Coronavirus: The Government Is Failing Us

Children in New York City are manifesting symptoms similar to Kawasaki Disease but may be caused by COVID-19:

Just saying…

words right out of my mouth.
A blood test is the only way to know your nutrient levels. No matter what foods you are eating.
Any food that is supposedly high in a particular mineral will certainly not be if grown in a soil deficient in that nutrient.
Mineral balance is a complex, interwoven story. Very important, not easily solved.
I don’t know what’s going to happen to him but I do know he’d be fired in Philadelphia.
YouTube version:

thank you for your cautionary note about selenium

  1. 50 micrograms per day is generally recommended for adults
  2. 500 micrograms per day is generally considered toxic for long term supplementation.
  3. some people say that 200 micrograms per day is tolerated by adults, everyone is different, I don’t have my own opinion.
    selenite (inorganic form) is cheap, organic selenium is not) I have heard that organic selenium is less toxic but dont remember details.
    I found that feeding selenite in excess caused urinary excretion of trimethylselenonium (unlike most things, selenium is reduced rather than oxidized by the body before excretion)
    Too much selenium causes accident substitution of selenium in place of sulfur in the amino acid methionine (analogous to the problem of arsenic replacing phosphorus in reactions (look at the periodic table, to get an idea of what is going on)
    I asked my favorite selenium scientist (Dr. Chris Hawkes, who discovered the selenocysteine transfer RNA) to give his opinion.
    Here is his reply:
    “Yes, I know the senior author of the study that chart came from ( This is solid research, but just a correlation. There is a plausible mechanism by which selenium might protect against coronavirus, because it protects mice from coxsackievirus (”
    Sofistek: I note that Coxsackie virus is a single stranded RNA virus. From my review of this paper, I conclude that selenium deficiency facilitates coxsackie virus infection (this was a side finding of studies of Kushan (selenium deficiency) disease in China). So far I don’t see a reason to take high selenium, yet those graph results show less covid at higher selenium levels… Keep in mind that hair levels are a long term measure of selenium status. Maybe daily levels never go below a minimum if the overall selenium consumption is high. anyway, that is my take, Mots

“Coronavirus: The “Rescue” Is Stealing Your Wealth” (5/8/20)

Last week the first video could be seen on Bill Gates on the Corbett Report:
How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health:
This week, just now, the second video came out.
Bill Gates’ plan to vaccinate the world:
Next week, the third video in the series will come out.
You can also read the Transcript to the video’s including hyperlinks to the sources.

Hi Chris:
Per your request–I saw this article back in March. It’s not your typical scientific article, but then those are not necessarily where the best information is coming from now.

Thanks for this. I find it informative, reasonable and helpful.
Corbett states something I’ve been asking for a few years now. Why is the world listening to an unelected, uncredited, college dropout, software engineer, businessman who has no medical background? I find it astounding that all of the media outlets around the world refuse to do any background research on the Gates Foundation vaccine program in the third wold and the scandals associated with it. They are all so blinded by the wealth and success of the Gateses, that they just take them at face value for anything thing they propose.
Want to vaccinate with a live Polo virus, even though it leads to thousands of cases of paralysis? Want the entire world to sit at home while you hope to develop a vaccine for a type of virus that we’ve never had a successful vaccine for? Sure, come right in! It’s such a incredibly unprofessional reaction by media and government leaders. And now the G.F. is doing this for the entire world. Why must we all be subjected to the whims of a billionaire couple with a God complex? At least on sites like the one you linked to, and this one, we are free to question the pseudoscience and pseudo governance being forced on us.

It looks to me like this was started mid March - doesn’t that timing raise some questions ???

Just to clarify what Chris put up about those countries winning. The web site shows countries that have the classic winning curve, those that are almost there and those that are nowhere near. However, its characterisation of what is needed to get that winning curve is not accurate. Countries don’t necessarily need to take all of the actions mentioned. In particular, my country, New Zealand, and our neighbour, Australia, have the winning curve but don’t mandate or recommend the use of masks in public. In contrast, the USA does recommend the use of face coverings but is definitely not winning.
So, to get the right curve (at least in the first wave), then actions are needed to break the chain of transmission but not all actions that could do that are needed simultaneously.

vshelford - my source for difficulties in applying for Unemployment Insurance was relatives and friends who live in Ontario and who personally had these experiences; they did not speak to a newspaper reporter about it. I heard from a lawyer who is a sole practitioner who has employees, also in Ontario, about the possible publication of names of small businesses who apply for help. On the Government of Canada website relating to the Small Business Emergency Wage Subsidy program I found the following statement buried within a link to the Privacy Statement, which may have been the one referred to:
Please note that to process your application we will need to access information in your tax file. Information regarding your participation in the program may be disclosed to the public in accordance with the Income Tax Act.”
Here’s the link to that page within the overall document; you need to click on ‘Read the Privacy Statement’:
Note this policy refers to the small business employer, who is applying for wage subsidies for the employees.
Another observation about Canada’s emergency aid package is that applicants are required to prove that they have lost at least a given percentage of their salary (15% or 30% depending on month being applied for), compared to either the same month last year or the first two months in 2020, in order to receive aid. In the case of some self-employed people, such as Real Estate agents or seasonal workers such as landscapers, they do not necessarily have income in every month of the year. For example, the Real Estate market is flat right now but an agent who did not happen to have income in March / April of last year, or Jan / Feb of this year, does not appear to qualify for aid.

Epidemiologists agree with your assessment that contact tracing useful when outbreak is small (or we have new hot spots pop up),

I appreciate Chris’s comments about this group and our possible dispositive role in creating better alternatives after the crash.
I also note that “history rhymes.” and we are rhyming with Germany of the 1930s, wherein (in this case) truth seekers are the new devil and labeled as domestic terrorists etc.
With all of that in mind, anyone in the group who is a radio amateur or interested in peer to peer communications out of control of FB, google etc. please message me. There are interesting alternative communication paths we can use as things get worse…

Around two months ago I read about a study that showed that people with a sufficient level of selenium in their bodies did not catch Ebola. Since then my husband and I have been eating 3 or 4 Brazil nuts a day to get a sufficient amount of selenium. Regarding the actual number of flu deaths in the US each year, please google this article published by Scientific American, “Comparing Covid-19 Deaths to Flu Deaths is Like Comparing Apples to Oranges,” by Jeremy S. Faust. His article repeats something I read a number of years ago, that the CDC basically makes up the flu death figures, greatly exaggerating them, in order to scare us into getting the flu vaccine. Finally, regarding grammar, when you say "send your comments to Adam and I, it’s really correct to say “to Adam and me.” You can verify this by leaving off the Adam part. It doesn’t sound correct if you say “send your comments to I.” It’s therefore also incorrect to say “send your comments to Adam and I.” Sorry to be a pain about grammar… Aside from that, I greatly value all of your videos regarding Covid19. I have done extensive reading since mid-January. I’m so glad I found you! You are the almost singular voice of valid information and reason on the web! Thank you!!!

It’s very brave to correct grammar but well done (I cringe at bad grammar often). However, I’m afraid it’s a losing battle; someone can easily say,“but you know what I meant.” I guess that’s what language is for; communication.

Had an interesting talk with a critical care doctor treating Sars/cov2 patients regarding the EVMS protocol page Chris mentioned, including the anti coagulation drug aspect and other issues. He had some criticisms for Dr. Paul Marik that may merit some more research. The protocols put forth may very well have been extrapolated from a Wuhan prophylaxis study and then scaled by the author to a full scale treatment option for potentially critical patients. I’m not a Dr. but there is that extrapolation thing again. The other conflicting bit he stated lies in the idea of reduced viral loads as the disease progresses and into an immuno response, which is something he does not see across the board, but rather the virus moving in waves of various effects on his patients. He stated the only thing he’s noticed in his patients that is 100% is one will react one way and another a completely different outcome. The antiviral/immunosuppresant/anticoagulant treatment line is not clearly defined at all with large viral loads in tests in late course people as well. He also had some insight on the venting idea, that there isn’t a clear time to do that either. Some folks crash so fast, that if you have an anatomically difficult intubation to do it can get ugly quick. Worth looking into where the EVMS treatment ideas come from, the doc I spoke with said he has been overwhelmed with terrible junk science papers and awfully conducted studies from typically reliable and well established sources. Seems many folks want to be “the guy” to crack the nut so to speak. Honeybadger indeed…

In univariate analyses, zinc sulfate increased the frequency of patients being discharged home, and decreased the need for ventilation, admission to the ICU, and mortality or transfer to hospice for patients who were never admitted to the ICU. After adjusting for the time at which zinc sulfate was added to our protocol, an increased frequency of being discharged home (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.12-2.09) reduction in mortality or transfer to hospice remained significant (OR 0.449, 95% CI 0.271-0.744).
Conclusion: This study provides the first in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.

Is there a list of supplements on this site? I have been looking but can’t find it anywhere? Would appreciate a pointer to the list. I want to order some selenium.