Coronavirus: The Solution Is Becoming Clear

Awesome. I was looking for this vid since PP included it in their presentation.

Hey NZS, I believe that the valves in masks only work in one direction (exhalation) similar to the ones in respirators like the ones you use for painting. When you breathe in, the air is filtered through the material and when you exhale the valve is activated to allow the air to escape.

Does anyone know how reliable are the timings and heat levels for mask disinfection? Just came across this article, it seems this particular strain might require different heat levels/time than original SARS?
It seems further tests are needed to confirm by what levels/time this virus is killed?

The N95 or 100 mask protects the wearer the best and permits enough filtered air flow that you can breathe relatively comfortably. It’s what we’re using. But it released the air that you exhale. I’m not worried about that. The surgical mask is to protect others from infected air which you exhale, but it also offers a barrier that catches infected airborne droplets. Homemade masks, even bandanas, are maybe 75% effective, give or take and offer a barrier. Only the N95 protects against aerosolized virus, but if you stay well back from people at the store, I think any kind of mask is satisfactory. And being exposed to a low dose of the virus may give you subclinical immunity.
We bought N95 masks from China on February 22, on Amazon. Doctors still had their choice at that time. I think our not getting coronavirus and not crashing the hospitals is an excellent reason for us to wear ours without guilt.

Michel you can read this paper from 2003, where they tested heat on sterilizing masks exposed to SARs. We’ve been using the ball park of 170F for 30 minutes as the standard because most kitchen ovens have that as their lowest setting. If you do use this method, do a test with your mask and your oven for safety. Don’t use a toaster oven, they don’t appear to have consistent heat.
From the link you gave, looks like they are going to test it with the Covid19 virus. I expect the temperatures will be close if not the same.

With stories about reinfection coming out of China, Japan and South Korea we need more than a “recovered” badge and probably more than a “vaccinated” badge, especially as antibodies may not offer full or lasting protection. In the second clip, universal daily testing offers more certainty but I’m sure not all regions of all countries would find this practical or affordable.

I believe the stories to be misleading. Recovered people later test positive for the virus. I have not yet seen that they are again infectious or sickened. Testing positive merely means some level of RNA is present…it could be an artifact of the test, benign bits of RNA or just a false positive.
I believe this to be scaremongering …be afraid…submit to authority…be afraid. By the way…big Pharma and Government Authoritarians want a vaccine for $ and control.

Well, we don’t. As I understand it, we simply don’t know what is causing this. If you do know, Lightning17, it would be helpful if you posted that information.