Coronavirus: The High Cost Of Being Wrong

Does anyone have information about the efficacy of the order, in the Czech Republic, for everyone to wear masks? Maybe it’s too early to tell but it would be a pointer for other countries.

Hi Granny, Sorry I missed your post and request until a little while ago.
Yes, the rumor is true and may have been already widely reported, but I just missed it. Here’s are two articles with details:
U.S. Seeks Coronavirus Tests From South Korea
President Trump promised to get FDA approval for these tests within a day.
LA Purchases 20K Coronavirus Test Kits From South Korean Company
$1.24M for 20,000 kits initially, then 100,000 kits per week (number of weeks not reported)

Gee, you must have more expendable time and tons more patience on robo-callers than I do. I have two responses which pop up upon such a call. Mostly I just hang up on them, but if I am doing something important and they have interrupted me, my second language pops up. I am bilingual as I speak English and Sailor. Usually they hang up before I finish my “sailor” language comments, but I try to get an earful in as quickly as possible – I have noticed that I get fewer such calls, but I have to first make sure it is not simply an unrecognized number before I freak out on them.

Nafeez Ahmed has done some great digging on the murky PR campaign behind Scenario B, and some good debunking material too.
For instance, their model assumes only one in a thousand infected need hospitalisation. Yet more than one in a thousand of Lombardy’s (Italy) entire population has currently been hospitalised, and they’re not done yet!