Coronavirus: Up To 24 Days Before Symptoms Start Showing?

Many scientists been saying it be over in the summer due to warm weather. They advised the politicians so world leaders across the world said it will end in the summer. Big mistake. Singapore have over 90 degree weather and it about to explode there. So don’t count summer to save the world.
This is a chaos virus. It is a bundle of surprises. Design for maximum chaos. China is a communist dictatorship society and actually helped nCoV achieve it maximum chaos abilities by censorship, lack of origination, and leadership. The worst mistake was to denied there was a virus running amok. The second worst mistake was blanket quarantine.Putting the healthy with the sick only made it worse. Targeted quarantine would have been a better solution.

The second biggest mistake China made was blanket quarantine. It actually made things a lot worst.

China is doomed. Their system was not design to handle the nCoV.

Coronavirus likely now ‘gathering steam’

LIPSITCH: The ease of transmission is still being confirmed. In terms of the so-called “R-nought,” or how many secondary cases a single case infects, experts’ assessment is getting tighter around a level of transmissibility that’s perhaps lower than SARS, which was about 3 and higher than pandemic flu, which can be up to about 2. But what makes this one perhaps harder to control than SARS is that it may be possible to transmit before you are sick, or before you are very sick — so it’s hard to block transmission by just isolating confirmed cases. ==========================

From a rumor to 1,000 deaths: How the coronavirus outbreak unfolded for Americans at the epicenter

Sunday, Jan. 5: Reports of a virus

John McGory, a teacher in Wuhan originally from Youngstown, Ohio, first hears about a virus from his brother in Columbus. The unknown virus was reported Dec. 31 and has already sickened dozens. He is making plans to travel to Cambodia before returning to Ohio in March after six years living in China. ==========================

Coronavirus outbreak 'just beginning' outside China, says expert

The coronavirus epidemic may be peaking in China where it was first detected in the central city of Wuhan but it is just beginning in the rest of the world and likely to spread, a global expert on infectious diseases said on Wednesday. ==============================

WHO Denounces Claim of Potential 60% Coronavirus Infection Rate

The Guardian published the estimate made by Gabriel Leung, the chair of public health medicine at Hong Kong University, early Tuesday morning. ============================

A virus is crippling China's economy — and threatening the world's

In the locked down provinces, home to more than 140 million people, the gross domestic product (GDP) exceeds 10.6 trillion yuan ($1.5 trillion USD). There are nearly 100 million residents in the four municipalities, where the GDP typically is over 12 trillion yuan ($1.7 trillion USD). Among the top 10 economic performance cities, all except one have been in the state of lockdown.  

Good article…

Please scroll down

Currently Infected Patients
31,025 (79%)
in Mild Condition
8,216 (21%)
Serious or Critical
Country, Territory Total Cases Feb 11 Cases Total Deaths Feb 11 Deaths Total Recovered Total Severe
China 44,686 +2,048 1,116 +100 4,793 8,204
Japan 203 +42 4
Hong Kong 50 +8 1 1
Singapore 50 +5 9 7

Very interesting view from Clif High. Clif has a very interesting take about this virus.
Sometimes he is hard to follow intellectually as a mathmetician/ IT person but not here. If you’ve been looking into this much, here’s 44 minutes well spent.

I’ve been affectionately referring to it as “the Ronus” for a couple of weeks now. The WHO can term it whatever it wants, doesn’t mean the average person will utilize it.

Video funded by the Chinese government. Oops

Volunteers help quarantined people, senior citizens with daily errands

many thanks for your great work. Thanks of you I have been able to prepare my family and my closest friends.
I only want to share two thoughts

  1. The elephant in the room is in my humble view Africa with 0 corona virus cases. I would be really surprise if that is the current case considering the large presence of Chinese personnel involved in the mining industry and in the construction of the local infrastructure. Lack of testing kits more likely… Is the hot climate the only thing that can prevent a spread in Africa ? Will pandemic spread through Africa to the rest of the world ?
  2. I find ironic that China has been able to develop 5G the fifth generation of wireless technology for digital cellular networks offering much faster data download and upload speed and yet they seem reluctant to stop their censorship habits and share some vital data with the rest of the world. Only Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus seem to believe in Xi Jinping fairy tails…

I must be at a loss - that they are buying this as not just ok news but something that will send the economy soaring. I guess if its health care sector. but that is 25% of or nations gross product… we are a nation of sick people dependent on a useless system that does more harm than good and costs more than anywhere on earth…

Does anyone knows the Ethnicity (not the nationality) of the Cruise Ship passengers that are tested positive for the Corona Virus?
Interesting to see if there are (many) non-Asian passengers among them. If so then we can soon expect something here in Europe and the US

Broken Window Fallacy? Whistling past the graveyard? Sheer desperation?
So far in Australia few coronavirus cases but we are feeling increasing consequences, e.g. tourism industry suffering from travel ban from China, and one fearful landlord evicting a Malaysian student.

Covid sounds like some kind of bioweapon installation of the USA. They said they woudl not name it for a geographic region country or ethnicity… well they did a good job of that with MERS. So, I guess that was ok but this isnt. Never the less, I am all for the kung flu, its just a lot easier. and everyone will know what you talking about. And that is with no intent to be racial or offensive… its asian and it kicks ass.

Chinese funeral home overwhelmed as coronavirus body count soars: Staffer

When asked about the real situation in Wuhan, the source said the truth is that the current workload is unbearable and that 40 to 50 more workers would be needed to meet the demand. She added that the number of bodies they receive daily has been accelerating at an extraordinary speed and that it is hard to keep pace even with 11 cremation furnaces..................................... According to the latest figures issued by the Chinese government, 1,110 people have lost their lives to the coronavirus, and 44,370 have been infected. However, based on the account of the Wuhan funeral home staffer, the daily average number of bodies suspected of being coronavirus victims is estimated at 225, or 4,725 bodies, at a single Wuhan funeral home since Jan. 22.

New study raises coronavirus concerns | NTDTV

According to interviews with two funeral homes inside Wuhan, everyday the funeral homes cremate 4 to 5 times as many bodies as before the coronavirus outbreak. There's no official figure yet about how many corpses are burned in all of Wuhan's funeral homes, as the information is censored. On the other hand, many patients aren’t tested for the coronavirus. If they die, their death isn't labeled as virus-related, which makes it even harder to get an accurate number. But based on investigations, it seems likely the number of bodies being cremated in a single day in Wuhan already exceeds the official figures of the total death toll.

I do not know why anybody wants calculations with Chinese concocted numbers.
Garbage in, garbage out.
I still hold the “Chinese meme” that Asians are far more prone to this disease.
Japanese should be very aware and awoke to use this word.
Overfull (ICU) hospitals are at risk to spread the virus especially for the staff.
Temperature is going to save the day if SARS is a good indication and i think it is.
Yes, new 2019 nCoV or whatever they call it, Wuflu, might have surprises but it is still corona, hiding with bats in caves in cold, away from the sunlight.
The biggest risk coming summer in Hong Kong is in air conditioned places.
And be aware of cured cases, they can be shedding virussen up to 80 days.
During the epidemic in days with lower air temperature the risk of a larger SARS epidemic in the community was 12.82-fold (95% CI 4.22–40.00, P<0.001) higher than that in days with higher air temperature (i.e. a temperature >24.6 xC) (Table 3). An increase of 1 xC in air temperature was associated with an average reduction of
1.6 patients.

A new study published by Covid Labs LLC reveals startling insights about Peak Prosperity videos. The study found that viewers stayed away from “sciency clinical videos” and “economy laden” and came in droves for “early revelations” “secretive chinese conspiracies” and “prepper friendly” titles....and apparently nobody cares how Ncov affects men! ?

Not much new, except that the number of people potentially affected keeps getting bigger:
Some of those reports sound very much like some of the people isolated initially started showing symptoms, and their contacts are now being traced.
People locally have been receiving a text message advising that people with respiratory symptoms that have recently traveled to Asian countries should self-isolate and call a medical helpline for instructions. It explains the sudden appearance of suspected cases. But why did they send the text just to Brighton residents? Are the health authorities trying to bring up as many cases as possible in Brighton for some reason?
Especially when experts are saying breezily on the BBC that they think they’re picking up just one in three cases of the virus and that this is the early stage of a pandemic:
So, if that’s the case, what’s the plan?’s-livestock-coronavirus-research-–-your-questions-answered