Coronavirus: Time To Prepare Is Running Out

There is NO WAY they can know that; it’s a BS lie.

CDC Tells Americans to Start Readying for Outbreak

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned Americans to prepare for a coronavirus outbreak at home that could lead to significant disruptions of daily life, though the warnings were downplayed by the White House. Congress was told that there’s shortage of masks needed for health workers if one occurs.

World Health Organization (WHO) has had a difficult time calling Covid-19 outbreak a “pandemic,” this is because it would cause both bonds to trigger, effectively wiping out bondholders.
Class A bonds were issued in the amount of $225 million, with a payout of 6.9% annually. The bonds default if a pandemic is identified, and deaths reach over 2,500 in one particular country with an additional 20 deaths in another, the prospectus states.
Class B bonds were issued in the amount of $95 million, with a payout of 11.5% annually but had a much lower trigger level of deaths, versus Class A, hence the high yield.

WOW! Fantastic coverage by Chris and Adam on corona virus. Thank you to everyone for all the helpful comments and links.
Have not read all the threads and am not a paying member, but thought I would throw out some tips that have helped me in the past. There are many herbs, minerals and essential oils that can help with the symptoms and boost the immune system. There are many, many anti viral essential oils such as oregano, thyme, clove, cinnamon, rosemary, pine, peppermint, etc. Just google it. When I get sick, I diffuse 4-5 of these essential oils near my bed and get immediate relief from cold/flu symptoms. They really knock the symptoms down a few notches.
Also zinc, Vit D, and selenium are antiviral. Silver is another option. I personally take angstrom size minerals. Along with catching some rays, if you catch those rays while touching the earth or water for a good 30 minutes (grounding/earthing), inflammation is measurably reduced - should help with the inflammation that goes along with flu/cold symptoms. Nothing can really substitute for direct sunshine re: vit d. On the topic of grounding, there is a great documentary on a little town in Alaska where the citizens took to grounding and many ailments were reduced or eliminated. Highly recommend watching. Reduction of inflammation was measurable. I would imagine there is a lot of inflammation associated with flu/ard.
Finally, we all know what a fan Chris is of elderberry, other anti viral herbs include astragulous, cat’s claw, calendula, licorice root, olive leaf, oregano, etc… Black seed cumin oil tastes terrible but has helped reduce severity of colds/flues.
Finally, I’ve never seen so many ‘on the ground’ videos from China. What I’m seeing are folks who are just as unhappy with their government as I am!
Thanks again for the excellent reporting on the virus.

You cannot swab something you cannot make contact with.
In what way do you think they can test ? What is it they would be testing ?
Have you had a swab test for Strep throat ? They literally take a long q-tip like swab and touch the wet area in the throat.

excellent video detailing how the WHO is in chinas back pocket

When she isn’t sitting on the heater vent or bossing the dogs…

I have no first hand evidence of what the Chinese military is doing or not doing in regards to coronavirus. What I do have first hand knowledge of is the devastation the Chinese military has wrought on Tibet. I won’t go into details it is well documented and easily found online. I did however recently return from Thailand and India. I have a Chinese friend in India who contacted family in China about a month ago. The descriptions were that people suspected of having the virus were locked up and the keys thrown away. Anyone with the virus was executed. She is extending her stay in India to avoid the situation. I for one would not want my life in the hands of the communist party and their military.

I am wondering if this would show the virus early. Prepare to be probed.

The CDC just declared it.

Wow, I guess the message is to panic slowly and quietly.
“defined playbook” Ameicans “shouldn’t panic when they see new cases…” “we have tools to deal with it that are reasonable, titrated, and don’t excessively interfere either with the economy or individual lives, NECESSARILY”.
Not wishing to be “titrated”, I will continue to panic slowly. Thank you.

Mtnhousepermi: “This new COv virus is getting “false ” negatives as the person can have the germ multiplying away in inaccessable places, and this can go on for a long time potentially before it is up in the throat or nose. So, not so easy to just test“ Grannywit: So we are told. I just find it hard to believe that we are supposed to have some of the most advanced medical and technological knowledge and equipment in the world but we cant figure out how to create accurate test kits? Do you believe that?
This is research on SARS and false negatives/shedding rates. I have not seen any research for these topics and Covid, likely some brave Chinese scientists are working on it. Lets send them some positive thoughts, it must be hellish over there now.

Nasopharyngeal shedding of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus is associated with genetic polymorphisms.

A high initial or peak severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) load in nasopharyngeal specimens was shown to be associated with a high mortality rate.

RESULTS: Titers of SARS-CoV shed in nasopharyngeal specimens varied widely, ranging from nondetectable to 10(8) SARS-CoV RNA copies/mL, and they were correlated positively with a high mortality rate (P<.0001, by trend test) and with early death (i.e., death occurring within 2 weeks of the onset of illness) (P=.0015, by trend test). Virus shedding was found to be higher among male patients (P=.0014, by multivariate logistic regression) and among older patients (P=.015, by multivariate logistic regression). Detectable nasopharyngeal shedding of SARS-CoV was associated with polymorphic alleles of interleukins 18, NF kappa B complex all of which are proinflammatory in nature, as well as the procoagulation molecule fibrinogen-like protein 2.

English: Virus shedding varied from nonexistent (and therefore false negative) to very high (and detectable by PCR). Those who shed large numbers of viral particles had increased mortality. Men and elderly also shed more viral particles as compared to younger or females. There are genetic mutations in immune and inflammation related genes that increased viral shedding.

Viral shedding patterns of coronavirus in patients with probable severe acute respiratory syndrome

Positive rates peaked at 6-11 days after onset of illness for nasopharyngeal aspirates (87 of 149 [58%], to 37 of 62 [60%]), and 9-14 days for faeces (15 of 22 [68%], to 26 of 37 [70%]). Overall, peak viral loads were reached at 12-14 days of illness when patients were probably in hospital care, which would explain why hospital workers were prone to infection.

English: Example: someone who has had a fever for 3-4 days (and thus would be on day 3 or 4 of the illness as infection date is unknown) would not be at peak viral shedding: that occurs two weeks after onset of symptoms. Also if they had the host genetics that minimized shedding they could easily be in the group that had non-detectable titers (and thus a negative test) despite actually being sick.

Cured from diabetes with Herbal medicine
I was diagnosed of DIABETES for sometime, I have tried all possible means to get cured but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor from Africa by name Dr Nelson, who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis B, DIABETES and (HPV). When I contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he sent me his herbal medicine via courier service, when i received the herbal medicine he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, I took it as instructed after 3 weeks I went for check up and my result was negative. I am very grateful to DR Nelson may God bless him and continue to give him wisdom. I will continue sharing this testimonies,You can also Contact him on. drnelsonsalim10@ gmail. com
or send him a whatsapp text on +2348116522191.
he has herbal cure for Herpes Virus and outbreaks, Fibroid, cancer, Hepatitis and heart diseases

  • While COVID-19 is contained in the U.S. so far, CDC officials said earlier Tuesday that the public needs to prepare for an eventual outbreak here.
According to a client. Her daughter sat next to a sick young lady on a plane and her daughter got it. Was really sick......... Of course not tested so not counted. Didn’t wind up in the hospital. Could have been anything right. Right. She/they don’t think so. The young lady she sat next to didn’t speak much english and was obviously not feeling well. Travel on a plane, not me but, hey YOU might be lucky.  

Buy the right antibiotics at a local feed store. Horses, goats, sheep take the same antibiotics we do. You don’t need a prescription.

Was on a Costco run today, ongoing stocking up. Had to smile to see that the entire back end of the warehouse store, floor to incredibly-high ceiling, was stacked with toilet paper…
Also, for folks in Canada - I inquired at Canadian Tire if they had any N95 masks left, and checking their computers they said no. I went and looked anyway, and there was still a pretty good selection on the rack. Got what we needed but still lots there. But I doubt this will last long.

And, not all are the same, for example, the penicillin I use for goats/ horses is not the same as usually used for people. And, if they have any at all, that would likely be it which is not even the correct antibiotic for most bacterial infections ! the fancy stuff used against the pneumonia this virus in the hospital is certainly not sold at the feed store.

Sorry, very ignorant about these things, but if we are coping at home: my husband has asthma, presently inactive, but if he got any viral infection that affected his breathing and the hospitals were overfilled, presumably a concentrated oxygen source might be useful. I wondered about these oxygen canisters from Amazon: 5 Pack of Original 95% Premium Portable 5L Oxygen cans. The oxygen concentrators I’ve seen online appear to be fitted for atmospheric clearing rather than individual boosting.

Ask your doctor about what to have at home, the oxygen concentrators are what older family members of mine have used both at home and at nursing homes, but you should find out what type of that to get. For sure get a fingertip pulse oximeter so you can monitor his oxygen levels and know if he needs the hospital.

Can these be purchased without a DR prescription?