Covid-19 A Result of Lab Manipulation? Suspicions Grow...

primarily with smokers. The possibility that a disease may produce equivalent damage to healthy lungs in a few short weeks is stunning.

4 things to end this tomorrow. Does anybody even care? What will it take?

I hope this helps:
This article is a discussion and general advice from Dr. Michael Greger, MD FACLM* of
it includes several links to other articles and videos
*Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine

" The virus went into that market before it came out of that market"

Just grab the biggest bottle of 5k iu and take as much as you can swallow.
You will get sick but it won’t be SC2 lol

Yes, there’s an excellent updated discussion on optimal Vitamin D dosage, methods of supplementation, etc. here: It looks like there was a meta-analysis in 2017 that really clarified the picture. There’s also a really interesting petition there – I went ahead and signed the thing. It looks like they’re pushing in an organized way for government support of clinically grounded wellness programs. It’s about time!

I found this on Facebook. He wasnt able to use 2019 flu data as it’s still not on the CDc site. Still very interesting if you like math!

For a guy that i hate as a business man, he is really hard not to love as a president… Why? because he is not a pig filthy lawyer that double talks , though it sounds like trump genuinely may not know what he is talking about a lot of the time, some of it , is still found. Never the less he is balsy. which is why i like him as a pres … he is not one of these bs poiiticians , you know where he stands. and he doesnt care what popular opinion is what other leaders think of him , what you think, and he certainly doesnt really care about the powers that be - that i am sure sat him down when he first took office and explained the gig to him. I am actually surprised trump has not be assassinated yet, not by some lunatic citizen, but the power that be, “the corrupt Govt” the deep state. But never the less, he still doles out his opinion and that is let the Hydroxychloroquine flow freely, regardless what the who recommends/. Its hard to not love a guy this grounded… that would tell the WHO to go shove it where the light does not shine… he has made clear that he does not care for this BS organization in any fashion… so , again hard not to love trump here. - try to excuse the bad grammar and bad type- or if this comes as a bit of rant… I am quite punchy and spent at 3am.

Agreed Jim, I feel like a creep if just passing over CNN and I actually hear them saying anything! I feel violated. There must be something done where we can just eliminate that channel from our system. I will boycott them forever or until real change is made and they start reporting the news with reporters who actually do good investigative reporting. Blitz is the one I feel so dirty to have even bumped into as I head for Bonanza.

I think we are going to take this until we finally wake up to the realization that our two party system is actually a Chimera that feeds off itself. The two party loyalty system is no different from a one party loyalty system. In the former USSR, you had one kind of fanatic: a communist one. In present day US of A, you have basically two kinds of fanatics: democrats and republicans.
This Creature produces bald face hypocrisy. You can read attorney Sidney Powell’s open letter response to former President Obama here:
It’s a scathing rebuttal written by a talented and experienced Constitutional Litigation attorney.
As for me, I find the choices we’re being offered up in November 2020 just as offensive as the choices offered up in November 2016. Wet stool or dry stool? It’s all stool. No thank you. I’m not holding my nose to vote, again.
And ditch/boycott the corporate bondage, which includes a lot of conveniences we think we cannot live without. I’ve had a love-hate relationship with phone companies going way to the early '80’s. By dint of circumstances, I had given up my cell phone (as a very busy attorney) for a loved one’s use for a period of time. During that time, I learned that I can live without a cell phone. That makes me very happy. My dollars are no longer supporting another vampire squid: telecommunications industry/surveillance apparatus. If enough dollars walked, we could have a huge impact.
I think when we’ve had enough, we make drastic changes in our lives because it starts with me.

Here is an interesting table that provides the very strict criteria for making a claim in the tax payer sponsored vaccine compensation program.
Since inception, there have been 20,000 claims, 31% or 6200 claimants have been compensated to the tune of an aggregate $4.3 billion dollars - per RFK, Jr., Children Defense Fund. The CDC authored a study(2002-2003) that has since come under fire for the destruction of data and manipulation of the study parameters, that resulted in 5400 claimants (100 billion dollar liability risk) being automatically rejected by the compensation program. See the film Vaxxed here:
This film will really make you go hhmmmmm…
On a final note, 20,000 claimants is a fraction of legitimate claims. Very few folks know about the vaccine compensation program, or the VAERS reporting system (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), not even most physicians/pediatricians!!!
Moreover, pediatricians are financially incentivized to follow the CDC mandated vaccine schedule. BCBS will pay the $400 bonus per compliant patient if the MD has a 63% CDC compliance rate under the Combo 10 plan.
Here’s the link, see page 16 of 29.

If enough people holler and scream (and spread around postings), maybe something will start to happen.

  1. C
  2. C
  3. C
  4. C Also what about French participants in military games hosted in Wuhan? About same time and many returned to France with strange upper respiratory illness.
  5. C
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. CCC
  10. C
  11. C Key is the missing 4 %
  12. C
  13. C. what is the assumption here? That live animals transmitted the engineered virus?
  14. B maybe A
  15. C
  16. C if research led to SARS-CoV-2
  17. C
  18. C
  19. C
  20. C
  21. C depends on safety concerns but noted below
  22. C
  23. A
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B. Maybe not military but what about NHIs funding of research
  28. C .What about as far back as October?
  29. C
  30. B

David, some interesting points in that article. Freedom of speech and freedom of thought are real issues in Western society in general (not just in America). The groups in control of the narratives, whether about SC2 or other topics, are very well organized, loud and increasing ruthless.
Another problem in today’s society is that many people no longer think their own thoughts. They are addicted to various screens, which fill all their free time and tell them what to think and do.

Excellent! Thanks for posting.

It starts with a faulty premise. The evidence does not support the pandemic started at the wet market. The earliest cases have no relation with the market. “The virus went into the market before it came out of the market”

Its a simple theory… animals… at wet market - must come from animals at wet market… simple because they are there. Problem is there were no bats ( this is a bat virus /pangolin ) and pangolins at the market. The same theory could be just as easy - came from wuhan… because there is a reservoir of these type corona virus at the lab there… so it must have come there… But we cant say but there were no bats and pangolins there. With just this considered the simpler of the two is it came from the lab - and that doesnt even account for as you say, the earliest cases had no contact with the market. And in fact it was circulating well before , the wetmarket was investigated.

Is it possible that COVID-19 was created from the pangolin virus by gain of function? Seems like the paper is only considering a natural progression to COVID-19. ???

Disclaimer, the link is a scene from Southpark, some people might find it somewhat offensive, if you are that type of person, do not watch the clip.
But I think that Mr. Garrison fully explains, somewhat reluctantly, the current narrative of many experts very precisely. If you replace the biological species in this 52 seconds clip by all type of bats, pangolins and of course fish (it was a seafood market right?), the crucial events leading to this natural virus are compellingly described.
Take care