Coronavirus: The Calm Before The Storm?

Sorry but shouldn’t the numbers add to 100% not 4.5% or is that the number of deaths by people who have or don’t have sex?


It opens up for me, but the data is missing.

This group promises to crunch the numbers each week to see if a signal of a new infection can be found (in the absence of test kits, people dying of an undiagnosed pneumonia would be suspicious):
In general, I find Scott Gottlieb, MD’s twitter feed useful for high quality research and other thoughts. He has a short list of people he follows and one of them has a list of the most important research being published on COVID-19:
Ten insightful experts to follow for updates on #COVID19:

I don’t really think it’s a hard decision. You’d have to be outta your flipping mind to get on a cruise ship right about now.

With all due respect Dr. Ashe, China is a major supplier of fentanyl. Please see this article:
It is a big problem in BC and widely speculated that Chinese gangs are major players. With and estimated market of 3-5 billion $ annually, coupled with out of control real estate and casino money laundering, I have no doubts. And the govt. does not seem to be able to (want to?) do a damn thing about it.

BillL, The 0.01% is going to have a hard time in New Zealand with supply lines down for their jets and other necessities. When they call Egon to send some gold from the vault, the Fedex might not be running reliably. And they have to worry about their servants…

Hoo boy, this gentleman appears to tell it like it is: The bean-counters strike again! Will this happen here, or is is already happening? I am paying close attention to PP and the coverage of COVID 19 here as I think that we are pretty much on our own on this one. Get out of the stock market if you haven’t yet, work on your deep pantry NOW! Amongst my friends I appear to be like the guy in the cartoons back in the '50s, the one in the black robe with a sandwich board walking around ringing a bell and chanting “Repent! The end is near!” Mother Nature does not fool around . . . . My $0.02. Mike

These are death rates. Of those who get the disease, how many die? More males than females, apparently. By a factor of ~1.65x.

A trick I learned in the early days of the internets… from ~20+ years ago (when sites were less relaible): After composing a long post, mark it, ctrl-c to copy it (to the clipboard – maybe even paste it into a simple app like WordPad), then go ahead and try to post it. If it does not work, you can always try again and just use ctrl-v to paste in all your saved work.

Merkava18 wrote: Sorry but shouldn’t the numbers add to 100% not 4.5% or is that the number of deaths by people who have or don’t have sex?
Merkava18, I wish people would refer to gender rather than sex. Of course, with the modern transgender spectrum, it is hard to limit the options. ;-) The way I interpret the chart (as alangreenland did) is that males are ~1.65 times as likely to die as females are overall. Those who have chronic medical conditions have higher susceptibility than those who are healthy. You also have a bigger risk with each passing year. Since the majority who have died are in China ... and Chinese men are more likely to be habitual smokers, that might be the reason that men are more likely to die. Also, consider that the air over there is highly polluted. Are there other factors? We just don't know yet. It may turn out that those who won the sperm lottery (biological females born with XX) are less susceptible. What can you do about it now? Just be aware of the risks and approach situations accordingly. Grover

Funny reading about people concerned with the reliability of the grid and talking solar power…I’ve been pondering that myself the past few weeks.
I’ve been wanting to dabble more into solar power ever since playing with a couple of cheap HarborFreight solar kits I got for my truck bed camper a couple of years back. The older 45 and the newer 90-watt kits are probably enough to power a fan, cell phone, or ham radio, but not much more. I had thought it would help my two deep-cycle lead-acid RV batteries keep up on voltage, but they didn’t.
Then about two months ago I started binge-watching on roku the DIY Solar with Will Prouse channel while exercising.
Some good stuff on his YouTube channel as well as his amazon-affiliate web page. I just order a all-in-one 12-volt charger-controller of ebay, and four used 250 watt panels off ebay as well. I will probably have around $1k into once I’m done sourcing other connection pieces, some I already got, some I’ll need to buy.
Of course, controller is made in china, might be running out of supply now, go figure.

Should be some heavily discounted fares by then. Probably will be the safest time to travel.
N.B. I flew days after 9/11. The airports were the least crowded I’ve ever seen them as were the airplanes. Fortune favors the bold.

You can culture vegetables instead of canning them. I guess a different type of canning. Carrots, beets, beans, cabbage (it becomes sauerkraut), cucumbers, garlic, and others. It's just salt and water or a starter culture. You need a cold place to store the jars and will last for 6 months or so. Much better for you as well as you get probiotics when eating the vegetables.

I stand corrected. I guess heroin comes from the Mexican drug cartels so that may be the main narcotic left for people addicted to narcotics. At least it won’t have fentanyl in it anymore, with any luck.

Not being that financially savvy myself…
My retirement is mostly in a 401k through work. Would your suggestion be to pull all the money out, take the cash and just accept the big tax hit? I know I am allowed to do this with our plan as I am over 59 1/2.

Autopsies reveal differences between SARS and coronavirus

He pointed out that unlike those who perished due to SARS, autopsies of the first two deaths in the recent outbreak reveal that their lungs did not exhibit significant pulmonary fibrosis, or thickened and stiff lung tissue, reported Sina. Instead, their lungs were found to have severe inflammations and mucus buildup, which resulted in breathing difficulty. =============================

Wuhan coronavirus could cause male infertility: Chinese study

Fan Caibin, a urologist at Nanjing Medical University Affiliated Suzhou Hospital, on Feb. 12 posted the results of a scientific research project which found that the disease not only damages the lungs, but also the kidneys and testes, potentially leading to male infertility. The team summarized the clinical data of three previous studies, which included six patients, 41 patients, and 99 patients, respectively. The study found that kidney dysfunction occurs in 3 to 10 percent of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. In addition, acute damage to the kidneys occurs in seven percent of patients.

dtrammel: suggested flow sheet, i googled “respiratory T sheet” we used to use this system directed care to direct you towards the appropriate questions to ask/ observations to make. If I find something better will post:
clothes: I am buying the next size up in denim and leather boots for kids who outgrow everything every 6m… Not important now but 6m when textiles are behind?
Guo Media: Sparky, keep an eye on Guo Media… he his the billionare from china who very much speaks out against CCP. I came across a video Mr. Guo put out, it was my central US time midnight. He had the CURRENT us total of 29. Because I have been soooo suspect of the real number in US I have been monitoring the CDC websites stats of 15 (horse manure). I checked the CDC website at midnight thinking I must have missed the update, but no, it was still 15. Now I see the John Hopkins site with 29, with 14 in Omaha. CDC still says 15. I suspect Mr. Guo has intel that may be good to follow. He currently lives in Australia so does not have loyalty to US nor China. (I typed this out 2/18 and didnt it post, oops.)

Officials: 746 people in Washington being supervised due to coronavirus outbreak

Rajkumarijay, most 401K plans have an investment option that puts your 401K money into something like a savings account, where it gets a guaranteed return of 1-2%. It doesn’t invest in any stocks and bonds. That way you aren’t cashing it out and taking the tax hit. Check with your 401K manager. They don’t like to publicize the option because it doesn’t make them much in fees.

Rajkumarijay, consider moving it into a self directed IRA. Buy (and hold) well established, boring, dividend paying stocks. Study the stock’s year over year historical price movement and you’ll likely find repeatable patterns of price movement where you can buy in front of a sustained upward move. And never forget that cash in an IRA is a position.