are doing:
People with low revenues or the ones that are not eligible for unemployment, that are asked to self quarantine will receive 576$ per week, up to 4 weeks, to stay home. they won’t be obliged to get out and work to bring bread home. This measure helps them and everyone else.
This measure should cost a mere 150M$. Not a perfect measure, but at least this is an insentive to respect the self-quarantine period.
Ottawa will make available 10B$ to help small businesses. Quebec should do the same (10-11B$). To follow…
On the health front, hospitals have been ordered to free beds. This means that most elective surgeries will be canceled (I expect this for my cataract surgery scheduled in two weeks - They told me that I have until the day before to pay. i.e: they don’t want to lose time refunding people is things are canceled. Understandable).
One comment about vacuum bags to make masks: these bags are not designed for “human consumption” like regular masks and furnace filters. I am wondering if they contain some fibers that pose no issue when used in a vacuum but may be problematic when used right on one’s face?
Addendum: Just read that the Manitoba province is considering closing schools until September.
Addendum 2: banks will be asked to be more flexible for mortgage payments (a few months late won’t bring people to foreclosure). A 6B$ has been allocated to banks to continue giving mortgages. This, I don’t get it: why continue lend money if people cannot pay?

Is that it? I was hoping you’d have more to share but I’d understand if you chose not to.

As I’ve already stated, I’d rather see the money go to people than the banks and other corporate entities.
But let’s say folks don’t have to pay their mortgages. Do you think the banks are not going to lay off employees to meet their bottom lines?
Let’s say we have a moratorium on rent. Do you think landlords don’t have expenses and there won’t be consequences for them if their bottom line can’t be met?
Let’s say we put a moratorium on paying medical bills, whether to hospitals or doctors. What happens if hospitals can’t make their bottom line? They shut down. We’ve already seen that all over the country and when it accelerates, now where will people go if they’re serious or critical? If you don’t pay doctors, do you not think they have bills as well?
Any way you position this, someone is going to lose. There’ll be a need for economic triage just like medical triage.
Here’s a suggestion. I notice most government workers (federal, state, county, or municipal) have great pensions, great benefits packages, and liveable to wonderful wages. How about they all chip in and tithe (i.e. contribute 10%) of their salaries to small businesses, for example, to keep them alive during this crisis. Many salaried government workers don’t even have to show up but will still get paid. Small businesses are the lifeblood of the nation and are going to get slaughtered in this debacle. Most people who aren’t self employed don’t seem to realize that while they pay 6.2% towards their Social Security and their employer pays the other 6.2%, the self-employed small business owner pays the entire 12.4%. So how about it?
You think government workers will chip in and help out the private sector folks who have a lot more on the line and are a lot more at risk? After all, we call them public servants.