Coronavirus: The High Cost Of Being Wrong

These have the stats for the Italy cases from day 1 until presentYeah the CFR for resolved cases in Italy has been between 42 and 45% forever 2 weeks now

it can take a long long time before one’s declared “recovered”

Hello VShelford! Some tips for good garden soil: Make compost tea using an aquarium aerator. Whether you’re making 5 gallons or 50 gallons, fill the bucket 1/4 with rich compost, cow manure, bat guano, rotted leaves, etc., fill with water, then add some molassis or cane syrup. 1-2 tablespoons for 5 gallons and 1/4-1/2 cup for 50 gallons. Last but not least, place the correct size aerator in the bucket and let bubble for 24 hours. Use it immediately. Can use full strength, but don’t need to. I dilute 1 part tea to 3 parts water. If you add the sweetner, you can go another day before using.
The plants love it. It’s sort of a probiotic for the soil. I use this once a week for the seedlings and once a month for the plants in the ground.
A great way to build rich soil is the no till gardening method. We weed whack or mow down the grass to the soil, then lay tape free cardboard, then lay 4-5 inches of soil, then mulch it in. It’s instantly ready to be planted, the top soil is not disturbed, you’re adding organic material to the soil, and the worms LOVE the cardboard! Mulching materials include leaf litter, grass clippings, wood mulch.
There is a rich interview with the owners of Singing Frogs no till farm in Southern CA on the peakprosperity site.
Happy Planting!

Someone sent me a link to this company and their masks.
At first I wasn’t going to post on it. At $80 that pretty high on the economic ladder but I do own several of the 3M half face respirators using the canister or the pancake filters for extended use. Those were $50 with one set of filters, so $80 with 5 might be a reasonable price.
The downside with the 3Ms are the filters attach with a plastic bayonet fitting. With this masks you could in theory make your own, possibly with the hepa vacuum cleaner filters some are using for inserts in DIY masks.
I don’t care for the ear hooks this mask uses though. They look uncomfortable for an extended use, though for dust situations you aren’t worried about pulling the mask to the side from time to time. You’d probably have to cushion them somehow. I would prefer a full strap with detachable clip.
Not sure how long these will stay in stock. I will say that I expect that masks, both the disposable paper ones and the rubber half masks will be showing up more and more in the next few weeks as everyone and their sister jumps into making and selling them. I hear even Hane’s underwear factories are retooling.
If the assumption that this first wave will tapper off but that we will get another heavier one this Fall are correct, then most of us just need to get through the next few months, before we see a period where we can resupply.
Make you choice based on your personal situation.

Many of the economic and social problems that most of us will admit are wrong with the way we do things, is because there is no viable alternative to system of vulture capitalism that we have now. I’m not opposed to a person making a fair value on their efforts but that can’t be the end all, be all of society.
The Logic Behind Sacrificing Old People for the Economy
As Chris mentioned in the “Ask Anything” video, some young people are waking up to the fact there are alternatives and this crisis may have a sunny end to it, by breaking the stranglehold of the way things are and allowing something different to emerge.
A Woman With Lupus Said Her Health Care Provider Is Stopping Her Chloroquine Prescription And Thanked Her For The “Sacrifice”

"The fact that they thanked me for my 'sacrifice' is disturbing," she told BuzzFeed News. "I never agreed to sacrifice my health and possibly my life and cannot believe that I am being forced to do so."

More information out of China.

To jump start my raised beds 4’x8’, I mixed

  • 2 large bags vermiculite
  • 2 large bags peat
  • 2 large bags compost
spread the mix into the raised bed and rototilled it into the clayish poor quality soil. Garden grew like gang busters. Over the years, wife would take the chicken poop and add it to each garden throughout the winter. Unfortunately due to health issues, she had to give her chickens up last fall :(

Prof. Richard Wolff, among others, has been promoting Worker Self Directed Enterprises as a practical, proven alternative to capitalist structured enterprises. And it is important to know that the approach he is advocating does not involve the government mandating or any way forcing this change. In my opinion, building up a large, alternative sector of the economy consisting of these WSDE’s will only happen successfully if they are created/developed from the bottom up by people becoming aware of this alternative way of structuring a business/enterprise and finding others who agree with them.

Italy has done what I recommended here - testing the entire community to see exposure.
Anyway, I am now thinking, scratch Germany , that is obviously flawed. And when you see reports like this one:
It is now apparent this is probably a magnitude off in reporting the dead. This is the virus ( bioweapon ) that francis boyle spoke about. Like he knew what it was and its fatality rate… This without medical intervention is a 15% fatality disease… Goodbye USA… you will collapse now. I dont mean economically. 4 turning is long passed. We are ready for the new.
Edit: The drs in LA county and NY have been ecouraged by officials NOT TO TEST - unless its going to change the course of treatment!. I agree that you dont need to test someone obvious with the disease - we need to test the community … it doesnt change or shouldnt change treatment… However. They should be allowed to make a clincial diagnosis and added to the “funny numbers”

I agree, the numbers are a joke. However, the between 1-2% fatality is way way off from what I am thinking now looking at the evidence. I think its 10x this. first, With exceptional treatment , I think this could be near 1% However, its not close to realistic… Certainly not in the US medical system. I think the Diamond princes does show its about 1-2 % though I know they dropped at least one death from the count. But they were all hospitalized and treated before they could even get bad enough. That will not happen with most. It has to be higher this than this - and then what happens when there is no treatment at all? That is already here in some places. Italiy will show you what it means to sacrifice a person that can be saved because they have to… The US is now making the same decisions. This doesnt just affect old people. it affects both equally, they are artificially selecting the dead. they did it in wuhan, they are doing it in italy, and now the US. When the doctors says no , we are doing nothing for this old guy, we need the bed and vent for the young guy… your dead numbers are going to show it kills old people… Because you made it kill the old people.
Why is it that so many websites pushing the argument that masks are of use to the Masses, don’t take user comments?
Its telling the article above ends with this point:

A key factor pushing health authorities to discourage mask wearing is the limited supply, says Elaine Shuo Feng, an epidemiologist and statistician at the University of Oxford, whose team last week published in The Lancet a comparison of various health authorities’ face mask recommendations. For that reason, Mark Loeb, a microbiologist and infectious disease physician at McMaster University, says, “I do not think that it is sound public health policy for people to be going out and purchasing medical masks and N95 respirators and wearing them out on the street.”
Really, really stupid. I don't think it is sound public health policy to have people walking around without masks, when we are doing very little testing to identify asymptomatic spreaders.

That’s a horrendous situation. I would think there is legal recourse there, even in the face of a national emergency.
This situation is analogous to when corporations call you on the phone and start out by saying, “This is Amelia Blowhard with Screwyouover Corporation calling on a recorded line …”. I immediately interrupt them and say. “Telling me that you’re calling on a recording line is not asking for my consent. Are you asking me for my consent because I haven’t granted it yet and legally, you’re on shaky ground recording me without my consent.” It typically throws them off and they often plead they’re just doing their job. I respond, will they do anything their employer tells them to do, even if it is illegalor? I just want them to think and become a little less of a mindless zombie robot employee citizen.

LOL, I do love screwing with telemarketers and people who call me unannounced. I sometimes try and see just how long I can keep them on the line. I figure the longer they are providing me with entertainment, the less time they have to bother other people.
You know I just realized, since this has all started happening I’ve received very little robocalls. Wonder why?

I do the same thing. Maybe your robocallers shifted their target zone because I’m still getting a lot of them. It always mystifies me how they think using a fake number on Caller ID will somehow get me to trust them. Not much grey matter there, lol.

Now, it seems, our cats are in danger as well. Cat started showing symptoms (vomiting, breathing problems) a week after its owner and a veterinarian has diagnosed it with HB-19. This virus seems to be able to adapt very fast to new hosts and there is no telling what other ways it will change.

In this moment of crisis, we should be asking what an economy is for, whether there are limits, how much is enough and whether we are happier with all this stuff. I can only hope that the millions who are in isolation and quarantine will use this time to reflect on the purpose of life and what is truly meaningful, and resolve to find a new life balance that is compatible with finite resources within our finite Earth. Jan Jan

So far, I don’t recall any country which has imposed strict lockdown measures describing an exit strategy. If the aim is to flatten the curve, strict measures would have to be imposed until herd immunity is achieved, until an effective vaccine is available or until a quick effective treatment is found. Assuming that the virus doesn’t mutate into a relatively benign form and that humans remain as susceptible to the virus as now, relaxation of restriction would simple shift the curve to the right, rather than flatten it.
Of course, Chris’s idea of mandating that everyone has to wear a mask would also slow the spread and flatten the curve. But no leader seems to be positing that idea other than in the Czech Republic, though there are also other restrictions there and cases don’t appear to have slowed (not sure of that, though).

As far as I know, this quote is due to Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff to President Obama from 2009-2010, and later Mayor of Chicago. Now you know. Are you surprised at the source? :slight_smile: