Ha, I saw that! I mega purchased dog food. But I am not putting a mask on my pug.
I had planned to initiate my self quarantine plan when the first case of WCV occurs within 25 miles of me. But I no longer trust that our local, state or Fed governments will give us reliable information. Considering that the first local case of community transfer means the virus was being communicated up to 21 days prior, and that my demographic exceeds 60 years of age waiting to 25 Miles was somewhat risky on its own. If you consider the gov plan may be to not test, and thus not have “it” now what criteria might someone use? Absent new insights herein going to “go ugly early” and quarantine middle of next week.
Chris, could you put a tick box at the top of your webpage that shows the percentage of members who have initiated qlself quarantine? Obviously each log in can only tick the box once.
Here in the US the population is approximately 327,000,000. If we estimate if only 10% of the population is infected with the Covid virus that means 32,700,000 folks will be infected. If the figure Trump is touting is correct and only 20% will be hospitalized, that puts 6,540,000 people in the hospital at about the same time. Wow.
this is from the New England Journal of Medicine
T]he overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.
That statement is not as reassuring as they think it is - the SARS 1 and MERS death rates quoted depended critically upon slow spread so most cases received expert hospital/ICU care (there were few mild cases). If SARS 1 had spread like Covid-19 there would have been Black Death mortality levels in Wuhan once the medical system collapsed, MERS would have been Plague of Justinian levels. Obviously, that didn’t happen. However, even if Covid-19 is equal to a bad flu season (with proper medical treatment) the fact that it is spreading so much faster and wider than flu (since no vaccine or immunity) means that peak impact will be worse assuming ineffective containment. None of the ‘just a bad flu’ narrative seems to address the issue of rate and breadth of spread.
Those who keep buying the ‘bad flu’ line are not quick. They are then in the latter category.
I have a coworker who lives in Italy near Milan. I asked him lat Monday Feb 24th, what was going on, and he said everything was being blown out of proportion. I didn’t press the issue. He wasn’t on the call today and I don’t what his status is, except his out of office says he has limited access to corporate communications.
…I say buy stocks NOW !..i AM CALLING A miraculous market turnaround, far sooner than expected…I believe the remedy for the Covid 19 issue will surface suddenly …overnight…BUY LIKE BUFFET…NOW !