Coronavirus: The Home Lockdown Survival Guide

Independent labs have opened lots of space to do corona virus tests. The state has no swabs or containers. CDC promised 40,000 …sometime. In the closest large city, cases jumped from one to eight, now community spreading. Isolated cases starting to pop up in the rural areas. The clusters north of the border, in Washington, just keep getting larger. Pardon my language, it’s a clusterf##k. Headed down to Oregon. For want of a swab, the test was lost, for want of a test, the town was lost, for want of a town, the state was lost …so it goes.

here’s a thought, why doesn’t the US invade Brazil and stop them cutting down and burning the rain forest. act to shore up the ecological world instead of the financial world

Hi there PP friends,
You know the guy who played Tommy in Third Rock From The Sun? Yeah him…he went on to start HitRecord, a platform where people post different projects and others contribute to them. In cases where they monetize something if you contributed you can get a share of the profits. It’s basically a creative playground where people of all levels can join in with music, writing, visual…whatever. JGL can explain it better…

Your Creator and mine is sovereign. Nothing happens in the physical - the natural - without it first being germed in the metaphysical - the supernatural.
In Hebrew, a faith-based language, there’s no word for ‘coincidence’.
It’s no coincidence that :
After ramping up its persecution of people of faith (sent to re-education camps, outlawing Sunday Schools for children, CCTV monitoring of sermons, etc), the CCP was about to rewrite both the Qaran and Holy Bible to make them more Communist/China-friendly. Like God said through Moses to the Egyptian Pharaoh (also an aggressive dictator) “Let my people go”…and then sent plagues to humble him sufficient to change his ways…likewise with President Xi Jinping.
Next the Islamic State of Iran - the world’s greatest instigator and supporter of terrorism…through its proxies in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Gaza and Lebanon, etc.
Next the seat of Papal Rome that arrogantly exalts itself to be infallible like God, able to bring down Jesus Christ (Body & Soul) from heaven and into a Eucharist wafer, and as-if-God (in blasphemy) claims to be able to forgive sins.
Next the Cabal?
The Lord our God is doing a cleansing. We must return to Him with repentant hearts and renewed faith…uncluttered with the burdens of materialism, the love of Mammon, the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, the pride of life and other false securities that have handicapped and frustrated our faith-based walk with Him.
The time is drawing near when many will be sufficiently humbled (through loss of wealth & health) to truly Repent & Believe.

Google Translate says the Hebrew translation of “coincidence” is צירוף מקרים.
So there.

Forgive me, but Reason forbids to me your comforting religious faith. I know how important it is to you and to many others, but I just cannot ignore all the dire contradictions.

The retained air in the lungs acts to cool the incoming hot air…and you simply cannot achieve your goal.

Some heat might help. I use a steam facial every time I have a cold. Take a large pot with 1/2" of water and find a setting on the stove (electric/no flames) that generates steam. Drape a large sheet or towel over your head and pot - creating a tent, and breath deeply. Adjust temperature to get it so that it is tolerable, and breath through your nose and mouth. This will help to dislodge phlegm, open nasal passageways, and give temporary relief from coughing.
I think I might have (or am getting over) this badger… and might repost some of the following under a new subject, but I thought it appropriate to support the heat concept/treatment here.
I’ve had a bad cough for 7 days, and two days with low-grade fever (100.2 was the highest), and low energy. Yesterday, after doing a steam facial I coughed up a thumbnail sized blood clot. I called my doctor and he ordered a chest x-ray. The local radiology center wouldn’t take me. My wife, a mostly retired infection control nurse (recently brought back to work at a rehab hospital) navigated the system, and we went to a hospital. They screened me in the ER - which was surprisingly pretty empty. They did both an x-ray and cat scan, as well as a Type A Flu swab - everything negative.
My doctor would not prescribe Chloroquine, despite passionately arguing for it. I had ordered some from a website a week ago, but the package seems to be stalled in Mumbai, India - since Tuesday (5 days). We have a PA friend (similarly ill and missing work) who obtained Paquenil? - and she spotted me 3 pills. It made a huge difference for her.
Another doctor who treats my long-standing, previously undiagnosed lyme disease, recommended Xlear nasal spray. That also helps.

I don’t have a great deal of experience with gardening but I can recommend growing peas. They grow upwards so you can make a teepee with two long poles and they will climb it. So that doesn’t take a lot of space. I would also recommend that you look up square yard gardening, I think it is called. I have seen where you can grow potatoes in a tall basket and the basket eventually fills with potatoes. I tried it but started too late in the season. I did end up with a bunch of new potatoes though and they were delicious.

Holding your head over a bowl of ‘steaming’ water, with or without the addition of menthol, eucalyptus, etc., works similar to a nebulizer. It thins the mucus and makes it easier to expel along with anything that might be trapped in that mucus. Similar to taking a baby into a hot steamy bathroom when it has croup., or standing in a hot, steamy shower when you are ‘stuffed up’ with a cold. It loosens mucus and relaxes you, which also helps, so you can cough the crap out.

Inhaling air hot enough to kill the virus in your lower lungs? That sounds really risky. I would rather trust the fever to do the job.
Warmer weather will kill the virus? Up here in the north we usually say that one big reason for larger spread of viruses during winter is that people tend to be indoors much more - that means closer together in a confined space - not the air temperature per se.
SARS stopped by itself? No. People weren’t as contagious before symtoms, and incubation time was much shorter, which made contact tracing a lot easier.
“Why don’t they tell us this” - and then they refer to publicly available information from the WHO website. That’s the opposite of not telling. This type of claims sounds the alarm bell for me.
I am not saying inhaling warm humid air couldn’t make it easier to breathe. But if this was truly a cure - wouldn’t every doctor on the planet be using that very method on every coronavirus patient already?

The required temperature to kill the virus, also kills your lung tissues.
Breathing steam, or hot air, like in a sauna, will do nothing to kill the virus…at all.
The effects of breathing steam, or hot air, may be good…but, doing so is not going to kill any virus. Even if you exhaled as much as you can…the retained air inside the lungs mixes with any inhaled air, acting to cool it. If this did not happen, you would die from lung damage.
Ever get into 168 degree water? How about 180 degree?

I am wondering if you think that steaming with essential oils like eucalyptus would help at all? Thank you for your advice.

In response to Nimby - I’ve been looking for opinions on what to plant. I saw some videos which recommended simple “easy to grow” plants like beans...
You might want a high-energy food in there somewhere. Examples are potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. Given your space limitations, corn is probably not a good choice. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are climate-dependent. Sweet potatoes are a warm-weather crop, so if you live in the far north, potatoes are probably your best option. Potatoes and sweet potatoes are by far the highest caloric food production options per acre of land. Having said that, they both store well in cool, dark places, and I don't really foresee an interruption in supply (but you never know!) so I'd be thinking a small plot just to make sure... Two comments on your limited space - consider square-foot or intensive gardening. There's lots of good info on the web. Also consider the 3rd dimension. Many vegetables can be grown in containers mounted on walls, privacy fences, posts, etc., which can add significantly to your harvest from limited space. Next, compost! For a small garden such as yours, a rotatable compost bin is a good option. Food scraps, leaves, lawn clippings, small sticks, etc. can all go in and get turned every 4-5 days. In a month or two - Voila! Homemade fertilizer! If you have space in areas other than your garden to grow stuff, try planting some legumes there -- clover is perfect. Peas and beans in your garden are also good choices. After harvest, the stems and leaves will add nitrogen. Nitrogen is the only plant nutrient that you can actually manufacture yourself. Well, your plants can if you choose the right kind. Next, do succession planting. You don't have to (and shouldn't) plant everything at once. If you do, you'll find yourself also harvesting everything at once, which is not what you want. This is the most common mistake beginning gardeners make. For some crops like tomatoes that produce over an extended period, this isn't an issue. But for others like lettuce, spinach, beans, radishes, etc. that produce over a short time span, think about what you eat in, say, a three week time span and succession-plant accordingly. And finally, keep the ground covered! Common methods are mulching and plant cover. Both have their uses. For unused sections, cover the ground with a permeable dark-colored fabric. Weeds are nature's band-aids, so if you don't cover the ground, nature will do it for you and you're not going to like how she does it. Good luck!

People’s minds are so infected. What you are presented with, and the resources you are provided with, to understand just about anything to do with the climate, or with the ecology…is pure emotional drivel.
People want to consider themselves champions of the planet and become totally emotionally involved and committed, picking up the banner and waving it, while marching toward, what they think is the good. It is not their fault, this is to be expected, given what they have been allowed to understand.
We were all told the rain forest was going to vanish before most of you were born. They told us we had very little time left to act…and we had to use government force to save the planet. Never mind the contradiction of trying to reduce atmospheric CO2, which is what the rain forest requires to exist…and from which all life depends…for the creation of oxygen.
Far from being a pollutant, CO2 is a requirement for life to exist. The fact is, the MORE CO2…THE BETTER!
I bet you did not know that the most abundant “green house” gas in our atmosphere is water vapor, not CO2. And, did you know water vapor absorbs the SAME wavelength of energy, as CO2? Did you know the saturation of water vapor completely overwhelms the ability of CO2 to effectively play ANY part in warming the atmosphere? Did you know any energy CO2 may absorb, can be discharged in ANY DIRECTION? It is just as likely CO2 will reflect energy back at the planet…at any angle…as it is to emit this energy away from the planet…and into space…did they tell you that?
The only reason you feel heat at night in the breeze is due to water vapor…not CO2.
Just like the total fiction of Global Warming…caused by Man, when the world climate has been cooling down for the last 8,000 years. The moderate warming we have seen since the 1850s…and the end of the Little Ice Age…to this day…is still colder than Earth was, just 6,000 years ago.
You will not believe it, but the Climate Alarmists are really just Socialist Propagandists, actively fooling people so they may feel good…about saving us from a fictional threat…as they freely vote away their money, life-style, and freedom.
The only difference between Communism and Socialism…is the exactly the same as the difference between MURDER & SUICIDE. They do not need a bayonet at your throat, if they can fool you into voting against yourself.

Yes, steam alone, can positively effect your symptoms of flu…and congestion. Adding various substances can act to enhance symptom reduction, such as adding salt solutions has shown to be of comfort to patients with this virus. However, the beneficial effect stops when you stop using the steam.
Google this for additional information about actual patient treatment with steam.

equation for viral spread

Here’s all you need to know about this equation: The only factor we have direct control over at this point is “E”.
Well, technically, that's not true. We also have direct control over "p", which control we exercise by keeping our hands clean and by wearing masks and other PPE.

Hi everyone,
I just received notice of this class. Matthew and Phyllis are two of the most well-respected herbalist in the US.
Learn the latest - Traditional Herbal Options for Covid-19 Symptoms from renowned and respected herbalists, Matthew Wood and Phyllis D. Light!
Details below…
Learn the time-tested remedies for the symptoms of this novel virus…
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The best thing is focus on the positive and what you can do. Instead of focusing on the “pandemic” ask yourself “what can I do to be best prepared for it.” Since I’m into holistic health and wellness I have a list of natural things anyone can do to be as safe from this outbreak as possible. Coronavirus Prevention