Coronavirus Update: The Calm Before The Storm

Hi! I’ve been reading comments from this site re: Coronavirus now for about 15 days. I found this site through and check it daily…more than once… I decided to go ahead and register due to the solid info from PeakProsperity and the attentive commentators…
I’m a 48yr old mom of 3 daughters. Been married now for 27 years. 2 of our daughters are grown and in their 20s. Both of them are clueless about what’s going on and weren’t really too interested in my input on the subject. (typical ignorant young people) Our 3rd daughter is now 7 and I homeschool her. I’ve talked to my DH about this somewhat but he also is taking a very casual attitude… haven’t spoke to my parents about it yet but I will this weekend. My dad drives for Uber in Las Vegas… that could be a problem IMO.
So basically, I am just an average person (except for the fact that I don’t HAVE to go out into the public on any daily basis). I know enough to NOT TRUST the MSM narrative. I pay attention to and Infowars (as well as some other sites) and I keep my “fears” in check due to my longstanding faith in God. We live in a small town about 45 min south of Kansas City, MO and since the Chiefs are in the Superbowl this weekend I’m headed to the store to do some stocking up before all those people return on Monday…
My logic is this. Even though I am a “healthy” gal and do not have any major medical issues (at least none I’m aware of), I’m not in any position to be getting sick. (Ain’t nobody got time for that). If the Chiefs win…we’re not going to the parade (even though I REALLY want to). In 2 weeks time, I figure if anyone caught this little bugger down in Miami (still an open airport for Chinese travelers) we’ll have it here in the heartland. Since I have a little time on my hands as a stay-at-home-mom I’ll be prepping to stay in for at least 4-6wks if/when it hits up in the city. We don’t have expendable income right now so I can’t go buy prepackaged 4wk supply meal offers that are out there. I’m going to do it myself. I will buy a vacuum meal saver thing (about $50) and I’ve compiled my own list of foods to either make ahead and freeze or foods that don’t require a lot to prepare (like just add water, lol). I’ve got to stay in my budget as best as I can (it’s a very slow time of year for my husband - a self-employed commercial artist)
I looked at some of the food items included in a pre-packaged MRE offer and from that, I came up with ideas of my own. Pinterest is a great place to search for meal prep ideas. Obviously if we lose power than that’s a different problem but for right now, I can only mentally deal with what is appearing to be on the horizon. If nothing happens in the next couple weeks, and the virus takes it’s sweet time in getting here (I do believe it’ll eventually arrive) than all I’ve done is just some preventative planning. I’m not going to buy worthless surgical masks but I will probably at some point soon, go locate our painting respirators that my husband has used for work (I think they’re in the garage somewhere) It’s not a full face mask but the dual cartridge filters are replaceable and the mask fits snug on the face. I may also pick up some sealed safety goggles (like we used to wear back in chemistry class) or perhaps just go with some motorcycle goggles that are sealed all around the eyes (also in the garage). I told 7yr old (who CONSTANTLY touches her face) that I may have to fashion her a cone collar (like they use on dogs after surgery) to keep her hands away from her face. She loved the idea of course, lol. I’ve already taught her about germs on surfaces of things (I hate public restrooms) and so to a certain degree she understands why I would be vigilant about this kind of thing.
I don’t know if anyone would really care about how a stay-at-home mom might handle this possible upcoming potential catastrophe but these are just some of my ideas… if anyone would care to see my “list” I’ll gladly put it here in this comment section.
Thanks for your time! May God be with us all…

Welcome Mrs. Bohall! You have come to the right place. Chris and the Crash Course changed my life 10 years ago and everything I’ve done since then has been by knowing the things I learned here - first…Then building on that initial knowledge since. You have found a great leader and community and your money was well spent.
With that said, I will let the regulars guide you, in addition to all of the stored data on this site. You and your family will be fine since you have become so aware. God Bless to You!

You should go. You’ll be safer in the Maldives than in London. If things get bad in London…you can hang out in the Maldives.

I totally appreciate your kind welcome! I’m not on any social media (unless you count Pinterest) so I don’t talk to many people in the real world. (My DH would probably call me a hermit if he could get away with it…) Your kind words have put a smile on my face :-)!


Welcome! A treasure trove of great information here. May I add, when prepping dry goods consider seeds for sprouting. If ever it comes to weeks/months of social distancing, then fresh fruit and veggies some of the first things to go. Providing you have clean water (and part of prepping is to figure that out) and seeds, mason jars, sprouting lids and some patience you can grow sprouts easily! I like broccoli and radish sprouts, as they are high in sulfuraphane, as well as other needed things like folate, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamins C and K.
Many places online to get seeds, I like Sproutpeople.

“We have often talked on this site about the need for population control. Well, is a pandemic not naturally occurring population control? Are we right to try to fight and isolate it? Or would it be wise to let nature take its course? It is a deep question, and one that I think requires serious consideration.”
Well since you asked. IMHO I don’t believe this is naturally occurring. Have no proof other than numerous historical precedents for using disease as a weapon. You know that pension crisis, - problem solved. No jobs, problem solved, social security short-fall, not a problem any more. Hmmm how convenient. Oh gosh I sound cynical. Really, our best interest is being looked after right?
Secondly, let a virus take its course?! Sure we could let people suffer and die, but not my family, or yours, on second thought I wouldn’t want that for anybody. Isn’t that called eugenics? You know selective survival? It didn’t go over well in WWII.
And the population is no longer growing in developed countries. As a matter if fact we are in need of more young people to support our ongoing growth economy
Sorry Jan, no serious consideration here. Perhaps a few of you wicked smart folks see things differently.
Cranky Granny

Great advice greendoc! We have an organic veg farm, but are heading into the “hungry gap” from April to June, when last year’s crops are finishing and the new ones are seedlings/ young plants. We sprout organic mungbeans routinely from October to March for ourselves and our pet hens, to make sure we all get some vibrant living plant material through the winter months. A crop takes two days to be ready - no brainer!
That means: cases/deaths = 9171 / 213.
Taking into account Jan.24 = 844 disclosed cases, the approximate mortality rate would be 213/844 = ~ 25%. Since denominator changes so rapidly , this number fluctuates tremendously.

I found these two Westerners earlier this week. They are doctors who lived here in China (Shenzhen) for 5 years and worked closely with Chinese doctors and hospitals. They are married to Chinese doctors and read and speak Chinese.
I’ve lived here 10 years and worked here for 30 years. I have Chinese family (but from Taiwan, a HUGE difference). These 2 guys are a FANTASTIC source of truth and accurate, boots on the ground information:

but this Coronavirus brought me back to Peak Prosperity. I trust Chris’ analysis. I don’t trust what China is reporting. The real truth may never come out. What worries me most is the health care system being over run. We have an 18 bed ICU (we have three other ICU’s but they are cardiac and burn) and on any given day most of the beds are filled with patients suffering from strokes, head injuries, poor surgical outcomes etc. The hospital has gone on divert twice this winter (no patients accepted to the emergency department) and that’s without a pandemic. Patients who are hypertensive, morbidly obese, non compliant diabetics and asthmatics are surely at risk to have greater complications. What percentage of the population does the include? It’s a significant percent of our patient population. From what I see so far, our response will be reactionary. The front line staff will do their best but all resources human and supply side have their limits. Be prepared to stay home. Hospitals will not be where you want to be as a patient if the system is under stress.

…we call the rumor mill/grapevine the Coconut Wireless. Well, the coconut wireless is telling me that we have our first potential nCoV patient under observation at Maui Memorial (the only hospital on the island). If little old Maui (pop ~ 150k) has one, then proportionally Oahu has about 10 (pop ~ 1.5M). I know the math isn’t that simple but this thin tip of the nCoV spear will widen for certain in the coming weeks. I was on the beach with my son last weekend and about a quarter to a third of the tourists on that beach were of Chinese ethnicity. Not all would be from Mainland China, but it was an instructive moment.
My lady friend found some N95s with the exhalation port yesterday, when it seemed like the island’s shelves had beens scoured clean. (She went to NAPA auto parts and bought their last 2 boxes, Lowe’s, ACE and Home D had zilch.) Smart women preppers are so hot. <smile>
Anyhow, just so y’all know, we evidently have active nCoV here at the crossroads of the Pacific. Coming soon to…wherever you are, assuming you live within 100 miles of any major metro area, or attraction or feature that draws tourists.
Dried elderberries arrived. Time to make some syrup!
VIVA – Sager

Could not agree more that sprouts are almost required for isolation living. We do a broccoli, alfalfa blend for salads and mung beans for stir fry. Sprouting lids are cheap on amazon as are organic seeds for sprouting.

Why does it take the CDC so long to return test results?? Some waiting since Sunday?..
Allegedly, China has local testing at some of their hospital sites. With all our resources why does US not yet have local testing or able to rapidly deploy test kits to areas? The waits for these people/towns is terrible and makes folks frantic.

There’s something interesting that showed up on Japanese TV this morning. They plotted the officially confirmed number of cases in Wuhan vs in the rest of China. It looks like it has plateaued in Wuhan, but not in the rest of China, where quarantines may not be necessarily in place… I feel this is something we should keep a close watch on.

So, for all you PP members who are also on Facebook, have you seen any of your friends post about/link to articles on coronavirus this week? When the first US case was confirmed in WA last week, I had no fewer than 15 friends post links to the story. This week? Crickets. Nothing. Not a single posted link to a story since I think Friday or Saturday.
I happened to be on FB on Tuesday morning when a friend did a status update (not a link to a story) asking if anyone thought this was going to be as bad as spanish flu - he received a few likes and comments and then, after a couple hours - nothing more. Nada.
I posted a humorous status update last Friday, in which I included a picture of a board game called “Pandemic” and joked that it was a good way to avoid the news cycle (back in the good old days when that would seem quaint - aka last week). I had my usual slew of likes and comments for the first 6-8 hours or so and then… nothing. Not a single other person reacted since. While I get that not everyone does, that was a highly unusual reaction pattern to anything I’ve posted.
Finally, I’ve now asked 4 other people if they’ve seen anything posted on FB this week - all of them have reported zero.
So, my question is - are all of you are swimming in coronavirus FB posts? I just find it odd that not one of my friends - a chunk of whom are also epidemiologists - would not find a single article on this topic interesting enough to consider posting…

This 26 minute video could well be one of the more accurate stories of what life (and death) is like inside Wuhan, from a young & very brave Chinese man, who says, more than once, that he’s sharing only what he’s seen with his own eyes, and not any rumors. We’re unlikely to see this in the MSM…
Turn on "CC" (Closed Captioning, maybe under settings' gear icon) for an excellent running translation (I urge you to watch to the personally-moving end). [Apologies if this has already been posted here.]
This appeared on Reddit about 9 hours ago (8a.m. PST in the US), under r/Wuhan_Flu, titled "Guy in Wuhan telling what he's seeing. Turn on CC."
  “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful!” ---Malala Yousafzai
Chris, you said a few times that total number of infected people can be seriously under-reported due to people not being tested, lack of test kits, etc. Doesn’t this make the fatality rate over-rated by the same factor? Official fatality is ~170/6800=2.5%, and if we assume that only 30% are diagnosed and counted that makes the real fatality rate ~170/2000=0.85%. Still much higher than flu, but better than 2.5%. Am I wrong? Thanks for great work!
Good math, I love it! Yes, the denominator could be a lot larger making the case fatality rate a lot lower. Of course, it could also be that the numerator is a lot higher...

I would say close to zero, I see a few posts, but they seem to not have any likes nor comments. These are people that I know receive some sort of acknowledgement from FB posts. Interesting observation, hadn’t really thought about it until now.

The Event 201 video I watched is the Highlights Reel.