Coronavirus: What We Can Say Publicly & What We Can't

Since “enn-co-vee” is still not a very inspiring name, I have come up with a couple:
How about Wuflu (I think even better than Wuhu Flu?)
Or Cov-Cough?
Or pnwumonia?

I just came across a review article released yesterday on how long coronaviruses can live on surfaces. From the discussion portion of the article:

Human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces at room temperature for up to 9 days. At a temperature of 30°C or more the duration of persistence is shorter. Veterinary coronaviruses have been shown to persist even longer for 28 d. Contamination of frequent touch surfaces in healthcare settings are therefore a potential source of viral transmission. Data on the transmissibility of coronaviruses from contaminated surfaces to hands were not found. However, it could be shown with influenza A virus that a contact of 5 s can transfer 31.6% of the viral load to the hands [9]. The transfer efficiency was lower (1.5%) with parainfluenza virus 3 and a 5 s contact between the surface and the hands [10]. In an observational study, it was described that students touch their face with their own hands on average 23 times per h, with contact mostly to the skin (56%), followed by mouth (36%), nose (31%) and eyes (31%) [11]. Although the viral load of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces is not known during an outbreak situation it seem plausible to reduce the viral load on surfaces by disinfection, especially of frequently touched surfaces in the immediate patient surrounding where the highest viral load can be expected. The WHO recommends “to ensure that environmental cleaning and disinfection procedures are followed consistently and correctly. Thoroughly cleaning environmental surfaces with water and detergent and applying commonly used hospital-level disinfectants (such as sodium hypochlorite) are effective and sufficient procedures.” [12] The typical use of bleach is at a dilution of 1:100 of 5% sodium hypochlorite resulting in a final concentration of 0.05% [13]. Our summarized data with coronaviruses suggest that a concentration of 0.1% is effective in 1 min (Table 3). That is why it seems appropriate to recommend a dilution 1:50 of standard bleach in the coronavirus setting. For the disinfection of small surfaces ethanol (62-71%; carrier tests) revealed a similar efficacy against coronavirus. A concentration of 70% ethanol is also recommended by the WHO for disinfecting small surfaces [13].
That first line caught my attention. If the 2019-nCov virus can live for up to nine days on surfaces, that is quite a public health challenge.

I’ve seen a few references to the “Kung Flu”, although Wuhan is far from the generally accepted seat of where Ch’an philosophy was allegedly married to martial arts.

How about Not pandemic?, Like Not QE?

Why only so many deaths among Asians, not Europeans !!!

How about, Not pandemic? Like Not QE.

Europe is doubly screwed. That cases in Germany keep popping up virtually guarantees it’s taken root there somewhere. Which because of Shengen of course means the entire EU is boned because there’s no border control infrastructure anywhere anymore.
But that’s not the issue. The Immigrant issue is.
Not that i’m against (legal) immigration or anything but we keep saying that one of the big problems of Wuhan are the large numbers of seasonal workers traversing between rural villages and large city centers.
Well we have a whole mass of civilians within the EU borders who literally have Zero ties to their current location. They immigrated there on the promise of a better life; a virus certainly isn’t part of that deal, nor is the resulting economic collapse.
What’s to stop them from emigrating again to places with yet-no-virus? En masse? No border quarantine is going to hold back a mass of people.
Not to mention if it gets to the many tent camps (looking at you France) or neighborhoods where police and/or medical personnel can’t come anymore it is going to be an epic disaster!.. more then it already is.

Just to play the contrarian, what does everyone here think about the large unpopulated Chinese cities we observed just a few years ago?

Yesterday I had the distinct displeasure of having to spend several hours at LAX waiting for a flight. Of the thousands of people I saw in the terminal only a small fraction were wearing masks. Four on my flight including me. I watched as people touched hand rails, ate food that fell off plates onto sticky tables and generally went about life as if nothing was happening. I was wearing a surgical mask, kept my hands in my pockets except when washing them and stayed to myself as much as I could. I have no delusions that would help much if the airport were a contaminated environment, but I felt like it was prudent to take the precautions available to me. I was not surprised at some of the incredulous looks and snickers I got, but I was surprised that several people looked at me with genuine anger. There have been several articles about how wearing masks is irresponsible since it takes supplies away from where they’re most needed…maybe that was what people were reacting to. I’ve had masks as part of my basic preps for years, but of course they don’t know that. I suspect the anger had more to do with the fact that I was breaking an unspoken code that no one is suppose to break ranks or act like anything is wrong until someone official tells them it is time to panic. I have to fly again Monday and I’m frankly hoping things will escalate over the weekend so that I have a compelling reason to tell work I’m cancelling the trip.

I didn’t think i was offending anyone here , we are here because we are informed or enlightened to the idea of truth or being informed properly. I was talking about the masses. I basically call it the 90-10 rule… (90 % are incompetent in everything and 10% are competent in everything. ) doesn’t matter what profession… it still holds true.

of which 4,826 (14%) in critical condition



You noticed that too… I thought that was much more significant number… If you work that backwards through comparison of the flu at 1% hospitalization rate - and .001 CFR . Something doesnt add up. Especially , since here in the US the death rate of ICU patients is 52% average of all causes.

Better dead than possibly perceived as racist. The following graph shows the percentages of people, by selected demographics, who think the US government should deny entry into the country to any foreigner who has coronavirus. “Not sure” responses, constituting 17% of the total, are excluded, so the residuals represent percentages opposed to a ban among the opinionated. Not the y-axis begins at 20% on account of the author’s preference for symmetry:

This is not a question about whether or not people from infected countries (China) should be allowed to travel into America, it’s about whether or not people already infected with coronavirus should be allowed in! It’s a big country, so maybe this is NIMBYism in the extreme. Or maybe it is an issue with reading comprehension, though the question is rather simple and straightforward.

Whatever the case, it’s another example of what an unserious country this is. The official number of confirmed cases globally is around 31,000. There are over 7,500,000,000 people in the world who reside outside the US. To exclude the infected, then, is to temporarily restrict entry into the US of 0.00004% of the global population. Not forever, mind you–for just a few more weeks or months until the virus has run its course. And yet little over half of Democrats and only two-in-three Republicans are in favor of doing so. In total, 51% of the country supports banning the infected, while 32% oppose and 17% are not sure.

When the next real super bug pandemic comes, a lot of people will die in order to avoid being thought of as rude.

Parenthetically, you’ll notice how relatively narrow the ranges across demographic categories are. People don’t know what the ‘correct’ answer for their group is yet, because this cultural issue is a relatively novel one, at least in recent years. People have had time to figure out where their team stands on guns or abortion, but when it comes to what constitutes ideological rectitude with regard to mitigating global pandemics, there is still a lot of uncertainty in the air (heh).

It looks like the virus uses the ACE2 pathway to enter cells, and the ACE2 gene expression is much more pronounced (3x) in Asian males than Europeans

See lancet. Add 2-3 points for smoking. 47% Asian men smoke. The lower area in the lungs where the virus grows is the same area smoking affects the most.

Transmission and serious infection may be linked to smoking. See lancet. Add 2-3 points for smoking. 47% Asian men smoke. The lower area in the lungs where the virus grows is the same area smoking affects the most.

Just saw a big jump in critical cases to 18% - looks like a lot more complications and serious illness with than the flu… well we knew that - but Its looking a lot more like a 10% CFR not 2%

Lots of clinical information in large patient study: