Coronavirus: The Calm Before The Storm?

This would seem to indicate they had the virus for a decent amount of time. I guess not reporting any cases till a death is one way to suppress cases. I haven’t seen any reports of the origin (it is IRAN…not holding my breath ). I would think there’s a good chance it’s going to be circulating there unless they recognized very early.

Even with already serious misgivings about Covid-2019 data and reporting, I was still blown away by the high number of individuals under public health supervision in Washington state. With no means of comparing, I wonder if this figure has increased or decreased since the US travel bans and quarantines took effect.
Last night I did some quick internet searches for similar information from other states and public health institutions. I found nothing. Again, the CDC has left it to the discretion of state and local health departments as to whether and what they report re: Covid-2019. It is also up to them as to how best to restrict and/or support those individuals (e.g., travelers, close contacts, students, military personnel, health care workers) under public health monitoring and supervision.
My guess is that those numbers are potentially in the thousands. They will remain unreported so as not to alarm the public, foment xenophobic or racist backlash, or discourage business activities.
I’ll keep looking. But I’d be interested to know from PP members any ideas, sources, information or data concerning numbers of individuals under public health supervision or monitoring, or “self-quarantine/reporting”. Having worked in a county public department, I’m certain that that information is being collected and reported–just not to the public.

Only the finest guidance from the CDC, I guess that’s why they make the big bucks. ?

  • Travelers to Hong Kong should avoid contact with sick people, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, and regularly wash their hands to prevent contracting the coronavirus.

“Thousands of US residents who have returned from China are already sheltering at home.” (Source)
Georgia - about 200 self-monitoring as of 2/11/20:

The “Internet of Things” is a double-edged sword, depending on who is wielding it and who is on the receiving end–and under what circumstances.
The CCP is now tracking purchases of fever and cough medications to identify and quarantine Chinese citizens with possible Covid-2019.
Hubei is sweeping the province for undetected coronavirus cases by tracking and investigating purchases of fever and cough medicine
The “Internet of Things” can encompass virtually every aspect of modern life: your identity, demographics and social/economic strata; your financial activities (e.g., purchases, banking, credit use/profile, assets, liabilities, net worth); your digital preferences and activities (e.g., Internet, phone, television, music, recreation); your travel and mobility (e.g., audio/visual surveillance everywhere, transportation mode, locations; passports, licenses, infractions and other authorizations); and your health status and health/medical care usage (e.g., Fitbit, diet/nutrition programs, online medical records, test results, prescriptions, conditions, insurance payouts and denials).
The “authorities” and TPTB and their minions collect, store and act upon these data and information to achieve their goals; which, however disguised are ultimately profit, power and control.
'Sounds crazy, but someday it may be common practice for your toilet to alert you (and you medical provider/insurers) to potential health concerns; your refrigerator or car to alert you (and your medical provider, law enforcement, car insurer) that you’ve consumed too much adult beverage; or your employer/social contacts to distance themselves from you due to indicators or metrics that denote you as an “undesirable”. All for your own and the “greater good” of course.
The “Internet of Things” type of technology may indeed improve Covid-2019 diagnosis, treatment, and reporting (see below)–but only if aligns with political/bureaucratic imperatives, and even then access and information will be tightly controlled in the name of the “greater” or “public good”, of course.
If this state-of-the-art technology is currently in use, why then are the data and reporting re: Covid-2019 so incomplete and/or unreliable?
They know, its just that we can’t know. We can’t be trusted to receive and responsibly process accurate information, to effectively plan and act to reduce potential exposure and pandemic spread. Instead, we’re given massaged data (if any), soothing (misleading, false) assurances and guidelines, and feigned righteous indignation (distractions) over Covid-2019 profiteering, fear-mongering, and xenophobic or racist-tinged pubic reaction.
Good intentions aside, I have to wonder about the possible dark uses of this promising technological innovation:
Chinese experts consensus on the Internet of Things-aided diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19
“Internet of Things-aided diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 Chinese experts group of Clinical eHealth”
"…the “COVID-19 intelligent diagnosis and treatment program”(nCapp) based on the Internet of Things.nCapp can assist:
(1)To assist diagnosis intelligently: according to registered data, the diagnosis is automatically generated as confirmed, suspected or suspicious of 2019-nCoV(i.e., SARS-Cov-2)infection; It also sorts patients as light without pneumonia, mild, severe or critical pneumonia. nCapp can also establish an online COVID-19 real-time update database, and updates the model of intelligent diagnosis in real time based on the latest real-world case data to improve diagnostic accuracy.
(2) To guidance treatment intelligently: according to the guidelines and consensus for COVID-19, management option will be alerted based on patient information. Front-line physicians, experts and managers are linked to perform consultation and prevention strategy. nCapp also contribute to realize the long-term follow-up of patients with COVID-19. "

Elderberry can prevent the virus from taking hold in the first place (interferes with it docking with the ACE2 receptor), but can also incite those very cytokine storms we want to avoid.
Our plan here is to take it at the faintest whisper of something brewing (it is, after all, still cold & flu season), then discontinue it if what develops is a fever with or without a dry cough, and switch to immune-modulating herbs/treatments to prevent the cytokine storms.

Barbara, you mentioned that rice and beans cause inflammation in many people. Can you tell me more, point me to some studies? I’m genuinely interested in learning more.
One help might be to have some vinegar with the grains and beans - it’s anti-inflammatory, and acidic notes can improve the flavor profile of beans. Same with using citrus if you’ve got it.

If you should do anything, you should decide for yourself instead of asking someone else what to do. It’s your life.
There's a good pool of knowledge and insight here, which is why many of us come here. I'm not too proud to seek counsel, and appreciate those who aren't afraid to ask. Shared wisdom is a valuable resource, we're all the wiser for availing ourselves of it.
So a drop in the industrial component (-25%) and the consumer component (-12.5%) will cause a combined drop of 37.5% in GDP! Why then are most analysts predicting a drop of 1-2% in GDP growth? Am I missing something?
You can't assume those are the only two components that make up the GDP, there are other elements to it. And of course there's the MDF - Market Denial Factor. ;)

If the SHTF and supply of opioids is pinched off ….are you personally more worried about the effects of processed food on your immediate survival or of crackhead Bob breaking into your house to get meds?
I don’t anticipate gangs of Burger King Employees forcing Impossible Whoppers down my throat during a pandemic…but maybe I’m just bad with threat assessments.
: o)