Coronavirus: Time To Prepare Is Running Out

Within 90 days of receiving the sequence. Pretty aggressive. Hopefully it works.
We bought MRNA shares back in August when we found out they were the prime supplier for components used by Ancestry and 23 and Me.
So far so good, but if the clinical trial fails…poof…gone.

As this virus came from an animal, either naturally or through lab. experiments, my question is this: How likely is this virus going to be passed to, between and from other mammals from humans? Could this add another level of issue?

“How likely is this virus going to be passed to, between and from other mammals from humans? Could this add another level of issue?”
The mammal homo sapiens is already doing a pretty good job of spreading it to other humans.
The concern (I think) would be if the virus mutated into a more volatile and deadly form and the source animal(s) became a direct vector path.

It’s interesting that the video doesn’t’ talk about expanding our healthcare to meet a Pandemic head-on. But they did talk about “mitigation” meaning, containing, quarantining and controlling the population.
Fourth Turning - full speed ahead!

We have identified corona cases here in WI and of course, nobody gets tested, even if they have symptoms.
However, the local hospital system “says” they ARE testing for flu virus and flu is 10X as active as it was in the last couple of years.
However, my question then becomes did we test everybody with symptoms for flu virus last year? If we didn’t that’s a good thing for me here locally.
The CDC and insurance can prevent doctors from doing covid tests. They can’t prevent them from doing flu tests. I think maybe the smartest, most ethical doctors here are doing flu tests so they don’t mistake corona for bad flu. If so, god bless them.
Bottom Line: if you have any symptoms and they won’t test for corona, demand tests for other respiratory viruses. Here’s some you could demand.
“Direct antigen tests are routinely available for influenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Some centers offer direct antigen tests for parainfluenza and adenovirus. Increasingly, microarray and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays are being used to detect rhinovirus in respiratory specimens”

DTRAMMEL, You’ll appreciate what I saw on a friends feed. The reason China was hit so hard, China’s mandatory vaccination allowed their system to respond to “digital signal” contained in chem trail chemicals. Just thinking out loud here, so chemtrails spread over USA, somehow magically appear in China and somehow this massive undertaken global genocide run by world’s elite is kept a secret that only a few know about?
The lack of accurate and current information out of so many of the worlds govt’s help spin of these tin foil hat theories. What was it Chris said, loss of faith in the govt???

Love those conspiracy theories!!!
Yep, the rich and powerful have conspired to keep their wealth and power since the dawn of civilization!
“The lack of accurate and current information out of so many of the worlds govt’s help spin of these tin foil hat theories. What was it Chris said, loss of faith in the govt???”
Hey remember the Doctor who said washing your hands could stop the spread of disease. Yeah, unseen little critters could spread disease. Haha so crazy, a real dingbat, dododo (twilight zone music) Oh wait, thats true. What we can’t see can hurt us?

So yesterday we received a delivery of veg from Italy, to supplement what we sell through our veg box scheme in the UK, and wondered how long we’ll be able to keep receiving European supplies now that Italy is becoming locked down.
Meanwhile, my sister who lives in Germany, and specialises in designing those huge exhibition stands for multinationals, discovered that the Light and Building exhibition in Frankfurt has been cancelled - … and is worrying about the ITB Berlin which she’s been working on for months…
Meanwhile, my god-daughter, who is a recruitment specialist in England, discovered that the interviews she had arranged for potential recruits in Italy, were in Codogno, so have all had to be cancelled. All this in one day.
It’s certainly focussed our minds, and even those in my family who had been putting it off are now starting to prepare their stores!

Yes to quarantine issues, but more to the point, the tests appear to give false negatives. So I’m sick and I get a test and no corona. Sounds good. However then I find the test didn’t work and after a week friends and family start getting sick.
That said, give me a test and don’t even tell me the result (assuming these clowns get a test that works). That’s beyond unethical.
Yes, getting good statistics on asymptomatic cases is important, but I want the results to go to individuals (not doctors) immediately. We’re beyond where quarantines make sense, but I should have the choice to self-isolate and to tell people who I’ve been in contact with to get tested and self-monitor.
However, to do this you have to account for the "idiot’ factor. So I’m totally asymptomatic and get a call that I’m positive. There are a bunch of people who will immediately take themselves and maybe their entire family to the emergency room to be “fixed”, totally blocking the ability to care for the actually sick.
Perhaps this would require local walk-in clinics where frightened positive-testing people could go to get advice. Wouldn’t even need medical staff. Just someone who could take a temperature, check off symptoms and underlying health problems and explain what to do next.

Another sign that this truely is the end, the silver price is being manipulated like CRAZY.

Silver futures are being traded like crazy, just look at the volume over the last 5 days. The timescales are comparable.
There is no logical reason for this amount of volume pushing silver DOWN when Nasdaq futures went from +2% at european open to -1% now going as far as to cracking the 9000 barrier, after a 1k Dow drop day. If anything, you would expect silver and gold to go up.
Well, there is just 1 logical explanation for it: Price Manipulation. If you want to panic buy a lot of gold/silver without making the price spike, you depress it with futures. How does this work? Same way as Naked Short Selling.
You make a futures contract for march 23 (for example), sell it, make another, sell it, etc until volume depresses the price. Then you buy back the future at a lower price, then destroy it. No gold needs to be mined, or delivered, as long as the contract is voided before it is delivered. You pocked the difference in price on the way down.
Obviously only the CME group can do this since they control futures contracts. But that’s exactly what they’ve been doing now, for years. Nothing as Opaque as the gold markets. We’ve known for years the paper market has levered the physical market up to the hilt.
If you don’t understand what’s going on still, just watch The Big Short again. The moment Michael Burry’s on the phone with goldman sachs because they refuse to value his swaps at the correct valuation until the bank has built up a net short position themselves so they don’t explode when the valuation changes. That’s the above picture in a nutshell.
Remember kids, buy physical. Because the moment the above becomes self-evident truth, just like the virus, things will happen very very quickly.

Not my field, but my understanding is that swab tests, which are the type of tests we do to test for flu, strep throat, this SARS-COV2 and others, would need to have the germ in the mucus that is being tested, otherwise, it cant see it. This new COv virus is getting "false " negatives as the person can have the germ multiplying away in inaccessable places, and this can go on for a long time potentially before it is up in the throat or nose. So, not so easy to just test

In the last 24 hours several public health officials in Canada and Japan have put forward the view that the horse is out of the barn. Containment is a hopeless goal. Too late, too transmissible (with the public acceptance level of travel restrictions).
The focus is now shifting to

"minimizing the body count."

"We Can't Stop This": Japan Rolls Out New 'Harm Reduction' Policy Aimed At Limiting Virus-Related Deaths

According to the Washington Post, the "basic premise" of the Japanese plan is that the virus can't be stopped. That's right: The Japanese are essentially acknowledging that the thesis proposed by Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch - ie that 70% of the world's population might someday contract the virus - has at least some legitimacy. One senior advisor who spoke with WaPo put it the starkest of terms: We can't stop it, so the best we can do is keep the body count as low as possible. "We shouldn’t have illusions," said Shigeru Omi, a senior government adviser. "We can’t stop this, but we can try to reduce the speed of expansion and reduce mortality." In keeping with this maxim, hospital space will be reserved for patients with the most serious symptoms, while those with simple colds and fevers have been asked to rest at home. They're only to contact health authorities if a fever persists for four days. Or two for the elderly, people with chronic diseases or pregnant women.
And in Canada, (h/t Time2Help) a similar acceptance
"In a shift from previous messages, Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Theresa Tam acknowledged Monday that Canada may no longer be able to contain and limit the virus if it continues to spread around the world. She said governments, businesses and individuals should prepare for an outbreak or pandemic. “We are coming to similar conclusions,” agreed Dr. Vera Etches, the City of Ottawa’s top health officer, on Monday. “It looks like it is going to be more and more difficult to contain this virus and it may well evolve into a pandemic. That would change the efforts to contain every last case and contact.”
Etches said people can take steps now, at home and at work, to prepare. Some of those steps include stocking up on needed prescriptions ahead of time so there is no need to do so during a possible pandemic. She also recommended people stock up on non-perishable food."

I trade gold and silver and noticed the same thing. It is time to buy ---- eventually their manipulation will stall out as buying just takes off. Thanks to showing us the data.

“This new COv virus is getting “false ” negatives as the person can have the germ multiplying away in inaccessable places, and this can go on for a long time potentially before it is up in the throat or nose. So, not so easy to just test“
So we are told. I just find it hard to believe that we are supposed to have some of the most advanced medical and technological knowledge and equipment in the world but we cant figure out how to create accurate test kits? Do you believe that?
“We’re beyond where quarantines make sense, but I should have the choice to self-isolate and to tell people who I’ve been in contact with to get tested and self-monitor.” …Gosh, should I spend 8 hours on a plane? Oh look, I test positive, maybe not fly after all.
What you NEVER, ever, ever, ever hear is some one in a high place talk about releaving suffering and helping people. Hmmmm relieving suffering or making profit?

On his way into a cabinet meeting this morning in Ottawa, Champagne called the outbreak a "dynamic" situation and urged Canadians with travel plans to take precautions.
"Make sure you check before you go. That's the best advice I can give," he said.
I hope this gets people to start paying more attention...

Holding precious metals as an investment takes patience. Eight to ten year cycles. It helps to think of your holding as more of an insurance against financial melt down. Also, it is a store of energy, easier for me to hold two ounces of silver than a barrel of crude. I started buying silver in the early 2000s for $4.25/oz. Not much available, some bars and junk. As the price rose, more was dis hoarded. Bought some collectable sterling spoons. Eventually, the metals companies began to produce silver rounds and the supply of Silver Eagle coins increased. My two favorite metals are copper and silver. Many of the silver rounds are beautiful. I always buy a little, mainly for the beauty. I just completed a small collection of silver dragons of the world. Silver in bulk is difficult to deal with. When I started buying, the trader boys ignored it saying, " You get too much for your money." One guy posted he was storing silver rounds in old paint buckets in his garage. There’s no fever like gold (silver) fever. Run, Spot, run!

Is it possible to treat pneumonia at home? With only 1 million hospital beds in the U.S., if 1) COVID-19 spreads to just 3% of the population (10 million Americans) and 2) the serious complication rate was just 10%, it seems likely that home care will become necessary . . .

Just heard on the news about a young man in Miami, FL. recently returned from China and became ill. He wanted to make sure he wasn’t a risk to other people, so he went in to get tested. They are charging him $3000!!!
So yeah, no wonder why we aren’t seeing much increase in cases. CDC won’t test for it, and people can’t afford it even if they want to get tested.
Profiteering at its finest! We are screwed over by the healthcare system and all of its lobbists day in and day out!
In the meantime, the virus is having a blast inflecting God knows how many people!!

I’m not a medical specialist but after digging through the data I found that the most important thing to treating pneumonia is oxygen, this is a key.
In my country in case of any outbreak I can forget about real treatment due to very limited amount of equipment for O2 support in hospitals that will be reserved for “important” people, amount of generic beds is irrelevant without treatment so this is real limiting factor and main reasons for very high mortality when hospitals get overloaded…
Personally I think that oxygen concentrator might be good idea while they are still relatively cheap, the lower ends are between 300-600$
The cases of corona virus that have full treatment history received between 2 and 5 l/min of oxygen for few days so this is the ballpark for the equipment (example for reference ), and with this you need oximeter for checking the amount of oxygen in blood (like for example ).
I would love to get some more relevant information from medical personnel, especially about alternatives to Arbidol which is not available in my country… but the ones I know are more than useless… just purely incompetent.

Sorry if this is repeat - for some reason it seems my last post did not go through.
Dr John Campbell said on his you tube channel that a lot of these people stuck at home dying would live with Oxygen support. O2 Concentrator or tank is a good idea IMO. I bought a concentrator.