Covid-19 A Result of Lab Manipulation? Suspicions Grow...

Logical fallacies are all they can resort to, Chris.

As the Nobel prize- winning discoverer of HIV, he should know a thing or two about simian (SIV) and human (HIV) sequences, non?
BTW, I remember well from my days in the lab in the 1980s the controversy between Dr. Montagnier and Drs. Gallo and Fauci regarding who was first to discover the virus.

Thanks for reposting the spectracell analysis. Now to covince my practitioner to order it.

Chris is all about truth. TPTB are all about the narrative.
In this day in age TPTB are determined to have complete control of the narrative. Control is not possible without the narrative. It’s everywhere…increasing widespread social media censorship on many platforms: YouTube (if medical info isn’t inline with the WHO content gets deleted???..WTF!!), Twitter, Facebook, etc., coordinated news stories distributed to multiple news outlets and they are “reported on” with the same buzz words & slants, etc., etc. There is a tremendous amount of programming and outright propaganda going on 24/7.
The origins of CV-19 has potential to dramatically change the world chessboard in many different ways.
Controlling the narrative allows for maximum negotiation leverage as many manipulated outcomes can be on the table, and a particular narrative can then be delivered for maximal gain. Various entities have their own motives for different narratives. Some guy on YouTube is not the one various entities want nailing down more & more factual knowledge which narrows down the “truth”, and thus the narrative. I predict there will be an ongoing bombardment of dismissive “conspiracy theory” attacks (or the like) on Chris & PP. The problem with Chris’s arguments is that they don’t fit nicely into a 20 second sound bite for the average citizen. The massive narrative machine does a great job at crushing unwanted narratives. And, the educational system veered away from critical thinking long ago.
Chris, Adam, and all the folks contributing to the outstanding content at PP are literally heroes in my book. You have no idea how appreciated you are.

Meanwhile, in New Zealand, a bill has been passed that allows police to enter anyone’s home without a warrant under the guise of ‘keeping us safe from Covid-19’.
In South Africa, even more crazy advice around what one can wear. You can’t wear cropped trousers unless you are also wearing leggings and boots, and one cannot buy a t-shirt unless it is promoted and displayed as an undergarment. Clearly there is something about this virus we don’t understand - it can enter through your face holes AND through an open trouser leg.

Thanks Chris! That was great, exactly what I wished for :slight_smile:
Hearing you talk about engineering viruses and what not reminded me that we’ve actually recreated, from random fragments, the virus that caused the Spanish flu:

CDC researchers and their colleagues successfully reconstructed the influenza virus that caused the 1918-19 flu pandemic, which killed as many as 50 million people worldwide. A report of their work, “Characterization of the Reconstructed 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic Virusexternal icon,” was published in the October 7, 2005 issue of Science. The work was a collaboration among scientists from CDC, Mount Sinai School of Medicineexternal icon, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and Southeast Poultry Research Laboratoryexternal icon. The following questions and answers describe this important research and related issues. Note: For a detailed historical summary of this work, including how it was conducted, the people involved, and the lessons learned from it, see The Deadliest Flu: The Complete Story of the Discovery and Reconstruction of the 1918 Pandemic Virus. That was in 2005, so, yeah, interesting.

Hi Raingarden,
Very interesting and encouraging. At first I couldn’t find the right spelling of her name. Anyway. Glad to hear that we are on the right track wrt immune support.
The only trouble that I have is with here claims about lifelong immunity, existing high degree of immunity, and the claim that childeren cannot infect adults. Again, I hope she is right, but what is the basis of these assertions? If her statements are based on data, these must be made public and spread. Does anyone here knows someone who is connected to her?
Great post!

From the Wikipedia section on fibrosis generation in lung tissue caused by silica dust:
“When fine particles of crystalline silica dust are deposited in the lungs, macrophages that ingest the dust particles will set off an inflammatory response by releasing tumor necrosis factors, interleukin-1, leukotriene B4 and other cytokines. In turn, these stimulate fibroblasts to proliferate and produce collagen around the silica particle, thus resulting in fibrosis and the formation of the nodular lesions.”
Unfortunately the fibrosis is permanent. This could be an outlook for COVID-19 survivors who have not already succumbed to a cytokine storm.

Here, here!!!

The natural argument goes along the line that nature required a short lived near extinct malaysian pangolin to be pooped on by a lost Chinese bat which was so enraged at its SARS infection from Bat poop it crossed the Pacific to N/E China climbed a bat cave wall to sneeze on sleeping bats in revenge, at which point the infected bats decided to make bat poop SARS deposits for no particular reason on a Chinese city 600 miles away from where they live and nowhere else just for the sake of it, which infected against all the odds of Zootropic transmission - some lab workers at the Wuhan institute of Virology.

China had 2 Level 4 labs in Wuhan, the least known was the Wuhan institute of Virology which was PLA linked, the National Bio-safety Laboratory was the first to receive national Level 4 accreditation in 2017 (!/menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/nature.2017.21487.pdf?origin=ppub) the Wuhan institute of Virology was handling SARS bat samples without that accreditation from at least 2013 with minimal PPE in the wild and was the lab to discover Bats on demand vitamin C production in skin, digestive tract as part of its immune system. The US condemned the Wuhan institute of virology’s work practices on a visit in 2018.

Take a look at the latest “evidence” video of Dr. John Campbell.

Steve it is cytokine not cytochrome

Essentially what Fauci approved by his funding of the Virus so that this Virus has ease of entry into the human body was necessary so the scientific community could make counter measures to fight a Pandemic the likes we have seldom witnessed. Hey Fauci, how do you like it now when trying to fight Mother Nature and she surprises you? It could be argued it was you who brought this on the world and you don’t have the balls to own this, even a little bit. Like during the invention of the Atomic Bomb scientist argued against the bomb. With this research many scientist wanted your research to stop, more than 200 requested they stop this research and anything like it because their fear was the virus would escape the lab. Is this what happened? Your damn right it is and I’m a house painter and I would never have decided the risk was worth it! To what end was it done? Military, science (really?). Ego!!! Why! Because it has already killed or will kill many more people than the bombs did and we are no closer to a vaccine of which Fauci felt would be useful is even on the drawing board. Maybe a year, two…? To conclude, I think any answer would have to be called out as Bullshit, total Bullshit. No one has the right to make these decisions for all of us. Especially when the real reason to even do this research is first as a Biological Weapon and then to show we can control it with a Vaccine. This Virus has in two months put us in a Depression, has ruined a worlds way of life and no excuse can be formed to think this was EVER an acceptable risk. I’m pissed, especially because Fauci hasn’t come clean and is only covering his ass on this. I just don’t understand taking this virus which in its natural state has a hard time entering the human body yet your goal is to treat those that you engineered to enter the human body more easily so you can possibly kill it! This is just so weird to me. Leave the natural order of things alone and learn to make vaccines from these Viruses without allowing them to escape and brutalize the world in the process. Folks, I’m sorry but Fauci needs to really access his initial beliefs, his biases and answer for all of this now seeing as everyone who suggested caution are right and Fauci is wrong. We don’t understand enough to have even attempted this let alone allow these labs to be doing (Mad) science still today. I always had scientists in high regard, just like the Doctor’s creed of “Do NO Harm”. Nothing is left to believe in if science is going to bullshit us too. Peace
Newsweek Article
partial text
"More than 200 scientists called for the work to be halted. The problem, they said, is that it increased the likelihood that a pandemic would occur through a laboratory accident.

Dr. Fauci defended the work. "[D]etermining the molecular Achilles' heel of these viruses can allow scientists to identify novel antiviral drug targets that could be used to prevent infection in those at risk or to better treat those who become infected," wrote Fauci and two co-authors in the Washington Post on December 30, 2011. "Decades of experience tells us that disseminating information gained through biomedical research to legitimate scientists and health officials provides a critical foundation for generating appropriate countermeasures and, ultimately, protecting the public health."

Where did cytochrome come from? What?!!!

means you got over target.
Over what target? and how so wide spread among the virologist? don’t know, nothing seems to add up yet. However, it does seem to have some commonality with (my opinion) mostly make believe narratives, that any decent must be shouted down; lest some murmur of doubt unravel the story.

Connor paid us a visit this past weekend - never mentioned about releasing a video - much less about the name change!
Looks like he needs help with proper mask wearing protocol.
praying he gets somewhat back to normal soon…


Here’s an interesting article about the ins and outs of drug approval. Seems that Gilead’s remdesivir can cure feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) but the company won’t license it for animal use.
Now there is a big black market out of China to supply it to animal lovers.