Coronavirus: The Home Lockdown Survival Guide

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Harlequin Flowers

Oh my, I see religious posts now.
I am all for prayer, but still wash your hands.
I lost my father a little over a year ago to stage 4 cancer and I remember people praying in the chemo center.
I don’t have a point, I am just BLAH about it.
Besides, anybody can turn to God when times are bad. It is when times are good you need to enjoy your family… The clouds in the sky… Your favorite meal.
I am done rambling with no point.

I came across these two issues. Can you guys start lobbying for fixes on in-network restrictions and HIPPA constraints locally. Especially in small rural areas where many of us are hanging out the hospitals will need our help to get local solutions going.

  1. My disabled dad’s caregiver has a poor insurance policy. She was supposed to make an apt. with an in-network DR. to get a prescription refilled. His office is no longer taking non-emergency apts. (Her long-term Dr is no longer available to her.) We need to force insurance carriers to dispense with their network restrictions. Depending on where people end up when locked down AND which local hospitals have a bed open a person could easily end up at a non-network facility for not just covid, but other emergencies.
  2. The Epic medical software company has purposely made their software incompatible with other medical records systems. (of course, they claim HIPPA requires this) Medical Facilities that claim to be associated with each other can no longer access each other’s records. Arrive on a weekend, you’re on your own.
    Example, my dad’s GP is the Clinic next door to a local hospital – used to be in the same facilities, same receptionists, etc. and same records. Now split. DR is closed today (sat) and I needed to call for some emergency medication – The hospital emergency room could not find his records, as he normally uses an emergency room close to the house, but NOT in his network, because their clinic has his heart specialist. So, you go to the hospital you think is associated with your assigned clinic and they can’t get your records.
    I’m calling both local hospitals Monday to start them on a way to keep their medical records people and someone from an associated clinic open over the weekends. ER doc tells me HIPPA nonsense doesn’t allow doctors to access the full records to send to another ER. That needs to be fixed too.

Once I heard of the website, I’ve been checking it. When I started the U.S. used to be in the 8th spot, we moved into 6th a few days ago, and this morning I just found the US in the fourth spot now. Wow.

The St Louis region just announced a Monday stay at home order. I’m expecting Missouri state to order the same thing soon.

In those areas in mandated stay at home, what is happening with the post office or delivery services? Can a person still go to the post office and pick up mail at their PO box? Can letters/packages still be mailed? Thanks.

If it’s not above freezing nightly where you are, start everything inside now. Our local stores have the seed starter kits. Mine are already growing and I’m starting the same things every week so I have stuff in my window boxes now and stuff ready to go in the ground as soon as the frost is out. If you have access to a coldframe, put it out right away to warm the ground for planting.
I also laid out a 3’ wide edging of weed control paper around the outside of my garden patch to kill the spring grass so I can add more rows around the outside. Things I’ve had the most luck with in areas that were sod the year before are root vegetables-- Potatoes, radishes, onions, garlic, as they disrupt the grass roots. I’ve added turnips and parsnips for this year too. Also, I grow my winter squash in the ex-sod areas. Squash gets so thick so fast that they deep the grass under control and the sod underneath keeps the squash out of the mud if we have a wet year. I usually do that as a fall crop, but I’m going to start some sets this weekend and hope to do an early crop and then plant a second set a little later for fall crop.
First, start the quick spring greens -radish, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers (to pickle). I’m trying radish in window boxes - will see. I also had a lot of success with Kale transplants last year. Most years I plant the fall crops after summer burns off the lettuce, etc. Last year we were wet and cloudy and therefore cooler and I was picking my late spring red kale until frost.
I do broccoli and cauliflower and most importantly cabbage - you can make kraut. Again you have to grow from sets, which you should start now - just a few seeds every 2 weeks so they are harvested at different times.
I like green peas, but they have been really hard to grow the past two wet seasons. Beans usually are easier. If you’re in an area that’s getting wetter, do pole beans and tie them up. You should do both green beans and beans that you can dry. (Some plants you can do both. They do take a bit of room.
Another trick I discovered last year by accident because it was wet and they predict the midwest will be unusually wet again this year. I plant the things that need trellising (beans, tomatoes, cucumbers) along your garden fence (I need to fence for rabbits.)
Tomatoes are my favorite garden vegetable, they have dozens of uses and they can be canned or dried (and sort of frozen). However, they are often hard to grow and a lot of work. I probably wouldn’t try them in my first year if my space was limited. Peppers, however are a little more hardy and you can get a lot of flavor from a few plants - they freeze well.
Also, for high intensity gardens our local organic stores have biological soil conditioners that add good bacteria and fungi. Definitely helps. For ground cover, in addition to mulch, plant marigolds, alfalfa and clover. They keep the weeds down and marigolds are bug resistant. You can look up several other beneficial flowers to sew between the rows, in areas waiting to plant later and around the edges. Just work them under or walk on them.
Good luck.

Psychopaths want you to commit suicide. That way, they don’t have to figure out how to dispose of the body.

Hydroxychloroquin is also used to treat Lyme disease in some cases. Maybe try your other Dr. who is treating you for Lyme. Two birds with one stone.

Hello all,
Today is Chris’ “day off” from posting a video and Adam will apparently be hosting a video focused specifically on the PP Home Lockdown Survival Guide. The time hasn’t been posted but is typically 3 p.m. PST or 6 p.m. EST for Chris’ videos. I’ve encouraged family, friends and others who are less informed or less prepared to watch today’s video.
Many, many people are searching for information and answers to their questions about coronavirus and the stay-at-home restrictions/lockdowns. No doubt PP will receive a LOT of visitors and new members as a result.
And nearly everyone is stressed and worried.
This seems to be playing out with some squabbling on the PP threads. Add to that some posts from new members who are unaware of the PP rules and guidelines (here), including those regarding inherently controversial posts about religion, politics and abortion. New members may also be asking questions or seeking information about matters that have already been discussed, sometimes exhaustively, by PP members over the past few months (even years) this site.
So…I’m asking fellow PP members to be gracious hosts to the many visitors and new members flocking to this site. Please try to be patient and helpful. Direct them to the megathreads as needed. Help them to adjust to the richly informative PP site and on-line community, and our culture of civil, data-informed and respectful discussion.
Most PP members have had months and years to adjust to this new reality. We took early action to build resilience to weather a pandemic or other threats. We knew this or some other disaster(s) was coming: and now its here.
Most of the general public is just waking-up and trying to adjust to this new, disruptive reality. PP and the PP community can serve as a trusted resource and refuge for these folks. Lets do what we can to help our visitors, new members and others through this difficult time. Maybe they will come to appreciate the value of building resilient lifestyles and a “world worth inheriting.”
Thanks everyone! :slight_smile:

Also, The number of cases in Italy exceeds the number of cases in China That’s mean the virus is evolving into more aggressive and airborne strain !! A virologist at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, he had sequenced the virus from a German patient infected with COVID-19 in Italy. The genome looked similar to that of a virus found in a patient in Munich, the capital of Bavaria, more than 1 month earlier; both shared three mutations not seen in early sequences from China. Drosten realized this could give rise to the idea that the Italian outbreak was “seeded” by the one in Bavaria, which state public health officials said had been quashed by tracing and quarantining all contacts of the 14 confirmed cases. But he thought it was just as likely that a Chinese variant carrying the three mutations had taken independent routes to both countries. The newly sequenced genome “is not sufficient to claim a link between Munich and Italy,” Drosten tweeted

Timely reminder.

Hi Watty, and welcome to Peak Prosperity!
You’ll find this site and the on-line community of PP members are a rich resource regarding not just pandemic issues, but also about the “Three E’s”: energy, economy and the environment. Our goal here is to build resilience that will ultimately create a “world worth inheriting”.
We strive to maintain civil, data-informed and respectful discussions among the PP community. Towards that end, PP co-founders Chris Martenson and Adam Taggart have established PP site posting rules and guidelines here. These include not posting on controversial topics such as religion, politics and abortion–not because of any particular inclination of the co-founders, site, or members, but because these topics invariably invite conflict.
I’m glad you joined the PP tribe. Keep posting! :slight_smile:

and article:

The way they were talking it sounded like this was done weeks ago? Any idea on when it was?

Hi All,
It amazes me sometimes what we need reminded of, because some things that I think are so obvious as “No Brainers” (like how traffic lights and pedestrian walk signals work)…well, let me just say they turn out not to be so obvious to persons with no brains (like ironing your shirt or blouse while wearing it. pants are OK…NOT).
All jokes aside…the only things that s/b flushed down toilets are the 4 Ps: pee, pooh, puke and paper, toilet paper that is.
I saw on the local LA news last night a story about all the sanitizer wipes being flushed down toilets recently, along with items like dental floss, ear swabs and feminine hygiene products. But it’s the wipes that are becoming a real problem because they don’t dissolve like toilet paper is designed to do and persons are discarding them like this instead of just throwing them in the trash. This is causing sewage system problems and clogging up the sewage pipes. The news reporter was down at one of the large sewage facilities (I think it was Long Beach) and was showing viewers a very large bin full of these wipes and said the bins like the one being shown were filling up at extremely rapid rates. So don’t do it. Think before you flush. I trust that is not too much to ask.
Back to the jokes, being funny…the one aspect of the news story that could not be conveyed over the TV was the stench of the place. I have occasionally thought about that while watching TV shows or movies when the character(s) go into someplace with horrible stench or battlefields full of rotting bodies or just anything that stinks to high heavens which would make it difficult to breath if not to wretch. The movie going or TV viewing experience has been so enhanced over the years with improved visual and auditorial elements but could you imagine if they decided to enhance those experiences with odors including the “bad” ones? I think that was tried with one of the King Kong movies where the audience was able to smell Kong’s banana breath (or was that at Universal Studios?). I know this wouldn’t happen because nobody would go to the movies anymore if they were going to have to smell death all around them in a war movie or the odor of chemicals from a crash scene of an overturned truck filled with ammonia or chlorine. But maybe they should do that for the war movie battle scenes in order to teach the horrors of war.

Hi dtrammel, I wondered about that as well and double checked to confirm that it was posted 3/20/20. I also thought the content was oddly out-of-date by weeks. Maybe they conducted the interview weeks ago and are just now posting it? If so, I wonder why the delay. Maybe it needed further review by the censorship overlords.
Maybe Chris or Adam have some insight into the matter.
PS: The article I posted above to accompany the video has an embedded link to the “Fox and Friends” interview. When I click on that link, I get a list of other Fox articles/videos but not the one with Chris (that I can see). Strange.

I haven’t been keeping up with the Flutrackers posts and was astounded on how much it has grown with the explosion of Covid-19 cases and information. The Flutrackers nonpolitical volunteer forum contributors are from public health, medical, emergency and research fields. The provide information, not medical advice. Getting approved to post is next to impossible (from my experience), but the information provided is accurate, well-sourced, and timely. When visiting the site, be sure you click on the forum/sub-forum tab marked “Latest Activity” so you’re reading the most current information.
Here’s a link to the main site:
and the US subforum:
There are Flutracker forums and sub-forums for nearly every country, region and sub-regions/states regarding Covid-19; and a lesser amount of information for other respiratory infectious diseases.

I also got the impression that Chris’ words weren’t what the Fox host was looking for, or maybe that was just my bias. Perhaps they did the video a while ago as Chris was getting publicity, then sat on it and are only just now posting it since the Fox party line has changed and Chris has gotten to be a media star.