Coronavirus: What We Can Say Publicly & What We Can't

Very early this morning I posted here details about a disturbing event that happened on 2/4/20 whereby central district officials closed down (in 4 hours) a “hot fever” clinic/hospital and “seized” 973 people, of which the vast majority were workers (not patients). Here’s an excerpt from my post where I summarize the event, details provided I my original post and the source document hotlinks:
I’m not sure what to make of this incident hot on the heels of the “wartime conditions” directive to round-up the nCoV infected in China, by force if necessary. This also coincides with the newly announced (2/2/20) “centralized isolation” and fast-track diagnosis-to-treatment imperative utilizing the newly built hospitals. It appears that the Wuqing District Prevention and Control Headquarters took issue with the “hot” fever screening, diagnosis and isolation of one case/patient and as a consequence “sealed” and closed the Wuqing District People’s Hospital, placed 739 “isolation and control” personnel (including 23 medical personnel) in quarantine for observation/isolation, and hospitalized (removed to new hospital?) 234 patients for treatment. This was announced at a press conference.
I also posted earlier in this thread a video showing a “suspected infected” man running from about 10 Chinese law/“health” enforcement personnel trying to arrest him for quarantine. Here’s the video:
It appears the only way out of these “quarantine” facilities and “hospitals” is through the door leading to the crematorium. Body bags, optional: while supplies last.
This may no longer be a pandemic, but a holocaust.

I would not let my mind fathom that concept. But I bet your right. It means the leadership is desperate. It will take a while for that to sink in. What will our leadership do if they feel desperate?
“The available evidence most strongly supports that the 2019-NCoV virus is a vaccine strain of coronavirus either accidentally released from a laboratory accident, perhaps a laboratory researcher becoming infected with the virus while conducting animal experiments, or the Chinese were performing clinical studies of a Coronavirus vaccine in humans.”

“It’s all happened before and it’ll happen again
It’ll happen again, they’ll bet your life
The growing chaos is not by accident. It was planned, it is desired, and it will serve a strategic function, to our detriment. Once again, the populace is being played like a fiddle.

From the New York Times. This is relevant as it’s yet another action by China that supports a cover-up…they do not want these outsiders to see the extent of what is really happening.

  • China ignores offers of help from C.D.C. and W.H.O.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has offered for more than a month to send a team of experts to China to observe its coronavirus epidemic and help if it can. But no invitation from China has come — and no one can publicly explain why.

The World Health Organization, which made a similar offer about two weeks ago, appears to be facing the same cold shoulder, though a spokeswoman said it is just “sorting out arrangements.”

A possible reason, experts noted, is that outsiders could discover aspects of the outbreak that are embarrassing to China. For example, the country has not revealed how many of its doctors and nurses have died fighting the disease.

In private phone calls and texts, some Chinese medical professionals have said they are overwhelmed and would welcome not just extra hands, but specialized expertise.

On Friday, Alex M. Azar II, secretary of health and human services, said at a news briefing that he had recently reiterated the offer of a team to his Chinese counterpart, Dr. Ma Xiaowei.

After China weathers this viral storm it would surprise me if the government didn’t get serious about snuffing out smoking as an acceptable habit. Another job for the social scoring system already now in place. ‘Caution, smoking is hazardous for your economy.’

A friend of mine in Shanghai wrote this about helping your family cope with the virus.
Another friend wrote this about the cultural attitudes about the pandemic.

I’m trying to wrap my brain around what we think we know so far about nCoV based on limited, questionable data. Anyone, please let me know if I’ve missed something or got some of my “facts” wrong.

  • Evidence human coronaviruses can remain infectious on inanimate surfaces at room temperature for up to 9 days
  • R0 estimated at 2.5 - 4.08–or higher
  • Evidence of asymptomatic infectivity
  • No human “herd immunity” for this new strain coronavirus
  • Potential for infection and re-infection
  • Viral shedding, infectivity severity profile of viral shedding based on symptoms unknown
  • Estimated 2-14 days from exposure to symptoms
  • Evidence of human-to-human transmission
  • Potential to be aerosolized
  • Evidence of infection routes through mouth, nose, eyes, and broken skin (e.g., cuts)
  • Evidence of fecal transmission
  • Evidence of transmission to newborns
  • Severe cases estimated at +/- 20% requiring high-intensity treatment and hospitalization
  • Estimated case fatality rate based on unreliable data, really an unknown
  • 3+ week trajectory from symptoms to recovery or death
  • No identifiable cure, only symptom management
  • Potential vaccine may be months to year(s) away
    * Reported cases in 29 countries
  • 34,638 reported confirmed cases worldwide
  • 2,029 reported recovered cases worldwide
  • 720 reported deaths worldwide
    This is the state of nCoV today (2/7/20) after only 9 weeks since first identified as a possible public health threat.
    IMO, this thing is just getting started. Using 1/25/20 as the base date for known cases, 14-day incubation cycles, and travel volume and destinations, Dr. Gabriel Leung** et al estimated that the first waves of nCoV pandemic would peak in larger Chinese cities beginning April/May 2020, with “Ground Zero” Wuhan city expected to peak about two weeks earlier. nCoV “exported” via travelers from China to other countries and cities globally would result in initial cases, then nCoV would become “self-sustaining” or self-perpetuating thereafter, fueling a global pandemic. His projections were conservative, and nCoV pandemic spread and impacts will likely hit earlier as the first reported case was in mid-December, with no real containment efforts until nearly a month later. The nCoV pandemic is obviously getting worse in China, but we really don’t know if it has peaked in Wuhan yet.
    And did I mention the potential for subsequent nCoV pandemic waves after the first wave peaks and subsides??
    I believe the worst is yet to come, and at a scale that is almost unimaginable. Even the best prepared will not be unscathed by what’s ahead.
    **Video of Dr. Leung’s press conference, English starts about 5 minutes in.

The James Lyons-Weiler data strike me as something that should be straightforward for other geneticists & virologists to either refute or corroborate. The pShuttle vector sequence and the SARS spike protein that he mentions is either there or it isn’t with statistically high enough homology. Interestingly, on my first comment on this blog a few days ago I was spanked twice for bringing up this topic. I asked the identical question you just did, except in reference to the now retracted Indian study claiming hiv inserts. Quite ironic given the subject title of the current blog. Anyway, the White House now of all place seems to be asking for further analysis of this topic! This will all become more clear very soon.

Video shows interior of new Wuhan ‘hospital’ resembles prison
Rooms have only exterior locks, doors cannot be opened from the inside, windows are welded shut and covered with vertical bars outside, small portal to pass/retrieve food, not electrical/medical hooks-ups.
Article with embedded video with Twitter comments:

Thank you Suziegruber for the link on the surface contamination paper, and the excerpt you posted.
I asked in another thread if given that room temp of above 30C or 86F decreases the life of nCov on surfaces, and that higher humidity also decrease it, whether it would make more sense to have any home quarantine room warm and moist?
BlackForest, who is an ICU nurse points out that ICUs are normally kept cool and humid, rather than warm because pathogens prefer heat.
I don’t know enough to give an opinion but many of you work in medicine. What would be anyone’s thoughts on this?
Its looking more and more likely that unless you are one of the unfortunate first infected, your life and survival is going to be up to the care you receive at home.

that is an isolation containment ward. they feed you keep you separated from the public - if you die , you die, if you live , you will eventually be released.

Everyone is freaking out on the conditions of the hospitals the Chinese have put up quickly in response to the outbreak. I wanted to remind everyone, building something that large that quick means you go for the bare minimum in luxuries. CCP control of China depends on at least the minimal acceptance of their control by the population. Rounding up a portion of your population and gassing them in showers, makes for a revolution. Lets not assume the worse til we see it.
China’s long history has many examples when the people rise up and dethrone leaders.
Also, the members of the PLA all have wives, husbands, children and parents. They aren’t very likely to go along with genocide.
We got a big enough crisis without seeing concentration camps and mass graves where they aren’t there yet.

This is a pretty even handed article
Though it had this scary footnote:

"Before too long, there will be respiratory outbreaks in nursing homes, more absenteeism in the workplace, and clusters of respiratory illness in families until there is widespread community-based transmission of the coronavirus and sentinel testing (the regular testing of a certain number of cases with influenza-like-illness) starts to detect cases. Emergency rooms will become crowded, intensive care units will be overwhelmed, and the worried will demand that they are tested. The Northern Hemisphere may get lucky, and not too many cases will appear before winter finishes and the respiratory season is over. The Southern Hemisphere is unlikely to be as fortunate, and large outbreaks will probably occur in Australia, South America, and Africa as they move into their winter season. India, Asia, and countries situated near the equator will also be in trouble. By next winter, the Northern Hemisphere will be seeing large-scale outbreaks."

Why aren’t these videos being posted on PP? Hopefully the PP website for video uploads is still working. Even more importantly, I hope all is well with Chris, Adam and our crackerjack PP team.
Here are the new nCoV PP videos:
“The Coronavirus is a Nightmare for the Global Economy” (posted 2/7/20): Source
“50K+ New Infections Per Day” (posted 2/6/20): Source

And here’s a surprise! This slimy attack video came up in the YouTube PP search:
“Coronavirus Epidemic Exploited by ‘Peak Prosperity’: Fearmongering for YouTube Clicks & Profit” (posted 2/3/20) Source
Hey, 'ya think his video title with “Coronavirus” and “Peak Prosperity” was designed to move up in the search algo and snag some extra views? Honestly, I watched 31 seconds of this scumbag’s video and stopped because I didn’t want to give him any clicks. (Probably too late…).
Best to grab your favorite adult beverage, sit back and read through the 299 flaming comments. They’re a hoot! My rough estimate has 99% of the comments as defending Chris and his work and/or slamming this joker’s lame “arguments” and assertions. The host’s responses to the very informed commenters is to call them “Boomers”. I’ve never seen such shabby, moronic production.
Chris should sue him for slander or copyright infringement (he’s embedded PP video clips), but probably doesn’t need the aggravation. There are more important things to be concerned about.

In this study, we showed that high temperature at high relative humidity has a synergistic effect on inactivation
of SARS CoV viability while lower temperatures and low humidity support prolonged survival of virus on contaminated
surfaces. The environmental conditions of countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand are thus not
conducive to the prolonged survival of the virus. In countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong where there is a intensive
use of air-conditioning, transmission largely occurred in well-air-conditioned environments such as hospitals or
hotels. Further, a separate study has shown that during the epidemic, the risk of increased daily incidence of SARS was
18.18-fold higher in days with a lower air temperature than in days with a higher temperature in Hong Kong [24] and
other regions [15–17]. Taken together, these observations may explain why some Asian countries in tropical area (with
high temperature at high relative humidity) such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand did not have nosocomial outbreaks
of SARS (Tables 1 and 2(a)–2(c)). It may also explain why Singapore, which is also in tropical area (Table 2(d)), had
most of its SARS outbreaks in hospitals (air-conditioned environment). Interestingly, during the outbreak of SARS in
Guangzhou, clinicians kept the windows of patient rooms open and well ventilated and these may well have reduced
virus survival and this reduced nosocomial transmission. SARS CoV can retain its infectivity up to 2 weeks at
low temperature and low humidity environment, which might facilitate the virus transmission in community as in
Hong Kong which locates in subtropical area (Table 2(e)).

Watching Chris’ recent Youtube video about the economic costs (not sure why PP isn’t posting links here too?) I had a scary thought.
North Korea just reported its first case of the Corona virus. Given their failed state status, that their agricultural industry is medieval, that medical care is only for the top government officials, that they are entirely dependent on China for coal and fuel, and there is a high rate of inflection spread of this virus, could Kim and the North Korean leadership decide they have nothing to lose by invading the South?
3-4 weeks from now and North Korea is a basket case. Do it now while you have an Army that can at least fight, or wait and get to the point no one can?

Besides the fact that this is a terrible tragedy, one should note than li fell ill on jan 10. there are several case studies that put time to death from beginning of symptoms at 3 weeks. This is also consistent with drs on the frontline testimonies of the course of disease and death. So, the people dying today , were just getting sick around the 10th -15th Jan… Should we now worry that we have missed something?

Welcome to the PP tribe, Mr. Curious! I’ve seen some of your posts, but I must have missed the two in which you felt you received some serious push-back, aka “spanking”.
The PP community is pretty diverse, supportive and respectful even when in strong disagreement with others’ views or arguments. It is rare that someone runs afoul of the PP site posting guidelines and rules (found here ), but it has happened.
If you feel someone is pushing the limits or oversteps those guidelines and rules, say so in a response posted on the thread, or through a personal message (PM) to the individual, and/or in a private message to the moderator, Adam Taggart. This usually addresses and resolves the problem. While extremely rare, the moderator reluctantly may limit or remove a member’s posting privileges temporarily or permanently for repeated or extreme offenses. (You might have noticed we have some strong reservations about censorship around here.)
This unique community thrives and excels because of the diversity of its members and their intellectual contributions. But in an online forum, sometimes people misunderstand, misinterpret and/or simply disagree–sometimes vehemently–with one’s stated position. Usually that gets sorted out with respectful clarification, civil discussion, or compelling arguments and supporting data (as appropriate). Sometimes members simply agree to disagree.
I hope you continue to participate and add your voice to the conversations. We need your voice, and the voices of our many new and longer term members to remain a vibrant and relevant community. Thanks and keep posting! :slight_smile:

Cluster in France infected by person from Singapore.